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December Round-up: ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE SA

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Personally I think it's close, but If I was in his shoes I wouldn't want to say that publicly. Anything could go wrong right up to the moment he presses the big red button so he could be accused of misleading people, whereas If he says nothing and just presses go when it's ready we all get a great holiday surprise and it's win win all round.

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I agree, Standalone is coming. But when?!?!?!


Anyway in response to a previous page comment as to what it means when the build is locked down, Dean indicated that would mean it is going to be released provided there are no other game breaking bugs that come with verifying the one they just fixed.


Anything is possible let us hope they have got it all sorted out.

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I was out watching my brother get beat up at his dojo.


May I please have a link to the most recent stream?

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I just got a tempogram from a cousin who lives in the future, turns out that on April 1st 2014 Rocket announces that the whole Dayz development was the greatest April fools joke ever conceived. Sponsored by the developers of Kerbal Space Program, Payday2 and Space station 13, it was created as a viral marketing aid for the soon to be announced male Hygiene product 'Peenywipes™'  "Don't drip when you can dab".


"We may have underestimated how invested some people became in the idea" said Dean 'Rocket' Hall after several attempts were made on his life, " But hey, people should look on the bright side, 'Peenywipes™' can also be used to dab those tears."

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right click on the vid, go into settings and turn off hardware acceleration, worked for me, also give it some time, seems to take a while before buffering smooths out. I had problems for 1st ten mins but ok after that.

You can also right click and alter quality to low, but that didn't seem to do anything for me.

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[–]rocket2gunsRocket [score hidden] 42 minutes ago

Because that's not true, and that seems dishonest to me. The fact is that, currently, we have no bugs preventing release and if our verification testing identifies no showstoppers it will release. If it does identify showstoppers then it won't. It's that simple.


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The fact is that, currently, we have no bugs preventing release and if our verification testing identifies no showstoppers it will release. If it does identify showstoppers then it won't. It's quite simple really.


^ This



Edit - Damn you Owain!

Edited by bad_mojo
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insert 3d art slight sarcasm here.


Worry not, the SA will be here when its ready.


R is not daft, strange and odd, yes but in this case he really does have his head in the correct place.


patience is key.





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insert 3d art slight sarcasm here.


Worry not, the SA will be here when its ready.


R is not daft, strange and odd, yes but in this case he really does have his head in the correct place.


patience is key.






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Calm your man tits, I'm absolutely sure it will be out in January or February next year. Some people on said here there aren't any game breaking bugs. I disagree. Have you seen how the current state of the zombies? All glitchy and with delayed animations n shit? Or how some weapons and items still don't work properly? Think of it like this: The more it gets delayed the more features we will have at launch.

Edited by raynor009

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*shoves a gernade into your mouth* Be happy I did not pull the pin out :D

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We all do, but would we not rather have it in a semi playable state?


Obviously I cannot allude to much, but the work that has been done has been created to make what we all want. It may not be ideal, but I dont think devotees will be disappointed.


There will be a great waling and gnashing of teeth, thats to be expected, but there will be a stable foundation to build upon.


Again patience is key.


Expectations need to be managed.


It will be good.


It really will.



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From the stream:


Rocket: "Isn't loot spawning in it (military camp), Brian?"


Brian: "Martin configured it but I did not see uh..."


Rocket: "I exported the binary!"


Brian: "Alright, let's give it a shot, maybe he used proxies."


It's technical back and forths like this that make me reluctant to overly criticize DayZ development. That exchange means something... but I have no idea what.

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