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What you guys think about the new update?

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Make sure a key is bound to Action 20. I believe the default is [insert]

Okay, thanks. I just wondered because Insert all the time worked for me and now nothing was showing up. So going to controllst and binding "Action 20" fixed it for me.

@DayZ Team

You should mention the Action 20 thing somewhere. I think I read through the whole changelog and dont recall something mentioned there.

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Haven't played DayZ in AGES. Installing the new patch right now. I'll give you my opinion in a few months. Maybe years, idk depends how long I play for.

Edited by dulix11

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The less loot, the better. The harder the zombies, the better. If I have to actually worry about zombies, then this is a nice patch.

Why must you guys always exaggerate? How about removing the loot entirely? What are you going to do then? Slowly starving to death? The first who moves dies first? Such statements don't do any good.

The game needs at least some useful loot. Believe it.

Edited by Ken Bean

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Why must you guys always exaggerate? How about removing the loot entirely? What are you going to do then? Slowly starving to death? The first who moves dies first? Such statements dont do any good.

The game needs at least some useful loot. Believe it.

It's a difficult question how to balance it.

What do you mean "you guys"? I am just saying that the less loot spawn chance, the better. It's a matter of opinion. I don't even know why you brought hyperbole into this.

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Why must you guys always exaggerate? How about removing the loot entirely? What are you going to do then? Slowly starving to death? The first who moves dies first? Such statements dont do any good.

The game needs at least some useful loot. Believe it.

It's a difficult question how to balance it.

just dont sit 24/7 in cherno or electro and you will be surprised of amont of useful loot all over the map

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Less = more.

This might be right in certain cases, but just believe me, there are points there things get ridiculous.

"Things" (items) in the game is a part of the game. This are the tools you play with.

I just want to say, the less tools you have to play with, the more boring it gets.

Its like theres just a chair in your room and someone constantly says: "The less, the better."

If you want to be looking for sth the whole day, go play Diablo 3.

If you want to play in an "empty" world, there already ist one: the editor.

I'm not saying "you guys are entirely wrong. I'm just saying: Try to stay reasonable.

Edited by Ken Bean

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There are so many bugs/broken things in this patch, and to make it worse a lot of these issues were in the test build. Reduced loot and harder zombies are encouraging, but the bugs break it for me.

I will keep playing 2017 for my Dayz fix :)

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Havent talked to a single person that likes this update. Maybe with time it will grown on people but I doubt it.

Instead of adding new features that improve the game and possibilities of the game such as crafting and base building. This update punishes the players to the ground in any way possible.

Edited by gibonez
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This might be right in certain cases, but just believe me, there are points there things get ridiculous.

"Things" (items) in the game is a part of the game. This are the tools you play with.

I just want to say, the less tools you have to play with, the more boring it gets.

Its like theres just a chair in your room and someone constantly says: "The less, the better."

If you want to be looking for sth the whole day, go play Diablo 3.

If you want to play in an "empty" world, there already ist one: the editor.

I'm not saying "you guys are entirely wrong. I'm just saying: Try to stay reasonable.

The abundance of food in game does not create food anxiety. That is something they should aim for imo. Right now we don't really need to carry anything. Like good little humans we grab practically all the food we see or eat most of it on the spot for health. The abundance of ammo is just ridiculous. The hardest things to find are useless to most experienced players with the exception of a knife. Simple things like food and ammo would actually give us something to do. Harder zombies would make the game more inteersting, not less. I don't want the items removed, just more rare.

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I may add that I'm not complaining about patch 1.7.7.

I played maybe 2 or 3 hours on a public and a private server. One session wide in the north NE Airfield, one just in Cherno. I'm fine with the changes the patch made and I really consider it very good work. One thing that might should be tweaked is to lower the chance of getting kickt off your feet a bit. Unarmed survivor have little fun, maybe. If you have a weapon, you can avoid it.

I'm fine with the loot, can't make up a final opinion, since I haven't played that much. I decided to give it some time. What strange is, are some posts in the thread here. If someone wonders, why a constructive discussion is a bit difficult, there's a reason for.

I just imagine that the reason they changed the loot in cherno or electro (two towns I most of the time completely avoided) is, to get the folks out of that town and to spread it a bit over the rest of the game world. But if you ask me: Should the loot in the entire world be as useles as in cherno, I'd say please don't. I need a reason to go into a town. I want to find sth useful. That's the reward for the risc you take. I don't want to constantly take high riscs without a payout.


Sorry for bad English. :-/


So the point is, in real life, what would you do? Would you go into a zombie crowded town? Would you risc your life (mind, you only have one) because you just need sth very important, lets say Antibiotics, which you expect to find in a hospital.

So if the town is just "almost empty", why should you risc your life? You go in, get infected, almost killed, you shot 2 magazines, found 1 in return, no food and don't even find Antibiotics? This point might be a little frustrating. So at least some useful stuff should be there. If you learn that you find anything you need elsewhere, you probably just don't go into a town any longer.

Then you life in the woods all day...

Edited by Ken Bean

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Eating food < is the main key for now.

what if food isnt avaiable in 1.7.7 on big servers ?

less loot before equals less food = die

less loot to get food knife and matches and tools to hunt to get food = die

on small servers its fine on big 50 man servers you die through a update and not through your own doing. needs tweaking. nothing to do with skill its all to do with loot and spawning with relevant numbers of people per server.

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Or you could just kill Zombies, maybe it's intentional they haven't reduced the loot from zombie corpses as I found 3 soda cans and some pasta going from through electro with just a hachet

And I didn't even explore half the place before dying

Maybe they still have loot so you have the option to risk it by shooting them for food ect

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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zombies or even "infected " often carry tins of beans around with them :lol:

ill leave that to the the realistic people on here to argue :P

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Ive been playing on 40-50 player servers and had no trouble finding enough food, Its certainly rarer but i'd say to a degree that actually makes you worry about where your next tin of beans is going to come from, no more.

and thats how it should be i'd say.

One problem that did come up in testing was that if a player was using the wrong arma2 beta patch it was causing loot not to spawn in and even if you have the correct patch there could be another player in that area causing no loot for anyone near them.

The required patch is 103718

Edited by Fluxley
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So i found a baseball bat! Can combine nails with it? I left them behind :( because the generic bat is a shitty melee weapon akin to crowbar in power

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Crafting isn't in yet, they are still working on the system for it.

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make mod so disgusting that peeps will flock to SA... sounds legit!!!

Flock too non existent SA? If you read anything from E3 you would see that more of this type of thing is in store for you and then some...zombies running in buildings, jumping/vaulting leaping zombies, more broken bones, equally scare loot for exmaple...imagaine the rage then! Ahh more salty tears to drink. Get out now while you can.

Edited by Trizzo
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Flock too non existent SA? If you read anything from E3 you would see that more of this type of thing is in store for you and then some...zombies running in buildings, jumping/vaulting leaping zombies, more broken bones, equally scare loot for exmaple...imagaine the rage then! Ahh more salty tears to drink. Get out now while you can.

What was matt playing at E3? a non existent hallucination? you couldn't get good if some one did it for you ...

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IMO the patch is pretty good. Though the knockdown possibility should be decreased a little. I feel it happens way too often.

But the good thing is zombies are now actually a threat, as they should be.

What was matt playing at E3? a non existent hallucination? you couldn't get good if some one did it for you ...

...he's saying the standalone isn't out yet, so there would be absolutely no point in making players want to flock to it.

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What was matt playing at E3? a non existent hallucination? you couldn't get good if some one did it for you ...

...he's saying the standalone isn't out yet, so there would be absolutely no point in making players want to flock to it.

Rott in case you missed the point there it is again.

Knock down is getting a tweak pretty soon me thinks? Seems fair that you can't get knocked down from the front, seeing the attack coming you would be somewhat prepared.

Edited by Trizzo

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