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30 mins holy shit haha.



Upon further investigation you seem to be able to hit respawn, though.

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Upon further investigation you seem to be able to hit respawn, though.


Yes, but doesn't this kill you? If so, not exactly the best solution.

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Yes, but doesn't this kill you? If so, not exactly the best solution.



But a solution. And you're very likely to die when being unconscious anyway.

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So, I've passed out due to hunger or exhaustion or something. I've been unconscious for 20 minutes plus now.. What's this?

From Rocket 

 Perhaps one of the most serious gameplay issues we have at the moment is a very long time the player spends unconscious. It causes a problem for testing, so it's something we will be fixing before the release of the alpha.



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So, I've passed out due to hunger or exhaustion or something. I've been unconscious for 20 minutes plus now.. What's this?

From Rocket 



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Remember what you guys had to click and accept upon entering game ? Now stfu and enjoy the buggy alpha :)

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Talking about in game problems, bugs, and issues is what Alpher testers are supposed to do. You sir, can suck a weiner.

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Hello there


Play nice chaps. Dont get personal please.


Once I have some firm info, Ill let you lot know.





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Unconcious .. still.. 
but hey.. drink my second beer..so ..whatever ^^

Edited by dawud

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Hello there


As to resting/sleeping see my sig for the guide.





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I can think of a problem with this.


I got knocked unconscious by an axe. I have no idea what's going on or when (or if) I'll wake up. Fine.




However, now I have to leave DayZ running for an unknown length of time. I can't shut it down or abort, for all I know someone could be waiting for me to wake up, or chopping away at my body, or about to grab my gear. Can't log out in possible combat.



So it's kinda inconvenient... I've been unconscious for a good 1/2 hour now.

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hmm.. its nearly an hour now for me..dunno

Edited by dawud

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Been waiting for literally 1 hour.


Was jogging (not sprinting), eating and drinking. Just sleeping in the woods quietly somewhere. For an hour. Video games.

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Hello there


Play nice chaps. Dont get personal please.


Once I have some firm info, Ill let you lot know.








Link to your guide is 404'd





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So yeah unconsciousness is the primary problem.


Kept eating and drinking. When I started getting red messages I lay down and didnt move , ate and drank some more. 


"you are exhausted" in red. 


Stayed still lying down. STILL lost conciousness.


It seems unavoidable. And once your unconscious that is it. 


Waited 40 minutes which is ridiculous.


Logging out kills you.


Also found a friend that had the same problem , for him he was unconcious on my screen he was running forward, lagging back endlessly. Tried to Defib him, did nothing. Tried to med kit him, did nothing. 

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Friend, I randomly fall unconscious!


There's a BUG. Remember its an ALPHA, we are looking into this as you read this. Walk as much as possible for now.


You randomly fall unconscious after playing for twenty minutes and there's no recovery? Well, I'm glad that  was cleared out.
Let me just check back in three months.

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been unconscious 1 hour .. still there. if this is meant to be realistic then water and food should be every food 8 hours and drink 6 hours .. not every 3 minutes.

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The problem is probably that you get hungry and thirsty while laying unconscious, causing it to last longer and longer until you "bleed out" and die.


Just click respawn after a while. You dead.

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Guys how do you open canned goods ? I have a knife and screwdriver.... Or do you need specifically a can opener ?

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Yea laying for 1 hour on a black screen is crazy folks just respawn and re loot rinse wash repeat till bugs are fixed lol

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