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Devblog update: Where is the Standalone?

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Buying the SA is not mandatory.

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Buying the SA is not mandatory.

WHAT?!?! I heard that Rocket said we had to buy it!

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Looking really great rocket! As I looked at the pictures the graphics seemed SLIGHTLY better, not alot tho but still something. I'm loving everything but I got one concern, the port to Xbox, it kind of worries me that this will be one of the other console games out there and that it will be dead on PC. But everything except that is great. Like the new models, still look a bit weird but it's an alpha and is not completely finished. It has ALOT of potential rocket, keep it up!

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Hello guys!

Silly Question: Will SA have anything Battleye'ish? Meaning will i be able to use overlays (Teamspeak, Raidcall) without fear of getting global banned?


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...we know the PVP hotspots...

...I really hope that either mod tools come quick or new maps are added or this will get old.

And how do you know PVP spots in the standalone? The loot table could(and I'm sure it will) be different from the mod so PVP spots will be different and you don't know at first what loot do you find where.

I'm also hoping more maps in the future and I believe they will come. Just wait.

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And how do you know PVP spots in the standalone? The loot table could(and I'm sure it will) be different from the mod so PVP spots will be different and you don't know at first what loot do you find where.

I'm also hoping more maps in the future and I believe they will come. Just wait.

And in addition having all buildings become enterable you will be spending A LOT more time trying to find loot. Say one town at the moment has 8 enterable buildings it's pretty easy to loot, but when all 30 buildings become enterable, well you get the picture.

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if this game has a marketplace feature then it will deffinitly make it ALOT less fun for ppl that dont have the money but love the game, of course there will be the ppl that'll say they're good and some will say its to support the game and keep it alive. not everyone has the option to whip out a big bank account and pay for everything. DayZ is all about survival, the only market we need are the abandoned ones in towns to scavange from, a marketplace for extra weapons and such would completly destroy the point of it being a survival game if ppl are paying real cash for gear.


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There will be no microtransactions or updates/content that needs paying for, it is a one off purchase.

Whaat?! How I so wanted to waste my time earning up precious dollars and cashing them in for virtual items and money only for it to be lost a while later. What am I going to spend on my loosely-owned money now?!

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People seem to forget that the mod (and all it's additional maps) use basic arma 2 assets and sometimes a few cheaply modded in assets. They are going through that phase of development right now that is all about asset and engine architecture. The map while important, isn't necessarily a primary focus. If you don't have proper assets to make the original game/map feel sweepingly different (which is what you want), then how are you going to make new maps that look and feel the part? I'd rather they focus their development on assets and features then making a brand new map. Trust me, making new maps in Arma is no where close to as easy as in other games.

Edited by Zeridian
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Even if i can't play the SA right away.. Is there any possibility i can get a SA server stood up so it will be ready when Closed testing is done?

Everything will be just public servers for now. They don't want to release the source files due to hackers.

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I don't get it. I'm reading the topic and all is fine till page 34 then at page 35 people start talking about some marketplace. Where did you dig it out from? Provide proof or stop trolling please ok?

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I don't get it. I'm reading the topic and all is fine till page 34 then at page 35 people start talking about some marketplace. Where did you dig it out from? Provide proof or stop trolling please ok?

Page 33 onwards brings up the subject of whether we have to make more than one payment, which leads to questions. The answer is simply that you pay for the game (if you're not a tester) and after that any updates etc are free. There will be no marketplace shite going on either, but we should all know that.

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I cannot find words to describe how much I want this. It takes me back to the very first time I crept tentatively up the beach and had a look about the deceptively peaceful Chernarus. I just can't fucking wait.

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Rocket can you please say this in a camera and post it here to stop people asking about market place?

There will be no microtransactions or updates/content that needs paying for, it is a one off purchase

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damn a market place would break the game // buy some food if you are hungry? move your ass and go get some in a town or go play warZ)

anyway never it gonna happends...

Edited by Soarin'

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Alright.. let's leave this Marketplace / Microtransaction-Discussion.

What are your thought on "Take On Helicopters" being implemented?

As I said before, I absolutely love it. I just recently downloaded the demo and tried the helicopters.

There's an essential startup/shutdown-sequences that I just think adds both realism and great fairness to the helicopters.

One should not be able to just find a choppah' and fly off like if you already knew everything, yet the startup/shutdown-sequences are fairly easy to remember, give the demo a go and train yourself!

I can already feel how newbies takes on the choppers and probaly damages them because they don't really know how to start one up.

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I say bring on any additional features which make fixing and flying a helicopter much more difficult and realistic.

IRL ,if you plonked me in front of a fully workable heli and told me to fly over a hill you could guarantee a plume of smoke would soon be seen on that hill.

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I say bring on any additional features which make fixing and flying a helicopter much more difficult and realistic.

IRL ,if you plonked me in front of a fully workable heli and told me to fly over a hill you could guarantee a plume of smoke would soon be seen on that hill.

helis are fine. this is an fps after all, not "helicopter simulator"

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If they choose to ever make a new map for this id love a massive city with its surrounding suburbs inlcuded. Say New York, London, Paris, Berlin.. anything bigger than a few blocks would be awsome (tho probably quite impossible from a performance standpoint)

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I say bring on any additional features which make fixing and flying a helicopter much more difficult and realistic.

IRL ,if you plonked me in front of a fully workable heli and told me to fly over a hill you could guarantee a plume of smoke would soon be seen on that hill.

Haha I could imagine!

I wouldn't do any better =/.

Either way, I'd also like to see more features to this! Although, I do like TOH's current concept, it ain't too hard to learn either, which makes it maybe too easy...

I want more news about this!

(I strongly advice fellow survivors to actually test the TOH-demo)

helis are fine. this is an fps after all, not "helicopter simulator"

But as it is right now, anyone can fly them. (Which is far too easy)

And DayZ won't (hopefully) be an FPS where everyone shoots everything on sight, but actually tries to live into the game, it's a zombieapocalypse-simulator after all.

Edited by Distinction

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