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DayZ Hacks already happening

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Off topic bit:Lol, nearly every topic on the forum since SA is a combination of people saying 'it's an alpha' and people saying 'this problem that problam your problem mine'.


Just imagine the headache for people like mods and dev's.


Hats off to you sir's.


On topic: Oh, erm, there's actually nothing else to say about this at this time, NOTHING.

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The promise we made is clearly articulated on the steam website, and is not whatever you feel like. I can provide you a link to the website, can you please provide me a link to where I declared:

  • That hacking would disappear completely, ever
  • That everything would work properly on day 1, or 2, or 3



i can provide a link to

where you clearly stated that the server will be in control of everything and you would rewrite the necessary parts to enforce it.

dont get me wrong, i bought dayzSA within 60minutes after i heard of the alpha release, but i know enough of software engineering as a informatic student that using code from projects in such a devastating state like arma2 with the failed communication design for such crucial parts will only result in neverending problems.


you clearly gave the impression of developing a "real" server, which gets requests from clients to move into a directing and returns them their appropriate positions. and "bugs" like "woaah the tp script from arma2 is still working" (i do not consider this a bug, a bug would spawn by accident) are impossible to happen.




i know that your design has very hard requierements like the insame mapsizes, but in my opinion (and i am certainly not the only one) you are relying WAY to much on the concepts of arma2. writing wrappers for the communication of arma2/tkoh will not do, and it would be unwise to try.

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There are no videos ...



I found some more proof that people are hacking though I've personally ran into about 57 1/2 people using this already.



used this morning wicked man. blew rainbows from my bum and everything :-)

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used this morning wicked man. blew rainbows from my bum and everything :-)

Where did you get it from? i pay you plz

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I thought the "server architect" or whatever was going to stop cheatters.

but then I saw this on twitter


Edited by orlok

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They said that it wouldn't stop all hackers but it would stop most.

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Your rainbows gave me a severe case of sarcoidosis.



Not cool, man. Not cool.

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Well atleast they're not bombing servers :/

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I thought the "server architect" or whatever was going to stop cheatters.

but then I saw this on twitter



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 Shortly there after I hear the sound of a gun loading... the same sound it makes when you spawn in when you have a weapon equipped. I turned and there was a guy spawning right where the second body had been laying before it disappeared.


I think what you witnessed was some one doing an alt+F4 or combat log. They managed to log out before the server update the hive, and as a result were able to void the death they just suffered. It is more of an exploit than a hack.

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Wow, you don't like that there are hackers in this pre-alpha/alpha build?? I'm so sorry that you're being forced to play this game! What torture..

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keep it easy, i didnt want to insult you. i dont know if you understood what i wanted to say (i guess you are pretty busy atm with the auth-server outage), but "it is a BUG" is not a valid answer for a frail in the whole concept. you are obviously still using arma2's scripting system instead of developing a brand new communication model as most players demanded.


as i said: implementing checking wrappers around the problem is never a good solution, and i believe the community was crystal clear with their demand for a REAL server-client infrastructure, and NOT the rag of arma2.



please keep this in mind for future versions - i guess the insane amount of sold pre-alpha keys added aditional motivation (and maybe more manpower) to further improve the game we love, so i hope that sooner or later you will find time to get rid of the nasty parts of your ludacrious serverdesign (sorry if i am annoying you, but the QA would kill us if we'd even dare to THINK of trusting clients if ANY way, not to mention remote code execution on our servers). do not expect it work work properly, no matter how much you are gonna do. coding concepts evolve, arma2's design does not. and things like "the server is not objectorientated" make it sound like it was coded in the last millennium, and not redesigned since :o

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''Hey let's buy then game and hack''....Fucking retards. Need to be bitchslapped...

Whenever you ban someone for hacking, post his ip here (i knwo yore not allowed to :D) and let the legit players handle it...personally :D

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So apparently, parts of the new architecture are disabled for now:


Quote from rocket

We can't really comment in detail on out anti-hack methods as it makes them less effective.

Please remember functionality for the architecture was greatly reduced for the initial launch, to both help identify the key weaknesses and ensure the server could withstand the load.

This functionality will be turned on slowly over the next few weeks.


Hopefully, that will close up the remaining holes found in the game that allow server-side hacks.

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As an example, this is what happens on server when I try to create something on the client using my own hack:




...that's because you're lazy to collect it from the ground Dean... :P ...otherwise createVehicle will spawn all the Pipsi you want. :)

Edited by WalkerDown

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So just for a moment lets visualize a little hypothetical scenario.


For years Bohemia Interactive has kept BattlEye on contract to police their games and keep the Arma franchise a fair multiplayer experience and regardless of how much money they're paying BattlEye and how many people actually work at BattlEye to achieve the goal they're being paid to achieve they have actually failed rather massively at controlling hacks...which...in turn, forced A2 DayZ server admins to turn to other alternatives, like Hangender's server pbo based antihack which was....in almost all cases 100% better at stopping hackers than BattlEye ever was.


Now lets look at the scenario and realize that the DayZ Standalone has a very small team of developers actually working on it and BIS is mostly hands off on this project, whats more the stand alone has no current anti-hack enabled...and somehow amongst all the other rough edges and bug stomping and feature development...this very small dev team is somehow taking the time to intentionally allow people to attack their server package so they can make said attacks impossible in the future?


Seems to me it would have just been more efficient to turn on VAC from day one, or even BattlEye (cause as crappy as it is it does at least eventually catch hackers and ban them, if not prevent them) cause in this hypothetical scenario I cannot think of anyone on this very small development team that is going to have the time to deal with this situation amongst their other high priority responsibilities.

BE never failed at anything. The CD key system did. BE is actually much better than VAC/PB

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They said that it wouldn't stop all hackers but it would stop most.

Agreed. They said things like ESP, Aimbot, etc. would be possible, like all games. They did say, though, that because the game is server sided now that spawning vehicles, objects, etc wouldn't be possible. It's a big relief to know that ArmA scripts are a thing of the past.

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BE never failed at anything. The CD key system did. BE is actually much better than VAC/PB

Hello there


Remember people like to quite their "facts" without actually knowing all the details. BE IMHO is a fine old bit of kit, for what it does.





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didnt believe it until someone posted this




The removal of hacking was literally all we wanted in the SA


what gives?

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Hello there


Remember people like to quite their "facts" without actually knowing all the details. BE IMHO is a fine old bit of kit, for what it does.






seriously, what do you know about BE?


it didnt even notice when we attached IDA's debugger to it. BE is useless. the straightforward-approach with simple ReadProcessMemory to get all positions of all objects was not fixxed so far, and opensource maphacks are still existing and working - that is NOT what i call "working anticheat measure".

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That isn't a hack. That is a wild roving herd of UAZs. Do not alarm them as they may stampede!

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