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*Exile* Sami

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188 Excellent


About *Exile* Sami

  • Rank
    Bean King

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  • Gender
  • Location
    United States of America
  1. *Exile* Sami

    Vehicle numbers

    Arent we gunna be allowed to create vehicles? So therefore, wouldnt it be unlimited?
  2. *Exile* Sami


    Nawh, deal with it, little girl.
  3. *Exile* Sami

    Expedition Pik Kozlova

    Ive seen pictures of it, didnt look fake to me
  4. *Exile* Sami

    How much is too much?

    Die, and try starting over but doing something new. (or walk to the coast) Maybe like being a coast hero, giving new spawns gear and such, im going to be trying that later today.
  5. *Exile* Sami

    Dayz Standalone

    http://store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/221100/ Its currently 30$
  6. *Exile* Sami

    Possible map expansion ?

    I thought it was south? and i never heard they ditched it, just not finished yet
  7. *Exile* Sami

    Future of Dayz Mod?

    Yes, a seperate team will be updating it occasionaly
  8. They most likely will implement this. Damn, i cant wait for vehicle crafting, this shit is going to be simply amazing
  9. *Exile* Sami


    No Food and no water? I dont think your going to last that long
  10. *Exile* Sami

    Suppressors not working?

    Yeah im pretty sure its broken, hopefully they fix it soon
  11. *Exile* Sami

    MMO = Monthly Fee?

    Noooooooo, its a one time payment
  12. *Exile* Sami

    Explain something to a noob please...

    Because loot is server side, different loot is spawned on each server, so lets say you are in a barracks on Server A, and you loot everything, you can log out, and log into Server B, but Server B has separate loot, so the barracks is now filled with more loot for the person who logged out.
  13. Just wanted to say that this clan is great, I joined last night and so far its been pretty interesting!
  14. *Exile* Sami

    What do YOU do when you are geared?

    I read books
  15. *Exile* Sami

    overwatch with standalone

    Not yet, mods will be allowed in the future but for now you can only play one version of the game