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What you guys think about the new update?

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It having the opposite effect from what we can all see. I'm more then happy with the interaction i've been seeing and hearing about +1 :-)

Hi R4Z0R,

I think the reason that you are receiving some very mixed feedback is that what you are attempting to do to the game is correct and the essence of DayZ.

However, unfortunately due to the awful code and lack of testing, and fudging up zombies even further; many people are surprised that the dev team thought many of the new mechanics were acceptable and ready for release - clearly not.

Personally we are downgrading 5 servers today, heading back to the old patch - this is after a Poll for the community, overwhelmingly 90% of people thought this patch was just really badly put together.


1) Fix Zombie Pathing

2) Fix Spawn Rates

3) Focus on the important (not changing logos to lower res!)

4) Fix Zombie mechanics of knockdown (Shouldnt fall into a zombie)! - This is some really bad code, and clearly wasnt tested!

5) Fix zombies knockdown/hit/infection through walls

6) Fix Zombies that now stroll right through doors instead of opening them

7) Fix random stuck zombies in houses

Opinions are opinions, these are collected from over 400 members at Brains of Britain.


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After three days of playing with the latest patch I'm now convinced that the infection feature as implemented now is simply terrible game design.

Due to the nature of DayZ's zombies (spawning, glitching, in general often erratic behaviour) it is inevitable that sooner or later you'll get hit,no matter how careful you are. And, depending on your luck, you WILL get infected. I've seen the very 1st Z to hit me infect me. Which, at the moment, means you're dead. Simple as that. In three days of playing (and dozens of deaths) I've found exactly 1(!) antibiotics. The chance of actually surviving an infection is basically zero.

I understand the idea of making survival more difficult, and I support this idea, but the current implementation of infection just kills the fun of actually trying to survive.

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Patch is AWESOME!!!! But I think some things should be tweaked.

It should be:

When a Zombie hits you and you start bleeding you should have to apply an antiseptic of some sort and then apply the bandage. If you do not do this, then you get infected. You should not get infected from random hits from zombies it seems a little odd if they do not pierce the skin. And you are not exposed to them long enough to get it from the breathing over you...

The infection system should be reworked. At the moment you can get infected and then die within an hour, that seems ridiculous. Antibiotics should be rarer than they are currently but infection should take maybe 8 hours of game time to kill you from full blood to no blood. Then there should be other effects from infection, maybe shivering, double vision at times, hallucination (seeing people that aren't there would be totally amazing and scary). But antibiotics should be quite a bit more rare.

Every item should be a little rarer, just a little. It is hard as it is but I feel that some things are still too common such as food and drinks. Maybe increase trash loot like empty tins etc.

What I'm saying is, make the game even harder! But in a slightly different way I guess, a more controllable way - less randomness.

Edited by JoeM
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The realism argument has its issues. It is a game and it just wont be very realistic in every detail. Just to pick out some things. Okay, you are driving a bicycle around, run into a Zed, it is destroyed. You drive into a lake, it is lost. You drive against some trees, it is broken. So in real life, how often you lost a bike in a lake? How often you destroyed it driving it against a Zed?

Another point, broken bones. How often you broke something in real life? How often you fell from a dears stand because you had issues with trying to crouch? ...

A game is a game, it has gameplay elements. Those make it more realistic, you actually can break your bones. The point is, would you make it realistic? Would you make it in a way that you almost never (hopefully, never say never) actually have a broken bone? Why would you? Its like implementing features for never using them. This leads to a chain. If you don't ever break it, why would you carry a cure around? Do you, in real life? Do you always have sth against broken bones in you pocket? Just in case ...?

So the game in certain ways already is a bit harder as reality. Folks still demand to make it harder. This can be done, but the realism argument is one which not always works. In reality, there would be no Zeds at all.

You only can ask: "Is this a cool feature we WANT to have?", because it might be an enrichment for the gameplay.

Just to make the point clear, a feature should be measured of how it plays out gameplaywhise, not neccessaily in regards of the difficulty or realism only.

Those examples were not great. Ideally things that don't make sense should be fixed. Bikes should not vanish into air, or a lake or bump a rock and explode. Hopefully they will be fixed, they don't make sense and i wouldn't think it is intentional. Just leftover programming from an understaffed community dev team im guessing.

Do i carry things for broken bones IRL? Yes. I carry a mobile phone that can call an ambulance. If im somewhere remote a triangle bandage and basic FA knowledge has to suffice.

As for tajjuk whats your middle ground? Lets move this forward (will adress your lengthy points when not passing out from tired) and sorry if i berated anybody, im trying as hard as i can to shift to goalposts so if there is savage compromise it lands closer to my side of the fence.

There are legitimate concerns but without engaging with the patch, people retreating from features (therefore without testing or trying to adapt), seemigly due to overly aggressive zombies (which are not perfect but are an improvement in terms of threat level) and less loot, we don't move forward. What would your ideal balance be to create a zombie survival sim, keeping in mind that this is a 'zombie survival sim' directly described by the creator of the mod/game as the anti game.

While the mod is undenianbly buggy anybody who isn't getting a sesne of that this is kind of what the game is going to shape into please read a summary of E3 DayZ (ign)

"clothes to customize their appearance and to improve their armor and other resistance attributes.

Gamers will need all the loot they can get, too. DayZ’s revised zombies are more aggressive, faster, and are just an all-around greater threat. Players can’t B-line it away from danger anymore. Zombies will jump at the back of running players, causing them to stumble or fall. Any undead threats players confront will have to be dealt with directly, or at least evaded in more creative ways than just running in a straight line.

An illness system gives players yet another concern to consider."

Clothing refers to weather resistance(?), more aggresive and faster zombies and running in a straight line won't defeat, jumping zombies that tackle (hmm where have we seen this feature before) and an illness system?

Does this sound like a game catering to a fun happy go lucky crowd that dabbles in a bit of causal PvP and non threatening zombies or a game designed to thwart the player at every turn?


Edited by Trizzo

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Hi R4Z0R,

I think the reason that you are receiving some very mixed feedback is that what you are attempting to do to the game is correct and the essence of DayZ.

However, unfortunately due to the awful code and lack of testing, and fudging up zombies even further; many people are surprised that the dev team thought many of the new mechanics were acceptable and ready for release - clearly not.

Personally we are downgrading 5 servers today, heading back to the old patch - this is after a Poll for the community, overwhelmingly 90% of people thought this patch was just really badly put together.


1) Fix Zombie Pathing

2) Fix Spawn Rates

3) Focus on the important (not changing logos to lower res!)

4) Fix Zombie mechanics of knockdown (Shouldnt fall into a zombie)! - This is some really bad code, and clearly wasnt tested!

5) Fix zombies knockdown/hit/infection through walls

6) Fix Zombies that now stroll right through doors instead of opening them

7) Fix random stuck zombies in houses

Opinions are opinions, these are collected from over 400 members at Brains of Britain.


As I said many times when people were discussing the new patch, more powerful more threatening Zombies AS A CONCEPT is fine.

However the reality of the Zombies in the mod it's not practical to simply dial them up, they are too unpredictable, too glitchy too broken to add these additional dangers on top.

There should be a line where you know if you cross it, the Zombies are going to be a real danger.

Quite simply players do not know where that line is because Zombies just don't work as they are supposed to.

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Those examples were not great. Ideally things that don't make sense should be fixed. Bikes should not vanish into air, or a lake or bump a rock and explode. Hopefully they will be fixed, they don't make sense and i wouldn't think it is intentional. Just leftover programming from an understaffed community dev team im guessing.

As for do i carry things for broken bones IRL? No. I carry a mobile phone to call an ambulance. If im somewhere remote a triangle bandage and basic FA knowledge has to suffice..

There are other examples. You probably need 3 meals a day, right? How often you need to eat in DayZ? Maybe almost every 6 km? (guessing). That's there "make it harder" will lead to. Not necessarily to more realism.

So yeah, some things can be "fixed" or changed, but most of the time, folks always say "make it harder". No one seems to bother what it means.


On the other hand you just need some game elements. You just can't make it real, or whatever you think of it is real. Yeah, getting food in the wild is a very hard job. Nope, getting food in a civilisation is not too hard. The civilasation in DayZ struggled. But you have the remains. What is so hard to accept the between? There must be a balance. It is a game which plays between both worlds, between the wilderness and a just fallen civilisation.

Edited by Ken Bean
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By the way, instead of fixing the zed aggro radius, you just buff it up and expect me to crawl trough everything?

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I played the new patch for about 7 straight hours yesterday and I have to say, overall, I like it.

Zeds and infection - For the first time in months I felt afraid of the zeds. I died a lot to start with, at least 4 times in the first couple of hours, but once I realized just how much I needed to alter my approach things improved. The incidence of becoming infected seems a little too common but maybe that again was down to my inability to keep out of reach of the zeds, being knocked over by zeds that I feel I kept at a reasonable distance was irritating but again it added to what was a truly stressful and equally rewarding dayz session.

Loot tables - Certain items seem harder to come by but seeing as there is an element of randomness to loot spawns it might be unfair to pin that on the update, me and a buddy spent a combined total of over 12 man hours searching for an engine which we never found despite combing the entire map, not necessarily a bad thing as our game play at least had a purpose to it.

in my humble opinion the mod has been improved by this update.

Edited by (MUC) Feral

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Those examples were not great. Ideally things that don't make sense should be fixed. Bikes should not vanish into air, or a lake or bump a rock and explode. Hopefully they will be fixed, they don't make sense and it's intentional. Just leftover programming from an understaffed commuinity mod dev team im guessing.

As for tajjuk whats your middle ground? Lets move this forward. There are legitimate concerns but without engaging with the patch, people retreating from features, seemigly due to overly aggressive zombies (which are not perfect but are an improvement in terms of threat level) and less loot. What would your ideal balance be to create a zombie survival sim, keeping in mind that this is a 'zombie survival sim' directly described by the creator of the mod/game as the anti game.


Dial it down a bit, simple as that really.

Server owners I suppose can adjust the loot tables, but things like food/medical supplies in the more common locations should be more common, easier to find something. Wandering into a hospital to find a box with 10 blood bags is too much, wandering into a hospital to find tin cans on your third visit is over the top.

As I said above the raising of the Zombies strength/health etc. worried me before the patch, not because they would be too hard because they aren't fixed yet.

I want to know my limits with a Zombie, if I have to crawl around, keeping out of LOS then so be it, if I can only really risk maybe one f*ck up with the Zombies so be it, but attacking through walls, the zig zagging, the near constant knockdowns, the constant infection, the random spawning too much all in one go. Needs a re-think rather than just 'bigger, stronger, more health, longer sight range' etc. That's just turning them up, not making them more of a challenge.

A bigger stronger zombie running straight at me is less of a threat than a weaker/slower one zig zagging teleporting towards me because I can shoot the first one in the head because it's running in a straight line.

I'd like to see zombies act more like animals. Fairly stupid, reactionary, stronger in numbers than alone and working on basic senses with a persistent goal, the blood lust.

Killing/avoiding one or two zombies should be relatively easy but alert a group and your in real trouble. That's why I think it's fine they are harder to loose, they have a blood lust, you should have to do more than run into trees but you should be able to trick them, they should have limited field of view so sneaking using LOS should be important, they should react to light and noise, the more of each the more zombies you get. This would mean that if players respect the zombies and know the rules if you like they can avoid them, i.e. if you are 100m they probably shouldn't see you, if you are 10m you can't just crouch past one and get away with it, but at the same time if you are in a building making no noise they shouldn't be agroing but they do. If you are about to shoot that player you should be thinking - "How many zombies are close to me?", "How many will I alert", "Do I have an exit from them?" "how loud is my gun" etc.

I'm just not sure players cna make these sort of risk reward decisions atm cos these zombies are unpredictable still.and whilst before you could get away with it easily, know they just completely f*ck you up because one has aggroed from 100m away, zig zagged across a field and knocked you to the floor and infected you in one hit.

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The one non flame post you made

At least you finally left a non flame post.

The zombies are fine with a few tweaks since they do add an element that was needed in this game. I like the fact that firefights in cities have taken on a new tone where the players are unable to just sit in one spot until one zombie manages to hit them softly. If they keep the infection rate as high as it is now they really should increase antibiotic spawns. They did plenty of things right in this patch but there are a few areas that should be hotfixed.

Hospital loot, sorry but there should be more loot in the hospital. I am even fine with it being reduced from before the patch but it is next to non existent at this point and that is lame. It is not fun, it does not add to gameplay, it is just a frustration mechanic.

Industrial loot, finding a car and fixing it has always been a royal pain in the arse in this game in the first place so I do not see the need to drastically reduce industrial loot. If you are a realism type a world where the population was drastically reduced and business has halted industrial loot would be very common. If you could care less about realism (like myself) then it is just another grind mechanic that adds nothing to the experience. It was never easy to fix up a vehicle when you did not already have one, why make it take even longer.

Other loot, needed a nerf but maybe went a tad too far. I could live with it since what I do not find is supplemented by the loot from PvP

Edited by Zombie Jesus
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The moment you get infected you can basically stop playing. It's just not worth it trying to find antibiotics. Yesterday I did run from Stary Sobor where I got infected (hit through a tent) to the Berezino hospital. Then on to Electro. And on to Cherno, consumed vast amounts of cooked meat prolonging the suffering. Didn't find any antibiotics. Frustrated.

Went to the beach, sat down and waited for death.

It's as if god randomly dishes out headshots just for the heck of it.

Edited by ParaB
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This patch would be awesome if I always had 5+ hours to play. I'll most likely switch my server back to Tavi or epoch tonight.

Roughly a 90% chance of death due to infection is a bit much. That's my biggest gripe. It's a challenge for sure but it's not fun after the third infection.

I also noticed players seemed to respawn in the same place every time.

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I was gonna make this very long and well thought out post with a lot of valid arguements but I know the people who think the sun shines out of the ass of Rocket and Razor would say something to defend them, so this is what it boiled down to.

People want realism in a video game. That's great, but it's just that, a game. You will never get complete realism out of it because it's not meant to be. I'm really unsure what was the point of raising zombie aggro to the point it's currently at now, and i'm no coder so I can't even give you any input other then : It's crap. The thing is prior to the patch we now have on the servers the zombie aggro seemed just fine to me. You're talking about the walking dead here, not a person. These are not standard Arma AI, these are supposed to be walking corpses. Read World War Z and the Zombie Survival Guide and base your zombies off of that if you want a fairly realistic zombie experience. Yes, keep them running but give them the sensory input that a zombie would have.

Zombies should not have good eyesight, but their hearing should be fairly good and from what the book says smell is kinda an issue but not really. Zombies use hearing more then anything else and thus if you're slow running across grass then really they should not be able to hear you. As I have stated in a lot of my other posts the rate for zombies giving you infections and just aggro in general is completely stupid. Damage wise? I would be happy with zombies being able to kill players super quickly, maybe give them crowbar damage and cause them to swing half as fast as a player swings.

The way things are going now, DayZ is turning into a totally different game then I have known. It has nothing to do with difficulty, it has everything to do with zombies being over focused on. I feel I could have made a post that screamed OMG AWESOME PATCH DUDE, BUT CAN WE GET HARDER HITTING ZOMBIES? and you would probably would have given it more attention then this one will get. Oh well Razor, SA comes out soon enough, the question is how many wierd changes will you make to this mod that runs people to Wasteland and Island Life = /

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They're not the living dead, they are living breathing humans infected by a virus.

This is from the dayz mod code, i'm guessing its an introduction that was never used for whatever reason.



On 12 March 2013, a prion disease spreads among the worlds population triggering a global pandemic

The disease causes proteins in the brain to be replaced with prions ceasing regular function

Most people progress to dementia and then death as the brain is replaced with ineffective sludge

86% of the worlds population die

Some survive with the disease in a chronic state. Lacking regular brain function, they are scarely human. They are unable to communicate, driven by insatiable desire for violence, and attracted to the scent of those uninfected

Society crumbles as the pandemic spreads rapidly

You are one of the 2% who are not infected yet


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And because of the rare loot there are more hackers than ever before! I connected to my favourite server to check my tent and got teleported to the land of nowhere at once. There were a lot of bodies in front of me, looted of course. This happend to me yesterday and two days ago! Then I connected to another server to see if my character with the complete equipment is still ok. It s ok but now I ve to start at the cost again! My favourite server was hacker free in the last weeks!

Edited by Melone
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Loot isn't as rare as you think, you are looking in the wrong places

It now spawns in doorways of ANY building

Found 3 sets of matches, 10+ food and drink and some antibiotics today in berezino

Plus plenty of ammo

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It having the opposite effect from what we can all see. I'm more then happy with the interaction i've been seeing and hearing about +1 :-)

Eyes. Use them.

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Garbage. Zombies are beyond annoying and if you get hit even once by an infected zombie kiss your ass goodbye.

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Making the viral zombies the toughened ones might not be the best idea. Leave toughened zombies in, but make viral zombies regular zombies. You can't make viral zombies superheroes and not expect everyone to get sick. Antibiotics spawn is "less than ideal." So zombies increase, are tougher, can cause infection with regularity, and yet antibiotics are now almost impossible to find? I got sick, butchered for food, and worked my way to a city, only to find the whole process was a waste of time. Not fun. Also, as a new spawn, I sat and watched no less than 12 zombies, one after the other, walk into the most basic house. That's kind of ridiculous. Zombies are more threatening now, we don't need MORE of them. Especially congo lining into cabins. The risk and reward is out of balance.

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Hi R4Z0R,

I think the reason that you are receiving some very mixed feedback is that what you are attempting to do to the game is correct and the essence of DayZ.

However, unfortunately due to the awful code and lack of testing, and fudging up zombies even further; many people are surprised that the dev team thought many of the new mechanics were acceptable and ready for release - clearly not.

Personally we are downgrading 5 servers today, heading back to the old patch - this is after a Poll for the community, overwhelmingly 90% of people thought this patch was just really badly put together.


1) Fix Zombie Pathing

2) Fix Spawn Rates

3) Focus on the important (not changing logos to lower res!)

4) Fix Zombie mechanics of knockdown (Shouldnt fall into a zombie)! - This is some really bad code, and clearly wasnt tested!

5) Fix zombies knockdown/hit/infection through walls

6) Fix Zombies that now stroll right through doors instead of opening them

7) Fix random stuck zombies in houses

Opinions are opinions, these are collected from over 400 members at Brains of Britain.


Well looks like I have to look for a new save hive again.

Anyone got any suggestions?

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Well looks like I have to look for a new save hive again.

Anyone got any suggestions?

We cant tell you what other server admins/server hosts are doing all we can tell you. Our servers save fine even under heavy load.

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I love the new update.

It's what we always needed !

This is the Day Z we should be playing.

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if they could down the infection rate just a little bit i would be fine with everything.

love how its harder.

but its way to easy to get a infection. (Typically have it where a hospital yields at least 1-2 antibiotic every time.)

maybe tone the knock down rate a smidge.

other than that everything looks great.

gonna give it one more go tonight.

if i don't like it i gonna downgrade to a older patch and play on a hive.

Edited by methr1k2dop3

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I too really like the update. Thank you R4ZOR49.

"Zombies are annoying, aggravating, etc?" I am afraid that's code for "The zombies are too hard." FINALLY.

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