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July Round-up: "I want the alpha" < "I want the alpha to be good"

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does anyone think standalone will come out before the end of summer?

I just don't like how easy it is to get infected, so I hope standalone comes out and fixes that.

Well, I firstly want a walking dead themed experience, a world in which a single scratch could turn you into a undead...

Not colds and coughs...

You should talk to the guys at Taleworlds Entertainment (Mount&Blade:Warband = pure medieval awesomeness!!). They have the most beautiful, fluid and realistic horse animation ingame.

Much better then oblivion etc,

Try and get the fellows at rock star to do it, the horse animation in RDR! IS FAR MORE SUPERIOR TO TALEWORLD!!!

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ok i am not going to be as polite as everyone else here has been, which is amazing, well done for your self control. 

wayze you are a complete idiot as far as i can tell. 


you barely understand what people say, you barely seem to understand what you say.  i dont know you and will not make judgements on your whole character, but as far as your ability to converse and debate goes, its abhorrent, and you should not attempt to discuss things with others until you practice a bit.


you are far too passionate about your position on PR for example, it makes you horribly unpleasant to talk to.  You can speak with passion for sure and let it show through, but you need to remove your obvious bias and speak objectively, without excessive profanity and keeping an open mind to consider the positions of others.



As for the PR thing, it is useful.  I don't really see why people here are so against it.  It's not totally necessary per say, but it would be really helpful for everyone.   Then Dean doesn't have to worry about talking to the community periodically, and he can just keep developing the game.  PR is a loose term, and it is involved no matter what.  as soon as you are selling something to someone, or doing something for them, you MUST have a medium to communicate your intentions, your status, and the ultimate product condition.  whether you hire someone or just talk yourself.


So the whole "PR over my dead body" thing is completely ridiculous.  I think the term has negative connotations to it or something because the idea is greeted with way more hostility then it should be.


Not saying DayZ NEEDS a PR person,  i will say however that Dean needs to either talk to the community himself or get someone else too, and i wouldnt suggest someone else at all since I like hearing development news from Dean, but he seems VERY uninterested in doing it, and/or just doesnt have to time for it.


the fact that so many people are confused about this development is the reason why public relations is a field of work, and why there are successful PR firms. its important. 

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the fact that so many people are confused about this development is the reason why public relations is a field of work, and why there are successful PR firms. its important. 

Fair enough, but I have a question.


If people misinterpret a comment by Dean saying they have a date set and they`re looking at a window of about a week, what does PR do about that? Or is Dean no longer allowed to speak?


To me, PR is about image and selling the product. If the company hasn`t compromised its image, which I don`t think it has in any way at all, and it has confidence it`s going to sell, what role does PR play?

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From my view, and this is coming from someone with 400+ hours of DayZ, I have to admit that I think that rockets way of doing things, PR wise, for DayZ SA is wrong.

I think that if he keeps postponing the "dead-line" for the SA alpha release, it will damage the amount of players that will buy the game and especially the trust that the community has in rocket and his dev team.

I dont want to be the one saying this but from the very few devblogs Ive seen, I have not seen the awesome improvements promised to begin with. Obviously its still in pre-alpha, but so far all Ive seen is that you can put a motorcycle helmet on.

I think that rocket should dedicate more time to listen to the community and actually show us that something is in fact being done. Sure, Ive heard the line "Its done when its done", but when you say it thay way and then say "yeh the alpha will be out soon" and even "the alpha will be out in june/july", you have to think about how demotivated the playerbase gets. Hell, I truely love the mod and when I hears there was gonna be a sa, I was stoked. But all this jibberjabber and barely giving the public a slight taste now and thwn has made me loose interest. I'll buy the game but that is only because Ive spent so much time at the mod, but I really understand the other half of not so dedicated players that will just go "meh, this is all a load of horseshit." and then not buy the game. You can keep saying "it'll be good with 1000" players but I highly doubt that. A good playercount is essential if you wish for this to turn into something bigger than WarZ. I understand that they wish to make a good game, but they should show more and keep the playerbase interested and stop giving hints of when alpha is out if they cant keep that deadline.

Inb4 hate posts as the internet is a place you dont post your opinion: "if u dont like u can leave".

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So your point: They need to spend money on professional PR because people overreact and over-analyze very brief videos and simple information. Oooooookay.


It's not their problem, it's the problem of people who lack patience and would rather react before more information comes out. The syncing is a good example. Anyone could have looked and thought that looked kind of rough. I definitely did. In no way did I panic and freak out though. Sure enough, Dean clarified the issue soon after the video came out. No harm done. Just because people lose their minds over certain things doesn't mean it was mishandled. Trust me, they don't care if a few people like to whine about the information they think they should get. This game is going to sell regardless of what they do and don't tell you about development during pre-alpha release.


^And what St. Jimmy said. People shitting their pants really don't matter. I'd be happy to have them lose faith and not play the game. The developers aren't going to get constructive feedback from these people anyways. They don't need pants shitting overreaction.


Honestly, I hate the argument whenever it's brought up that "Don't hate the game, hate the players." Blaming a problem on the community solves nothing. And trying to change the minds of an entire community without taking some sort of action addressing their concerns is like trying to stop a river by dropping rocks into it. As far as I can see it, the only way to calm the community down would be to:

A) Release the standalone.

B) Update the Devblog constantly. Hell, even something akin to "The lazer collection 4" In terms of quality would be better than nothing.



"Surprise! You asked for it, so here it is!" -Video author

"GUYS!!!! its a crap video on purposes! he made it because people where rushing him!" -Top comment

Edited by Recalibar

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Would just a little pic or two as an update not be called for, its been aaaaaaaaages! ;)

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I haven't read through all the posts so I dunno what has already been said, but I'm just gonna go ahead and say what I feel about the current state of things.


For me, I wouldn't want to play the DayZ that was shown at E3. The Zeds look just as glitchy or even more so on the SA than they do in the Mod, the syncing is completely off and the animations really make very little sense in the way the Zeds attack. They lunge at you, then slide back to the original position, they move very jittery and near impossible to hit, they glitch through walls. It's basically DayZ just with moderate modifications that could've been done in the mod and with worse but more diverse Zeds (Like female ones).


I'd rather wait until the Zeds have been fixed and synced up. I'm sure there are more issues that hold it back, but there is no point in releasing a game that is worse off than the mod is.


With that being said, I would greatly desire Dean to actually say something definite and shows that he is far more in charge of the situation. If he had said that they will announce the date when they feel the game is ready and that we will just have to wait for it I would be far more grateful than those "Very imminent" messages or "Not before two weeks, but not later than two months" ones. Though the last one is yet to expire, so to speak, so he still has a chance to come through on that one. But generally, I would respect a simple "When it's ready" and patiently wait for the arguably most anticipated game of the year on my part.


Basically, I will wait through any message he gives, hope for the best and hope that DayZ Alpha will be released when it's ready and that it is soon. Take your time but don't tease us with messages that can be interpeted incorrectly, be clear and precise.

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All I really want in the alpha is zombies that are a real credible threat. I want to know that if I go into town the zombies will mess me up and that I better make damn sure that I avoid them at all costs. I should be rolling with a group that knows if they get the zombies on them then we all die. I'm saying zombies should be something you are worried about rather than other players. Part of what has turned this mod into a giant death match with zombie flys is just that, the zombies are like flies. They can't do much and the walking in buildings, trees, and other glitches makes them a literal joke. They should catch up to you, pounce you, and eat your face off (Which it looks like that's already being worked on). You should also be able to yank them off, grab a pipe and bash their rotting skulls in as well.


I have been really anxious for standalone because this mod has become a plethora of cheats, glitches, esp users, and other douche baggery that not only ruins the concept of accomplishment or survival in this. How much fun is it when you and everyone else can abuse an ammo glitch, food glitch, or other kind of glitch to basically bypass the need to scavenge? Not at all. Food should be as rare as gps or nvgs, ammo should be hard to find. It shouldn't be something you can dupe or bypass. I remember one release where the loot tables got screwed up. Food and drink barely every spawned and it actually became something we were forced to hit towns for, even the small ones with a few lootable buildings became a shimmer of hope for precious sustenance. We had to battle zombies on our way in and out, we ran low on ammo, got scared, and eventually obtained a single canteen which we filled at a nearby pump. THOSE experiences are what made dayz fun, now they never happen because it is everywhere and all that ammo you used can be replenished just by a simple glitch, every bullet is not important and it should be, every bullet should be a valued commodity and players shouldn't be so willing to use them for fear of not having a few shots when they know they will need them. That feeling of desperation for sustenance and knowing that you'll likely die on your own if you don't work with someone else is what makes people work together rather than begin death matching everywhere.

Anyway, take your time with Alpha. I want it now dammit and I don't want to wait. But I'd rather wait and play something with a single gun and a few wooden sticks to beat back the zombie hordes than get it now and have none of that.

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What did that video demo with Matt at whatever gaming convention recently show...  him running around doing things and talking about what changes they would make. "What the game is not"... yet, but then plan it to be.  Except he forgot to mention that the zombies glitching through walls and attacking him before they visually attacked him was because a synching feature had not been implemented yet.   What happened? People shit their pants claiming the SA looked terrible etc. and all manner of misinformation was slung around about how bad the SA looks. 

If he tells them the problem is fixable, they expect the game to be actually working in that matter even in the alpha. I really don't think that will happen, Zombies will probably look stupid even after alpha release.

So Dean has actually reached exactly what he wants. Get the hardcore gamers, who inform themselfs anyway, and get rid of the kids who will just play alpha because they are unpatient.


If he tells them "Oh it is just because we have not implemented a sync feature" people will expect this in alpha. Well, many people would be disappointed. And exactly that PR is bad for DayZ. So even if he tells them the fact that it is just a feature he would have to implement people will start shitstorm. "You had a half year to implement it!"

Later in alpha "What the hell this looks like shit I want my money back!".


So it does not matter, in fact it is even better if he does not tell us that it is just a missing feature. The less player buy alpha the better.

Edited by Wayze

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You little Snicker doodles, underestimate the "RANDY PITCHFORD EFFECT" if a game is too overhyped, and the fans want it rushed...then it goes in the mass grave of games.... 


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gibe standalone plos HEUHEUHEUHEU

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What in the world are you talking about?

"I want the alpha to be good?"

The point of an alpha is to have players test the software in its extremely early stages to give feedback on what works and doesn't work so you can set goals that will stick for a future beta.

It's not supposed to be a bloody RELEASE.

So no.

Crap rushed alpha > Longtime "semi-beta". This is supposed to be an ALPHA, not a bloody beta.

Do like everyone else who decides using alphas publicly : just give it out with tons of bugs and missing functionality and throw out updates every week or so if the progress is worth it. THAT'S an alpha. What YOU are doing now, is building a beta.

Edited by AtlasRedux

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Even the alpha should have solid working base that it wont crash everytime you open a can of beans and so on. As said Dean broke the build after removing something and they had to fix that so that it will be fairly stable again. So its not delayed just because the want to add few new skins and items..

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Even the alpha should have solid working base that it wont crash everytime you open a can of beans and so on. As said Dean broke the build after removing something and they had to fix that so that it will be fairly stable again. So its not delayed just because the want to add few new skins and items..

Well, I sure as heck don't see any information about that anywhere here.

Information, information, information. It's almost like trying to follow Blizzard ... God, I hate Blizzard ... good games, horrendous communication. But it seems to work for them and others, despite forums being filled with "WHY DON'T YOU BLOODY TELL US ANYTHING", hehe.

This could so easily be solved by doing a simple homepage with a message on top :

"Current status : build broken due to removal of feature. Working on it, release will come as soon as this is fixed, ETA : not sure, but not five minutes." etc.

Edited by AtlasRedux
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Hire me to the P.R.   I'll put one of those clever media blackout/gag order things on them and then tell them the most ridiculous shit I could make up with my feet kicked up on a folding table with a 10' x 10' painting of drunk David Hasselhoff on the wall behind me.  Just match my current payrate and force the media outlets to come to my hot ass snake infested state and it's a deal.

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Rocket should stop to answer any of those comments in Reddit that contains anything about the release date or why the alpha hasn't been released. I'm getting pissed that he even spends time to answer those questions again and again to feed the trolls or half brained people.

He could discuss with us about the features, cool requests and the technical stuff but no... That time he's answering those trolls for couple months he could've made couple devblogs.


/I don't believe it's funnier to answer the same thing again and again in free time than spend some time developing a devblog.

Edited by St. Jimmy
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Rocket should stop to answer any of those comments in Reddit that contains anything about the release date or why the alpha hasn't been released. I'm getting pissed that he even spends time to answer those questions again and again to feed the trolls or half brained people.

He could discuss with us about the features, cool requests and the technical stuff but no... That time he's answering those trolls for couple months he could've made couple devblogs.


/I don't believe it's funnier to answer the same thing again and again in free time than spend some time developing a devblog.

I already spend my "dayz money" on other stuff, fuck rocket :)

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Rocket should stop to answer any of those comments in Reddit that contains anything about the release date or why the alpha hasn't been released. I'm getting pissed that he even spends time to answer those questions again and again to feed the trolls or half brained people.

He could discuss with us about the features, cool requests and the technical stuff but no... That time he's answering those trolls for couple months he could've made couple devblogs.


/I don't believe it's funnier to answer the same thing again and again in free time than spend some time developing a devblog.

i followed reddit over the last couple weeks. and most of the time when rocket is participating he does it in threads where ppl complain about PR, release-dates and the definition of what is alpha, beta etc.....

And i always ask myself: "We can't you just ignore at least some of them and participate more in SA relevant threads where good suggestions are made or other game relevant questions are asked.."


At least when you create a post on reddit and start with "Rocket?" you will get definitely one answer (at least something), like this for example:



there you get little details on what they are working and what is going on, or what needs to be reviewed:

Yes, this is how it currently works. But I found it annoying on Friday when my character was very thirsty and I kept having to take swigs... so looking at additional aspects to it.

Edited by joe_mcentire

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I can't wait for school to start again! So all these teens who obviously have too much time on their hands right now can settle down.


It's really no coincidence that the summer brought this apparent "revolt' in the community of squirming and entitlement. Everything was fine and dandy after the Rezzed demo. We were all excited and saw the project was heading in the right direction. But alas, the schoolgates closed and suddenly the message boards and reddits flooded with impatient voices. Furiously typing with their sweaty palms while rubbing their zitted faces. Suddenly they all wanted their game now because "SCHOOL STARTS AGAIN SOON".


Guess what little Jimmy, let me tell you something about the real world, it does NOT revolve around your schedule. Now be a good kiddo and learn something that will be of much use to you later: patience.   

Edited by Azimov
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What in the world are you talking about?

"I want the alpha to be good?"

The point of an alpha is to have players test the software in its extremely early stages to give feedback on what works and doesn't work so you can set goals that will stick for a future beta.

It's not supposed to be a bloody RELEASE.

So no.

Crap rushed alpha > Longtime "semi-beta". This is supposed to be an ALPHA, not a bloody beta.

Do like everyone else who decides using alphas publicly : just give it out with tons of bugs and missing functionality and throw out updates every week or so if the progress is worth it. THAT'S an alpha. What YOU are doing now, is building a beta.



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What in the world are you talking about?

"I want the alpha to be good?"

The point of an alpha is to have players test the software in its extremely early stages to give feedback on what works and doesn't work so you can set goals that will stick for a future beta.

It's not supposed to be a bloody RELEASE.

So no.

Crap rushed alpha > Longtime "semi-beta". This is supposed to be an ALPHA, not a bloody beta.

Do like everyone else who decides using alphas publicly : just give it out with tons of bugs and missing functionality and throw out updates every week or so if the progress is worth it. THAT'S an alpha. What YOU are doing now, is building a beta.

You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. This won't even be /near/ a beta.


Hot damn, just let the devs sort out the problems that they can fix WITHOUT having thousands of people blowing up every form of communication they have with the public. You have no grasp of the problems they may be encountering. You may not even be able to start the game for all we know. God forbid it'd take another two days to get the launcher back up and running. Seriously, the shitstorm that would blow up on Reddit along the amount of complaints on the forum would be FAR worse than a few impatient kiddies complaining about their summer break going to waste. 


Just trust me, there will be a ton of bugs for you to complain about. Just hold off. 

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