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So it all starts when I found this one firestation. I walked toward it in anticipation and caution. I then look behind me and lock eyes with a zombie that wants to bite my weiner off. He slashes me once and I pull out my pistol and retaliate. I then proceed to make my way inside the firestation. Before I enter, I see on the chat "friendly here I need some beans". I think to myself, "well he seems nice I might want to help him".

I proceeded to enter and see that the bastard was actually a bandit and that he had an M1911 pointed at my FOREHEAD. I am not shitting you, the fucker was face 2 face with me. I turn around and try to sprint off and get to a safer place but he followed me. He then shot me in the head at least 12 times.

I then type "why would you do that man". The only reply I got was "trush no one".

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I don't remember anything. I woke up on some beach, very sunny and hot day, though I was still wet. Maybe I was on a boat, and it just crashed... no, that doesn't make any sence. There are no wrecks, no other people. What the hell happened?

I really didn't know what to do, but I did found a bandage and some pills in my pockets. Why do I have these? I was so confused...

Then I saw him.

A man. About as tall as myself, slowly walking in my direction. He was very well dressed, but it seemed like his clothes are all dirty and scratched. I thought.. maybe, maybe another survivor? Maybe someone who can help me remember? Someone I know, or, to be exact, I knew?

So I yelled at him "HEY! YOU THERE! WHAT HAPPENED? WHERE AM I?". Later I learned that was the biggest mistake of my so called life.

As the guy saw me, he screamed. It wasn't a human scream. It wasn't a scream of a man. No, it was the animal scream. I've never heard something like that. He was "screaming" like an animal, maybe a wolf? No, I wouldn't be THAT afraid of a wolf, or a bear. No, this was scream of pure hungry evil. All my limbs and muscles froze. My instincts were exploding as they were trying to tell me to run the fuck away. The man speeded up. Over time, he started to run. It wasn't a human running. It was running of a baby that wants his toy and nothing else. It was running of a wild beast that wants his prey. He didn't even bother to move his arms, head, or anything. All he cared about was that he was moving, and he was moving towards me. He became really close really quickly. It could be five seconds, but it seemed like an hour. I don't remember. But then I saw his face. His eyes, dark, with no life in them, no happines, no pain, nothing. And his mouth. They were all covered in blood. Not only his mouth, his clothes, his hands were red. Like a psychopath in one of those bad american movies.

And then, another dark, beast-like scream. Just right next to me. I slowly turned my head to the right. It felt like I'm no more in control of my body, like in a dream. A very bad dream. The "thing" was standing like 10 meters from me. Then, it moved forward. Slowly at first, but then it started to run. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't move myself. I was literally paralysed in fear.


As I was going through city called elektro, I was really, really confused as well as full of fear for my life. But I was a little bit stronger now. I knew that those humanoid things are dangerous. I knew that they do nothing more, than eat. And they do not eat sammwiches or baked beans. They eat flesh. Human flesh.

Almost forgot to tell you how I got out alive from that beach. In the last miliseconds, when, well, let's call it beast, so, when the beast was going to get me, sudennly it fell down. Then I realized I heard shot, and that thing lying at my feet was dead. Someone screamed "RUN! RUN AWAY FOR GODS SAKE! AAAARRGHHHHH...."...

After that, somehow my brain turned on again, and I was able to think. Quickly looking at the dead beast, or, a zombie as they are calling them, I found out that he has been shot twice. Got two rounds in the chest and third one right between the eyes altough I heard only one shot. Then, in the corner of my eye I saw something that looked like a crowbar. This was all matter of seconds, but to me it seemed like an eternity. I grabbed the crowbar as fast as I could and stuck it right into the eye of the zombie running towards me. I don't know if his skull was so weak or I was so strong, but it went right through. He fell down immediately, didn't even make a sound.

At that point, my brain was working on its full capacity, and as I looked arround, I found out that there aren't anymore of those things, if I don't count the one that got the man who saved my life. He wasn't even screaming now, so I guess he was already dead, or perhaps his voice organs were ripped apart by that son of a bitch that's been feeding on him. I pulled out the crowbar and killed that motherfucker. I don't really know if it was because of so much adrenaline, fear, or rage, but I literally destroyed his whole head. Hit him once. Then again. And again, and again... until his head was all over the place. I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream, but I knew noone would help me now. At least not one of those things.

Allright, I needed to man the fuck up. I was shaking like a crazy so I had to took the pills I had. Seemed like they are effective, and my hands were far more calm now. Just as my head was. Okay, now I need to think. What do I do now ? By looking arround a little bit, I found out that I'm right next to a city. Quick scouting revealed that it was some big, factory city, and I also saw a chuch in the distance. Some houses arround it as wel. Hmm, well, if anyone woke up just as I did, he'd surely go right there. I packed up my things, or, better said, the dead guy's things and walked away. Yes, I did feel bad about taking his stuff with me, but I knew I need it in order to survive. Crowbar just won't be enough forever. Now I had a solid pistol that looked like m1911, but I can't tell, I'm no gun expert. Just played some war games.

Oh wait...war games... What the fuck. I remembered something, somehow. I knew I used to play shooter games on my computer. Altough I really didn't know much more, well, nothing to be honest. I just recalled some images of...what was it called, Call of Duty, I believe? Could be.

Anyways, there's also one thing I remembered as well. I was a smoker. I wanted to smoke, that's how I figured out I must be a smoker. And luckily, my now dead savior had one full pack of cigarettes with him, so I took them.


Well, that was me, back then. Walking on the road, with no memories, smoking a cigarette and thinking. Questioning. Creating theories of what the fuck is all this shit. Why there isn't anyone on the road. Why there are no cars, no sign of life at all. Those were my thoughts as I approached the city of Elektro, what I by the way found out of a city sign. Oh, yes, there we go. Another memory. I spoke russian. Well, I didn't actually, or at least I couldn't remember it, but I could read those letters.

But things were just about to go terribly wrong....

/// Hey, for those who have read all of this and liked it, gimme your beans if you want more ! Or send me a message or whatever, just wanna know if it's worth going on with this story :) I have much more to tell for sure

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I was feeling generous the other day and after saving a guy from bleeding out and decided to offer some noobs rides to a few crash sites I’d found that day. They gave me their location over the global chat and off I went. I would get to a spot outside the city or town they were in were I had a good view of my surroundings and then guide them using landmarks to my location. I had the L85A2 AWS with IR so I wasn’t too worried about getting surprised. After picking up a few guys I was on my way to get the last one when one of my passengers shouted out, “A truck!” I looked around and saw a white 4x4 truck coming in fast. I was about to ask what his intentions were when he began ramming me. I couldn’t help but chuckle a bit; after all I was driving an Ural and outweighed him by a couple tons. After he finally came to the conclusion that his attempts to ram me off the road were futile he burned rubber past me and disappeared out of sight.

I had an idea what he was up to, so as soon as I came around the bend I spotted his truck parked along the side of the road. He was hoping I would drive on by so he could shoot me through the windshield. So I just took the fork and head off another way. I could see him pause next to his truck for a minute (probably cursing and wondering why his plan wasn’t working) then he jumped into his truck took off after us. My passengers and I were getting a little tired of him, I’d rather go out of my way to avoid killing another player, but he just didn’t know when to walk away. So as we passed by a homestead out of his sight I dropped off my passengers and continued to drive off. I thought he would have caught on since he just tried the same tactic on me, but I guess you don’t need to be smart to be a bandit. He came rolling up to the house and the guys I had dropped off let him have it. Unfortunately the bandit still managed to get away, howbeit, with a truck full of bullet holes. He’s just lucky they were bad shots.

After the ambush the noobs I offered to help admitted at first they were a bit skeptical about my offer, they thought I was just going to lure them in for the kill with a promise of glorious chopper loot. But now they know when I make a promise I deliver. It was a blast helping the out and turned out being quite the adventure too.

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My First Murder,

So i'm minding my own business looting the electro hospital on a low-pop server. All of a sudden i hear footsteps and zombie growls, i peek around the corner to see whats going on and i see another survivor.

My first thought was "Oh, hes a noob looking for items, must have seen that i broke the glass. Cool, i'll give him my pistol and we will team up."

But before i can even hit capslock and say "Hey, friendly" he opens fire with his pistol.

You'd think getting shot would hurt, but it's more of an icey calm feeling. My heart started pounding, i couldn't think clearly. Military instinct taking over, i duck and return fire with my makorov.

The firefight was a sloppy affair on both sides, he was getting mauled by all the zombies he pulled (and thus missing a LOT), and i was mashing capslock screaming "FRIENDLY STOP FIRING" (and thus missing a lot).

My magazine runs dry, i switch to my double-barreled shotgun.

The first shot shatters his leg, he drops to the ground. He's no longer a direct threat because he can't shoot over the counter. I try to get up and finish the job, only to find that my legs are also broken!

So i crawl, slowly, bleeding, around the other side of the wall. He's getting mauled to death by zombies, he's facing the opposite direction from me. I point my shotgun at the back of his head and pull the trigger.

[bandits Killed] : 1

Oddly enough the zombies disengage and do not attack me. I bandage myself up, take some morphine (we were in the hospital, i looted whatever i needed) I've survived, but i'm badly wounded (800 blood). I wander off into the nearby hills and log off.

So that's my story. I feel bad, we could have been friends.

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Me and my 2 buddies were in a Barn just north of electro, I accidently shoot my enfield and aggro 8 zed's into the barn. I get out my Makarov and started slamming bullets into their heads. My mate was like, Dude, I just heard an automatic, me thinking he meant me shooting my makarov very fast I ignored it, about 30 seconds later out of no where, my 2 friends get ripped into by an unknown enemy with a PDW. Im thinking what the hell, how could they have been shot from inside the barn. I wait for about 5 minutes for a bandit to enter watching both stairs with my enfield for any movement. Nervously I once again let of my enfield and again about 5 zombies. They start making their way up the stairs for me and I start popping them. Then all of a sudden, a Player comes up, taking no chances I put 3 bullets to his head and he falls back. I put 2 more into his motionless body and my Bandit kills go from 0 to 1. I feel satisfied with myself as I loot his body for a PDW and MP5. One of my friends returns and loots what is left of the bandit and his body and we start making our way to the coast to meet with my other friend who unfortunatly spawned on the other side of the map in Kamenka.

Definatly the best thing to happen to me on DayZ thus far after a few days of gametime.

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So I was in the supermarket in Cherno and I found a can of beans, I ate them and they were delicious and I felt satisfied and filled and ready for a good day of hunting bandits.

The end.

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Me and my friend were looting an enemy camp. Before that we killed 2 of their guards. The camp was deep in the woods. I felt bad about killing them, but we had to, we needed some supplies and more stuff for their own tents. my friend was jumping on their tents, he said "wow amazing stuff in their look". But i felt very bad, something was wrong, fucking wrong. Thats why i wasnt looking what stuff was in there. I was looking around, just stones and gras moving in the wind. But i heard a strange noise. Then it happened, someone stood up, rightinfront of my, with his ak on the back of my friend. I was so fucking scared, i stood up with my DMR and unload it on him. He died instantly because i hit his face and my friend had a really big shock too.

Im sorry for these guys, i killed 3 off them on this day, they were my countrymen, but we were the stronger bandits.

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Ok today i just had the most terrifying Day Z experience of my life.

Myself and 2 friends on steam chat making our way through the forest above supermarket (i wont name it because its a favourite of ours)

Well we find our best snipering position and took up posts, suddenly we hear this music through speakers (we didnt see a chat name)

Music was like Thunder and Lighting Quest music. Then it stopped.

A voice came through sounding EXACTLY like the guy from the SAW movies. It said do you want to play a game?

We freaked out, jumped on group chat and said what are you the saw guy?

We then heard Two will die, One will live.

We then heard a shot

We shouted at each other to see who was shooting

Confirmed it wasn't us

Another shot and the guy to my rights legs were broken.----

Edited by JJRimmer
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To whoever finds this note,

If he's passed out don't hurt him please!

He's Marzeman and he's the only friend I have left in this hell hole.

If he is out, check his pulse and please keep him comfortable, hes really low on blood, I had to half drag him here from the last town, we came here, just like every other place on our way to Cherno, looking for food, we only found two cans of beans, I felt really guilty about eating one, but he told me I had to eat to keep my strength up, it was best for both of us and I was just soooo hungry.

If you have any spare please offer it to him.

Anyway I've left him up in this small building with a gun, some drink (which we have plenty of and he'll be happy to trade it for food) some hay to keep warm and some chem lights. I left for the big city at nightfall to look for food and a blood bag, if I'm not back by sunrise and he's awake, keep him company and I'll try be back by mid day. If, however I'm not back by mid day, I please implore you to help him get on his feet, if you can't and don't want to risk a suicide mission to save someone you don't know, then fine, just put him out of his misery, he'll die of exposure with no one helping him, I'm not a praying man but if you are, do pray for my safety, not so that I may live, but so my companion may have a chance of survival in this world he believes his God givith to him, and let him survive this so called culling of all the sinners of the world so that he may live to see the end of the apocalypse and preach the word of his god to any and all who will listen.

Sincere gratitude,


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So I'm doing OK - character is alive a few days, lone wolfing up in the middle of nowhere. Finally got mags for my first gun from a deer stand, run to the next one, another gun! This is the furtherest, most remote deer stand on the map I believe... So sure enough as I'm picking up the G17, sniped in the head. 20 people on the server and I get the one deer stand being targetted by a wookie in the middle of nowhere - not even really close to a town! :(

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So... I was doing my travelling alone (sniff..) got my G17 and my Aks from the deer stands near the bolota airfield and I was quite assured of myself since I had matches, knife and all that, so I decided to head to the Green Mountain antenna thinging... as I aproached the walls the GOD DAMN FLICKERING POLIGONAL CRAP strated happening so I decided to abort and enter again... tried once..no success... aborted - closed game - tried same server again... the message Tassiano was killed shows up and Im like "whaaaaa..." BUT, instead of starting a new character I was spawned in what the game informed me: Wilderness. I had the same thirst and hunger and blood stats but I was in a middle of a empry space with some player models around... anyway I aborted and tried again... and for my big surprise I show up near Elektro with all my itens!!!!! GREAT SUCCESS!!! (I was thinking about going back to the shore anyway) I was happy and cooky thinking I just gained and extra life hehehe so I went to elektro careless as a noob cause i didnt care about losing the char anymore and the first house I enter guess whats waiting for me in the floor?!?!?!?!?!?? CAMOOOOO SUIT!!!!!

I just HAD to tell this to someone hahahahah

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EU 291 server, just some minutes ago.

We have been running around checking vehicle spawns for multiple days on multiple servers... today we got 'lucky' and found... a bicycle. Now, 'better then nothing' we said and sent one guy running all across the map to find real vehicles whilst our remaining footmen went to closer spawns. North of NE Airfield (Quad Spawn) our scout suddenly started shouting. A van, 2 quads. A quick check resulted that one of the quads was probably a spawnie (damaged), the other two vehicles were fully repaired and the van was full of supplies. Scout grabbed the van and made a run south.

We already started planning our, now motorized, raids, when suddenly he heard motor noises and honks:

Two guys armed to the teeth (he spotted 2 Assault rifles) followed him on a quad, constantly honking and apparently trying to make him halt. The 'chase' went on for quite a few minutes (~10) containing everything from road, offroad and even railroad chase. At some point, the motor noises suddenly stopped, he checked the backview and saw... a fireball. Followed up by a massive volley of gunfire.

Apparently the two managed to run their quad into a wall, but (at least one of them) survived and attempted to bring down the Vans tires... we got lucky, no damage done and only a slight wound to our brave driver. In the end we managed to meet up and now finally got a mobile HQ again.

@The two other guys:

We assume you two are the guys we stole the Van from. Loosing BOTH your vehicles is your fault :o After discovering your little camp, we decided to merely take one of the vehicles, not intending to rob you of all your mobility. But no, you had to insist to get the Van back :P

Btw, you could call yourself lucky as well, 5 minutes further ahead the road we would have gunned you down in a prepared ambush. ;)

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Two stories of today:

As a friend and me were looting Berezino for vehicle parts, I entered one of the apartment builds on the north side of the town. After killing some zombies chasing me, I look on he floor and saw a package, thinking "What the hell is this". It turned out to be a Camo suite and i hurray'd. In the same building I found a Lee Enfield, an ALICE pack, a makarov, a m1911 and lots of food, soda and bandages. I already got a full ALICE pack and good weapons but this would have been the perfect place for a new character.

As we went on, my mate attracted some zombies but didn't want to shoot, so we started running to the town centre. I managed to find a small tool cabin and found another clothing stack, this time it was a Ghillie suit! As I went to help my friend, who ran into a school, I looked for zeds lingering around the building and discovered a tent. Apparently it was owned by a server hopper farming this school building, as it was filled with residential stuff . We refilled our provisions and continued our journey.

Around two hours later, nighttime has just started on the server and we looted Polana. Just as we wanted to leave the city, my mate asked if I had fired. I turned around, answered and saw a fireball in the field north of the town. A look into the binoculars revealed a dead survivor, who had rammed the only tree on this field with his tractor. :)

Carefully, we proceeded to the corpse and were happy about finding an AK, a coyote backback and lots of medical stuff. Thanks to you, Save, and rest in peace!

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First experience running into a bandit..

I had been in cherno and found an abandoned construction site on the edge of town. I crept around the zombies to get inside and found quite a few useful items. (Hatchet, water bottle, food.) I had found an Enfield rifle before in a barn a while back, so I decided to use this site as a sniping perch.

I am not hostile to anyone despite being killed before when I had no gear whatsoever. (I don't really count that experience.) I had gone prone and it was late in the afternoon. I looked up and saw a player crouch running down the road towards my construction site. I couldn't tell whether not he was a bandit or not, I didn't know the difference yet. I can tell he saw me as ran to the bottom floor and I backed away into the middle of the roof.

Two entrances to me. One is a door that leads to the stairs, the other was a ladder that could take you down to the floor below. I was scared out of my mind. I knew he was there, waiting for me. I also knew that he had a gun with him. I was unsure of what to do, but I had to outsmart him somehow. I looked all around and couldn't find him from the roof. He was hiding downstairs somewhere. I climbed down the ladder to the 3rd floor and saw nothing. I climbed down the other staircase that was nearest to the ladder.

There, he was waiting for me, sort of. I went down the first set of steps and saw him. He was crouched with his AK pointed at the door on the first floor. He was expecting me to come down and he would hit me from the opening. But I had the jump on him, his back was turned. He turned around only for a second before I shot him in the back of the head with my enfield. A one hit kill and the bandit was down. The zombies feasted on his corpse and I waited. Eventually I shot a few and examined his body.

He was an experienced bandit. Must have killed many people and lived many days, only to die at the hands of a noob like me. He had blood bags, a compass, a map, a watch, many bandages, flares, an AK with many rounds, morphine, an epi pen, and more.

I felt triumph for the first time in the game. I stopped someone from murdering anyone else, at least, for a little while. *spoilers* My guy vaulted off the building like a retard later in the night and broke his legs. I know nobody in the game, so I just let myself die.*/spoilers*

Edited by thorax336
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A few days ago I played with 4 friends. We startet at 18:30 or so and geared up and tryed to find us. After we survived a mad guy pulling zombies all over Elektro with a car, a sniper who had us pinned down at the supermarket, my brother who never was in Elektro just run to us with a horde of zombies in his back, we finally made it out. At the time we had 19:30 or smth already and it was gettin dark, damn dark. We took the path to the mountain next to the fire station. At the smaller hill the sniper had us again. I was badly wound with 2k blood left, my brother had his leg broken.Our friend gave us fire cover and we made it onto the top of the mountain Dobrry. The one guy head back to Elekto to get us med supplies and in the mean time the other 2 guys found us.

After we were setup and ready to go it was night. Pitch black. It was our first time playing at night and we had no NVG´s. We made our way to a village nearby to restock our food supply. 3 useing flashlights, 2 with hatchets so we dont attract Zed´s. We made it with not too much of Z attention and when we finally head out from the village we saw two giant lights comeing closer to us.

Before we even realized what happend we were surrounded by Zeds running around in all directions.The muzzlefire of our weapons lightend the area and we only saw silhouettes of Zombies. One of our friends was hit by the car and died. The driver came back 2 guys jumped out I got one of them and the other was mauled down from Zeds who were FUCKING EVERYWHERE. The driver drove away, leaving his buddies left to rot.... and the Zeds for us. 20m right from I saw a flashing light, a mate was running away one of our friends close behind him. I was surronded by Zeds, my shotgun depleted, only a makraov left with 2 mags. I had to leave my brother on his own and followed the two other. We actually made it alive and mangaed to regroup.

The one guy who was hit by the car respawned close by and so we were all together again. We went back to check for the two bandit corpse. We approached one of the bandits and than we saw the horror, atleast 15 Zeds feasted on his dead body. We all set a step back and than one said over TS that he has HE Grenade. It was a perfect throw, we hit em all looted the corpses and head out to the saftey of the forest.

It was damn awesome.

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Part 2 - Troubles in Elektro....

As I cautiously entered the big city of Elektro, slowly going from house to house, I already knew something isn't right. There were tons and tons of zombie corpses, but they seemed to be dead. No sounds, no movement, all of them just lying, some of them seemed to be kind of sitting, but either uncounscious or dead. I couldn't really tell, as later I found out they don't have the normal human body signs of life. They do not have any heartbeat or breath to tell if they're alive or not.

But little did I know about those monsters back then...

I saw a bigger building than others, red with two entrances. I thought, that's my chance of getting some food and water, possibly even more ammunition for my m1911 I took from the guy who saved my life. Oh god... I almost started shaking again. Since that guy died in front of my eyes, I couldn't stop thinking about it. Those screams... he was eaten while still alive. It was like in the best horror movie - only that I was actually an actor, and I couldn't just yell "STOP RECORDNIG! " .No, this was all real. Or, there might be a possibility that I'm just crazy, and I'm actually in some kind of coma, lying somewhere in the hospital, perhaps I had a car accident...

Wait a second, what is that....

--------- At that moment, I saw a guy with an axe in his hands, running like a crazy beign chased by what seemd to be like whole town. All of them zombies.

He ran in the opposite direction of the building I've been speculating about. That is my chance ! I thought..

However, he didn't attract every single zombie, so there were still some on my way into the building. I didn't really want to fire my weapon, afraid of attracting the horde, so I tried to sneak in here.

... almost there, just a little bit...

...okay, I'm 5 meters away, no zombies...


O shit, did some zombie see me?


Where is he, where is he... no, I have to get inside..




So I ran to the building, closed all the doors and windows. Didn't thought that zombies have so much strength. He just torn the doors to pieces. I was shaking in the corner, watching the doors getting fucked up so hard. In all the panic I accidentally dropped my crowbar, so the pistol was my only hope. I had to risk it. It's me or him.


What the hell was that? That definetly sounded like a shot from very far distance, so far I actually couldn't even hear it. I only heard the bullet itself hit the wall next to the almost destroyed doors. Zombie was trying to jump over those remaining pieces....


Zombie fell down. No signs of him beign alive. What the hell? Was that a sniper? A sniper? Here? Why? Why did he shot him? Why the hell would he save my life? Where is he? He has to be on the hill north of the city. I saw that hill and thought for a second that I should get there and get a better look at the city, but, time is essential...

You have no idea how grateful I was for my savior. This was the second time someone saved my life in this horror. And I don't even know his name, or how does he looks !

It seemed like the building is clear, for now, and I also didn't hear any growling outside, so I thought it should be safe to check it and eat the last can of beans I had left, just as my last coke of pepsi. Those were all supplies from my dead savior. I was still so shocked I didn't even think about what exactly I am doing, that thanks to the fact his life ended, mine can continue. At least a little longer...

As I finished eating, and I tell you that was like my personal record of fast eating. I finished it in one and half minutes. I know it because I had to keep my brain busy in order to not get crazy, so I was counting the time...

Slowly approaching the other exit in the buildnig, I saw another building on the street. This one had plenty of dead zombies inside, or I hoped they were dead. And it had really big glasses that I could see through them.

Wait, I saw some movement inside... I think I saw something like a rifle sticking out of the corner. Could it be? Another survivor? Armed? Will he kill me? I really hope he won't. Maybe it's someone who knows me? Could be that he woke up just a little bit earlier than I did. Maybe he's even more confused tham I'm, who knows...

And maybe I'm just seing things. I don't see anything anymore. I have to go inside, I just have to find out. The city seems to be very calm now, I can't hear any of those monsters, nor I can see them. This is the best time to go, I thought...


As I look back at it, this choice could get me killed immediately, but thank god I looked arround a little bit. I saw a hospital, which later saved our life...

//Beans for me if you wanna part 3 :) Or, again, send me msg, whatever, just so I know :]

Edited by Spidey
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Today, I had a fun experience in Berezino.

I heard a few silenced shots, and footsteps. I knew it was a person. I pulled out my M14 and sat in a room, waiting to see if he was friendly. He comes upstairs, goes into my room, and puts 2 in my chest, and one in my arm. I drop him with a hail of 7.62 NATO rounds, and bandage myself. 12k blood to 9k blood, damn that gun is weak.

I loot him, and go downstairs.

A hundred zombies, easily. I ran to the roof, and killed many, many, many zombies. Eventually, the last one dropped. and I was down to 2 clips for my M14 and 1 bullet for my revolver. I ran back to camp and logged off.

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Day 4: Fell off a hill range... apparently... broke all my bones... had to crawl to a zombie to get eaten.... :(

Day 5: Wake up on coast... Ran off the west-side boundary of the map... lol... turned north found 2 deer hunting towers. FOUND AK!!! :)

Sneak into Pavlovo... explorer 2 loot buildings... find a tent in one... in the other, find a player in a ghillie suit lying down armed with only an axe???, msg him, no reply/not moving... (maybe AFK) leave him where he is and explorer Pavlovo for 10mins... Find some supplies.. but still no water or food, and i'm in the red... go back to player... no movement or reply to questions about any supplies he may have... give him ultimatum... move or die.... give him 1min countdown... nothing... no choice... shoot him in the head... feel guilty.... :( Oops, attracts zombie horde... 15 zombies later, and out of ammo... but safe for now... (Checked my kills on screen, said 15 zombies killed... but no murders?) Loot his body... take his axe (my only weapon now) and some supplies (oh... pepsi! Yayee) Find 2 lots of civi clothing in his backpack... Try on one of them.....

ERRORRRRRR!!!!!! BUG... Glitch....

I sink into the floorboards of the building... WTF? and find myself in the ocean off the coast with 4 other guys, but they are in combat gear, with shades and shotguns on their shoulders ... they aren't moving... I don't move but can open their backpacks, all the same gear inside and take some bandages and ammo... then we just float there for a while....???? What the Hell now? I disconnect after 3 minutes, cant be bothered swimming to shore... I reconnect (10 mins later, bloody load times) hoping i'll appear in Pavlovo... instead... i'm respawning like a new player.. on a random beach... but with all my stuff still??

Makes punishment in the game interesting... LOL

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Today I am at Stary Sober with a group of 3 including me. I have a fn fal as well as another teammate, the other has a ak 74. We have just looted the grocery store when we decide to loot the military tents. We walk 25 meters when all of a sudden a team opens up on us. One of our guys with a fal dies instantly. Me and the other guy are left hiding behind a building (I am bleeding and have a broken bone). Thats when I hear it BOOM AS50 in the treeline hits the ground in front of me I immediately go prone and luckily someone in the server dies at that instant so I play dead. The AS50 then hits my other teammate and another one comes over and finishes him off. He then comes over to me thinking I'm dead (its night and hard to see) and is rewarded with a face full of lead then one last BOOM and I'm on the coast again.

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instead of writing a bunch of words why don't you watch what happened to me and my friends at stary :)

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Hello fellow DayZers, decided to create an account here just to post in this thread!

Last night I made it to NW Airfield for the first time. I made my way there from Cherno, mainly sticking to the forests and hills. About halfway there, near the village of Vishnoye the sun started to go down and darkness set in. I had an AKS but only 5 rounds left after having to take down a few zombies.

I used what light there was left to make my way North, got lost a few times, and ended up using my last ammunition to defend myself from more zombies. By the time I reached the Airfield perimeter I'd switched to my hatchet and was down to 7000 blood. I had a water bottle and 2 food cans left.

It was now pitch black and pissing down with rain as well, visibility was reduced to about 10 meters in front of me. I took shelter in a shed and lit a campfire, ate a can of beans, and moved on. I decided it would be best to enter the Airfield at night to avoid bandits and snipers.

But I got sloppy. In my desperation to get through to the hangars I alerted 4 zombies. I whipped out my hatchet and managed to hack 3 down, but the last one left me bleeding and with a broken leg. I used my last bandages, took some painkillers and dragged myself towards the hangars across the airstrip.

It took me 20 minutes but I made it to the first hangar. I threw a flare but in the darkness I accidentally tossed it against the door and it bounced back and landed basically right on me. Zombies were on top of me again, I desperately crawled inside the hangar looking for a weapon. I stumbled across a PDW, equipped and emptied half a magazine into the chasing zombies.

I was so low on blood the screen was a blur. I ate my last bean can and drank my water bottle. I knew I was in deep shit. No food or water left, a broken leg, zombies everywhere. I considered suicide. I had a grenade on me, which would make things easy. Then I heard a gunshot. It was so close I almost jumped out of my seat. I saw zombies running past the hangar. More gunshots. Bullet impacts on the ground in front of me and the wall next to me.

I dragged myself into the corner of the hangar, aimed my PDW and readied myself for a fight. Probably a very one-sided fight considering the state I was in. Instead what I got was "Are you ok?"

I told him I had a broken leg. "I've got Morph" he replied. I promised I was friendly and crawled outside. He shot me up with morphine, I thanked him. I was about to offer him some ammo but he disappeared into the night.

I made my way across the hangars to the AC Tower, found myself an AK and a load of mags. Decided to bunker down in there and call it a night. I thought I was done for, and definitely never expected anyone to help me out. This game is full of surprises...

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I don´t usually post anything on forums of any type, but this story is just too good to not be told.

I have been playing for approx a week now, on and off with a friend for security reasons and because it is a lot more fun when you can give mutual support.

I really love this game, but because of all the apparently "evil" player out there, I have a ambivalent feeling towards it. I have probably been killed 10 times by other players over "crumbs", even killed for a bandage and a flashlight. The last time I was killed I decided that I will not tolerate. It is a "dog eat dog world" and I started to justify mindless killing, I was slowly turning into a bandit (mentally).

Today, I was walking around in the forest near Pulkowo with my brand new M4 w/Aimpoint and stumbled across a car parked on the edge of the field. I was so startled, "I´M SO FUCKING STARTLED" I thought and in the confusion (in my mind) I desperately tried to crawl under a pine tree,,, Superbad idea. I died of course, struggling for 40 seconds against what probably was an Ent from LOTR. Hopeless.. My 8 days old survivor died under that tree with my precious gear. Nothing fancy; Alice-pack, binos, map, food and my first M4..

My friend logged on at that moment and I sent him to the car to salvage my gear and maybe we could steal the car.. When I arrived at the scene there was no body and my gear was lost forever, but at least we found a vehicle. So we decided to take a run up to Stary Sobor so I could get a decent gun and mayby some equippment again.

We drove straight into Stary and he dropped me off at the supermarket. He was supposed to park just up on the hill and join me inside the army-tents just outside the city. Got an Alice-pack from the supermarket, but everything else was already take so I should have seen it coming, but anyways. I moved towards the army-tents with the famous graphic-glitch in my face when I suddenly heard two long-rifles firing from the hill I just sent my friend with the stolen car, I was of course killed again. My friend with the car had to loose some zeds before he parked the car, so he acctually escaped.

Now for the real story, for those of you who haven´t given up on this thread.

I re-spawned near Skalisty Island and made my way North towards Berezino. Did a detour to a barn in Gorka on the way. Just about when I was to leave the farmhouse there came a guy crawling into the building. I had a Winchester pointed at him, but he did not seem to carry a gun so I tried calling him directly. He was so "STARTLED" when he noticed me, probably thought like every other person in this game, "Ohh shit, start all over again!!". He had a broken leg from a zed-attack and looked pretty helpless, so I decided to give "survivor-mentality" a try one last time. I gave him my one and only morphine auto-injector and told him about a Lee Enfield I have seen in the building next door. I hope this player will think before he acts the next time when he has the upper hand in a situation.

(I have nothing against bandits, we survivors needs bandits to give us the great experience this game is)

Anyway, since I have used my only morphine-injector, I had to go to Berezine during daylight to collect medical-supplies.

I was sneaking into the city from the WEST when i suddenly heard footsteps behind me.

It was a player with a AS-50. I was prone and he was running around me with 5-6 zeds chasing him. He killed the zeds and turned to me. Since I was all out of ammo I thought this was it... but no, he dropped the AS-50 and said; "Take it!" and ran off. I was a bit STARTLED so I said; "WHAT!?!" and tried to take the huge weapon.

Apparently you can´t have a AS-50 and a backpack so I struggled a bit trying to carry both when the "Mysterious Stranger" suddenly came back and said; "Fuck the rifle, take my Coyote Backpack w/ rangefinder, NVG and the lot.... Needless to say I was STARTLED!! I told him about my encounter earlier and said it must be karma. He replied that he was a bandit and I was the only one he had helped. "You need medical supplies?, let´s go to the hospital!" he said. I followed him in to the hospital and there I found a M4A1 CCO SD w/8 mags and another NVG and guess what he said? "Take it!!" I picked it up and turned around and he was standing there with a bike and said "Take it!, and have a nice day!"

I biked out of town while he provided suppressive fire, killing all zeds trying to get me while I pedalled into the sunset.

Moral of the story: Karma is a bitch, but she sure can be sexy at times!

There actually are people like me in the game, not just "snipa-diapers"..

Thanx Bowie!

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To quote the previous post "Karma is a bitch, but she sure can be sexy at times"

Thats pretty much the basis of this story. When I first started playing I got shot by other survivors alot, even when I was unarmed. Then 1 day I see a guy in a barn with no weapons and I just so happen to have a hatchet... I swung for and connected with his back. Then I swung again and I connected again then he started to bleed, I went to swing a third time but he dashed. I chased him aggroing several zombies along the way. I follow him for other a minute before he enters a house. He stands near the doorway desperately trying to bandage. I enter and beat the remaining life out of him with my hatched, then the zombies enter. 3 or 4 in a very small area my leg gets broken but I manage to kill them all. I have less than 3,000 blood now though and a broken leg. I crawl around get hit by a zombie and knocked unconscious. I'm laid they for over a minute the zombie just feet away however not feeding on my as if death was to good a prize for what I'd just done. I clambered to my feet and dispatched the 1 zombie in the area that could have ended my misery. I crawled around on the floor for a bit hoping for a way out, when suddenly. *Whack* my body goes into shock, I look around and theres the guy I murdered just 10 minutes ago. This time he's the one holding a hatchet. I look at him and he swings again taking the last bit of life I had left. That I'll be honest I deserved, yet the next unarmed person I saw I shot. A week passed by and I'm running away from Cherno to the west, when I see a survivor running at me unarmed. He was being chased my a zombie and I had a Lee Enfield. I aimed down the sights and took my shot. The zombie dropped to the ground the survivor stopped running and I declared I was friendly. I gave him 3 cans of food and 3 soda cans as I had plenty of each. I then asked him to come with me, I felt I should make up for my cruel past. We ventured westward and happened upon a airfield. We checked the 1st hanger there wasn't anything worth taking. In the 2nd hanger he found a hunting knife. Though he never said a word to me he seemed happy to be making progress. Then I heard it, propellers theres a chopper near by. I look outside the hanger doors theres 3 guys in a chopper and its just about to land outside. Foolishly I ask "are you friendly?". No verbal response, just machine gun fire hitting the hanger wall. It doesnt manage to hit my or my new found friend. I go to the door to see if they are gonna leave us in peace. The machine gun fires up again this time I am hit, I drop to the ground see my friend hiding in the corner just before I die. I don't know if he made it my gut tells me not but I hope he did. I thought about just aborting, but I couldn't leave my friend there and I paid the price. I started my next go on the east coast near Solnichniy. I decided to check I few buildings before heading inland. I found a camo outfit in the first building I entered! Its the first bit of clothing I've ever had I put it on immediately. I liked the look of it and thought it would help as a ran inland. I stopped off at a barn on my journey and aquired a nice winchester with 15 shots. Then of course I didn't realise the importance of that find. I continued on, through a little town or no real intrest. Then I start entering a large field with a barn. As I head towards the barn I decide to check my surroundings, thats when I see it. Lying there in the field not far from the dirt road is a crashed helicopter. I immediately dart to it hoping that no one else has stumbled across it. As I get close I notice 8 or so military zombies. Thank god I had the winchester I dispatched them with relative ease. I search through the wreckage and the first thing I find is a L85A2 AWS!!! With 3 full mags no less I also see a fal but I only have the starting backpack so I have to leave it behind. I run into the woods and decide its time to call it a night. Karma may be cruel at times, but DAMN she knows how to reward good deeds and sacrifices. :)

Sorry for not splitting it into paragraphs its 4am other here and I am pooped!

Edited by Viktor Stone
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So I was playing in US 104 Chicago, I was on top of the Elektro school, 50% sniping(trying to be a bandit) and 50% scared and regreting ever going up there, when I saw a player going to the supermarket, I tried shooting him but couldn aim right so I gave up and waited for him to enter the market, as he started looting near the window I shot.... but didnt killed him and then for my surprise he started arguing with my in direct chat (surprise! was working!) and all my badass attitude dissapeared... yeap found out I couldnt do it now that I heard that persons voice...I told him I was going to spare him and that he could leave... of course even I wouldnt buy that but I was being honest, but he got mad and started call me out saying "I know where you are! Ill get you!" but meanwhile I couldnt stop laughing cause hes voice was funny...so funny! Couldnt figure out if it was some indian ascent or ghetto but then he started shooting and someone died! turns out there was a third player inside the school! My supermarket friend, thinking I was dead strated leaving the market and thats when I said, laughing, to him: "dude! why did you killed that guy?!?" hahaha and he said "I killed you!" hahaha And I of course explained to him that we wouldnt be talking If I was dead and that was when the most craziest chain of events I ever seen started to happen:

1º: about 40 zombies showed up out of NOWHERE! They just spawned in the city all together!

2º I heard a HUGE explosion and when I looked west of Elektro I saw a huge column of somke and fire and a small black spot falling form the sky and when I pulled out my binocle I found out it was a BOAT falling from the sky!

3º In a matter of seconds I heard a loud sound of bodies falling behindme and as I looked back a pile of zombies and GOATS were falling over the school! YES zeds and GOATS!!! At that moment I was so surpresided that all I could think was "I gotta gut this goat" and so I did ahahahaha.

4º As I finished gutting the goat I started leaving the school, in the meantime I heard a engine and saw throught the school front window a BUS!! I tried leaving without being seen but some jerk installed wired fence in the entrance forcing me to leave right in front of the bus that started chasing till I reached the forest and logged out.

By far the wierdest and funniest thing that ever happened to me In any game ever!!!!

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