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Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

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Rocket made it clear that they are focusing on PC version and IF, again IF, DayZ reaches the million mark sales, they would port it to Xbox... not the other way around.

So in the worst case scenario, they would dumb the game down for the console AFTER it's pc version was already up and running on steam.

Rocket also did a quick Q&A on liriks livestream, these are the (paraphrased) answers:

- DayZ will likely be ported to xbox if sales are over 1 million.

Or am I wrong? This argument closes this issue I believe.

So no need to worry about losing features, because the PC is priority.

Minecraft (which Rocket cited multiple times as inspiration for the business model) was also developed for PC first, and only a couple months ago was ported to Xbox. The pc version is still the devs priority and then only after a feature is implemented in PC, a similar version (usually worst, simpler) of it is released on Xbox. Nobody in the Minecraft community complained about it and the development was not watered down because now their (also small) team has to share some of their time for the xbox version.

/\ White, I agree with you, and I'd also put the that SMK animations video together with the links you posted. :D

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Rockets quotes on the subject (third time I've posted them on this thread I think :) )

"If it was developed concurrently cross platform then yes, it would impact (i.e. Skyrim, XCOM). I would be, ahem, very unhappy with such a thing.

But if independently of PC, it gets released on the Mac, iPhone, casio wristwatch, tibetian-ceremonial-balsa-wood-entertainment-drums ... who really cares? 2012 is the year of the PC game, the console manufactures know it, and they need to deliver for 2013 and beyond. We make the PC standalone development the best it can be... and if that translates well to another platform, cool! it means more players, and ultimately more customers."

"It's just basic maths really. Anyone in the video game industry would say the same thing, once a game reaches a certain point - the likelihood of some kind of console port becomes quite high. Cross-platform releases are about maximizing sales. I care about zero for consoles, personally. I have an Xbox 360 they gave me with my tv, I played for about a few hours and it just wasn't for me. I used to work at Sidhe interactive and that really reinforced for me I don't like console GAMES nor the DEVELOPMENT of them. But many people do, so I would personally not have anything against a DayZ console port - although I struggle to see how I would personally be involved in such a development. I mean, I really couldn't care if there was a current gen console port. Anyone thinking my comments constitutes news really bemuses me, it's seems very obvious to me: certain number of sales = console port = more sales?"

"DayZ was/is made to be the game that I want to play, not that makes the most money. I don't enjoy console games, I don't like the controller and the lack of options they currently present from a design perspective. There's not really any redeeming features for me, currently, for a console that would make me drop the PC. I've worked in console development before, didn't care much for it."

Sounds pretty sensible to me.

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if aiming gets even worse than running when jumping my opinion is that noone is gonna bunny jump. but he should be able to jump over small things quickly like one would be able in real world. i find this absolutely necessary. like this:

just pay something to whoever made this and apply it to the stand alone already.

another thing is third person and the ability to see above walls and corners without risking yourself. this tomb raider gameplay style is completely unrealistic and sucks, and unfortunately there are pratically no mercenary servers avaiable (that dont allow 3rd person), even less that have acceptable ping times.

yup, the animations are great, but the second video really shows how the 3rd person view screws up things from realistic perspective - so blind firing better not be in SA if the 3rd person view remains as is

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Just have a quick few questions. One would be, do we have to have private military to make models/textures to look nice....I really dont want to have to buy another part of a game just to make my gaming experiance look outstanding. Two would be are we going to see any zombie models real soon? I was hoping we'd see zombies that look much like the ones from the walking dead, missing flesh, eyes, missing parts, crawlers that have lost their legs, etc. Think it'd really bring the game to life and actually scary if their faces looked pretty horrific. Hell now that i've said that part what about if you had a shot gun and blew off a zombies head arm or any limb will that be possible? My final question is: has the engine been so modifyable that we will see ragdoll physics rather then the old school animation drop dead physics.

Edited by Resausk

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And to not be able to jump such small walls like this is just ridiculous:

you really think you could "jump" over a waist high wall with an rpg on your back?

I understand that it's screwy that the vault system didn't work in that case, but then the problem is with the vault system

I just don't think 'jumping' is particularly realistic or useful. having a good vault/climb system seems better

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PLEASE no jumping, I can just picture 'New Stormwind' with noobs constantly jumping around with no real effect other than being bait thinking they'll be harder to hit or bite.

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Exactly why his response is unhelpful. According to the media Mr. Hall has specified sometime before April on reddit. Even if this is false he could just give a simple "no release date" as someone already stated or nothing at all.

As you have 87 posts and clearly an advanced user... PRO TIPZ: Answer the question, better yet... if someone already beat you to it don't even bother posting.

With a community of people like you and the forum team? I won't be staying around, don't worry...

Please stay. We need more of you.

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My opinion on the night light in Day z is that it could be more realistic.

What do I mean by this.

Well because of the man made artificial light it causes light pollution. So when you are in the rural countryside with very little to no artificial light blanking out the night sky. You will find the sky is brighter and you can see better at night, because of the suns light being reflected off the moon and because of the light being generated by Celestial objects.

Seeing that Day z is set in a time where no artificial light exist any more. So surely the Day z night sky should reflect this. I am not talking about making it so easy you can run around and be able to read a sign from 100 meters away, but you should be able to see objects, building etc etc at a darkened grey at distance, which adds dull colours the closer you get. I have tried to play at night in day z and at times I can't even see my characters arm, which puts me off the night time stumble around looking for stuff. Call me a wimp, but I play the game for fun. If I wanted to play with a blank screen I would switch it off and save myself some energy cost. I understand some people like that sort of thing, but this is my opinion on the matter.

Edit: Also it would be good to see a lunar cycle, so that less light is reflected off the moon at different cycles and with cloud cover adding to the mix.

Idd like the light system in arma 3 (

) would be awesome if they could add this into the game.

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For me and many others the mod has been one game I have spent more time on than any other game since I started gaming almost 20 years ago. This is without a doubt as equally anticipated as the likes of gta5 the new MGS (solid not that risen with a sword crap) I may even buy a couple of 680's if this game is optimised for gpu rather than cpu unlike arma 2 at the minute. I hope you make plenty of money from this rocket or get the career you want as you deserve it!

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For me and many others the mod has been one game I have spent more time on than any other game since I started gaming almost 20 years ago. This is without a doubt as equally anticipated as the likes of gta5 the new MGS (solid not that risen with a sword crap) I may even buy a couple of 680's if this game is optimised for gpu rather than cpu unlike arma 2 at the minute. I hope you make plenty of money from this rocket or get the career you want as you deserve it!

Rocket just wants to mod Space Station 13 at the moment to be honest. Hes left us for the dark side.

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I would give anything to have a simple jump button in this game lol Vaulting is hardly realistic and so poorly done in this game. If they at least brought in the quick vault that is a plugin that people use, that would be nicer, but I don't see what is unrealistic about jumping. Yeah it could be abused by bunny hoppers, but I think that could be altered in some way with a simple stamina system. The more you jump, the less your able to with each one till your now sluggish from doing so and become an easier target, punishing people who jump too much. There are ways around it, especially if your bringing in realism.

Though looking at those animation replacement videos, those would be a really big step in making the game better I think if they want to keep the context sensitive jumping a thing. I think its annoying, but I could work with it if I didn't have to stop at every knee high fence to get over it lol For the cover system, I'd probably say I could do with or without it, but better maneuverability in the standalone is a must.

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Most people can hurdle a waist high picket fence IRL or even a one hand mount over for fences,logs sand bags etc hey if weight affects running in game later down the track then it could effect jumping. Which to me makes a fair trade off are you hauling a ton of gear to a new base etc or doing grab and run of Cherno I think it will add game depth and change up strategy When you have no gear it would be great to have a small Sprint/Jump advantage especially when you start the game and collecting first tier survival gear from towns.

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Most people can hurdle a waist high picket fence IRL or even a one hand mount over for fences,logs sand bags etc hey if weight affects running in game later down the track then it could effect jumping. Which to me makes a fair trade off are you hauling a ton of gear to a new base etc or doing grab and run of Cherno I think it will add game depth and change up strategy When you have no gear it would be great to have a small Sprint/Jump advantage especially when you start the game and collecting first tier survival gear from towns.

yep carrying car wheels , jerry cans or a heavy MG should defenetely slow you down...if chased by a hord of infected you would have to drop stuff to escape....or kill them all...

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Most people can hurdle a waist high picket fence IRL or even a one hand mount over for fences,logs sand bags etc hey if weight affects running in game later down the track then it could effect jumping. Which to me makes a fair trade off are you hauling a ton of gear to a new base etc or doing grab and run of Cherno I think it will add game depth and change up strategy When you have no gear it would be great to have a small Sprint/Jump advantage especially when you start the game and collecting first tier survival gear from towns.

and also new spawns without gear would be faster than fully armed bandits, so a better chance of getting away

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The more weight you carry, the less activities which results in facegrinding asphalt with your backpack adding additional force to the back of your head, while you're busy stopping the force of gravity with your jaw. ArmA or DayZ is not parkeur, you don't really want to do backflips through rings of fire, while throwing tomahawks at zombies.

You need all you calories for the constant cross country marathons.

Edited by Dallas

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I am just curious... I think that Dean (rocket) didn't post anywhere any expectation of ETA for DayZ SA right?

I just read article from one PC magazine here in Czech Republic and they claimed that DayZ: SA will come at end of April.

That is assumption right? No ETA was announced... Dean did not mentioned any hopes for specific time right?

(Before article I had feeling that i heard something about late February / early March)

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I am just curious... I think that Dean (rocket) didn't post anywhere any expectation of ETA for DayZ SA right?

I just read article from one PC magazine here in Czech Republic and they claimed that DayZ: SA will come at end of April.

That is assumption right? No ETA was announced... Dean did not mentioned any hopes for specific time right?

(Before article I had feeling that i heard something about late February / early March)

It's speculation based on the fact that Dean leaves to climb Everest in April and the recent Q&A.

Q: Do you think SA will come before April?

A: Yes I think so, but anything could happen and usually does. We'll know more when the results of the tech test are out. Any dates before then would be pure speculation, and my last speculation didn't work out so good.

Edited by smasht_AU

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It's speculation based on the fact that Dean leaves to climb Everest in April and the recent Q&A.

Thanks for fast response. I wish to play DayZ SA sooner than at March/April :) But in case that Rocket will need more time I will wait :)

I was a bit afraid though :)

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I recommend applying an age old philosophy, expect the worst but hope for the best.

I'm sure we will all know when initial alpha testing keys are disseminated, when this happens we can gauge the time frame a little easier.

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Idd like the light system in arma 3 would be awesome if they could add this into the game.

Dynamic lights would also add purpose for flares and flashlights when entering windowless buildings or caves. :)

It would be terribly exciting to loot a dark hospital cellar with only a flashlight. And please, please add candles, just for the atmosphere! :D

EDIT: removed youtube embed from quote

Edited by deetaili

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I will try this one more time. Since the thread about the mod update is locked. Is there any news or updates for the dayz mod?

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Idd like the light system in arma 3 (

) would be awesome if they could add this into the game.

Dang... it's a shame that even arma 3 no Moon is nowhere to be seen... and therefore no moonlight.

I'm starting to believe that the theory that the military blew up the moon in the Arma universe is true.

And please, please add candles, just for the atmosphere! :D

Wow, now that is a suggestion i've never seen (and I'm not being sarcastic! :D).

candle + matches = a common portable, dim and time-limited light source.

Imagine the lulz of seeing people running around carrying candles...

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