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DayZ Devblog 15th February 2013

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On the topic of "chernarus is too old" that has been discussed;

I think that with the new spawn mechanics and enterable buildings players will enjoy "old chernarus" cities a lot more, and they will feel quite new for a while. Also, don't forget that there are large additions made to chernarus map, that simply are not there with the current map. Like adding the whole of Utes Island map right next to Skalisty Island and new towns, and also expandin map north and east while pumping up the player count that a server can handle.

No, I dont think that chernarus will feel old at all with all these additions! :D

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but don't let us get too overhyped! we saw up to now some pics and very few things in detail. several things you mention here are also "just" assumptions. i don't really want ppl raising their expectation higher and higher because of every little piece they get a glimpse on. there were many many games with high expectations which then were not able to deliver. We saw some new areas and buildings, some interior as well. But there is much assuming and therefore being a fact going on right now. Well I count me in as well, but somehow feel the urge to say this right now.

That said, i appreciate the information policy of dean and his team. they really try to keep everyone calm and try not to throw out facts and every so cool stuff. It is important that the devs themselves try to keep the community's feet down on the ground. And good surprises are a lot better than bad surprises.

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and also expandin map north and east while pumping up the player count that a server can handle.

Where did you see this m8? I am all for a larger expanded map but I have not come across anything to support this.

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Where did you see this m8? I am all for a larger expanded map but I have not come across anything to support this.

It was mentioned many times, the whole talk of "chernarus+" re-design and making the map bigger with server being able to handle more players, like a hundred or so. This is really like old news, months and months.

Edited by Kuolio

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They have just added more points of interest, I don't believe they have said the actual map size is larger though. (Well, there is Utes)

Edited by smasht_AU
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It was mentioned many times, the whole talk of "chernarus+" re-design and making the map bigger with server being able to handle more players, like a hundred or so. This is really like old news, months and months.

It's not 'old news', it's something you've made up.

As far as I know, nobody said anything about expanding the map north and west (I assume this is what you meant by 'east'). Unless you can provide a link...?

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It's not 'old news', it's something you've made up.

As far as I know, nobody said anything about expanding the map north and west (I assume this is what you meant by 'east'). Unless you can provide a link...?

I'm pretty sure I heard that somewhere, though. Maybe it was rumour-mongering on the forum. Searching for a link anyway.

EDIT: Found this while scouring through the devblogs. About the closest thing to what he is saying (that makes sense):

The usable area of the map is actually extended by their (the map designers') work.

Bear in mind that this devblog was written before the idea to implement Utes was suggested, so it is unlikely that Utes is what Rocket is referring to.

Edited by Ingasmeeg

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Don't get me wrong, a larger extended map along with what I have seen would be topping on the Muffin.

I don't know but everytime there is an update I get a little angry because it is gonna spoil gaming for me in a big way, there will not be a game out there which will demand so much of my time. I will literally book holidays off to play this bitch.

btw I responded to your challenge rocket!

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2. I thought all place names were going to be put in standard English wording so we can actually read them and know where the hell we are?

Well that would be silly. Having the place names in a different language (if you only speak English) adds to the disorientation and rewards players that spend time learning the map or place names.

Edited by Fraggle
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Plus it's fun trying to pronounce them/describe the name to your friends.

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Some of the names I've invented over the last few months are just weird. I'm dyslexic so I really have to concentrate with the place names. I tend to rely more on landmarks but TBH if I'm with somebody else that knows the map well I try and let them lead the way :)

Edited by Fraggle

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I believe Rocket has stated the environment will be even more challenging in the standalone. This leads me to believe, doors will have the ability to unhinge themselves, attack you through walls and chase you up ladders.



I love this picture--I love how the town/city is situated with the hills/landscape.

Edited by Inception.

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"Where are you m8?"

"Somewhere called Fatumpsh"

Yup, that's pretty much how it goes for me :)

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I recall Rocket talking about the different design philosophies between him and Marek. I don't know the reasons, but BI used to prefer for animations to play out completely, while Rocket was willing to allow you to break/abort animations.

You need to be able to abort certain animations...I have been killed while gutting an animal before. Totally unable to stop what I was going and powerless to react...

Also, trying to go prone and your character suddenly runs forward and sort of dives into prone...while you are on a roof...You see it happening, you desperately try to pull back, but you can do nothing but watch as your survivor dives face first off the top of an apartment building...lol :/

Edited by soapmak3r
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My favourite animation is the one where you come out of unconsciousness and proceed to repeatedly pull your gun off your back and return it.

Edited by smasht_AU
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Ever tried to throw a grenade while running?

It's not all that great an experience.

You'd think you'd learn from it too, but nope.

Used to end up feeding the zeds quite often.

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I "love" the new combat roll. Played a new map Oring the other night, just wanted to vault up ontop a dam wall and have a look around. Combat roll followed by 100 foot drop followed.

Was not impressed.

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new area looks cool, hope those apartments have full interiors. Entering those will be nerve wrecking whilst listening out for feint footsteps on the other floors.

good work guys, keep it up =)

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I would like specs of the computers running the game please. Just got a New job (Yay 8 month of chilling over) and will be buying a new P.C.

Dish it, I want my new computer to run it like i see it.

If you ever feel up to it, I'd love to help you find some parts for that. That is, if you don't already know how to build one.

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Is that an extension to cherno or a new town? Looks like the north of cherno behind the hospital to the rear of rthe city either way I like it :D

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Is that an extension to cherno or a new town? Looks like the north of cherno behind the hospital to the rear of rthe city either way I like it :D

the new town is a new town called "new town" (Novoselki) :D

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