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About pillerking@yahoo.com

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  1. pillerking@yahoo.com

    Why do zombies spawn out of thin air (experimental)

    it would be awesome if they would crawl out of the ground instead of spawning standing up.
  2. pillerking@yahoo.com

    Why the dayz formula will ultimately fail

    apart from wow (and only if you count all Server Admins / GMs) there has never been a game where HUNDREDS of people worked on it. not even GTA V had HUNDREDS of ppl working on it. you normally have a team of 30-60 ppl, where do you get these retarded "facts" you spew ?
  3. pillerking@yahoo.com

    Girl 'abuse' in this game

    i want a rape button :(
  4. pillerking@yahoo.com

    Massive exploit/hack

    what makes me sad is that rocket said that they reworked the whole netcode and client/server communication for over a year to make duping of items and teleporting impossible. guess what? you can spawn and dupe items and you can teleport. and i WISH someone with programing knowledge could explain to me how teleporting is possible at all? i mean there MUST be a way to check whether a character moves faster than normally possible in game? i (somewhat) understand how it is possible to spawn items that are not written into the database. but teleporting i really don´t get :(
  5. pillerking@yahoo.com

    Australian Classification Rating

    are you serious ??? wtf, congrats on the most retarded law ever. Medicine gives you a "Power-Up" in real life (you feel shitty, you take medicine, your "power" comes back) but it is forbidden in videos games ? how does that make any sense ? on a sidenote, there is an easy loophole: it isn´t the medicine in dayZ that gives you a "power-up". the medicine just starts the healing process and the healing gives you the power-up. done. i just made the game legal in australia.
  6. pillerking@yahoo.com

    Pending Changelog: Experimental branch: 0.34.XXXXX

    great work, thanks. Weapons: Ballistic parameters of all projectiles tweaked for more realism (special thanks to Gews for his great analysis on weapon characteristics) where can i read his analysis ?
  7. pillerking@yahoo.com

    Rolling Changelog: Stable Branch: 0.32.114557

    i posted this in the experimental patch thread but ill post it here again:
  8. pillerking@yahoo.com

    Pending Changelog: Experimental Branch: 0.33.114782

    i don´t really get the " WE NEED VEHICLES QQ" kids... do they think that they will spawn, see a car, hop into it and drive around ??? did they ever play the vanilla mod ? do they have ANY idea how hard it was and will be to find a car AND repair it ?? i remember when we (3ppl) found our first car and tried to repair it. it took us HOURS to get the parts to the car and repair it. when we did repair it we were shot after driving it for 5mins because everybody hears you from miles away. the tears when cars are introduced to the SA will be hilarious. i am so looking forward to the rage / QQ threads :)
  9. pillerking@yahoo.com

    Sites with hacks for dayz standalone

    this thread was a great idea.
  10. pillerking@yahoo.com

    Cheating you've encountered

    you see a lot more of that stuff when watching popular streamers on twitch.tv cheaters flock to streamers like flies to shit. once there was a guy that always spawned fully geared with ridiculous amount of pristine stuff, no way on earth was the gear legit and he had it again every time he approached the streamer.
  11. pillerking@yahoo.com

    THE DAYZ WISH LIST (From the Community to the Devs)

    being able to find maps on some (very few) zombies showing where they hid their stuff when they were still humans. this would make killing zombies useful and help you explore the map (the hidden spot could be miles away).
  12. pillerking@yahoo.com

    Pending Changelog: Experimental Branch: 0.33.114782

    nice changelog, GG. Edit: the logout timer on the mod never worked , you could just open your inventory and press alt+f4. took about 0,2 secs longer than before to combatlog. so this 30sec solution is better imo, even if less controllable/more dangerous.
  13. pillerking@yahoo.com

    Mosin can be loaded only with one bullet, is it normal?!

    Jack Bourke ‏@Steam_Punk96 4h @rocket2guns Spray-painting a mosin makes it impossible to load more than one bullet now, hot-fix plox Dean Hall ‏@rocket2guns 4h @Steam_Punk96 fixed next update
  14. pillerking@yahoo.com

    Mosin problem

    Jack Bourke ‏@Steam_Punk96 4h @rocket2guns Spray-painting a mosin makes it impossible to load more than one bullet now, hot-fix plox Dean Hall ‏@rocket2guns 4h @Steam_Punk96 fixed next update