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In dayz, which side of the road do you drive on?

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So i was wondering yesterday, is there any consensus as to which side of the road you should drive on?

In many of the servers i've been on people seem to use the left side of the road regardless of where they are from in RL. :beans:

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Lol, is this a real question? I drive in the middle of the road. However! If I were to run into "traffic" in DayZ (<-- did I just say this?) I would drive on the right side of the road since I'm from Miami, FL USA.

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I drive in the middle, when I'm on the road, that is.

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When it comes to Day Z I drive in the middle of the road, typically everybody else move out of my way, I drive a Ural more often than not, In Wasteland I drive on the Right side.

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If I'm drunk I just go as the crow flies. If not i drive on the left as that is the correct side.

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I drive on the left hand side of the road if I need to be on them, roads suck when you have an suv.

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If I'm drunk I just go as the crow flies. If not i drive on the left as that is the correct side.

*hands flame suit?*

You'll need this :)

Bro, I go the way of the donkey :)

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I drive down the middle, sadly I had a head on in my ural with an SUV, it didn't end well for the SUV. lol

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Roads give an unfair advantage to people who have cars so they should be removed from the game.


To answer your question, yes!

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When I drive on the road, it's my road and I damn well driver all over my road as I please.

Well on the right obviously, while most of the traffic cops have turned zombies, it's better to play it safe.

Edited by Dallas

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the right side as its obviously the right side to drive on :)

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If I'm drunk I just go as the crow flies. If not i drive on the left as that is the correct side.

Just proof that most Americans, if they were unfortunate enough to get stuck in Russia but fortunate enough to find a car, would most likely die not from zombies or bandits, but from forgetting to drive on the left side of the road and having a head-on collision.

Edited by colekern

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Roads? Roads... We don't need no stinkin' roads!

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Roads? Oh your the cool people who have cars.

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On the left - Can't unlearn all these years of driving IRL

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