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AlcApwn (DayZ)

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About AlcApwn (DayZ)

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  1. AlcApwn (DayZ)

    Status Report - 27 May 15

    when DayZ's alpha was released they annouced that private servers will be supported and we will get the server files to host our own servers&hives - but hicks stated the opposite on twitter. i'd be extremly pissed if the server files will not be released after you advertised it clearly. private servers are the only reason i bought dayz, i got my own server and i do not intend to play on the official hive. i'd rather have my money back before i pay a GSP while my own server is idle. could we get any confirmed information on private servers?
  2. AlcApwn (DayZ)

    DayZ dedicated server files? when we get them?

    could you forward this question, then?
  3. AlcApwn (DayZ)

    DayZ dedicated server files? when we get them?

    the question was "would it be possible in the future to have the server files publicly available so anyone can create a private shard server?". anyhow, can you confirm we will get private servers in the more or less near future? (heard rumors about beta release, but a confirmation that its on the roadmap would be great)
  4. AlcApwn (DayZ)

    DayZ dedicated server files? when we get them?

    sorry to dig this thread up again, but is this still valid? hicks stated the opposite on twitter. i'd be extremly pissed if the server files will not be released after you advertised it clearly. private servers are the only reason i bought dayz, i got my own server and i do not intend to play on the official hive. i'd rather have my money back before i pay a GSP while my own server is idle.
  5. AlcApwn (DayZ)

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    i guess they do a hell lot better than BI's bullshit. DayzMod couldnt even handle 1player in 1 fast vehicle properly. creating stuff like that is not a trivial code-monkey job, unlike creating a simple HP/Blood/Food system.
  6. AlcApwn (DayZ)

    Anyone else think DayZ should switch engines?

    luckily it is not. average software lifetime is ~9years, and gaming systems are in a (in comparison to other software projects - like winrar) harsh environment, so you would expect (at most) 5years. coding style changes by time, but deducing from deans interviews he now has heard of such brandnew (aka last century) concepts like OOP! BI's engine does not meet todays requirements, so sooner or later they will hopefully change it and buy a serious engine. having great ideas for gameplay and content does not make you able to design a MMO-engine, client and server. i guess thats why we had to wait for the alpha that long, since the current content is quite disastrous compared to the invested time.
  7. AlcApwn (DayZ)

    Why Are Servers 70+USD?

    not quite. dean hall has very strict regulations for hosting companies (like committing to host a certain amount of server instances minimum) which scares most, and especially smaller companies away. if he would have provided the server software for free and with a reasonable license charging only commercial sellers the situation would have been different... you know, there are many ppl who own a server that could handle at least 1 instance of dayz SA. he refused to do so bc of the current state of the project (imagine a major exploit attacking the server infrastructure being found), but it is still his fault. as soon as private hives are up and running this problem will be solved anyways, so just wait a little. dont pay the ripoff-price of 70$ just to put a password on the server and fetch your mosin w/o being disturbed.
  8. AlcApwn (DayZ)

    DayZ Alpha - How is it possible?

    glitches are what you have to expect in an alpha. rubberbanding, desyncs, duping and lags are what you have to expect if you use arma2's 5year old engine that was well-known for its horrible performance. obliterating the ill-designed bullshit takes some time, rather rate them based on the current speed of progress.
  9. AlcApwn (DayZ)

    Hackers can move buildings....

    "hey i can move buildings" is a error within the server implementation, and has (almost) nothing to do with BE.
  10. AlcApwn (DayZ)

    Hackers can move buildings....

    sounds like a serious design flaw, indeed. even funnier is that clients control the flight of bullets. remove an obstacle in your client, shoot through solid walls, and the server does not object. well, this is bound to happen if you use arma2's serverarchitecture.
  11. AlcApwn (DayZ)

    New DayZ Update -

    BattlEye? seriously? 800k sales and you still cant afford a serious anti-cheat measure?
  12. AlcApwn (DayZ)

    Allow private hives, but with regulations and licenses....

    you mentioned ghosting, combatlogging and hacking. buying my own server and freefarming equip does not sound like any of those.
  13. AlcApwn (DayZ)

    Allow private hives, but with regulations and licenses....

    you forgot free-loot for players with their own servers on the public hive. but there will be private hives anyways, even if they want to prohibit it so...
  14. AlcApwn (DayZ)

    OOG Maps for Chernarus+

    which part of topo map did you not understand? so far i havent seen a decent one too.
  15. AlcApwn (DayZ)

    burlap sack

    it is a real recipe, but not working atm