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DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

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So, I've been waiting now since it came out to come onto my steam account and I still cant opt into it?? Can anyone tell me why this is??

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I know people are either in love with or completely against 1.7.7...

To those who are in love with it i say thank you for seeing it for what it truly is. DayZ was desperately in need of of this patch to first bring it back to its roots and secondly to make it worth playing once more.

To those who are completely against the patch i want you to take this in. This is much more than just a game, it is a simulation. For those of you who have the general idea of what simulation means but don't know the technical definition here it is... "the act or process of pretending; feigning". It is meant to be as real as possible and the only limitations it has to getting the desired realism is the Arma 2 engine. Hence the design and development of DayZ Standalone. Quite a few people play DayZ for their interpretation of fun and i respect that. The one thing that still boggles my mind is that there servers running the previous patch still in existence. Why aren't you active on those servers if the current patch isn't what you desire? Some people might say "Well my main server upgraded to the new patch" or "I only play official servers!!!". To those of you who had their main server updated i feel bad because i know what its like to have that community built on a server that you don't wish to part from. To those of you who only play official servers i say to you, why dont you play private servers then? Is it simply because you want to ghost people? If that is your only reason then im sorry but tough shit. There are plenty of private servers that are complied to be exactly the same as official servers but eliminate the ghosting ability. You now have a few choices...

1. Move on and join a private server and accept the loss.

2. Accept the patch to keep your ghosting abilities

3. Quit DayZ. There is still Arma 2 and mods for it that even i still enjoy playing.

Granted i know that in reality that DayZ is meant to please the vast majority of the consumers but there is one thing people have obviously forgotten...


They don't have to do a damn thing to please anyone regardless of what they are complaining about. Standalone is a different subject from the mod. Now im not saying these things because i want people to stop expressing their opinions of the mod/patch i just simply want people to open their eyes. So many people have truly forgotten what DayZ is supposed to be about. I read a post in one of the topics about the new patch where someone mentioned that they liked the human interaction aspect of the game but when they changed the zombies to make them a viable threat it took away from the game or even destroyed it and went on to mention that the zombies were dangerous enough in the previous patch. That just blew my fucking mind. Are you serious with that crap? THIS IS A ZOMBIE SIMULATION/GAME NOT THE SIMS...

I understand that not everyone has the necessary skills to survive easily in this game and im not flaming/hating/bashing on them for it but seriously it wasn't that hard to learn to deal with the zombies the way they were. For myself the zombie threat was about a high as a hamster with a stick in its ass but maybe that's just me.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and i respect that. However i do believe that some people just wish to have everything handed to them in video games. I like to be challenged when i play pretty much anything. I like to know that if i don't make the right choices that there will be dire consequences and that for me is what a game should be. If i wanted to play a game where i have everything already then i will play a game with cheat codes. I come to play DayZ to have the realism and envelopment into the game.I think if more people were to look at DayZ even slightly the way i do that they too would enjoy the new patch.

Please don't mistake this as me telling people to shut the hell up because that's not what this is by any means. This is offering a different perspective to others and also a thank you to the developers and the entire DayZ mod team for doing a tremendous job in my opinion. I know there are bugs but there will always be a bug or more. I know there are some things they cannot change like the zombies hitting through the wall and i do not hold them accountable for it even though a lot of people are still ignorant to that fact. (Quick side note to those of you who think that ignorant is an insult it is not, its a term to describe lack of knowledge even though i am fully aware it is used in a derogatory manor frequently)

The best advice i can give to those who oppose or are struggling with the patch is to look at the positives rather than just the negatives.

Edited by Jantr
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Okay then, I think I might be the one of the few people that has a mixed but mostly positive opinion about this patch, so here we go. I like less loot, it was stupid before that EVERY TIME I went into a big city like Cherno or Elecktro how I would leave with a toolbelt that was only missing the rare military tools (NVGs, GPS, Rangefinder, Entrenching Tool, etc), an ALICE pack, all the food and drink I'd need for the next month, usually an M16 or at least a Lee Enfield, and more medical supplies than I would ever need.

A few days ago I started a brand new player on 1.7.7. After looting Balota, Cherno, Lopatino, a bunch of small towns, and even random crashed vehicles, I think I can safely say I am decently geared. I have an M24 with two mags I found in a guard's shack at the Balota medical camp (right across from the airfield, I also found 3 antibiotics there although I have used 2 and seen none since), a makarov with 4 mags, a Czech Pack I found at the Lopatino military tents, various medical supplies I have found ( bloodbags, morphine, antibiotics, etc.), I have a toolbelt with a hatchet, compass, map, matches, hunting knife, binoculars, a watch, and a toolbox, and a couple of tents. The best thing is I also found a Chedaki Ural someone hid in the woods with an M16 in it. I did this all in about four to five hours of playing. Finding all of this gear gradually was much more rewarding than getting most of it at once in Cherno.

Now zombies I love and hate. I think the infection chance is too high as well as the knock down chance, but with the different system for infection which allows you to prevent infection by cleaning your wounds before infection sets in an hour after being hit being developed, infection won't be such a problem. They should lower knock down chance though as there have been times where I was being knocked down repeatedly as I tried to get up and I have been knocked down on the first hit way too much. Zombie's agro way too easily now, which makes stealth difficult but not impossible. Zombies do agro too much when you crouch run but with a little tweaking that will be easily fixed. Crawling and walking while crouching still works well for stealth although it is slow. Now zombies spawning in the forest I don't think will ever work unless zombies speed and senses are dulled significantly in the forest. This is to compensate for the occasional zombie spawning directly in front of you and immediately agroing. Plus zombies being slower and dumber in the forest would also make it actually possible to lose agro. Now I am not saying that zombies should be made harmless again, just be nerfed in the areas I described. Now zombies being a threat is good because people actually want to avoid them again. This also encourages players to work together to fight the zombies. Zombies being dangerous discourages the shoot on sight mentality everyone in DayZ seems to have (myself included) too because of fear of being swarmed by zombies. So DayZ has become less of a deathmatch and more of a survival game. My favorite part of shoot on sight going away is that now the true bandit class has returned. Before there was a blur between survivors and bandits because everyone was shooting each other. Now it may still be shoot on sight up North but that is the way it used to be, get geared and make friends on the coast and then go up North for some PvP. But sometimes you can still make friends up North.

Now this is just my thoughts on the new patch's major changes. I think the new patch is good overall although there are some issues which need to be addressed. I am sure I forgot a number of things so if you want to hear my opinion on something not mentioned above please ask. Thanks.

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Merged threads, we have too many scattered about.



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(Quick side note to those of you who think that ignorant is an insult it is not, its a term to describe lack of knowledge even though i am fully aware it is used in a derogatory manor frequently)

I love how the word to describe people who are ignorant of understanding the meaning of the word 'ignorant' are just that, ignorant. ;)

Oh and, good post by the way.

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If they fix the tents, disappearing ammo, duping gear and FPS problems then sure.

Can we have more info, rather than "it just happens?"

Steps to reproduce, sending a PM for gear duping would be better than posting it in public, thanks.

Edited by icomrade

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What I can't understand is that the mod and the standalone are drifting apart more and more. The mod is getting more action based with every patch: More Military, more Spawns, more Vehicles, etc...

On the other hand in the standalone you will be happy to build a sling shot or something. If the games are drifting apart more I think its guaranteed that people will become frustrated in the standalone. I like the action part in Dayz with Zombies as a barrier that tries to block me from killing other people, if I want to play player vs. environment, I gonna play singleplayer...

I think this train is running upon close a cliff...

Excuse me, but what?

It is doing the exact opposite - stop playing on so many crazy private hives

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so where is the server setting to add clearings around heli crash loot? bit too hardcore trying to find it within such a big radius

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Wow so many responses! Well here's my two cents. LOVE the new update! The intensity is back. Zombies feel like they are in the movies...you MUST avoid getting bitten (slapped in our case)! PvP gunfights are difficult, as they would be in a zombie apocalypse. You now have to calculate risk vs reward in everything you do, even looting a can of beans from the grocery store. Night time play is terrifying!

Thank you Razor and everyone else that put work in. Job well done. There are bugs, but that's expected and I'm sure you're working hard to fix them.

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Some very sensible posts on this page of thread. Good to see

Played again today = got killed 3 times from infection.

Those are the breaks in an apocalypse :D

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Disappearing tents, duping gear, any news on a hotfix yet? The people are growing wary.

yea same here. seems any tents placed before the update dupe. havn;t got a chance to see if tents placed since the update have any problems.

also some reports of players characters duping, and leaving a copy of their character. (related to the humanity, and how it tries to update the characters from hive I think. if you add in any desync it seems to cause some problems)

Edited by dizzmain

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ye it is but i guess arma staff should give something to dayZ staff since the only reason we bought arma is DayZ and nothing else.. i havent even played arma since i bought it and i know im not the only one

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So, I've been waiting now since it came out to come onto my steam account and I still cant opt into it?? Can anyone tell me why this is??

You don't opt-in for it. Opt-out of betas and steam will update dayz to 1.7.7.

This took me a while to discover since every other patch has been listed under betas.

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I know people are either in love with or completely against 1.7.7...

To those who are in love with it i say thank you for seeing it for what it truly is. DayZ was desperately in need of of this patch to first bring it back to its roots and secondly to make it worth playing once more.

To those who are completely against the patch i want you to take this in. This is much more than just a game, it is a simulation. For those of you who have the general idea of what simulation means but don't know the technical definition here it is... "the act or process of pretending; feigning". It is meant to be as real as possible and the only limitations it has to getting the desired realism is the Arma 2 engine. Hence the design and development of DayZ Standalone. Quite a few people play DayZ for their interpretation of fun and i respect that.

OK. Realism. Many seem to be missing or dismissing valid points regarding the realism of this patch. I have said:

On several occasions, I have spawned by a tiny village with one log house to enter. On these occasions, lines of zombies coming from two directions like congo lines of ants, all bee line for the one enterable house. These lines don't stop spawning and quickly there are, I'm not exaggerating, MORE zombies than there are in Cherno. How is this realistic. It seems like difficulty for difficulty's sake. It's contrived.

I can run around a house and get to cover and lie down, but zombies seem to be able to see through objects now, and always know where you are no matter what. Once aggro'd they simply stop following the laws of the simulation.

I can scout an area before making a fire, but as soon as I start boiling and cooking, I'll get three zombies spawning at close distances, all coming right for me. How is this realistic?

Again, I'm fine with more difficulty. But it needs to make sense and not just be contrived in order to please those on their "hardcore" ego trips, telling others they are wrong, no matter what. I suspect these types would be fine with zombies driving tanks around, because that would also be more "difficult".

Just because you played in the "old days" doesn't mean the patch doesn't have problems. You don't own the game. You might love people leaving the game and call them "whiny" while still others try this mod for their first dayz experience, and walk away after an hour, a generous assumption.

I am fine with infection but, as noted, a fix will change this slightly for the better. But there are more issues than just that.

I'm afraid I repeat myself too much, but many don't read threads entirely. Simply, all the seemingly 9 or so changes to zombie behavior and strength (please see my comment above about endless congo lines aka unlootable houses) coupled with lower loot, less melee loot even near starting areas, no back packs, etc. is:

Too much too unbalanced. It smells of contrived difficulty for the sake of difficulty and not true to the rules of the game.

Make it harder. But make it make sense.

PS: I really hope Razor sees my posts, not because they are the only ones that matter, but because I fell in love with Dayz and it brought me excitement for pc gaming. It's just "one of those games" that suck you in. I love Dayz. But with everything this patch tries to do, some of the essence has been lost. I always told my buddies they have to get this game and that we'll play on Steam when SA is released. But I cannot in good conscience do that right now. Yes pvp was a problem, but this, for me, is not the answer.

Edited by need matches
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Is anyone else getting absolutely awful performance in 1.7.7? I'm getting 15-30 FPS where I used to get 60-90, it's borderline unplayable. :S

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Is anyone else getting absolutely awful performance in 1.7.7? I'm getting 15-30 FPS where I used to get 60-90, it's borderline unplayable. :S

Join the club. Most of our playerbase on Scorched Earth are getting the same issues. Obviously there are people like my friend Evilituon who have amazing PCs but even he noticed the frame rate issues 1.7.7 has.

I can deal with zombies and infection rates despite them being annoying for me personally but FPS issues are as you said "borderline unplayable"

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I love the new zombies, but now that they have been buffed the ones that spawn on you in the middle of nowhere should probably be removed. I can't stop to make a fire or check my map and discuss with my friend what our next move should be. It would be a great feature if we were actually stumbling upon zombies that just happend to be in those woods, but it's so obvious that we're causing them to spawn in. It detracts from the overall experience, in my opinion.

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Join the club. Most of our playerbase on Scorched Earth are getting the same issues. Obviously there are people like my friend Evilituon who have amazing PCs but even he noticed the frame rate issues 1.7.7 has.

I can deal with zombies and infection rates despite them being annoying for me personally but FPS issues are as you said "borderline unplayable"

Ah, well that sucks. Do we know what's causing it/if it can be fixed?

Feauture wise I'm relatively happy with the patch, it does recapture the feeling of spring 2012 DayZ. I think the zombies attack range might be a little on the high side and their new behaviour does feel a little contrived, but I'm sure all that can be easily tweaked. The performance issues do worry me though.

I love the new zombies, but now that they have been buffed the ones that spawn on you in the middle of nowhere should probably be removed. I can't stop to make a fire or check my map and discuss with my friend what our next move should be. It would be a great feature if we were actually stumbling upon zombies that just happend to be in those woods, but it's so obvious that we're causing them to spawn in. It detracts from the overall experience, in my opinion.

I like the random zombies, they keep you on your toes. I do think that they should only spawn as you enter a new area though.

Can someone tell me how the diary works? I have a 'diary' control (bound to J) in my options menu but it just brings up that tasks overlay. Do you have to find a diary in-game or... ?

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Is anyone else getting absolutely awful performance in 1.7.7? I'm getting 15-30 FPS where I used to get 60-90, it's borderline unplayable. :S

for me & my friend it got even more fluent than before even when the textures seem to look better (especially my player model except camo clothing that still looks like vomit)

umm and anyone knows how to fix public variable value restriction #292? yesterday it was ok and now im logging on FR34 according to screen blink in debug plains among player corpses and instantly get kicked for public value #292

ah nvm.. i got to UK352 and appeared on the coast so on FR34 there is some hacker and i got teleported to empty land (because this always happens when you get there and change server)

Edited by plevel

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Ah, well that sucks. Do we know what's causing it/if it can be fixed?

Feauture wise I'm relatively happy with the patch, it does recapture the feeling of spring 2012 DayZ. I think the zombies attack range might be a little on the high side and their new behaviour does feel a little contrived, but I'm sure all that can be easily tweaked. The performance issues do worry me though.

I like the random zombies, they keep you on your toes. I do think that they should only spawn as you enter a new area though.

Can someone tell me how the diary works? I have a 'diary' control (bound to J) in my options menu but it just brings up that tasks overlay. Do you have to find a diary in-game or... ?

You need to go into Controls, Custom Controls on the dropdown box, and assign Custom Control 20 to the 'Insert' key to access the journal.

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You need to go into Controls, Custom Controls on the dropdown box, and assign Custom Control 20 to the 'Insert' key to access the journal.


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Feature wise this patch is very good I have to say. Good to see the game is becoming challenging again and the journal is pretty cool..

The thing is the FPS. I don't get lower FPS in general but I get frame drops every 10 seconds. At one point I might have 50-60 frames and for a second it'll drop to 10-15. It is really annoying and should be fixed asap together with all the other issues. Otherwise great patch!

About the roaming zeds I am not so sure although. Indeed they do keep you on your toes but they are so blatantly spawned in. You might look at a field one second and the next time you look at it 3 secons later there might be 4 zeds roaming about. It seems forced and unnatural. I agree with mZLY that maybe they should spawn ahead of you where you cannot see them.

R4Z0R don't make it easy again! I really loved the survival experience when I first started out in june last year and that's exactly what I got yesterday playing some Vanilla and Breaking Point. I actually actively sought out barns for guns and supplies! Imagine that! I even found myself trying to decide if I was going to go to the Polana Supermarket. That's an authentic survival experience cos lets face it we can't exactly get realism (what with zombies etc.). After 3-4 hours of playing and a shit spawn I now have barely enough to make it to another morning and always makes me give myself a new task. Making my own story. Not the usual: "Run to electro, gear up, go to stary, wait, KoS, die, repeat"

Just my 2 cents.


Edited by Zarniwoop
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Had a chance to play this patch for a bit.

This patch is a good direction for making the main cities a ghost town. It's also a gift for snipers, if they are camping anywhere high in any of the town, since shooting back at them will aggro zeds and their shooting doesn't get zeds on them. The knockdown probability is wacked, way too high.

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