RECphantom 31 Posted July 26, 2012 Clan [REC], combat journal July 24, 2012Assumed name: Phantom My team had camped out for the night, but i was restless and in need of ammunition. I left our shed we hid out in, with intentions of heading to elektra. I figured i might as well check the north fire station, seeing as i needed stanag's. While running in from the field, i was able to dodge the geeks and get to the fire station in one piece, but something didn't seem right. All of the doors to the station were closed, and the faintest blue glow could be seen from the tower. I only had a few shots left, and no real medical supplies(just bandages) in case things got sticky. I considered using my radio to see if someone was in the building, and if they were friendly or not, but in my better judgement from venturing chernarus quite a bit, I decided that if the tower was occupied at night, it was most likely a bandit hunkering down in the darkness. So i decided to enter the Fire station, praying i was the better shot. I went through the big red door on the end, and in a prone position, crawled into the room cautiously. Clear. I closed the door behind myself as to not alarm the bandit should he look from the tower. I saw where the blue light was coming from, a blue chemlight was ignited at the base of the stairs in the second level of the tower. I decided that if someone was in the tower, and hadn't seen me yet, i needed to seize the element of surprise, so i made my way to extinguish the chemlight. Once the deed was done, i knew i was in for a battle. Heavy boots clanking on the metal stair case, coming down to the bottom floor. I panicked, and whilst crouching, walked to the corner or the firehouse, crosshairs set on the entrance to the tower. Minutes passed with no movement, I was afraid that the bandit above me had called for support, and that the building would be stormed at any moment. But that's when it happened. I was about to doze off when i saw the shorter barrel of a high powered, full automatic military grade rifle come slowly through the door. It was a split second decision; wait and see if he notices me, or take the shot. I spray and pray with my m16, landing several body shots, but allowing my enemy to get a shot off on me. So here i am in elektra's fire station, knocked out, 6k hp, and blood spewing from the hole blasted in my stomach. Now, if anyone has been around elektra, then there's no mistaking the sound of gun fire, and it's not hard to pinpoint where the sound came from. I knew that either geeks or survivors just looking out for their own ass would soon be upon me. Fortunately, after what seemed like hours, i came to. I bandaged myself up, and I pulled out my cell and called a friend to come give me a blood transfusion, and FAST. However, he just scorned me for leaving the shed at night time and hung up on me. So there i was, low on blood and afraid to leave the fire station. So i didn't have any options, I had to make my way into town and find a survivor that would rather patch me that put a bullet in me. I couldn't focus my rifle, i was in so much pain. What i would have done for some ibuprofen.. I also felt i was in shock, as i was woozy and numb. So I would be headed for the church fire station, hoping to find anyone i could beg for help.But i had waited too long.. My position was already compromised. I heard footsteps outside on the concrete. I was out of ammunition for my rifle, and i had no choice but to find a vantage point and fast, i sprinted for the tower, but to my surprise, the red doors directly in front of me blew open, and what must have been a bandit with NVGs blew my brains out. Will I ever find a survivor who is willing to help me before they shoot at me?A word of the wise to all survivors out there, remember, shoot first, ask questions later- Because you won't be given any better circumstances. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alpha331 7 Posted July 26, 2012 Ok, I'm messing around in Kamenko, minding my own business looting, my packs pretty full at this point and i had two hatchets one for me and one for a buddy who was going to come on. then I come across another hatchet, seeing as i had no need for it, I decided I would leave it there for the next survivor to grab (aren't I nice?). so I'm about to conclude my run and head further east to meet my buddy at his spawn. Then it hits me, a great red hatchet comes swinging into my face, instantly I stand up and back up to see who's attacking me, some prick pvper who doesn't even bother calling friendly. We proceed to have a hatchet duel, keeping quite to not alert the Zd's, i get a good hit in, I can see him bleeding, wait no he gets me and I start bleeding too. No way I can last a duel bleeding, I run through the street throw a smoke grenade and try to get the aggro on him. we exchange a few more blows, when he backs off (I assume to bandage). I swiftly dive round a corner and dispatch the last zombie chasing me and bandage myself. Then over the chat I hear this guy yell "Peace?" and I reply, not a chance in hell, but I think we'll continue this another day. I promptly head off with my map out and my compass pointing north, trudging along with no more than 2000 blood. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hoodoo7 14 Posted July 26, 2012 Something Weird Is Going On 'Ere ! – A noobs largely uneventful & cowardly adventure in DayZ.The sun beats down on my face, the heat gently wakes me from my slumber. My bleary eyes open but I'm soon wide awake and alert once I realised that I was on a strange beach in unfamiliar territory.Fuck me, how much did I drink last night? I say to myself. I pick up the bag which lies on the sand next to me and inspect its contents, Painkillers a bandage and a flashlight. Shit I exclaim realising that my IPhone is missing, and with that I head up the hill into the woods whilst cursing to myself for deciding not to take the optional insurance with my contract.After 20 mins or so of walking along the crest of the hill I spy some houses with people wandering nearby. Thinking I may get some answers I begin walking over the field towards the dwellings, however as soon as I make my first steps I hear strange noises coming from the figures. Screams and groans which seem unnatural almost feral!Suddenly shots ring out from amongst the houses and I hit the deck in some vegetation and start to panic. What the fuck is going on i say aloud and watch as the people who were previously mindlessly wandering around are now in a rage and moving with ferocious purpose in the direction of the shots. Their screams are now more aggravated and desperate. A thought flashes through my mind. don't be a idiot i reason zombies are just hollywood but all the signs were there: the shambling nature of their movement not to mention the guy to the right who is hopping around in a primeval manner, although he could have a mental disorder. Some pissed up mental I reason. Then the sound of 3 more shots pierce through the air and my heart starts to race. Whilst I lie amongst the bushes scouting the buildings. I see a person running for his life with 5 figures hot on his heels, he zig zags and runs up the hill but he can't seem to lose his assailants. Then without warning whilst watching this surreal scene the Benny Hill theme tune pops in my head and i chuckle to myself as the poor sod runs off into the distance.I take my chance and run towards the houses with the majority of the people now gone to see what I could find, just as I approach I slow to a crouch run and stop surveying the danger. There are a few shambling figures still hanging around and the sounds they emit scare me. Zombies or not these guys are nutters & I don’t fancy being spotted. I scan the area and strain my eyes to get a better look and to my surprise my vision zooms in a little. I nearly fall over in shock ! Jesus im like Superman or something.With my new found superhero confidence I slide a unnecessary distance on my stomach kidding myself that lasers may shoot out of my eyes if any trouble occurs with the freaks, finally I reach a house but I only find crap. Empty tin cans and two empty bottle of wiskey. Annoyed I think what are the chances that someone will get a nasty cut if I lob it at them?….I take them anyway. I continue crawling around to the next house but door is stuck and entry impossible. A figure then appears through the hole in the wall of the garden. My breathing increases as im paralysed with fear that he will spot me. These are defiantly zombies, shit! I exclaim to myself. Shitshitshitshitshit I continue over and over as I slide backwards out of sight and head back over to the hill from where I first was.I continue walking East hearing sporadic gun shots in the distance and I realise I have to find some kind of weapon to defend myself, i realise that I have yet to find anything essential for my long term survival. Soon I approach the outskirts of a city I would later know as Elektro. Shots ring out from within the city and I get the impression this is not a place for a defenceless noob to be in but I reason that the industrial outskirt may be relatively safe for a looting mission. Deliberating with myself made no sense anyway, I have no choice I need to find something. For some reason a knife & fork icon and a water icon appear in my head and has started to turn red.I cross the train tracks toward an area which is a mix of industrial and residential buildings and again start crawling a extraordinary and probably largely unnecessary distance. I’m like Snake from Metal Gear Solid, but without the Kurt Russell - Escape from New York look. It would have been handy if the Z’s had big exclamation marks over their heads I think to myself. I have my Snake impression down to a tee as I crawl around the buildings picking up some cans of food and a can each of Coke & Pespi. Slithering around the concrete under a steel roof structure that has no sides I find a back pack with extra bandages a heat pack more pain killers and more food and drink. I go into one last building and discard the crap I had collected earlier and take time to quench my thirst and eat some food. In the house I find a crowbar. Oh well, I say to myself under the circumstances this piece of crap is better than nothing…..just.I scurry off still unwilling to engage the freaks that are close by, I don’t fancy my chances with just a crowbar. I cross the road and make my first mistake, I stand not noticing a zed that has just turned the corner in a gas station who spots me and runs at me at speed. I don’t hang around and my instinct tells me to run, and run I do. Usain Bolt had nothing on me as I sprinted up the hill into the treeline. the incline is too steep and the Zed catches me and strikes me in the back, I feel the blood trickle down my spine as I turn and strike my attacker with the crowbar but it has little effect. I sprint some more and eventually lose them amongst the woodland.Thankful for a decent supply of bandages I patch myself up and continue north where I encounter a barn, I sneek in undetected and find a backpack with a flask inside and some random ammo which I take. Then in the corner I spot a crossbow, BINGO !! excitedly I exchange the crossbow for my crowbar and now feel much better about my situation however in my excitement I accidently fire off a bolt that flies out of the door and into the long grass in between 2 zeds. Bollocks ! Stupid trigger finger ! My excitement quickly turns to frustration as I realise I have only one bolt left and no experience in firing this thing.I decide to head north where I come to a lake, I can hear gun fire from my view point in the high ground amongst the trees above the lake and I use my superhero zoom vision to scan the area. I see nobody but I can still hear the cracks from an automatic weapon from that direction, not sure when I will next pass I water source I think “Fuck it” and move towards the waterline, then from the bottom of the hill I see someone running in my direction and my hearts starts racing as I lay prone with my crossbow aimed at the Survivor, ooooh shiiiit . My luck streak continues as the incline forces him to run away from my direction up the hill and I decide again not to engage. My one bolt crossbow against his automatic rifle heavily influencing the decision.I am successful in filling my flask and continue North where I eventually approach a dam. I see another survivor sprinting across the other side and into the trees heading south, I continue North… or so I thought. After some time journeying I come to another Barn which allows me to trade my crossbow with a double barrel shotgun and my hording of ammo for weapons I didn’t have becomes prudent as I now have 6 shells. NOW IM COOKIN’ WITH GAS, I exit the barn and not learning from my previous experience I stand too quickly alerting a zombie. I run but I have no hills or woodland to lose him in so I finally turn around and fire off a shot at close range, the shot rips through its face and falls to the ground before it could attack me. I laugh to myself, proud that I have managed to successfully defend myself for the first time. Take some o’ that bitches I say aloud and start my zombie kill count… 1 shot, 1 headshot. Like a boss I continue confidently through the wilderness.After 30 mins I spot a stone structure through the trees, and move towards it excited that I may find some more loot I break into sprint and then I realise where I was… all the way back at the frikken Dam !!... YOU STUPID BASTARD realising I have just travelled in a massive circle due to my previous encounter with a zombie. Then without warning a message flashes infront my eyes… something about “Battle Eye Global Ban” and in minutes I am returned with all my weapons and inventory to a deserted beach, different to the previous one that I had started from but now the sunlight replaced with night time.Something Weird is going on here and I now must begin my journey north again. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MRJOEYBON 18 Posted July 26, 2012 Short story for once. I'd never seen deerstand loot, or a deerstand at all in-game. So I spawn at our safe house (which is really just a barn we all log out in and completely unsafe) and start trekking towards the nearest deerstand with the hopes of getting rid of my crossbow. I had no food and was worried I might not make the trip back it was so far away. But I pushed on anyway because, y'know, I had a crossbow. Respawning would've been welcome. A quarter of the way to the deerstand I come over a hill to find... a helicopter crash. Somebody made me a happy man today. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
a_casual_banana 38 Posted July 26, 2012 Yesterday was very eventful.With the night befopre ending with me getting thrown a hundred feet from my V3S after it exploded, I logged back on and decided I'd try to get back to my friends. I had an M4A3 CCO, which is just a plea to get killed. I had about 5k blood when I passed Kamyshovo. A guy with either a double barrel or an enfield spotted me, and fired. I went down, and decided to take a little break.10 minutes later, I come back and spawn back in. I spawned near Balota, so I decided to get the deerstands there. Lo and Behold, I found a Winchester with 4 mags. So happy...And then I heard someone on the radio. I dropped to the ground, and started crawling towards the tents. He said, "Are you friendly? I can shoot you!" I said I was friendly and to not shoot. He agreed, and said he was in a tent. He obviously didn't see me, he was looking in the wrong direction. I found his tent, and saw the gun in his hands...An M4A3 CCO. Rage overcame me, and I unleashed a single, pinpoint shot in the man's skull. I dunno if it was the guy who killed me, or if he was astronomically lucky, but either way, I had an M4A3 CCO back.I looted around and found a couple mags for it. I met up with some friends in Cherno, and we sniped around for a bit (my friend gave me an M14). After racking up about 20 kills between us, I decided that it'd be a good idea to loot Balota again to find more ammo for my M4A3 CCO. It took a bit of convincing, but I got my friend to come with. He had an FN FAL ANPVS4, and I had my M14 out. We got about halfway there, when bullets started flying. I wasn't going to die with my M4A3 CCO again. Not like in Kamyshovo. I turned around, and fired into the trees, and ran down the hill towards the road. There was a fence and a line of pines, and my friend and I got behind it. We bandaged up and gave each other blood transfusions.I poked out from behind the tree, to see a guy scanning frantically. I put three shots in his chest from cover, and decided I'd loot his body while my friend overwatched. He had basically nothing. I hid his body, and went back to the trees. Just as I got there, full auto fire from somewhere east cracked out. I dropped to a knee, and saw a guy with an AKM reloading. I put 3 in his chest, and he went down. Nothing special, so I hid his body.I had about 7k blood now, and I decided that we should go back to Cherno. We got 10 feet before a third guy popped up, too bad he was a much better shot than his buddies.Down we went, and gone our FN FAL ANVPSDFLADLJFFAWhatever and my M4A3 CCO went.I took a break and ate some food, and when I came back, the first words I heard from my Mumble were "WE FOUND A BUS!"Oh my god. They found a bus. My two sniper friends found a bus. They picked me up, and we went into the country side, and found a nice place to hide the bus. They gave me an AKM, and I saved the bus, and we logged off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
luisnm 8 Posted July 26, 2012 I am a really brand new player but this is a "kind of" my first dayz real taste. Here it goes...I spawn about 3 kilometers from Elektro, i see the city rising ahead in the horizon, with nothing in my pockets, i think to myself " i have nothing to loose" and head to Elektro. On my way there, i prone to not be seen by zombies but my surprise is...there were no zombies, they were dead, as i hear gunshots from the distance i go further, checking my corners and proceeding carefully, i manage to find one can of baked beans, i hear more gunshots which make me be even more causious, later on i see a ladder going up to this " tunnel, it looked indrustrialized" and it lead outside the city in the industrialized area of it, more gunshots that make me think that this Elektro, is a man-eating machine, i wonder if those gunshots are for players or zombies but i just kpe walking my way until i hit my place, there i found a bandage on a dead zombie corpse and a hatchet to defend myself. Minutes later, i get attacked by a zombie which i managed to kill and bandage my wounds, at this point i have abount 10k blood, i keep my way inside the city for my experiences and anything i could find until... i stop overseeing this "church" i sprint to the side of the door and i see a person!, i think to myself, " finally, someone that can help me!", my thirst increases and my desesperation for liquid arises, before entering the building i type in direct communication " Hey, are you friendly?. I am not looking for trouble, i just wat something to drink and would like to trade", i got no response from her and i lean a little o the side to see what she is up to...only to find out that there are 2 player corpses rotting in the ground and she armed with a rifle (i don't know the details of the weapon) so i just run away from the building and get inside this hospital kind of thing with 3 stories, i hear an extreme buzzing inside, so i check all the rooms one by one until i get to the balcony and i found...a really small packwith only one bandage inside, the only place i haven't checked out so far was the roof and i was curious to see what was this all about since there was blood dripping from the roof to inside the hospital, once i climb the ladder all the way there, it was to my surprise that there wasn't one dead corpse, there were 3 dead corpses, they looked like they died from a sniper rifle so i prone down and search the bodies, to my surprise, i tseems the bodies haven't been looted so i find plenty of medical supplies, food and 1 pepsi, a finally A GUN (makarov with some ammot for it) i hear more gunshots so i clib down the ladder and drink my pepsi, and....i log out...this story is to be continued!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NovaDose 128 Posted July 26, 2012 (edited) Me and my partner/brother Wesley had spent the better part of the afternoon moving up the western (the left side of the in game map) side of Chernarus. We had recon'ed and scavenged several points of interest on our way to the city of Zelenogorsk were we planned to re-up on supplies and continue north. Outside of Zeleno we put binoes on the town and scoped for entry/exit points, choke points, things of that nature. After putting together our method of assault we moved in, calm, steady, organized and collected. Inside of the grocery store we were over run (best laid plans and all that). We expended way more ammo and medical supplies than we had planned fending off what seemed to be a never ending horde. We had no choice, it was time to bug out; and that is where our story begins.We ran westward towards the nearest tree cover we could see with a handful of the living dead hot on our heals. Safe in the woods we picked off our persuers. Low on ammo, hungry, thirsty, with the nearest supplies beseiged in a sea of the dead a half a klick behind us , we where out of options. We couldn't go back. We couldn't risk making a run on unfamiliar territory (which we where surrounded by). More importantly, we couldn't stay where we were. We had reported our position to every sniper around. We made the only choice we could make: run back to the coast and scavenge the city we are most familiar with. Cherno. effing Cherno.The run would take about 20-30 minutes from where we were. The route winds through back roads, mountain sides, steep slopes, small villages, thick woods, all of which offered ample cover and concealment to help keep us alive. Wes has to go for the night so I'm left alone, map and compass in hand, rifle at the ready. I'll make the run to Cherno tonight, he'll do it tomorrow. Should be entirely uneventful and completely safe.I look through my kit doing an inventory check: 20 rounds in the mag of my AKM, not good. My forty-five revolver is empty, basically a paper weight in my pack. One canteen of water, one can of beans, one bandage, two epi-pens, one morphine pen, two pain killers, a hunting knife, a hatchet, and a flashlight...a trusty old flashlight.The sun is starting to set. I can still see but the dead's senses are dulled in the failing light. A few miles ahead, on the south side of a mountain in my path I can hear a storm; which means even more cover for me. This combination of circumstances meant that I had a far better chance of making this run than someone who tried to do it in broad day light. Normally, if the dead where my only enemy, this would be a piece-of-cake run. I check my map one last time, get a bearing on my compass, and start running.Half way through the run I stop to check my bearing. It's gotten much darker out so I absolutely must get there soon. I decide that I need to make an eight degree correction to avoid the living dead and hit my rally point exactly. I would have to cross a high way and a portion of a field to get there, which could easily mean death if it were day light out.I lay in the grass at the edge of the forest I had come out of and listen. No gun shots. No undead death rattles. Nothing but the crickets. It has to be safe. Off to my left I can see the silhouettes of a small farm. To my right, the road stretched out until it made a turn around the mountain that I had come off of. Feeling comfortable I stand up and start to make a run for it again. I make it over the road, and start running at full tilt across the field. Suddenly, car horns blare in the farm village and I see two sets of headlights come on.***ed...My first thought was that they've got a spotter with night vision goggles scoping the sorrounding country side and that I've surely been seen. Continuing to run across the field would get me run over by a car. Turning back seems the only option. Instead, I think I'm going to be crafty and run around an embankment to make their spotter loose eyes on me. After that I'll make my move back to the woods and back to safety.The hill is too steep for me to negotiate as quickly as I had anticipated. Their head lights are getting way too close for comfort. I'll never make it, so I lay down right there in the grass. The headlights come to a stop no less than twenty feet in front of me. There's a car and an ATV. Two people get out of the car and two others get off the ATV. They scope the woods hoping to find me, hoping to shoot me, hoping to take my supplies. I'm thinking "please let the shadows play a trick on them, please go away". My heart is beating so hard that I'm afraid they'll hear it. I'm on edge. Physically sweating.I could stand up, spray and pray, maybe kill one or two with lucky shot(s) but still die. I could bolt for the opposite side of the field, but their spotter (or even worse, a sniper) would see me before I took a step. I lay there, twenty feet away from death, blinded by headlights, watching the shadows of their feet move around, listening to them hunt me, thinking of any way out of this mess. One of them thinks he spots me up the road and alerts the others. I breathe relief as they drive off around the bend.I wait a moment for them to pass and I stand up to sprint for the trees. As I disappear into the woods I can see their headlights down on the road beneath me. I think I'm home free when they suddenly stop. The ATV whips around and starts to head up the mountain towards me. Their spotter must've seen me. I might be able to shoot the driver of the ATV, but in all likely hood the bullet would have hit a tree instead. So I hide again, this time I'm not so lucky. I'm bathed in his headlights as he starts to scream at me "RUN PIGGY RUN!!!"I start running as fast as I can towards Cherno. The forest is thick enough to slow him down enough so that he can't run me over, but open enough for me to gain some distance on him. I don't slow down, I don't look where I'm going, I crash through thick brush and evergreen scrub, I can still hear him shouting "RUN PIGGY!" inbehind me, every so often the headlights illuminate me completely, I'm not going to make it, he's going to kill me, I am going to die here, alone, scared, wet, in the dark. They will eat my beans.The trees start to look like they're thinning out. I might make it. I finally burst out of the tree line, panting, heaving, I can see the silhouette of Cherno, I'm close. I keep running as hard and fast as I can, then come to a stop not wanting to run blindly into certain death. I can hear the zombies groaning, I've over shot...I am way, way, way too close. I look back quickly, I can still see the psychopath's lights in the trees behind me. I fling a flare as far into town as I can hoping to draw the undead to IT instead of ME. I turn back around towards the trees and spray almost half my remaining clip as suprressive fire into the woods at him. Twelve shots left.As I bolt through town the dead are running towards my flare, blood thirsty, hungry. I look back to see the mad men turn away from Cherno. I dip into an apartment building. This city is hell. No one comes here in the dark unless they're armed to the teeth, f***ing crazy, or have nothing to loose. Here, irronically, I am safe. I get to live another day. I stay awake IRL for the next two hours on edge, blood surging, heart thumping. I smoke a quarter pack of cigarettes. It's just a's just a's just a game....mother f***er it's just a game...(I could have alt+f4'ed at any time, but I'm a grown ass man and not a looser. Besides, the rush I got from this is unparalleled in any game I have ever played, ever) Edited July 26, 2012 by NovaDose 7 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jake1o 2 Posted July 26, 2012 my first time ever playing i enter the game. i spawn and i have no clue whats going on, what anything is, or even where i am. i proceed to walk to a house i see in the distance and i see a figure. thinking it is another player i walk up to it and it growls and runs toward me. i run away but apparently not fast enough. it ate my face off and i died. i later found out that the figure was another player but he was high on bath salts and i was in miami. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kevlar292 6 Posted July 26, 2012 Today I entered the NWAF from the North. I scavenged around in the barracks there but didn't really find anything of use. Not wanting to be defeated quite so easily I made my way to the firehouse. I was in the industrial area right outside of the firehouse when I heard two other survivors yelling at each other. I stopped to listen as man2 told man1 that he was friendly. Man1 then said too bad, no friendlies and started shooting. I watched as man2 ran for his life. Man1 wasn't able to chase because he had drawn the attention of about a dozen or so of the infected. Instead he ran into the firehouse and took care of his problem. I figured this was the perfect time to set my trap so I placed some items of mine in a shed and fired my weapon a few times. Then I waited across the way and sure enough only minutes later our bandit came over to check out the gunfire. When he found the NVG's on the ground, that I had placed there, he had to pick them up. This made him stand still long for me to spring my trap into full swing. I said to him "So no friendlies huh?". He spun around just in time to see me open up on him with my M4A3 CCO. He dropped but was still alive, I could hear him begging for his life. He sounded as though he was about to start crying as he begged. I walked closer and shouldered my M4A3 and drew my M1911. He continued to beg and plea. He said he would give me the NVG's if I let him live, I told him they were mine to begin with and were my trap. He sounded even more desperate now. I pointed my pistol at his head and said..."shhh this won't hurt a bit". He screamed no just before I shot him. He died there in the airfield.I then made my way to the firehouse and as I was about to enter it someone came out of the closest hangar. We looked at each other for a second and I said friendly. He responded with a shot from his Makarov. As instinct took over I shot back with my M4A3 and dropped him unconscious. I realized this was the same guy that man1 had shot at, it was man2! Despite all of my efforts it was too late to save him, he had simply run out of blood. I'm sure he thought I was the bandit and was still looking for him. He should have ran again instead of fighting. Damn bandits ruining everyone's trust.If "man2" reads this, I'm sorry for killing you. It's not my intention to kill the innocent but you did shoot me first. 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CynicalSmiles 0 Posted July 26, 2012 This happened to me a few days ago.Me and my friend, Xilver, were traveling south to Stary Sobor in hopes of more ammo or food. We were well equipped with weapons, me an M14 and him an M4A3 CCO, while we approached the military camp of Stary from the north, on a small hill, I tell Xilver ot wait in a bush, while I take a look around with my binoculars, to see if the camp was clear of anyone. Everything seemed fine untill a man walked out of the tent with an AK, and me being inexperienced in fighting people, instantly felt nervous. I quickly warn my two friends, who were coming to Stary from Cherno. Thats when Xilver points out the tents nearby, about 50 meters away in trees, about half a dozen of them. I began to panic, it looked like a large camp, for all we know we were surrounded, I hid in a bush, telling Xilver to watch the tents as I readied my M14 to take the shot on the man in the camp. I noticed another person with him named Cheesecake, surprising me even more. As I wait for one of them to stop moving so I could take the shot, my two friends coming from the south, Stratt and Shadow told me they were about 500 meters and would be here soon, but I decided that waiting would get us killed, better to shoot now while they didn't know we were around. I took a shot at the first man, and he dropped like a rock, but was still alive. His friend Cheesecake turned and ran out of sight.Becoming overwhelmed with fear at the thought I had now exposed myself, I continue to yell at Xilver to watch the tents for movement. I couldn't see Cheesecake anymore, so I finished off his still unconscious friend. When I moved my crosshairs and saw Cheesecakes name I continued shooting, hoping I could hit him. No luck. When I turn to look at Xilver, I see movement from the trees near the tents. The thought of earlier being surrounded became real and I quickly aimed. Stratt and Shadow had just arrived in Stary's camp, I warned them of Cheesecake still on the loose, while Xilver and I watched the trees. A man suddenly ran out, after noticing us sitting next to the bush, he went prone to take cover, but we'd already noticed him. I fired once, and he went unconcious, another shot and he was dead. Suddenly Shadow begins cheering with "I GOT CHEESECAKE" he explained that Cheesecake had been hiding in a tent the entire time, and Shadow had shot him dead with a crossbow. Not moving to the tents Xilver and I reposition ourselves away from the bush and into better cover, watching the tents. After five minutes we go to the tents with Stratt and Shadow, looting the corpses and checking the camping tents, they were all empty, probably decoys for someone foolish to walk right in. We quickly grabbed what we could, wanting to leave before they returned or their friends come. We now had more ammo than we could carry and loads of tools. So we get to the Southern end of Stary, climb in our trusty UAZ and drive off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
04512190412 9 Posted July 26, 2012 So today I was in Cherno going for some medical supplies for me and my friends after my failed attempt at Krasnostav Airstrip. Damn you evil sniper! Note to self: Never go to airstrips during day. Need to find NVG. So yes back to Cherno. I made my way from the docks to the center of the city where I found various supplies and an good old Winchester and some slugs for it. Now that I was armed I looted several other buildings, went to the center of the city etc. During my walk trough the city I kept hearing various gunshots all around the city. None of them directed at me. So I made my way to the Cherno hospitals, the one where you have to go to the roof. Because I had bad memories of one dary night me and my friends went to one of those tent hospitals. I made my way to the roof looked around, there was one box and no one around. So I looted the box for 2 blood bags. With bit of a disappointment I was about to make my way back to the ladders when all of a sudden I hear a bullet hitting the ground next to me. I Immediately hit the deck and hid behind the air ventilation things. Then another bullet hit the ground. I make my way towards the edge of the roof to get some cover behind the ledge. Now I manage to see him on top of the two big industrial silos (or whatever they are) in the middle of the industrial complex, right in front of me. I make my way forward hoping to get back to the medical box where the small extension would give me better cover. I move slowly and constantly cursing to the direct communication about his cowardly ways of dealing with people and that he had no balls while he was shooting me. I don't know if he heard me or something but the amount of shots increased all missing. Then I was close enough to make a run to the cover when one of his bullets hit me. It made me bleed and broke my leg so I couldn't walk or run. But I managed to crawl to the cover as the sniper was probably reloading.There I was in the cover patching myself up except I didn't have any morphine and my friends where somewhere between Solcnichy and Elektro. I was trapped on the roof with no way out. I opened the direct channel and send out an S.O.S call for any friendly survivors near me and willing to help a fellow survivor in need. My options were limited, either to try and make my way to the ladders and crawl out of Cherno, wait for my friends or wait for the sniper to come and finish me or someone willing enough to help me. I decided to stay put. After a couple of minutes and after hearing that my friends had got in to some firefight, I decided to check the medical box again. By the grace of God Allmighty, Allah and all the Hindi Gods the box was full of medical supplies. And enough morphine to even carry home with. So I patched myself up, took any supplies I could carry and waited. The sniper had been rather quiet. For my luck I started hearing gunshots from that same direction, could the sniper have found a new target? Well I had to get out of there and made my run for the ladder. No shots were fired at my direction and I made out of the roof alive. My friends told me that they were going to loot Elektro and hoped that I would meet them there. The thing was that I now wanted revenge. So I checked my Winchester and my ammo. Then I started to make my way towards the building where the sniper had been, keeping my eye on the roof top. I made my way to the building, climbed the ladders all the way up to the top. I found nothing. Either the bastard had left the roof or disconnected. I decided to wait for the sniper to come back. I waited and waited until it happened. Someone spawned on the roof next to me and exchange of bullets ensued. Both of us got killed but I wasn't going to give up my loot. I wanted that weapon that guy had. So I double my way back from my spawn site, followed by a horde of zombies. I hoped that I would get to the roof before he or anyone else would. I made it to the roof and saw the bodies untouched. I looted the bodies, got an ALICE pack, alot of food, map, compass, watch, hunting knife, hatchet, water bottle, Revolver and what I was after M4A3 CCO and ammo to it. I'm not sure if this guy was the snipe I was after or just some poor unfortunate soul who happened to return to the place what he thought had been a safe place to log out. So now I'm all suited for sniper hunting (except camo clothing and NVG would be nice, maybe even DMR). And I'm also scaring people in Cherno by shooting next to them and watching them run for their lives. Okay I killed two guys but they were well armed. I'm also broadcasting scary music, radio chatter and speech trough direct com from my hiding place in Cherno hoping that people will freak out there.So that was my day. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BrokenFang 0 Posted July 27, 2012 (edited) Cherno - DaytimeIt's Cherno and my friend and I are looting up the place while keeping a look out for players. We get decent weapons but no military gear since someone had already looted the small camp. We were well on alert after realizing that. I'm equippped with a Lee-Enfield and revolver while my friend had a Lee Enfield and M1911 I believe. Anyways, we're about to head off after hitting up the firehouse and we hear a few snaps of Lee-Enfield fire in the distance. As all of us are quite curious for player interaction and well...killing. We investigate in to the industrial area only to hear the resounding crackle of bullets near us. This sent us flying for nearby cover, trying to pin down the would be sharpshooter.Moving from cover to cover, we eventually guess that he's positioned up on the nearby hill that overlooked the killzone he had us in. Splitting up since my friend was taking the brunt of the attention from the Enfield, I managed to sneak around the industrial area and up to the hill in hopes of finding our assailant. I already have the 'don't go up there' feeling in my stomach, but proceed anyways, waiting for the one shot kill and the death screen. It doesn't happen. The shots quiet down for a bit while my friend runs around wildly from cover and eventually into an open field area to draw fire. It was then that I see a body crawling down below me on the hill. I say to my friend, I got this guy. I raise that Lee-Enfield and cap him in the body as he crawled up to the edge of the road to get a better shot. He's not dead since I didn't get a murder/bandit kill. I draw my sidearm, walk up and had the most satisfying moment in this game. Coup de Grace. Two to the head, just to make sure. He's dead and I tell my friend to move up to me.He couldn't really see me, so I decided to big ball it and fire off the rest of my bullets in my revolver to give him my location. Little to my knowledge, this guy I had just executed wasn't alone. As I fired my last round, I was lit up like a Christmas tree by a whole lot of DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA from an AK. I immediately react, sprinting away with around 2k health left. I run wildly in zig zags, eventually finding cover from the snapping grass and dirt beneath the hill's side and bandage up. We had no idea where the fire was coming from. After a few tense minutes, I tell my friend over my mic. 'It's gotta be done'.I get up with my blurry vision and head back to the body I had just executed. Still not getting fired at, I decided to reload my revolver and do the best thing I could do. Fire off my revolver in the air again. It only took a few seconds and the guy had a bead on me again and killed me. I waited anxiously at the death screen until I heard my friend say 'I see him' quickly followed by 'DAMMIT'. His Lee-Enfield just couldn't compete with the AK. Despite both of us dying, it was one of the highest adrenaline rushes I have had in this game. Edited July 27, 2012 by BrokenFang Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Class009 3 Posted July 27, 2012 This was my second character, I was doing very well for myself too.Earlier I had gotten my first murder, some poor sap named Josh (we shared the same name) who had his back turned to me in the super market in Zelenogorsk. I was packing my Lee Enfield and pointed it at his back, I could see he only had an Axe and was watching the back door, as if waiting for someone to burst through it at him.I guess I made a noise because he spun around before I could say anything to him, and in my panic I shot him.He fell unconscious and was bleeding, I was about to help him (I had lots of medical supplies) but then a though occured to me. I need a new backback, and he was sporting a Alice pack.A second shot the head and I had a new pack, but i was scared, my lee enfield was loud and I didnt want to wait around for whatever Josh had been guarding the door for. This was my first mistake.In my rush to leave I didnt bother to check out my new pack, and didnt realize my stuff was still sitting in the pack I had left behind until I was far gone in the woods. Like I said, I was doing well. I had lots of food and water packed away for my journey north and now all I had to my name was a few bandages, 2 cans of food and a coke.I decided it was too dangerous to head back and instead kept north, hitting guard towers on the way up, my end goal was to check out the airfield I had heard so much about.On my way north I found a camp with 4 tents in the woods, nothing of use and continued on. I figured I was in such a remote location no one would ever run into me so i carelessly ran across open fields from tower to tower.That was my second mistake. BAM, a shot from nearby, maybe another lee enfield, hit me hard as I was descending a tower. I wasn’t dead or down yet so I hoofed it deeper into the woods with no direction, everything was a blur and I only had 2000 blood left and draining. Passing out a few hundred yards away, I Braced for the second shot but it never came.I was able to bandage up and eat the rest of my food after retreating and hiding, it wasnt enough and I was in a bad way. After consulting my dayz map online, i decided my best bet would be the airfield barracks if I wanted to find food and survive this.I made it the fencing around the strip in one piece, checked both ways and ran as fast as I could across the tarmac. Once inside the barracks and killing whatever zombies had followed me with my pistol I started scrounging for food. Nothing. Only ammo for guns I didnt have.Then my soon to be third mistake popped into my head. Why dont I just server hop and loot what is this barracks on a different server? I did, I did it twice and after finding nothing of use became desperate.New plan, the airstrip is popular right? I could load into a server with 40+ people and just wait with my lee enfield in the barracks, when someone comes in Ill just pop them and take whats theirs.I remember the loading screen taking a while. And I remember loading in and seeing zombie bodies everywhere. I quickly try and cycle my weapons, nothing. Confused i check my gear. Its gone. All of it, save a few bandages, a coke and a clip or two. My Alice pack is gone, my guns are gone and my medical supplies are gone.Someones must have seen me there before I had even loaded in and taken everything. I find my handgun on the floor, I guess they found something better and left it. I grab it and in my blurry haze of black and white run out, determined to find who took all my stuff. First stop was the fire station, more dead zombies but empty and completely looted. A this point I start heading to the second barracks, a bunch of zombies behind me, yelling in my mic for them to show themselves.It didnt take long for the zombies to over run me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RJStigo 1 Posted July 27, 2012 (edited) Alrighty, I don't want to be called a bandit... but I kinda had to be one here.A buddy and I were running to Staroye for some food. We DESPERATELY needed food, like, really bad. We're at the edge of this farm, somewhat in the trees, when we see this female character running down the field. Didn't what she was holding so I simply said, "Josh, hit the floor bro! I see someone!" We both hit the floor and just watch him.As we were watching this guy/girl running to this small gas station, I pull out my binoculars and watch this guy. He was looked in our direction and he lied down on the ground over this small hill. I think he saw us. I could see the tip of his backpack and then he got up and ran. As soon as he got up, I saw that he had a hatchet. "Josh! Josh! He only has a hatchet! Charge him! Go!"My buddy and I both ran around into the trees and popped out the side where he was kneeling in the middle of the road, looking for us. Josh pops him once with his Lee Enfield and I saw the blood spatter. He ran down the field to his right and I popped him a few times; once in the leg and the other in the shoulder. "Just chase him! He's bleeding, he will just pass out eventually!" We chased him down the road a little ways and he just slung to the ground.We finished off the zombies we aggro'd and waited. He became conscious and I popped him a few times in the head. Josh looted the body and found some food. Took the food and logged since the server was getting to overpopulated. (We were playing on server with around 20ish and we looked again and it was over 30, almost 40. Which is too much for us since we were noobs at the time. It's amazing how little you play this game and now we feel like experts.) Edited August 13, 2012 by RJStigo 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rock (DayZ) 95 Posted July 27, 2012 In my first day in Chernarus, I met up with my friend, Danny, very quickly. An expirienced survivor, he elected to take me into the nearby large city of Elektro to gather supplies for me. I said the name of the city to myself, so I could remember it. Elektro. We had no idea of the horrors that awaited us there.Going quietly from house to house, my looting managed to procure an M1911 with extra magazines, a map, some food and soda, and road flares. Being sufficiently satisfied with our finds in this area, Danny led the way to the next part of town. An office building near the supermarket was our destination, but we weren't alone. Inside another survivor was scavenging for supplies, already wounded and low on blood. Danny communicated with him as I searched the upper floors for anything useful when I heard Danny yell. Running back down the stairs I arrived on the first floor to find that the building was being assaulted by the dead. I don't know how we had been given away, but I was only thinking about getting out alive. As we ran for the door, we noticed that the other survivor had been mobbed by a group of them, and was being devoured. Danny shot the three attackers with his pistol as he ran over to our uncncious friend. More of them made their way in as I urged him to leave, but was busy going through the poor soul's belongings. Grabbing a few items from the man's pack, we rushed out the other end of the office complex as our friend regained conciousness right as another, larger group of zombies converged on him. We never saw him come out. We fled into one of the nearby buildings, which I searched while Danny covered the door and kept an eye on the building we had escaped. At that moment, another survivor burst in from the rear entrance. Her name was Tik-Tak, and she was unarmed and scared. She yelled for a good 15 seconds at us, begging us not to shoot her. I was so frightened that I nearly did. Eventually all three of us calmed down, and we introduced ourselves. Now with a new third member to our group, Danny decided that we needed to find more weapons. Who was I to argue? It looked like we needed a damn machine gun to stave off the horde, but we only had two small pistols and a bolt action rifle. Tik-Tak informed Danny and I that station houses usually contained good loot, and that she would split the findings with us when we got there. The deal was too good to pass up.Slowly crawling past the office complex, the three of u managed to avoid the undead staggering out of it after losing interest in the remains of our friend, likely picked clean by now. Slowly, ever so slowly, we made our way to the station house in town. Danny suggested approaching from the northern end, as he reasoned that the zombies would be concentrated more to the center of town after our encounter. After making it through the fence, we crept down to our destination. All of a sudden, something hit me from behind. Being the last in line, I turned to see a furious zombie dressed in military camoflauge and snarling in my face. He let a demon-like shriek from his bloody mouth and hit me again. My vision blurred slightly, and I realized that I was bleeding. I turned around and ran for the station as I shouted for my friends. They had gone inside, oblivious to my peril, and closed the front doors to discourage any bandits from taking a shot. I sprinted to the back as more closed in around me. I fired my sidearm as they sprinted at me, dropping them each with one shot. I hit the last one right as he collided with me, killing him. Unfortunately, his hit knocked me out cold. I lay there, wondering how quickly the end would come. A blurry figure stood over me, then croushed as I braced myself. Then suddenly I was up! Rolling over onto my chest I heard Danny yell at me. "Get your ass in the station Rock!" Tik-Tak was covering me with a rifle she had found as I stumbled inside seeing only faded colors and fuzzy shapes through my blurred vision. Danny slammed the door shut behind him as he and Tik-Tak ran over to me. I decided to go up the tower and look for a better weapon for our escape, but I had to know something first."Danny," I asked, "how did you get me up so quickly?" I could practically feel his smile on the other side of his microphone."Epi-pen. I looted it from that guy in the office." Having no idea what in the hell an Epi-pen was, I dragged myself up the three levels of steps in the station tower. At the top, I struck gold. A Lee Enfield and three full magazines for it. Equiping my latest find, I limped dwon the steps again only to hear Danny's frightened voice. "Uh...Rock, it's happening again!" I look out the window on the 2nd level. an entire horde of them is running at us, with more appearing from alleys and doorways from all around. I was reminded of all the times Danny and I had faced down a horde in Left 4 Dead, but this time I knew that there would be no escape. I went down the stairs as fast as I could, hearing the dead storm our position. The initial few were taken care of quickly but dozens more at least would be to us within seconds. I knew what I had to do. Danny had come into this godforsaken kingdom of death for me, and now he was going to die unless I did something."Danny, Tik-Tak, you guys go. I've got like 4000 blood left, I'll hold them off while you get away." I shouldered the Lee Enfield as the mass approached, and fired. I fired again and again, one shot one kill. I ran out of ammo just as more came from the back, where my friends had fled to. I pulled out my 1911 and exited the rear as more closed in around me. Danny was yelling from nearby that Tik-Tak ahd made it as I began to work over the crowd of undead coming at me. Suddenly a loud boom came from the other side of the station and a small group of zombies fell before they could flank me. Danny screamed that his grenade had cleared a way through them and that he would cover me. My handgun ran dry at that moment, but before I could turn and run to safety I was hit from behind. I ran to the corner and took out my hatchet, dispensing with my attacker at once. I turned again to run only to see the hole that had been opened had closed just as quickly. Danny's rifle was tunering outside as he tried to cover me in a futile attempt at rescue. With only my hatchet, and barely 2000 blood left I struck down three more before I ran up the stairs. I realized suddenly that I had been followed by one, a crawler. I charged at it and hit it square with the hatchet, but I hadn't realized that it was right next to the stairs. With a loud crunching noise my bones snapped as my legs slammed into the conrete flooring one level below. I crawled out of the station, surrounded by bodies on all sides. Less than 500 blood now. Crawling slowly, I made my way to the fence again as a few remaining dead closed in. I called out for Danny as I neared the position he had been covering me from. No answer. I turned one last time as the zombies stood over me, content that Danny and Tik-Tak had lived another day. I glanced at he debug monitor, even more content at the 38 zombies I had killed so my friends could survive.The final blow landed, my last sight a pale man with rotting skin, a blood-smeared mouth, and death in his eyes. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kykle 1 Posted July 27, 2012 Alrighty, I don't want to be called a bandit... but I kinda had to be one here.A buddy and I were running to Staroye for some food. We DESPERATELY needed food, like, really bad. We're at the edge of this farm, somewhat in the trees, when we see this female character running down the field. Didn't what she was holding so I simply said, "Josh, hit the floor bro! I see someone!" We both hit the floor and just watch him.As we were watching this guy/girl running to this small gas station, I pull out my binoculars and watch this guy/girl. Eventually I think he saw us. He was looking in our direction and hit the ground behind this hill. I could see the tip of his backpack and then he/she got up and ran. As soon as he/she got up, I saw that he/she had a hatchet. "Josh! Josh! He only has a hatchet! Charge him! Go!"My buddy and I both ran around into the trees and popped out the side where he was kneeling in the middle of the road looking for us. Josh pops him once with his Lee Enfield and I saw the blood spatter. He ran down the field to his right and I popped him a few times; once in the leg and the other in the shoulder. "Just chase him! He's bleeding, eventually he will just pass out eventually!" We chased him down the road a little ways and he just slung to the ground.We finished off the zombies we aggro'd and waited. He became conscious and I popped him a few times in the head. Josh looted the body and found some food. Took the food and logged since the server was getting to overpopulated. (We were playing on server with around 20ish and we looked again and it was over 30, almost 40. Which is too much for us.)Yes, you and Josh were forced to shoot a fleeing woman who didn't have have a firearm multiple times. Waited for her to wake up then shot her twice in the head. To get her beans, if that isn't a bandit I don't know what is. lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bludy 324 Posted July 27, 2012 guy on DE 283, sorry for the kill, thanks for the moto Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mikeratcliff 36 Posted July 27, 2012 My and my team found a group of 11 camping Elektro. Me and my group of 4 went through trying to get them since most of us was fresh spawns. We died a couple of times but we manage to kill all of them and get some sweet loot in the process. I manage to get a nearly full tool set with a M14 and mags. I got on top of the roof of the Hospital and went to sharp shooting. I manage to kill a guy trying to get around to my guys on the ground. Then we got pinned by hill side snipers, I was in a safe spot and my buddy got picked off once. There was this one guy that kept coming back. I was able to pick him off multiple times. He managed to get on the roof twice, killed my buddy once and was able to get shots off at me at another, both were short lived thanks to my new best friend. Then he comes around one last time looking up to where I'm at, so I tried to talk to him before I was signing out to go to bed. Next thing I knew, BOOOOM! A frag grenade exploded right next to me. The irony of it all is that it did not do a pinch of damage even with it being so close. So I yell back to him, "NICE TRY BUDDY! SEE YOU TOMORROW!" and then signed out. Best night of DayZ ever Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sherdog 6 Posted July 27, 2012 Day1 : I woke up on the beach just outside Elektro. I did what I had to do.... Scavenge for some sort of weaponry to defend myself against the zombies and killing and that goes on around the hospital / fire stations.After securing a pistol and hatchet I went just north of the city to meet up with my brother to clear the town together.Once we made contact we headed back into Elektro and secured both fire stations managing to get a couple Kobra's and some mags... We then headed to the supermarket to pick up some food and drink to get us far enough away from the coast.So we're looting the supermarket when I hear the shattering of glass all around me. Thinking quickly I go prone and cover the door while my brother heads to the back to secure the building. I take a peek out around the shelving to see a sniper with an Enfield taking pop shots at us from on top of the school.I keep him busy while my brother loops around the back of the market to get a better angle on his shot. I trade fire with the guy on top of the school until, BAM. My brother puts a single AK bullet into his head from the corner of the supermarket... "Nice shot."We proceed to clear the bar and school to grab any needed survival supplies and begin heading to the hospital to round out our remaining supplies. A couple Blood bags and some morphine. We're good to go, and head north out of Elektro.Life is good.Day 2: We made it out of Elektro alive and managed to put together a good amount of supplies... We are now free to live off the land. We hit some of the towns above Elektro before we decided we would try out luck in Stary.I won't bore you with the detail on our travel to Stary, but it was pretty uneventful aside from a random slaughtering of ~40 zombies involving road flairs and a need for more pistol ammo :)So we arrive ~300-400M south of Stary and check out the situation from the tree lines with binoculars. It looks clear. So we make our way to the military tents. We begin to clear the tents methodically, one watching the tent lane while the other loots. I make my way down the entire left side of the tent line and was about to cross over to the right side when I hear my brother, " We have 1 tango, far end. Main medical tents..." Seconds later I hear the whizzing of bullets between the two as they open fire."He's on the right tent, outside lane, looking down! Flank him on left!" he yells.I kneel run out of my tent to get the best of him when..... His hidden buddy on the opposite side put's 10 Bison rounds into my side. I bleed and break a leg, but not before getting behind one of the tents for protection....The bison guy makes a break for my still injured body across the tent line, but my brother takes him out mid run and saves my ass with some well placed shots.I bandage/morphine up as my brother and the original villain still duke it out with pop shots back and forth the length of the tent line. I stand up flank around the fire line and unload 10-15 AK bullets into the second tango from his 9:00 position. We loot the bison and the M4A3 off our attempted killers.Safe at last, but at what cost? I've been taken down to ~4000 blood and can barely stand while my brother is broken and battered at around 2000 blood... I transfuse him back to full health and he takes a morphine... He transfuses me, but the blood doesn't take.... I'm still at 4000 blood and woozy and we're out of blood bags."Great"Unhappy with our unlucky blood bag dump. We moved north of the tents to the woods for some cover with the plan of finding some wild game to kill and eat for some blood... As soon as we hit the tree line a hail of bullets comes in from our 9:00 ripping my brother up. He's alive, but barely.The shooter tries to move his sights to me as I run for cover but I spot him before he sights me and squeeze off enough rounds to send him packing (d/c'ing, urgg!). I run to my brother and get him bandaged up to stop the bleeding.... Just in time too, he's sitting around 1k of blood and we use our last morphine and blood. We're in a bad spot, but it's getting late and we need to rest before we can get anything accomplished. This mission will have to continue in the morning.Day 3: We wake up. My brother is in a heap... There's no point to him tagging along. He's breathing, but that's about all he can do. I'm not much better, but at least have vision 20-30 meters in front of me. I leave him at the camp to see if I can get some food for us.I head north in hopes of wild game. I can't see well. Everything is in black and white. Hunting is going to be tough is this state. I can't even see my compass because of the blurry vision.I'll have to use the sky.20 minutes into my expedition I find a sheep. "Purrfect" A 1911 bullet to the head and I'm cooking 5 raw meats a few seconds later. I eat one of them and store the other 4 for my brother. Now to get back to camp and be the hero of the day.I look at around at my surroundings... "Where the hell am I?" There are no visible landmarks that I am familiar with. With no knowledge of the terrain in front of me I decide to find a road and get my bearings. I head south and see a town a ~500 or so meters in front of me. I can't really make out where or what town it is, but it should be enough for me to figure out where I am. I'll just have to get closer to identify it by road sign, or general town layout.I approach the town via tree line as best as I can. I'm about 150M out when it hits me... The giant water tower in the middle."Oh, shit. This is Star........"A snipers bullet takes off my head.I hope my brother will be ok. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
atlantis_risen 14 Posted July 27, 2012 (edited) I had spent the first few hours being so careful. Crawling, crouching, hiding in the darkness. I was hungry, and thirsty. I had nothing to my name, no water, no food, no weapons. the light of day, I screwed up.One zombie saw me, and attacked.I ran, and one became two...which became four, then eight. Suddenly, I am running down the road with a dozen undead in tow. I see a house. No good, locked tight. I run further, and see a barn...yes! Open doors! I hit the first floor...nothing. Second floor, nothing! Then, up a ladder and there it ax.And now, undead c-suckers...In the words of Ash..."Come get some!" Edited July 29, 2012 by Charon2112 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted July 27, 2012 My life started out near Solnichniy after I had been brutally murdered multiple times in the west, so this was a good thing because I wanted to go north on the eastside of the map. I went through the cities of Nizhnoye and Solnichniy. When I arrived at Berezino I thought there would be some good loot in one of the buildings, turns out I was wrong. All that I found was some coke, an Axe and some pasta, not my favorite stuff(I'd rather have pepsi and beans).The last house I checked had some stairs, I think it may have been the barn, and there was nothing upstairs so I decide to go down, when going down the stairs there was a zombie waiting for me.... I hit it with my axe but I missed, the zombie however didn't miss and broke my damn legs, after he broke my legs i could finally hit him. I was thinking, will I go the pussy way out or should I just crawl across the map. My decision was to be an awesome player and crawl all the way. Since this was a week or something ago and I just started I didn't know where to find morphine, I thought it should spawn on or near the airfield.So I started my journey to the north because I wanted to go north anyways and going south meant going backwards(I am not a player that likes to go back) so that is why I headed north. After crawling some 45 minutes I arrived at the airfield, all happy nobody else was there. I checked the building at the entrance, no luck there, going through the hangars I found 1 AKM mag and some more food, I took it. When I went into the ATC tower I found out that I could not go in there crawling unless I rolled/crawled sideways. This sucked major balls but I did it nonetheless because I NEEDED to find that morphine.Under the first stairs where just some empty cans and stuff, nothing good, the 1st floor however had an AKM and boy was I happy I had a weapon for which I had picked up some ammo just in case. On the 2nd floor I found nothing except for empty cans again :(. This meant I had to take the last stairs into the control room, I went sideways as I did with the other stairs, and I was VERY disappointed to find out that you can't go up the last stairs when prone, not sideways and not crawling forward. For some reason however I could climb the ladder that was outside so I thought: I'll take it.This took me outside and up the first ladder going to the outside ring of the control tower. When I was looking into the control tower I saw, to my relief, some morphine. I wanted to crawl in the doorway, but the doorway wouldn't let me in, I was trying as hard as I could and I wasn't giving up because I was SO CLOSE.... eventually after 15 minutes of trying to get in I gave up and turned around very disappointed.Suddenly I was shot but the guy that shot me couldn't get off a second shot, which led to me bandaging and waiting for him to come up. As I was watching the stairs in the control tower from the outside he came up after 10 minutes, so I emptied my whole magazine in him, my only one :(, but to my disgrace he disconnected. This was pretty gay since I had a broken leg almost no gear and was low on blood. Since my weapon was useless now I dropped it.After I overcame my disappointment about my kill that didn't count, I went down the stairs hoping that some morphine would have spawned in the hangars, as I was crawling my way to the first hangar I suddenly fell unconscious because I was too low on blood apparently, suddenly, out of NOWHERE, some crazy psycopath came running towards me while I was unconscious, with a broken leg and NO armament. This psycopath starts to hatchet me and, well, he swung 2 times and I was dead.This life is what made me trust NO players except for the ones that I really know. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EQandcivfanatic 0 Posted July 27, 2012 Just read through the past few pages, hoping to find an answer to a mystery. Two nights ago, I was suited up with all the gear I needed to survive with in the wilderness, matches, hatchet, and about 5 canteens. I also had a big ole backpack and a bunch of various medical supplies. I came to this barn north of the Dam, and I as I make my approach, I see a survivor in the doorway. They didn't see me, so I came up and said over Direct Comms, "I see you."Well, despite that initial shaky contact, no one shot each other immediately, even though I was fairly outgunned. They both had assault rifles (AKMs I think) and all I had was my trusty crossbow and a M1911 with two clips. We chatted for a while, and eventualyl agreed to work together for a bit. Well, as we were getting ready to move out, there were three zombies right outside the door, so I agreed to take care of them silently with my crossbow. Well, somehow the zombies aggroed and charged toward me and one of the peopel opened up with his assault rifle on full automatic. I died. I still don't know if they killed me intentionally or by accident. If the former, they certainly played the role of survivor fairly well for a bandit. If the latter, ah well, mistakes happen, and I hope they got good use out of my supplies (took me only a couple hours of play to replace, and surpass my old stockpile).Reggie and Peter, whoever you are, I hope you see this and can tell me whether you were killing me intentionally or if you really did mean to work together. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
emilgebl 5 Posted July 27, 2012 Today, we killed a group that disconnected and changed server and logged in to try to kill us. We were 3 people, me, Jonathan and Ahxzel. one DMR, one AS50 and one l85.We drove around in our Ural during the night and we saw some lights at Dubrovka, we drove and put our Ural in a hiding spot and started to sneak forward, we suddenly see 3-4 people.After a few seconds, Raion shoots a guy and he drops dead instantly, the rest of the group ran into a small house and sadly none of us was positoned and there was no way to get close.They all disconnected, about 5-10minutes later one of them reconnects and the zombies dissappear around him (sign of him logging in and the aggro'd zombies go away). and we keep on scouting, he starts throwing out flares to blind us and to gain vision for his friends.We look around and scout and suddenly there's a guy that logged in about 50-150 meters infront of me down a hill! he looks around and he sees me and exactly when he aims at me I shoot him and he's dead.2 of them are down.We continue to scout around and suddenly, a guy logins about 10 meters infront of ahxzel, looking for us! they both logged in infront of us trying to login behind us and kill us.3 guys are down and the last inside the small house, we tell Ranion to go and loot the bodies and throw a grenade at the small house.Ranion loots the body and go close enough for a genade, throw it and then he disconnects, we sit for about 5-10mins and we're leaving.Drive around ofr maybe 5mins and I look to the left and I drive into a block in the middle of a road, we jump out and runs because we've had experience with this and had 2 vehicles blown up already.about 5 meters away everything starts to blow up, our poor URAL, about 3 times, explosions loud and big as a nuke... oh well. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yohslma 0 Posted July 27, 2012 This story spans the life of 2 characters, and is therefore quite long. Names have been changed for operational security purposes.I spawn in, Kamenka flashes in the bottom right corner of my screen. I take cover in bushes and consult my online map. First priority; I must find a weapon. Luckily, I see three deer stands just north of me on the map. Bunny hopping between these locations tells me that someone is looting ahead of me, but luckily at the third stand I find a dead body still clutching an AKS-74U with 3 full mags. Now, with 90 bullets and a sense of security I start working on priority two, food and drinks. I crawl into Pavlovo with little to show for it. I am belly crawling out when another Survivor, unarmed, runs past me with 3 zed in tow. “Idiot.” I can’t help thinking to myself. He is running circles near me, hoping I will shoot his pursuers, but I am invisible on the ground so I just stay put and he runs off.Using him as a distraction I escape the city, but my drink icon is now red, when low and behold the same survivor runs towards me, this time free of zed. I put my iron sights near him and fire 3 warning shots. He stops and salutes. “Sorry,” he says. “I’m looking for a weapon.”“Okay.” I say, nonplussed.“Is that a makarov?” He asks. I don’t know what he’s talking about.“No. I just have this rifle. I’m looking for water. Gotta go.” I say.“I have loads of soda, I’m diabetic.” He says. He drops a can of coke on the ground for me. Okay, maybe I should have helped him in town. I grab the soda and we converse, I tell him to check some deer stands for weapons north, and we part ways amicably. I really didn’t have a secondary to give him, or I would have.Now, I run to Balotta in a roundabout manner, looting deer stands with no luck. I need to find food, it’s almost dark red. I get to Balotta and catch wind of a bandit in the area. I cannot see him, so I enter the ATC Tower carefully. There are some chemlights on the ground, but not much else. I make my way to the roof, and there he is, lying prone, facing away from me. I can see by his primary that I hit the jackpot. I get up on the roof quietly, and put 2 shots in his head, then spray him for good measure. I hate banditry.Hello, M249. This guy was loaded down. He had 2 ammo belts, plus 1 STANAG mag. I also collected an M9 with 1 mag, binoculars, a map, hatchet, hunting knife, 2 can food, 2 sodas, 1 morphine, 1 blood bag, and some other knick knacks I can’t quite remember. I just remember I felt great about my situation. I don’t want to linger so I ran out into the woods and logged out so as not to immediately lose my weapon.I log back in a few hours later, once my roommate is available. Any dialogue between us is in our own TS server. We meet up in Elektro, where he has been desperately searching for a weapon. I hand him my M9 and mag. Elektro seems quiet. Then we hear very quiet chatter on the in-game chat. As we move towards a high value residential target the chatter gets louder and I hear 2 voices, shooting the crap really. My roommate, who we shall call BR, finds a Lee-Enfield in a tunnel, and I enter the res target. Immediately the voices become muffled, and I know that I have entered their building. Unthinking, I round the corner facing some stairs and see a survivor crouched at the top with a kobra aimed at me. I open fire with my M249 in a panic, shooting high over his right shoulder. I adjust my aim and spray his face, but by this time he has fired on me as well. We killed each other, but I was able to run around the corner before bleeding out.BR picks up my machine gun and my most valuable items, and I tell him to cover the stairs. He sees another survivor at the top of the stairs with an M-16 and fires but doesn’t score any significant hits. I respawned just outside of Elektro by some miracle, and immediately haul ass back on scene. BR moves to meet at a safe location when I hear a stream of automatic fire. “That was me,” he says. “I just put one down.” We would later surmise that the survivor he engaged was not part of the bandit party, and he has our apologies.We met up, and BR, swell guy that he is gave me back my MG. He had reloaded and I had a full 200rd belt. “I want to go back and loot that guy I put down.” BR says. We enter the courtyard the same way we had before and I hear the faint chatter again. I also see the guy BR killed. I move to cover as BR loots. “Dude has an M1911.” My stomach clenches in jealousy. I’ve been playing about a week and haven’t come across that sidearm yet. The chatter from the bandits picks up. “Holy shit, they are right there I see ‘em!” I frantically search but don’t see any hostiles. We are backing out of the alley. I am hugging a wall and glance backwards at BR who is moving down the center of our path of egress. One hail of gunfire and gush of blood later, BR is dead on the ground beside me. The direction of the bullets had come from the courtyard we just exited, and I don’t understand where they had fired from. I was unfamiliar with the layout of the particular building they occupied.I ran around the block and found another entrance to the occupied building. Belly crawling, I came in view of the staircase. The body of the first guy I killed still lay there, and appeared to be unlooted, so I guessed he was probably on his way back to his friends. Lying on the ground, out of sight, I see a survivor step onto the staircase and crouch down. “Now or never,” I think to myself. I get into a crouch, 1st person, peek right and spray him. He goes down before he knows what happened.Now I don’t know if this was the first guy returning, another of their group, or some poor schlep who heard my gunshots, but all of a sudden some asshole rounds the corner and shoots me with a Makarov. Well I put about 15-25 bullets in him and he drops. I’m at like 10k blood, and for some reason I’m not bleeding. Fine with me.I enter the house, and cautiously move up the staircase. I am crouched, and in third person, and I can see three more survivors, one on each side of me, peeking out of their respective doorways and the third dude in the center of the hallway. I don’t really see how I am going to get out of this alive, but figure I’ve come this far, and they did kill my friend. They obviously do not know I am there yet. I wouldn’t call it a surprise attack, but I pop up and spray the hallway in third person. I think they fired back, but I didn’t really take damage. I think their bullets hit the staircase wall.Well the guy in the middle of the hallway was killed by my burst, and the other two retreated into their rooms. One guy peeks around the corner and I fired at him, but I don’t think I even hit him. 30 seconds later, a survivor is all of a sudden in the room below me, heading towards the stairs. It goes through my head as I wheel around to face him that this was one of the two I was just firing at and he must have gone down a secondary staircase. I put him down. Now, figuring I only have 1 target left I move towards the door on the right. I peek around and there is the survivor. We fired on each other and he hit me a few times so I retreated and bandaged myself. I was down to 7200 blood. I covered his doorway for a minute and he never peeked again. I move cautiously up again and peek around the corner only to see his dead body. The other guy’s body is nowhere to be found, but I could not find a second staircase, so I’m guessing he just logged out.Well, thoroughly satisfied and completely amazed I had only taken 5k damage through the encounter, I started looting. HOLY hell these guys had been decked out. I found multiple GPS, Maps, water bottles, food, and an assortment of weapons. Including 2 glocks with lights (I took one with 3 mags), the M-16 (he only had 1 STANAG mag on him), 2 kobras, a Remington with a light, and a Winchester. They had some other tools I didn’t have and I loaded up. I put my newly acquired loot into an ALICE pack that I took off one of them. At this point I had only about 100 rounds left, so I put a kobra and 6 mags into the ALICE pack.GF aggro caused me to have to log out before BR got back and he never did make it to the violent scene, so I told him he could have the kobra if he needed it when I met back up with him. All’s well that ends well. 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Brew78 27 Posted July 27, 2012 Northeast airfield last night, we ride in on a flatbed and look around for some loots. We're in constant communication, giving positional updates including which entrances and exits are being covered, you know.There's the sound of engines, we lock down. There's some gunfire exchanged, and our visitors decide to leave. I'm in the air control tower covering the stairwell and don't see anything. We resume looting.Awhile later, there's some more gunfire and a few of the boys head down the hill to face the attackers.I'm inside a hangar at the time and work my way to the top of the hill, not knowing exactly where everyone is. The two remaining guys take off with the flatbed.I go prone at the top of the hill and look down. Sunset is rapidly turning to dusk and things are starting to get hard to see. I am able to see muzzle flashes down the hill, but no definite fix on location or whose flashes I'm seeing. I continue to provide coverage from up above, in case they decide to fall back.A couple of our guys are killed, a couple of their guys are killed. There's no gunshots for awhile but someone's bleeding out down there.. I run to the bottom of the hill into the thin treeline and go prone. I hear growling all around and wait for the zeds to pass by. I end up waiting a long time - one of the zeds was stuck half in the ground, attached to a tree, right next to where I was hiding which is why I kept hearing such loud growls.My fallen comrades couldn't give me an exact fix on their most recent location, but it was near town, possibly inside. They were happy with the fight and had no regrets. Better a firefight than a physics glitch breaking your limbs, knocking you out, and aggro'ing every zombie in town.I'm now the only one left. Its gone from rescue to assassination. Pretty sure I know which direction they are, so I started making my way around to behind their location. Eventually I made my way to the end of the treeline, sprinted across the short field, entered the forest to the left of town.At this point, its already been 10-15 minutes and its likely the opposing team had already left. On the other hand, they had one more vehicle than living teammates, so might have been guarding the area waiting for them to get back.I creep along the treeline, trying to see any motion that's not zombie. There's an embankment that prevents seeing directly into town, so I continue circling the long way around to hopefully surprise them from behind.I consider logging, since its starting to get really hard to see and is getting pretty risky. Its unknown if they have NVG, but If they were spotted, the plan was to flare the area around them - they're lit up and can't use NVG, I'm still hidden. But.. like I said, its starting to get REAL hard to see, and I'm not sure I should even move forward instead of just calling it quits for the night.I decide to advance a little bit further and at least see past this embankment. I raise up to a crouch jog and move a little deeper into the forest, still running parallel to the road.That's when I stepped on the prone guy with a SAW. They were covering much further out than I'd anticipated. And visibility was worse than I thought.I hear gunfire, the snap of riccochets, the crunch of my leg, the grunt of pain, the forst floor crunching as I was forced prone. I don't think he had NVG, because he would have opened fire long before he did. And he wouldn't be continuing to fire directly overhead.I spun around and pointed my gun at the muzzle flashing. For some reason, it was important to me to bring up the Aimpoint, to put the dot on target before firing. In hindsight, I should have just spun and rapidly fired. I had time to get the dot on his head before SNAP... green table/spreadsheet screen. Still showed 6500 health, but I'm guessing it was a pretty quick death.The thing that makes me cringe is not just that I almost logged juust in time, but how absolutely outgunned I was and that he was a bad enough shot that I still COULD have won that match if I'd have just fired instead of waiting for the ironsights to come up. Just didn't think as quickly as I needed to. Haven't been in that many firefights yet, so hopefully this lesson will provide useful in the future.Hats off to the group that kicked our asses. We got a couple of them, sure, but they also retained all the corpses and therefore the loots. And boy, did we have some loots.I'm not someone who gets to play a lot these days. And my luck is.. abnormally bad in this game. My average lifespan sees fewer guns than leg breaks.This guy was several days old though, and had managed to collect some stuff, thanks to being in the same region as friends and being able to hunt in a party. His death lost literally everything you can get outside of the super-rare items like GPS/NVG or heli/barracks weapons (never owned any of them). This includes hand and smoke grenades, Coyote backpack, all the survival equipment, cooked meats, toolbox, entrenching tool, military flashlight, all of it. Also, the best weapon I ever had, M14-AIM. Didn't find it, was given to me. Had a PDW and tons of ammo, plus a M1911 in the backpack.All in all, its unlikely I'll ever be this geared up again.But.. I really don't care as much as I thought I would.I guess the mantra of "don't get attached to your equipment" actually sunk in.I think the only thing I'll really miss is my compass. Can never find those damn things. (And I get turned around so easily..)Now I'm back on the coast somewhere, unarmed, no supplies. Maybe when I get to play again my guys will still have the flatbed, and maybe there will be some stuff in the trunk for me. I'm not holding my breath, though.Guess its time to start the long haul again.Maybe this time I'll find a GPS... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites