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DayZ Developer Blog 8th March

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It can be turned off, don't worry. Not sure why Rocket insists on recording videos with it turned on though. xD

I know. The first thing i do is turn that off. Arma's PPE has always sucked TBH. I had to do the same thing with Arma 3, it was slightly better but still does your eyes in. I wish they'd just disable it forever, I don't know a single person that plays with it on, apart from Rocket apparently.

Edited by Fraggle
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The thing with PPE is it looks great if you're playing in high settings with high FPS, otherwise it's a pain in the arse and causes input lag. xD

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rocket 'helps if i stopped fucking recording' LMFAO! I smell a new signature coming on lol!

to me it sounds more like 'how do I stop it fucking recording' :D

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In November 2012, the game seemed to come out in December.

the more time passes, the more the game seems far away.

I think it is because of the impatience of many people.

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I kindly recommend you visit the ArmA 3 Alpha Steam forums.

This. Arma 3 has alpha plastered all over it and even during loading screens it tells you it's not a finished product. Even with that people are throwing their toys out of their prams about bugs and bad optimisation.

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In November 2012, the game seemed to come out in December.

the more time passes, the more the game seems far away.

I think it is because of the impatience of many people.

Nope. It's because the devs changed their plans. The December release date was for when they just intended to polish up the mod and add some content. They then decided to do things properly and make it into a full game from the ground up, this is explained in past devblogs. I'm starting to wonder if people actually read them before commenting.

Here it is, have a look, many of the questions people are asking here have already been discussed by the devs: http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/

Edited by Fraggle
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Anyone get the vibe that Rocket hates Matt on every single devblog? /gossip

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Everyone will kill Zeds to get their frame rate higher :D

3000 Zeds on server-30fps

2900 Zeds on server-31fps

2000 Zeds on server-55fps


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Everyone will kill Zeds to get their frame rate higher :D

3000 Zeds on server-30fps

2900 Zeds on server-31fps

2000 Zeds on server-55fps


interesting thought, from what we know now from the mod, thats how it should be. But what we also know from the mod, zombies spawn loot, more things for the server to save, which they have said will reduce performance, hmm.

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Writing Notes, and leaving trash will go hand in hand.

You a running through town and you see a pile of cans that looks out of place. You could write down notes to help yourself remember the minute details of an area. It would be great for tracking

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interesting thought, from what we know now from the mod, thats how it should be. But what we also know from the mod, zombies spawn loot, more things for the server to save, which they have said will reduce performance, hmm.

The Incentive to kills Zeds is better performance.

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Anyone get the vibe that Rocket hates Matt on every single devblog? /gossip

Clearly an office bromance gone sour. #E!

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Looking really exciting! :D I wonder though is it possible to have the zombie pathfinding a little more dynamic? Instead of having the zombie run/chase on your path strictly, maybe it would be 'more realistic' if the zombies tried to take the shortest path towards the player directly, instead of the zeds having to follow the exact curves on your path.

estimation theory anyone? ;)

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Anyone get the vibe that Rocket hates Matt on every single devblog? /gossip

you mean like Peter Griffin and Meg?

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Looking really exciting! :D I wonder though is it possible to have the zombie pathfinding a little more dynamic? Instead of having the zombie run/chase on your path strictly, maybe it would be 'more realistic' if the zombies tried to take the shortest path towards the player directly, instead of the zeds having to follow the exact curves on your path. I can't wait to see the inventory system. AND CHERNO NOW LOOKS DAPOWUDHAODUWA RAINBOWPUKE!!

Btw, will the big city buildings be accessible too?

That's exactly what the devblog just explained in detail that they are doing :/ . It had arrows and everything.

Edited by Fraggle
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That's exactly what the devblog just explained in detail that they are doing :/ . It had arrows and everything.

I actually think these new zombies will be the most annoying enemy in any game ever.

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you mean like Peter Griffin and Meg?

Haha, pretty much...

Just super obvious in every devblog, Matt does something and Rocket tries to keep his cool. Like in this one...

Matt- "I thought you wanted people?

Rocket - *annoyed* "Well we're trying to film... uh... so I don't need you uh... doing that"

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nonono! where are the promised bases? and the trading system? what about a major city like a western european one? with scrapers fully accessible? fully developed tunnel-systems? No achievements whatsoever!? NO this game OBVIOUSLY must be a scam! these devblogs, they are ridiculing us, telling all the things nobody is interested in!?!

Enough is enough!

this was brought to you by phoneyrants.org

Edited by joe_mcentire
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I actually think these new zombies will be the most annoying enemy in any game ever.

do you know that one guy that goes with your group to a party and doesn't speak at all but follows you anywhere, anytime, like a shadow...well i'm going to hate that game....

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do you know that one guy that goes with your group to a party and doesn't speak at all but follows you anywhere, anytime, like a shadow...well i'm going to hate that game....

u wot m8 <_<

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I still hope they do something about the lighting and color. It is way too dark an blueish ! Some people say it's just because of some clouds or the time, but in every video it looks the same.

Someone posted some screenshots how it should actually look ..



also the sun glare seems to be way too much, just like in the mod if we look at some old screenshots. Also the change of light / color in the current mod is just ridiculous. If you change your field of view the glare / lightning changes completely .. everything is colorfull if you look to the ground and if you look just a little bit more straight ahead / up it's getting darker. These changes are way too extrem and just unrealistic. especially as they also occur indoors ...

So please Dev-Team, do something about the colors / light / glare .... because in the game you experience these changes in lighting / glare very strongly but in realy life you don't even notice it that much. So it realy is just annoying.

Look how bright the desk and the lamp look / reflect the light:




i really LOVE where the developement is going, but please take a look at that if you find the time!


Please not SO MUCH blood everywhere in the interiors!

blood only looks like that red if it is really fresh, after some time it just becomes brown and weathered.

so when everywhere is blood, it just looks like in some generic 08/15 horror movie/game.



keep going YOUR way, amigo!

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