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Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

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[FIXED] Infected spawning too close to players (minimum 30m now)

Ah hehe...not so much rocket old bean. They're now spawning on top of me and they don't stop ^^;

Haven't been able to reproduce it' date=' was fine on the server I was on, so it could possibly be a performance issue associated with full servers.

That means the fix won't come for a fair few days as it will be hard to isolate.

In the meantime, don't go near deer stands.


If Rocket says to avoid deer stands, I'd just avoid everything.

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Anyone else seeing problems with the zombie spawner?

I went to a deer stand south of Msta and figured I'll kill the 3 soldier zombies there and loot the stand.

After killing about 12 soldier zombies I had to run from the remaining 5... it was like they were spawning double and spawning super fast.

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Well, I was wondering why I saw so many people able to still use side chat so I ran Arma2 without running the beta patch and I was still able to connect to servers saying they are using the updated version, and I was once again able to use the side chat.

So it looks like the beta patch may be required to make everything work right, it isn't required to actually connect to servers. And it also seems like many, many people are either completely unaware that they are supposed to use the beta patch, or are aware and haven't set it up right.

Maybe this was already mentioned, but I skimmed and didn't see anything.

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Im liking the spawn without stuff, really made me think about what im doing after spawning.

The L.O.S on the zeds needs some tweeking as they detect you from waaaayyyy away. I just spawned, before i could read the area text i was being hit and knocked out, died on the beach with out taking a step.

But Over all, strong work.

-Removed comment about through wall attacks, They know!!! They will fix-

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lol I can see banditry skyrocketing. With zombies being far more powerful and with better senses...why risk entering a city if you manage to find a player unawares. I'm still shooting on sight, save me alot less crawling.

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I just got my ass handed to me....

I was proned, crawling..a zombie was to my left a good 25 feet away.

Suddenly aggroed and BAM! knocked my out, then 4 more zombies join in.

Well... I died. with M4A3 CCO, M16A2 M203, and have been surviving for quite a while.

Spawned on the coast and shuddered at what was in my pack...(really rocket?)

I aggroed a zombie that was on the other side of a huge bush. and Mooooore zombies came.

Jesus christ! Did ya make it a wee bit too difficult? Not only do we have to worry about players but zombies with uber senses!

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Zombies now glitch through buildings and walls more than ever with the new speed increase.

In addition, every zombie hit causes you to bleed. I don't know about you but I don't bleed every time I get hit by a fist or hand IRL.

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Anyone else that was far in-land (I was at Stary Sobor) get spawned back on the beach with all their gear? I logged in, couldn't see shit, heard waves, and got the fuck out because I was laggy as shit.

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Some of you are having issues with zombies. How comes?

Zeds are are attracted by: Smoke Grenades, Flares ... especially if you want to raid a deer stand: throw a flare in the open and loot it. Same goes for barns. And don't tell me you didn't know that.

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yup, there is not a SINGLE server running 1.7.1 that has 93701. Its messing everything up

ALL ISSUES ARE CAUSED BY OLD BETA PATCH ON SERVER. Server admins update your beta.

EDIT - NM im clearly confused. I DONT have the latest beta. But for some reason, side chat is visible again among other things on veteran servers. I thought sidechat was removed by dayz code and beta.

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Oh man, sounds like a horrible time to be starting off haha. Not sure how I feel about spawning without even a weapon...

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I have not found but one CZ 550 in the past week and a half. So I'm not seeing the point to reducing a weapon that I cannot ever find. I have been to every barn from Balota to Breznio.

Spawning in without a weapon hummm well did not see that one coming. Well with NO melee defense and no gun, life is going to be really fucking short. Meh, maybe I'll play an asshat after I die and troll Chern and Electro with a little zombie parade action going on.

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hey! im tryin' to play but when i log in the game is really dark i cant see nothing, i used flares to see but when im not with them i just CANT see, black screen, i can barely see the stars when i set my camera to the sky :S this is really unplayable so i must ask if im the only one with this problem

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I agree zoombies not dected were too easy, but they were already OP when alerted. Now its even worse.

Bleeding in almost every hit? They have clawns in their hands? Some mutation to their fingernail? Geez, yet they still running like Usain Bolt? I understand casual whinning are the cancer of this game, i like the hardcore elemnts, specially this new idea of not spawning with any guns, THATS GREAT! But without a fucking basic crude meele system, that is just too unrealistic. I Would like a machete substituting the initial Makarov, and a slow dumb movement being able to kill a couple of slow zoombies on you, but being completely unarmed and defenseless is just plain dumb.

Zoobies are still umbalanced, and now, overpowered. This game needs damn balancing, and i'm beggining to believe it will never hapen. (At least on Arma II engine).

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Dear Dayz crew, with latest update i found an m4 CCO in my backpack instead of my DMR...

m4 with 3 mags!! (i used to have DMR with 4-5mags in my backpack)

i can find weapon for myself, just wanna point you to this issue.

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lol i inspected my backpack and found a flashlight haha, but is this really intended to be this dark?

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I absolutely love the change to spawn items. I logged in on my geared character near the coast, saw a poor bloke being chased by two zombies. So I ran over and killed them both and teamed up with him for a while before logging out. Normally if he had a gun I would have just either ignored him or shot him in the legs if he had started running in my direction.

One change I'd make would be taking it a slight step further and remove the coyote patrol pack from spawn, and either spawn with a czech vest pouch or no pack at all. It'd make finding vest pouches or the other smaller bags feel like more of an accomplishment rather than something to completely ignore.

Also just want to throw in a big thanks rocket, I and many others really appreciate all the hard work and sleepless nights you're putting into this great mod.

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rocket, i think there is a bug with debug monitor.

I have killed 8-9 players, but in debug monitor there are only 6, and they are all humans. Bandit kills = 0.

did somebody a bandit murder in the new version?

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Spawning in without a weapon hummm well did not see that one coming.

I'm not trying to be rude' date=' but did you miss the 95 page thread, "20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon", with nearly 1000 replies and 45,000 views?

I'm not trying to be rude, but did you miss the 25 page thread "1.7.1 rolling update" where everyone started complaining about how easily the zombies see you and instantly spawn when you kill them?

How something like this could get through beta I don't know. I mean you had people test this right? I'm very happy loot spawns more frequently and has better stuff (got a M4A3 and Coyote Backpack at the NE airstrip), but that was only because the zombies can't see you at night.

Is this really how you imagine DayZ? Agro from a good 30 meters while prone during the day? If you are trying to make this a night game, it is working. I'm not going to play during the day with this update ever again.

*edit* when I say beta I mean testing this patch, not the beta for DayZ. I know DayZ is in Alpha.

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