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October Round-up: #DayZDaily

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I guess this is a question about the technical meaning and not about the release date



it means that in arma2  the client had access to information about  the blue area ( complete map) while now the client has only access to info about an area like the red circle....should be obvious what this means


Hey, that actually makes perfect sense! Thanks for opening my eyes.

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You guys are insane, the way some of you twist and dissect every little word uttered by Rocket just goes to highlight why he chose to go silent for so long on social media.


He really can't win in anything he says.

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" as we won't release it until multiplayer performance is stable and acceptable enough to provide useful feedback."



i wonder what this might mean exactly ?

are they still experiencing that severe performance problems that its not ready to go alpha yet ? i wonder if/how bad it is then...


just a thought but :   if its really bad performance thats stopping them from going alpha it must somehow be even worse than than the Dayz arma2 mod..


which in other word would mean they changed engine,did the mp architectural change, developed the network bubble, redid zombies, all to make the game MORE performant yet somehow they  achieved quite the opposite ?!


I agree, MP performance in the A2 Mod was quite acceptable for an Alpha, what could they have possibly done to ruin it so badly? Is it server-generated zombies, the object-orientation system?

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Well this is just my opinion but I think it is pretty safe to say that an October public alpha is out of the question.


That is quite a huge window to miss. Yes obviously a holiday is not going to be any primary factor to decide to let an alpha. However, October is typically the most popular month when it comes to monsters and other horror based media.


So again in my opinion my guess is that either.


A) A major flaw was revealed in testing that could compromise the quality of feedback from early alphas.




B) They are killing so many bugs at such a rapid rate that there simply is no reason to go public alpha just yet.




C) The Dev team can't stop saying "MY PRECIOUS!" and/or comparing their characters in the closed alpha.





Zombie Turkeys?


C) maybe likely, this is kinda typical server admin behavior from the early days - close the server after restart and loot it with your buddies/clanmates. Just imagine how powerful the testers will be when it eventually releases!

Edited by ZlobaRUS54

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I almost pressed IDS HABBENING button but then again I read some reddit and bang oh noes no release just yet so.



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I agree, MP performance in the A2 Mod was quite acceptable for an Alpha, what could they have possibly done to ruin it so badly? Is it server-generated zombies, the object-orientation system?


they re-wrote the entire netcode and made it server-client based like a mmo.

and they f*cked it up. now players / zombies are warping like hell and they desperately try to fix the new netcode.

and since (lets face it) they don't have the best coders in the world, this may take some time or will never be fixed completely.

Edited by Broter
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they re-wrote the entire netcode and made it server-client based like a mmo.

and they f*cked it up. now players / zombies are warping like hell and they desperately try to fix the new netcode.

and since (lets face it) they don't have the best coders in the world, this may take some time or will never be fixed completely.

Pics or it didn't happen.

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we already know the performance hasn't improved, some mod (i believe fraggle) told us so. (yeah yeah, not exactly, but read between the lines).

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we already know the performance hasn't improved, some mod (i believe fraggle) told us so. (yeah yeah, not exactly, but read between the lines).

Haha, don't put words in my mouth goddamit.  Instead of reading between the lines and getting it wrong just try reading the actual lines.  


And we wonder why Dean has been quiet...

Edited by Fraggle
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I just want to play it ...

Just make me an SS13 remake or something thats the only thing that could reduce my agony.

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they re-wrote the entire netcode and made it server-client based like a mmo.

and they f*cked it up. now players / zombies are warping like hell and they desperately try to fix the new netcode.

and since (lets face it) they don't have the best coders in the world, this may take some time or will never be fixed completely.


It was already "client-server" based, the only difference between an "MMO" and regular multi is character persistence.

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And we wonder why Dean has been quiet...


Short memories, Dean went quiet when he missed the Christmas release date, more than went quiet he HID

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Short memories, Dean went quiet when he missed the Christmas release date, more than went quiet he HID

You trolling?


That's a tad different to actually saying that you're going to take a break from the social media stuff to focus on the game for the final push and you know it.

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You trolling?


different actually take break social media stuff to  the game you





Thanks, Fraggle!


E: Post got screwed up. Point is Fraggle actually said in code that the release is TOTHAY. YAY!!!

Edited October 29, 2013; 6:37 AM (EST)

Edited by Gesundheit
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I just want to play it ...

Just make me an SS13 remake or something thats the only thing that could reduce my agony.

yeah same goes for me I so wish the SS13 remake were already out. I wouldnt care about dayz anymore

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Short memories, Dean went quiet when he missed the Christmas release date, more than went quiet he HID

He also had to deal with the whole WarZ debacle and going from just a guy making a mod to one of the most talked about personalities in gaming. I don't blame him for hunkering down from time to time. All the speculation in this thread alone is proof that's neccessary.

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Where are people getting this unstable shizz from? Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Rocket just say they wanted to make sure it was stable enough for large scale testing (testing which according to Hicks was occurring today/tomorrow)? Why are people deciding it's already unstable/it's the end of the world before the testing has even occurred? :huh:

Or have I missed something?

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Where are people getting this unstable shizz from? Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Rocket just say they wanted to make sure it was stable enough for large scale testing (testing which according to Hicks was occurring today/tomorrow)? Why are people deciding it's already unstable/it's the end of the world before the testing has even occurred? :huh:

Or have I missed something?

I don't think hicks said when the testing would happen.

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Where are people getting this unstable shizz from? Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Rocket just say they wanted to make sure it was stable enough for large scale testing (testing which according to Hicks was occurring today/tomorrow)? Why are people deciding it's already unstable/it's the end of the world before the testing has even occurred? :huh:

Or have I missed something?


Because negative Nancies will be negative every chance they get. Even at the birth of their children - "What? No lasers? Pffft. He's fucking shit".

Edited by sabre05

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I don't think hicks said when the testing would happen.

Just rechecked and you're exactly correct! It was implied that it was soon however. So why in the hell have all the doomsday prophets ( and nicefish) come out of the woodwork declaring "I told you so"? It boggles the mind. Some of you really thrive on the failure of others. It's quite sad and borderline obsessive :huh:

Edited by CapricornOne

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Where are people getting this unstable shizz from? Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Rocket just say they wanted to make sure it was stable enough for large scale testing (testing which according to Hicks was occurring today/tomorrow)? Why are people deciding it's already unstable/it's the end of the world before the testing has even occurred? :huh:

Or have I missed something?


Rocket said today that he wouldn't even consider a release date until is is satisfied with performance and stability. That kinda implies it's not upto alpha standards yet. 

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Send me a PM if you need someone to fill that 100 players spot  :lol:

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Rocket said today that he wouldn't even consider a release date until is is satisfied with performance and stability. That kinda implies it's not upto alpha standards yet.

Satisfied with the results of a test that hasn't even occurred yet. And that implies your speculation how exactly? Ffs, clutching at straws is an understatement :lol:

Edited by CapricornOne

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