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What you guys think about the new update?

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I like the game just fucking zombies aggro from all over the place, regardless of day/night cycle, regardless of movement speed, type of flooring under foot. They're damn near impossible to lose and the ONLY effective way I have found of getting rid of ALL of them at once is to kill them. I'm open to suggestions if there's a better way, but killing them with a silenced weapon has been my only way of doing it.

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I have no problem with the knock downs, with the infections, with their power, etc...

Tweak 2 things.

1. Either you have to be able to de-aggro at a more reasonable distance or the aggro range should be reduced significantly.

2. More antibiotics at certain places (hospitals, med tents, even grocery store) - I hear this may be a loot bug at the moment.

That's it, otherwise I think it's great. Kudos to R4Z0R49 and team.

I froze like a rabbit when I heard grass rustling near me. Was literally saying.... pls don't see me, pls don't see me.... and it walked on by at about 15 ft while I lay prone.

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I like the game just fucking zombies aggro from all over the place, regardless of day/night cycle, regardless of movement speed, type of flooring under foot. They're damn near impossible to lose and the ONLY effective way I have found of getting rid of ALL of them at once is to kill them. I'm open to suggestions if there's a better way, but killing them with a silenced weapon has been my only way of doing it.

I've had much more success using melee weapons than anything else. On two separate occasions, found a crowbar/hatchet on the back porch of random houses. Then, I would just run into a house, and club them to death one by one. The hatchet kills in one hit most of the time. The zombies also carry food/drink, which is helpful. However, you will get infected often with this method, so antibiotics are still a top priority. Only found 2 boxes sitting on a random stoop so far.

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did you tried going north at least once?

Having to go north to find loot is completely idiotic and will just trigger more KoS and such alot of you guys hate

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You get diseases to fast and the zombies knock you down to often. Also while trying to get back up they knock you down over and over without getting the chance to run off.

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You get diseases to fast and the zombies knock you down to often. Also while trying to get back up they knock you down over and over without getting the chance to run off.

Unless your spend over 5 sec's on the ground this is impossible.

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Unless your spend over 5 sec's on the ground this is impossible.

Zombies knocked me down, i got up took a few steps and they knocked me down again. this happened 4 times in a row.

i looked a bit silly trying to make my way through Cherno.

at first i liked this update. (still sorta do)

but once i got a infection.

Cherno, Electro, and Berez did not yield one antibiotic. >:(

So i sat under a tree reminiscing about life waiting for death to take me away. :(

Edit: I think patch is in the right direction. maybe a few tweaks.

Edited by methr1k2dop3
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Zombies knocked me down, i got up took a few steps and they knocked me down again. this happened 4 times in a row.

i looked a bit silly trying to make my way through Cherno.

at first i liked this update. (still sorta do)

but once i got a infection.

Cherno, Electro, and Berez did not yield one antibiotic. >:(

So i sat under a tree reminiscing about life waiting for death to take me away. :(

map is lot bigger then those 3 towns, I found 2 antibiotics on dead zombies.

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map is lot bigger then those 3 towns, I found 2 antibiotics on dead zombies.

i realise that...

but 3 major cities should IMO give me something. Each have hospitals.

after berez i was so low on blood i couldn't even see.

i had better luck earlier today with it tho.

maybe it was just my time to go.

EDIT: I looted what i could off zombies.

Edited by methr1k2dop3

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Okay, now I just lost my patience a little bit.

I spawn at Balota, right? I go to the little military outpost. I find an M14 in the first deerstand. I climb up the second one, nothing. I come down from there and guess what? A fucking zombie is walking towards me, so I start shimmying left to lose him. Then, just before I can get to safety, that guy goes "BLLEEARRGGHHH"

So next thing I know is, I'm running around the tents, trying to lose that one zombie, but then, my unrealistically loud footsteps make the ultra hearing zombies follow me too.

Okay, so I fucked that up, because the sneaking is impossible. Right, so I go to the warehouses in the end of the airstrip. I try to patiently drag the zombie horde to the corner and run out, but the zombies start to go outside and try attacking me trough the walls.

I go to the other one, losing half of them, but some of them have x-ray vision and ultra hearing and run inside there without seeing me. Then, I try dragging them to the corner, walking. So I very very sneakily walk outside without making noise on the grass and I finally think I have lost them (CROUCH-RUNNING, I was crouch-running now listen to the next part). But then, I look back using alt and one of the new zombies come running over hills from 100 meters away. Okay, so now I actually try wasting my DMR mags to the zombie. It takes one hit to the chest and doesn't die. On the other hand, I've aggroed all the hangar zombies from 200 meters away. I say fuck it and start running to the ACT tower. I find another M14 and an 870., so the loot seems to be okay.

And it gets even better, I got infected after I have gotten punched in the face only twice. I think that's when I started swearing in the sidechat and got myself autokicked out (I joined some random server which had autokick on it after 3 swears.. What a joke.)

I notice that's a bit long and might use this tl;dr thing everyone seems to like:


The major point is: Sneaking is fucked up. That's where it all starts.

Now if the sneaking wasn't fucked up, this would be fine, but when you have fucked up sneaking and terminator zeds that can track you down, it gets annoying.

I know I could just run and not care about the zombies, but I'd like to sneak and not inform every player in 800 meters that I'm here.

Edited by Sutinen
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Seems to be a lot more player interaction now. Just ran into a friendly bandit in Cherno while I was in a ghillie and he didnt kill me. I offered him a spare AKM round I found but clicked drop on my Alice pack by mistake, in the middle of a room and it vanished??! Erm, what?

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Seems to be a lot more player interaction now. Just ran into a friendly bandit in Cherno while I was in a ghillie and he didnt kill me. I offered him a spare AKM round I found but clicked drop on my Alice pack by mistake, in the middle of a room and it vanished??! Erm, what?

If theres a lot more friendly player interaction, then the update worked.

The disappearing stuff bug is a bit older and probably has nothing to do with v1.7.7, at least I know it since

This may have to do with the beta patch version, dunno.

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If theres a lot more friendly player interaction, then the update worked.

The disappearing stuff bug is a bit older and probably has nothing to do with v1.7.7, at least I know it since

This may have to do with the beta patch version, dunno.

But that does not make any sence. As of now, loot is incredibly rare compared to what it used to be. Theoreticly this should make KoS and such alot more frequent because we need things such as food and drinks and killing another player might just be life or death to some people.
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But that does not make any sence. As of now, loot is incredibly rare compared to what it used to be. Theoreticly this should make KoS and such alot more frequent because we need things such as food and drinks and killing another player might just be life or death to some people.

It having the opposite effect from what we can all see. I'm more then happy with the interaction i've been seeing and hearing about +1 :-)

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Razor everything is good

but seriously

Either lower the infect chance from zeds

or raise the antibiotics spawn a little

because I have yet to find anything but tin cans and painkillers since the update and I have a good solid 6 hours into it

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But that does not make any sence. As of now, loot is incredibly rare compared to what it used to be. Theoreticly this should make KoS and such alot more frequent because we need things such as food and drinks and killing another player might just be life or death to some people.

Yep, had the same concerns regarding this. I thought KoS will raise the rarer the loot gets. But we can't foresee everything. Having concerns doesn't mean that they are valid in all detail. So it has been tried. And if it works in a way to reduce KoS, also in the long run, we have proof and the method worked out well.


Tweaking English

Razor everything is good

but seriously

Either lower the infect chance from zeds

or raise the antibiotics spawn a little

because I have yet to find anything but tin cans and painkillers since the update and I have a good solid 6 hours into it

I found two Anti at an airfield, I think. You have to be aware of the new infectous zed type. Don't let them come too close.


Found two windshields, several toolboxes (already have one), maybe 10 can of beans, an alice pack in a super market, AKM and ammo, 1 Ghilie, 1 tent in an ATV, 2 Anti, 1 Makarov, M240 rounds for my main weapon on a Zed, bandages, chemlights, flares ... although not anything for my secondaries, which would be M9SD or G17.

The patch made me differentiate between Zeds. Those dirty ones are high priority targets. They are infectous and seems to have a better chance of loot. Also, just go north after you spawned. There seems to be nothing to be found in Cherno but death. ^^

Edited by Ken Bean

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It having the opposite effect from what we can all see. I'm more then happy with the interaction i've been seeing and hearing about +1 :-)

KoS will never cease. The only way it'd cease is if you took out the guns.

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I like the game just fucking zombies aggro from all over the place, regardless of day/night cycle, regardless of movement speed, type of flooring under foot. They're damn near impossible to lose and the ONLY effective way I have found of getting rid of ALL of them at once is to kill them. I'm open to suggestions if there's a better way, but killing them with a silenced weapon has been my only way of doing it.

The hatchet is definitely your new best friend. I even left a Winnie, Enfield and an M16 behind because i figured the hatchet was my best option at the time.

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The hatchet is definitely your new best friend. I even left a Winnie, Enfield and an M16 behind because i figured the hatchet was my best option at the time.

yeah totaly agree - I left so many superior guns behind just because hatchet FTW :)

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Correct. That is the nature of patching. To constantly change things in increments. Just as the game is going to be released in Alpha and built upon. Pieces coming together, never full, work in progress. That is how DayZ will always be.

As is any game but the patches have had very different flavours so I don;t understand how you can claim this 'vision' from this patch but not others. That literally makes no sense, this patch is the developers trying something like the previous patches not necessarily how they want the game to go.

Yes they can play other games if they don’t like this one. It’s simple. I don’t play WoW or tell them to nurf X mechanic so I can have a social dick around. It’s different from dictating that they do. Saying people have choice does not infringe on rights. You have choice. Pre patch. Pretty easy.

As can you, they still have interest in the game and their feedback has merit as part of the community. Whether you agree or disagree is irrelevant and you literally have no right to talk down to people like you have in this thread. It simply makes you look like a dick, you are just another player like them and their voice is just as valuable as yours.

So this patch may be close to the vision but don’t defend that vision if the community disagrees?

Your visions, not the developers vision, see my point above. the other patches haven't been as hardcore, so what did they abandon the vision? You make far too many assumptions off one patch. They are trying something and some people don't like it. You have not been defending it, you have basically dismissed other people's relevant feedback. Huge difference.

Selling for profit and targeting the mass whims and demands of a wide community is how CoD goes, low brow gameplay and ease of access. One marketing approach. Niche products, with a targeted appeal and quality player experience derived from intense gameplay is how DayZ become successful. Return to those roots seems like a good idea.

Some niche games are total crap and some triple A titles are excellent. The COD argument is overused and trotted out far too often, it also has little merit here. It's generally trotted out by a small minority of fans of a game who dislike change. Full stop people resistant to change.

Day Z has done none of this, but it has broadened it's community and attracted many new players. It would seem stupid to alienate lots of them for no real reason than to make the game 'a bit harder'. A more difficult or hardcore game doesn't instantly make it a better game or improve the quality of experience. I read an interview with Rocket when asked about players needing to got to the toilet in game and he said that they were maybe looking at it but would only implement it if it added value to the gameplay. That's what I question about some of the patch changes, do they really add value to the gameplay? or have they just dialled something up to 11 as that seems easier.

You’re making a judgement call on mass player behaviour, after you said I should not speak for the community, two days after a patch is released? Swallow some cement you’ll have some consistency in your body if not your arguments.

No, I'm offering an opinion that differs to yours, at no point did I say I spoke for the community I just hypothesised that if you make loot very scarce and a chore to find people will look to the easier route of taking it form other players. You instantly assumed that harder E would make, no force players to work together, my experience of the game is that those who want to work together will work together those you don't won't. Instead of payers shooting players for a DMR or NVGs, players will shoot each other for anti-biotics or food.

Not mutually exclusive. Surviving isn’t fun, wasn’t meant to be. It’s the times in between the cans that makes DayZ.

For that there would have to be some time between the cans. If loot is so scarce that people are making 3 or even 4 trips to find something they are basically just playing a scavenger hunt. I have nothing against the environment being harsh if adds to atmosphere and immersion but there has to be a balance. it's why for example players can run endlessly, because spending an hour getting from A to B just doesn't really add anything to the gameplay.

it's why the realism argument sucks total balls. End of the day this is not some training simulator, it's a game, people play games to escape reality and have fun. If some people aren;t having as much fun with this new patch then I think it;s important to look at why.

No, they count and they can take action. They can pre patch, made new mods, make never servers, essentially same as it always ways. Razor and co are making DayZ Vanillia. Train tracks has come through your sandbox jump on board if you want to head to progressvile.

I don't even have one clue what you are talking about here.

Does this patch stop you teaming up? Help players? No! It’s harder and more rewarding. Feel free to switch back to the old patch! Keep playing the old one forever

I'm sorry, were you not telling me earlier that this patch was better because the harsher E would make players team up more and now you are telling me it's harder to team up? Make your mind up.

Is it more rewarding? . I don't really feel that the patch is challenging me more, the zombies are harder yeh, but just as buggy and now somehow even more illogical. I now spend longer looking for stuff, not really challenging just more time consuming. As I said before I think your mistaking chore with challenge. Doing something in DayZ just takes longer now. I'm not sure how that is a good thing.

EDIT: One thing I forgot as well is that this patch not only adds new gameplay elements but it also fixes things that were bugged broken. So 'go play the old patch' is a stupid response, you seem to think that just because I say think the loot tables are too extreme that I shouldn't in the future get something like crafting? Do only the leet hardcore woodland survivors now deserve the new features?

Not navie. Not going to let DayZ sell out like most niche complex games sold out. I will be a vocal defender and not allow DayZ to freely go down the (refer spoiler bellow) causalisation route without noise. Certainlly not before it really begins.

Games That Got Fucked By Money/Mass Markets/Patch Moaners

Fallout ->Failout: New Vegas


Codename 47>Hitman Absolute Shit

Ghost Recon>Whatever bullshit thats coming out

Rainbow 6>Rainbow i stopped playing 10 years ago

Call of Duty/UO>CoD10:Cluster Fuck

If it doesn’t work so be it! (Feel free to have another crack)

Not going to let? LOL, didn't know you were in charge. LOL @ that list. some games got worse shcok, many other games get better with community feedback and more funding but no one mentions those cos it doesn't suit the hipster argument.

Edited by tajjuk
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it change the dayz expierence into really hardcore survive simulator, not the old cs-like fps w/ zombie in the background

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A lot of people seem resistant to criticism concerning the latest update. Whether it's due to pride of workmanship, those who think a significant amount of fun has been removed from the game, some thinking they have more testicular fortitude than the next, or others with a legitimate desire for a more in depth apocalypse type of feeling in the game. Whatever the case, there has to be some sort of middle ground here. Hell, I've noticed things that I dislike about this update as well, but I know that others would dislike it if their experience was watered down, even in the slightest. Seems to me that this can all be solved through better use of difficulty levels on servers.

For a long time now, I've not understood why there were different difficulty levels on servers at all; they all seemed the same to me. Excluding green reticles when not aiming down the sights and ranging, nothing in the game itself seemed different. Why not make better use of difficulty settings to make the game more appealing for all? Keep things the way they were in 1.7.6 for recruit, and gradually make things harder with three other settings: Hard, Veteran, and Hardcore.

Everyone likes a challenge, but when your endeavors become a fruitless quest hours in the making, just to get the essential items you need to survive, many in the community are likely look elsewhere for entertainment. Not saying that wanting to look for a can of beans for hours is a bad thing, it's that there are more than a few that would rather not have to. And I know this is just a mod for a game, but there are a substantial amount of people playing this mod that are a potential client base for the standalone. Please don't alienate them.


Edited by TacoStabber
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it's why the realism argument sucks total balls. End of the day this is not some training simulator, it's a game, people play games to escape reality and have fun. If some people aren;t having as much fun with this new patch then I think it;s important to look at why.

The realism argument has its issues. It is a game and it just wont be very realistic in every detail. Just to pick out some things. Okay, you are driving a bicycle around, run into a Zed, it is destroyed. You drive into a lake, it is lost. You drive against some trees, it is broken. So in real life, how often you lost a bike in a lake? How often you destroyed it driving it against a Zed?

Another point, broken bones. How often you broke something in real life? How often you fell from a dears stand because you had issues with trying to crouch? ...

A game is a game, it has gameplay elements. Those make it more realistic, you actually can break your bones. The point is, would you make it realistic? Would you make it in a way that you almost never (hopefully, never say never) actually have a broken bone? Why would you? Its like implementing features for never using them. This leads to a chain. If you don't ever break it, why would you carry a cure around? Do you, in real life? Do you always have sth against broken bones in you pocket? Just in case ...?

So the game in certain ways already is a bit harder as reality. Folks still demand to make it harder. This can be done, but the realism argument is one which not always works. In reality, there would be no Zeds at all.

You only can ask: "Is this a cool feature we WANT to have?", because it might be an enrichment for the gameplay.

Just to make the point clear, a feature should be measured of how it plays out gameplaywhise, not neccessaily in regards of the difficulty or realism only.

Edited by Ken Bean
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The realism argument has its issues. It is a game and it just wont be very realistic in every detail. Just to pick out some things. Okay, you are driving a bicycle around, run into a Zed, it is destroyed. You drive into a lake, it is lost. You drive against some trees, it is broken. So in real life, how often you lost a bike in a lake? How often you destroyed it driving it against a Zed?

Another point, broken bones. How often you broke something in real life? How often you fell from a dears stand because you had issues with trying to crouch? ...

A game is a game, it has gameplay elements. Those make it more realistic, you actually can breake your bones. The point is, would you make it realistic? Would you make it in a way that you almost never (hopefuly, never say never) actually have a broken bone? Why would you? Its like implementing features for never using them. This leads to a chain. If you don't ever break it, why would you carry a cure around? Do you, in real life, always have sth against broken bones in you pocket? Just in case?

So the game in certain ways already is a bit harder as reality. Folks still demand to make it harder. This can be done, but the realism argument is one which not always works. In reality, there would be no Zeds at all.

You only can ask: "Is this a cool feature we WANT to have?", because it might be an enrichment for the gameplay.

Just to make the point clear, a feature should be measured of how it plays out gameplaywhise, not neccessaily in regards of the difficulty or realism only.

100% agree there, the bold point is the key question.

I feel that this current patch they have just turned the volume up to 11, but the music doesn't sound any better. I think maybe we were on 5 before and were struggling to hear but really it only needed turning up to 7.

Edited by tajjuk

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I ve put all my equipment (rangefinder, nvg, gps, m4a1 cco sd, etc) into my 24 slot backpack and I m going to wait for the next update. This update is no fun anymore because of the rare loot and the unrealistic zombies. There are vehicles and helis standing at the roads and nobody can repair it! I've been in Berezino for more than one hour after server restart, there were no parts for reparing vehicles at the locations where I ve always found something in an hour. You need four wheels mostly and there wasnt even one. Should I really spent two weeks of time for finding parts and reparing an atv just to get killed by another player? More loot and realistic zombies please. Do zombies use nvgs now? They can see me in the dark in 200 m distance. If there are players, who want it hard play in daytime and get raped by zombies and bandits, but give the "softie" players a chance at night! I m a night player because I dont like the screechy zombies (I just like the idea of surving in a lost world with limited ressources and (un)friendly players). And please let the zombies stay in the barracks when it is raining to get a little chance not to give the position away to other players when entering a city. And it must be possible to hide in the bushes again with ghillie, but they always give my position away. There should be a difference between a white shirt and ghillie / camo clothes.

Edited by Melone
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