rogue246 28 Posted August 31, 2012 Had a oh shit moment a little while ago. Running through the wilderness pitch black. NVG's on. Came around a bush in the middle of a field and ran face to face with a ghillie suit just standing there. No weapon or anything. Just standing there.. After about 2 seconds his head turns around to look at me and I opened fire. Full clip of M4 to his face. He's dead now but I almost soiled my pants. Totally didn't expect anyone to be there let alone a ghillie man without a weapon.. The freaky thing was when I moused over him no tags showed even though I was playing on a N server.. Beware playing at night! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ransom82 1 Posted August 31, 2012 (edited) Chased Down Attack Mini Back Story: I met my friend Kyle through steam. He had a message up asking for help and assistants for a reward. I didn't want a reward it is just nice to make a friend in this game. I messaged him and after getting his location logged in and started to make my way to him. He needed morphine cause he had a broken leg and was in the middle of nowhere in the north. From that point on we knew we could trust each other, which I don't have to tell you is hard to come by. End Mini StoryMy Friend and I were logging on to pick up were we left off, to find a vehicle and fix it up. Unfortunatly, instead of spawning in where we were, the NE Rify, we both spawn at the SW shore line...very upsetting. However, we were only a town away from each other! We met up West of Cherno and went up and around to go to the Airfield to look for vehicle parts. Once in position, Kyle stayed behind to be a look out as he had a FAL with a NV zoom scope that could spot very well. As I make my way down and got close, which made way too many Zombies spawn in, he tells me to stop as he as spotted a little red car in the field to the West. As he is telling me this and I am crawling closer to the airfield and hear the flies of a dead body. We assume that it was the driver as it took me 10 minutes to crawl to the car and noone showed up. I drove the car up to Kyle and we started North on the search for a Ural. Mind you we loved the little UAZ, but needed something to be able to store more supplies. After a lot of driving stopping and fueling, stopping and fueling...we came upon a blue Ural!!!! Oh, we were so happy! Now, due to a server reset we almost lost the car, but we did lose all the items we had in the back.(all the car parts) This also taught us to remember to always save the vehicle. We are just a little north on the road from Lopatino so we decide to drive back down South to Lapotino to try and find vehicle parts to get this thing rolling. It was only missing 2 tires, engine parts, and a fuel tank. Just and I mean Just as we get to the edge of town I think I hear something. It sounds like a dirtbike or an ATV. Me: Kyle stop stop stop turn off the engine! I think I hear a vehicle!Kyle: Yeah, I hear it.Me: I see them! They are coming at us from the town road! GO GO GO! So we are now being chased by a Dirtbike and an ATV. I can see that one has the AS50 and the other has a L85. Lucky for us we are faster than them on the road and Kyle creates some distance between us and them. We stopped a few times and turned off the engine to see if we could hear them and every time they were there, at least we could hear them coming. We didn't want them so see the Ural up ahead so we turned around and made our way back down South. As we passed them we almost had a head on collision with one of them, but at least that slowed them down. We knew then wouldn't be able to get off there bikes and shoot at us in time. Kyle and I made a plan. We knew that we wouldn’t' make it out of this without a fight so we wanted to make it on our terms. As soon as we made it around a blind turn I jumped out and laid down in the trees right next to the road. Kyle kept driving another 75 feet and stopped. As they rode by I laid into them with my MK 48. Unsure if I hit them at all but they went ahead of the car and jumped out to start firing at us. Kyle jumped out and started shooting at the sniper, but was killed right away. I was shot as well, which left me bleeding and with a broken leg. (Don't know how I didn't just die) Fired a lot at them and rolled behind a tree and bandaged up. One of the guys got on his bike and started to come at me. I unloaded on him till he fell over. I couldn't see the sniper at this point and diceded to take some morphine to make myself mobile. At that point I was getting fired at again and had to stop. The sniper jumped on his ATV, I think he was either trying to flank me or run me over...he may had thougth I was dead, but as soon as he got close I started blindly firing at him. I was firing into a tree so I couldn't see him. After a little bit of silence I tried to use morphine...and with success! I rolled and crawled over to the ATV, which was still running at the next tree, to find him dead! I LIVED!!!!!After changing my pants I started gathering all the gear I could and putting it back into the car. Kyle and I were talking over Skype so he was telling me were to go and what to do. I stached the car far away and made the long long run back to the ATV to go pick him up. On the way I was shot at and bleeding bad. I made it away from the bandit and bandaged up, but had no cooked me and needed to get away. I ended up flipping the ATV...I had to find cover and log out as I needed to go to work, but Kyle is still making his way around trying to fix things.Short Update: Kyle found another Ural, but died on his way back to me(sniped). Then when he finally made it to the UAZ he was teleported to a player with the car and killed... He said he shot this guy with a "golden AK" a lot and it didn't do a thing. He jumped in the car and made it 20 feet before just dying.... Well we will have to start over. Crazy Day!!!!!!! Edited August 31, 2012 by Ransom82 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xelous 28 Posted August 31, 2012 Oh holy hell, I'm going to get roasted when I get home...My wife and I play our character together... Trouble is... I just nipped on for a quick shufty around whilst I'm at work... This was fine, until I sort of fired the Enfield by accident... I don't know what happened, I was in the tree's looking down on a smallish town, went to get my binoculars out and BANG!Next thing I see 5-6 Z's zerging at me, and I hop it into the tree's. I'm zigging and zagging, trying to get a bit of space between me and them... And also between me and the town so I can shoot these sods down without attracting more... I zig BANG BANG... two down.... I Zag... BANG another.... I Zig and Zag... BANG BANG two more, reload... Zig.... BANG Missed shit.... CRUNCHHe broke our collective legs.... Bang, he's dead....I bandaged the wounds, ate some food, took a drink and then reflected... "Holy Mother of God the wife is going to kill me when I get home and have to explain why our guy, our join guy, has broken legs".Sod Zombies... My Wife is way scarier. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
POSIPJ 8 Posted August 31, 2012 (edited) I was in a server that didn't have that many people in it, maybe 2 or 3 other players, just looking around for whatever I could find. I didn't have any friends playing with me so I figured I would just run around in a low populated server. At the time I had a Bizon and an M107, no ghillie suit or night vision though. Since there weren't a lot of people in the server, and I wasn't close to the coast or another city, I figured I wouldn't run into anyone else, so I ran through open fields and fired shots when I needed to (believe it or not, I am a stealthy player, just not this day...Or the time my friend and I were throwing chem lights all over a building at night until someone shot a grenade at us... Then we hauled ass). My guy started getting hungry, so I came across a boar in a field, pretty close to a woodline, so I shot it. As soon as I started gutting him, I heard shots from either a Bizon or a silenced MP5 right behind me. They were so close, it sounded like I was shooting them myself. Seconds later I was dead. All I could think was, "Seriously? In a server with just a few other people and I die like that in the middle of nowhere? Not close to anything?" I haven't started setting up tents and stashing back up supplies and weapons in case I die, (which I know I should) so it was time to start over.Now, I wouldn't play reckless like that in a populated server, I just figured it wouldn't hurt seeing as to how there were only 2 or 3 other players. So instead of getting all pissed off like I imagine a lot of people would (calm down dudes, it's just a game and dying is part of it), I just kept playing in that server. I spawned in Elektro and immediately headed to the market. I just charged it because if I died it's not like I had anything to lose anyway. I got a map, a can of Coke, some beans, an Alice pack, and an M1911 so I could make it where ever I wanted to go. On my way, I came across a helicopter crash and got some night vision. I was pretty psyched. I made my way Northwest up towards Pustoshka and checked all the shops to get my tools back, which I almost did. When I got to Vybor, I checked all the houses for a hunting knife, but never found it. I ended up finding something better, a ghillie suit laying on the ground. I was pretty psyched when I got the night vision, but even more stoked when I got the ghillie suit, just because it was only my second time finding one. I put it on and headed out.I figured I would head to Stary and raid the tents to find some kind of weapon so I'm not completely defenseless with just my pistol, but before I got there, I came across yet another helicopter crash. I crawled my way there so I wouldn't piss off any zombies. When I finally got there and looked around, going to Stary seemed pretty pointless. I ended up getting my Bizon back and a Saw to go along with it.This all happened in about 2 hours. I'm going to end up giving the Saw to one of my friends that was talking about wanting one the night before all of this happened and find either a DMR or an M107 to take it's place. This game is mad fun, just don't get butt hurt. Edited August 31, 2012 by POSIPJ 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
☣BioHaze☣ 7337 Posted August 31, 2012 Hey, "thatguy" (in game name).Is that you with the pickup truck, shooting at me at the NE airstrip as I rode up on my motorcycle?Are you stalking me?I'm not leaving that server until vehicles are fixed so, I guess... catch me if you can. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Updown2 1 Posted August 31, 2012 after managing to loot Elektro without any problems (sneaked past a few players) i made my way into the forest and checked what i looted. (i tend to take things indiscriminately.) a Winchester, a makarov and some food n drink. not much, but enough.i make my way North. i wasn't looking for anything in particular, but i felt that getting away from the city's would be a good start.i come across a deer stand, i find a semi-automatic shotgun inside (i forget the name). i compare it too my Winchester for range and accuracy and decide to stick with my current rifle. after about 20 mins of heading north i reached a clearing in the forest and i could hear the groaning of zombies. immediately i go prone and spin my head round, looking for the zombie. instead, i see a player, crouched and slowly moving towards a deer stand. i activate voice chat and call out. "hello"the player goes prone and i see new text appear on the screen. "hello, please don't kill me"i shift position and bring my weapon up, training the sights on him. "i'm unarmed!" he adds. "its ok" i say, "i'm friendly." upon hearing this he changes position to a crouch and heads towards the deer stand. i move from bush to bush, getting closer too him with each one. "what are you doing all the way out here?" "trying to get too a group of friends" he replies."and where are they?""south"he climbs up the deer stand, looks around for a few seconds and climbs down still unarmed. i leave my bush and clear my throat. the player spins around and looks at me. "you need any help?" i ask."no" he says, probably lying."here, take my secondary" i say, while approaching him. i drop my Makarov and its ammo onto the floor. the player walks forward and picks it up. "dont point it at me, if you do, i kill you." i say, trying to sound threatening. "thanks man" "no problem, you need food?""nah, its good"i quickly look around, making sure the zombies cant see me. "alright, i'm gonna move on, but if you head a little south east, you should find a deerstand with a decent shotgun in it."i didnt hear a response from the player, he had already moved on. i dont mind. i turn around and continue north. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ashpwnall 3 Posted August 31, 2012 IF YOU HAVN'T READ THE FIRST ONE CLICK HERE--->'m on the ground, my leg broken and 2 zombies were closing in on my from behind, Scared and bleeding i roll under a hole in the wall and start crawling as fast as i can go. I hear 2 shot from behind me and the zombies are dead, i look and i see Jack running at me. He quickly heals me and give me a transfusion and fixes my leg. I ask what happened, and he doesn't know. So we began to move back to the apartment, and when we get there, we notice someone a bandit moving inside it, then we hear a loud BAM! as we both run in the from shooting like crazy. We killed the bandit and we see Justin on the ground, knocked out and bleeding heavily. We bandage him up and use our only epi-pen on him. He says that he has 800 blood left, and we were out of blood bags. We then decide to grab as much as we can. What ever guns that were left after the ambush, we loot Adam's body and bury him. Getting a blood bag so we can transfuse for Justin. We get some food. His Sniper with 1 bullet which we leave, and a Revolver for Justin instead of the makarov. We then loot the rest of the city, and decide to start heading North when we log back in. When we come back we almost rage quit, it was night again. but we decided to keep going. We start heading towards the Hospital when we hear a car horn, 3 car horns to be exact. We quickly run down the street, and hear a voice yelling STOP! WE WILL SHOOT! We then stop and 3 cars come and form a circle around us. 9 people jump out, all of them outfitted to the extreme with automatic rifles and the best gear in the game. Each one of the had night vision. They tell us to drop all our guns. Me and my companions decide to listen and they tell us to get in the car. We do, and the drive us off into the night towards the north...TO BE CONTINUED Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tmull 20 Posted August 31, 2012 This isn't that special of a story, but it was a great instance of trusting cooperation.I'd just spawned, was running up the east coast toward berezino etc.Ran into one of those long barn deals, with two entrances at each end, and started hearing someone talking, they go, 'oh shit, there's another player' and my blood runs cold. If I'd actually had anything on me I would have run. Instead, they both run into the building taking cover and we all eye each other. It's me, weaponless, and them, two guys with silenced weapons.We talk, after I frantically call out friendly friendly, please don't shoot me, just trying to gear up.They say something like "We're so in shock we can't even see" I offer my painkillers. Have no need since I just spawned. They offer a water bottle. We go our separate ways.:) it was great. and so much better and more organic than skyping and using the forums to find a buddy, although i've had some epic adventures with those buddies, too.Gotta love this game :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DoomsdayClock 34 Posted September 1, 2012 I've recently spawned in Krutoy Cap. Being a new spawn, I more or less have a care-free attitude on whether or not I die. So I start to sprint in the direction of Elektro. I stay close to the road, but mostly in the treeline. But then I hear flies. I look around me and notice that the sound is coming from the road. I head out of the treeline and see a corpse in the middle of the road. It's a man in a Ghillie Suit. I'm pretty surprised at this point because I rarely find people with decent gear dead in the open so close to the coast. I figure he must have died recently too as he hasn't been looted. I'm extremely warey just in case his killer is still nearby.Looting him, he has an FN FAL as his primary and an M1911 as his sidearm. He also has an Alice Pack with an MP5A5, as well as a number of helpful tools and medical supplies.Then I hear footsteps. I turn around and see another survivor running down the road armed with a crowbar."Ohhh boy please don't shoot me sir," he says to me over Direct Chat trying to quietly sprint past me on the road."I'm friendly dude" I tell himHe stops running.He comes back and we have a brief chit-chat. I tell him how I only recently spawned and just found this dead guy in a ghillie suit and that I'm headed to Elektro to meet up with a friend. He tells me that he recently spawned as well after being sniped by bandits in Elektro last time, he's hoping he can maybe run back to Elektro to loot his old corpse, although he's not overly optimistic.Knowing full well that he could potentially stab me in the back, I still go against the whole theme "trusting no one" in this game, and offer him the MP5A5 with 2 magazines, if only to empty some space in my new found Alice Pack. I also give him a drink and a piece of meat. He is overjoyed and thanks me a bunch of times, telling me that this is the best weapon he's had in the game yet (he's only been playing for a few days).We agree to run to Elektro together, making smalltalk along the way.After a few minutes more of running, we approach Kamyshovo when something catches my eye. Something in the bushes next to the road. It's a fucking motorcycle in 100% pristine order."Dude! Motorbike! Let's jump on!"I get on first and he jumps on the back, both of us cheering how awesome our luck is today. Finding two good primary weapons and a motorcycle within minutes of spawning.Being that this is my first time on a motorcycle, I take it pretty slowly, but still manage to navigate my way through the town. But then, gunshots. We look behind us and two men with bandit skins are chasing us with sidearms."I'm hit," the other guy tells me. I speed us both out of there.He's bleeding, so I get a safe distance up the road and quickly pull over behind some trees."Can you bandage me man? I don't have any bandages."I thought this was strange, but I still jumped off the bike anyway, I started to bandage him up. Just as I started, he aims up his MP5A5 and sprays me in the face with gunfire, killing me instantly.That's the last time I give someone a ride to Elektro. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dr.Dinosaur 3 Posted September 1, 2012 (edited) This happened the other day.I had pretty awesome gear, M14 AIM with 7 mags, AS50 with 4 M107 rounds, NVG, Coyote backpack and other assortments. My friend, who was a new character had just spawned in, so we decided to meet down at the gas station out of Cherno. I gave him my M14, leaving me with an M1911 and an AS50 to protect myself with. I wasn't worried, cause I knew how to get shit done.So we head north from the gas station up to Kozlovka, and on the way, every 10-20 seconds I'd here a DMR shot. My friend couldn't hear it at first, but after the 4th shot, he started hearing it. We weren't getting shot at, but the sound was not far off from us. So we crawled about 100m into a treeline and started walking again. In Kozlovka, we refilled our water bottles and were on our way to ZelengorskThere is a barn West of Kozlovka, so my friend and I decided to check it out (what could go wrong?). So there we are, just coming out of the treeline, about 50-80m from the barn, and we start hearing AK rounds. Then we suddenly realised, we were getting shot at! And this guy was clearly just shooting, since not 1 bullet hit either of us. But we didn't know where the bastard was. My friend went through the treeline to get around the barn, while I went up on a hill with my AS50 to see if I could find the guy. 5 minutes passed. Nothing. We didn't see, hear or find the guy. We figured he was either hiding in a corner in the barn, or alt+f4'd. So onwards we went, skipping the barn.Heading to Drozhino, we figured we would look at the barn there too. In there was just ammo and guns, nothing we really needed. Then, as I looked over Zelengorsk, I saw a Ural driving up the road. I equiped my AS50, but then stopped myself from shooting, basically because my AS50 would blow up the Ural, rather than kill the guy. It was about 500+ metres and moving away. So we head down into the shopping store in Zelngorsk, and boy did that go bad quickly...My friend had decided to run straight for the store while I was looking at the Ural, and managed to pull about 15+ infected with him. So I run in there, helping him to kill them. We are in the back aisle of the store, and I hear a zombie trying to hit me through the wall. All of a sudden, the zombie sprints through the wall, into me, causing me to faint, break my legs, and lose 9000+ blood. What happened was that the zombie ran through the wall in front of me, the game tried to pull him back to the other side of the wall, and I got stuck between him and the shelves.So there I was, dying. Luckily, my friend bandaged me, and I was back on my feet. We sprinted out of the store, back up to the barn, and killed any zombie that followed us. So, 3000 blood and no blood bags for me. Great run. Fortunately, a goat and pig were in the field, and I managed to kill them, gut them, cook their meat, and get back up to 10000 blood. So now, me and my friend log out in the barn while he still have our lives.Our adventure has yet to end... Edited September 4, 2012 by Dr.Dinosaur 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xelous 28 Posted September 1, 2012 I am so jammy you could paint me brown and call me dodger... Allow me to explain, I posted this, as I was so worried...Oh holy hell, I'm going to get roasted when I get home...My wife and I play our character together... Trouble is... I just nipped on for a quick shufty around whilst I'm at work... This was fine, until I sort of fired the Enfield by accident... I don't know what happened, I was in the tree's looking down on a smallish town, went to get my binoculars out and BANG!Next thing I see 5-6 Z's zerging at me, and I hop it into the tree's. I'm zigging and zagging, trying to get a bit of space between me and them... And also between me and the town so I can shoot these sods down without attracting more... I zig BANG BANG... two down.... I Zag... BANG another.... I Zig and Zag... BANG BANG two more, reload... Zig.... BANG Missed shit.... CRUNCHHe broke our collective legs.... Bang, he's dead....I bandaged the wounds, ate some food, took a drink and then reflected... "Holy Mother of God the wife is going to kill me when I get home and have to explain why our guy, our join guy, has broken legs".Sod Zombies... My Wife is way scarier.Well, I got on quick when I got home, and before the game loaded the wife went for a shower... I ended up on a night time server, crawling... and Crawling... and CRAWLING.... The nearest thing to the location in the woods, a Deer Stand..."What you doing?" she called..."Oh just going slowly through the tree's, I see a Deer Stand to the north"..."Right oh, I thought I heard you crawling about, don't do anything before I'm there"...The sweat is pouring down me... The dog tries to come in to snuggle around my feet, I kick him away... I AM ON A MISSION!!!I can see it... I can see the ladder!.... Oh holy hell, there's a hopper, a copper and a pair of soldiers... Crawl man Crawl!!!The shower trips off... She's coming... Gurgle form a zombie.... Gurgle from the plug hole.... She's coming down the landing....Up, up up the ladder we go... MORPHINE!!!! Ding DONG!!!!! I jab it up, inject... and voila.I AM SAVED!!!!!I can hear Cool & the Gang singing in my minds eye... I can see a ticker tape parade... I'm so happy I'm swinging around in the chair just as the wife rounds the door frame."What dafaq you doing twirling around looking so happy for, there's just some 1911 clips and a pile of empty cans!"She will never know, least until she reads this.... Shhhhh.... Don't tell her. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hws_basic 0 Posted September 1, 2012 A story of Love, Explosions, Heroism, And TragedyThis story starts on the Loading screen. As I am sat and waiting for my character to spawn, random & unknown survivors who are also loading the game are talking over the Group Chat. I join in with some silly banter, and all of a sudden a voice starts saying my name... "Daan.... Daaaaaan... I love you man. I love you, Daan." His tone is kind of sleazy, but it makes me laugh. "Daan," he says again, "I'm serious, I love you man. Not in a gay kind of way, this is not about sex. I just love you man!!" Though feeling slightly bewildered, I do see the humour in this strange conversation, so I chuckle a bit until I finally spawn into the game.Being a fresh spawn with no weapons or loot, I quickly make my way into Elektro. My play style tends to be rather careless, as I enjoy encountering other players even though 9 times out of 10 I get shot in the face. Nevertheless, I often enough do meet friendly players and those encounters have always led to the best DayZ experiences. So here I am running through Elektro in an extremely busy server, continuously talking over the voice chat in Direct Communication with the intention to attract the attention of nearby players. As I enter the school (police?) building near the supermarket, still randomly calling out for survivors, I suddenly hear a voice coming from the first floor: "Who is this? What is your name?" I call out my name and lo and behold, it turns out to be the sleazy voice from the chat on the Loading screen. "Daan! It is me! I love you man! Daan, come upstairs!"Having nothing to lose, and my curiosity prickled by this weird character who is so intent on proclaiming his "love" for me, I make my way upstairs, fully expecting to get shot in the skull as soon as I head out the stairwell. Upon entering the first floor, I see two survivors in ghillie suits, and one of them immediatly continues his awkward proclamations of love, until he points his gun at me and shoots me in the leg. He starts to laugh, "Oh no oh my god! I think I have broken your leg! Hahaha! Look at your leg!" He then tells me that he has a grenade, that he's never seen somebody being blown up by one, and that he would love to try it out on me. However, for whatever reason he then proceeds to bandage my wounds, and his friend gives me a shot of morphine to patch up my leg. Meanwhile the first guy, whose name turns out to be Tom Twice, continues to tell me that he seriously loves me, but -to my relief- "not in a sexual sort of way." Nevertheless, he does make certain comments about my virtual physique. My responses are generally just laughter and random jolly remarks, as I am still expecting to be shot as soon as they have enough of this strange roleplaying game they have going on.After a few minutes of random banter, things settle down a bit and the conversation descends into normality. Tom Twice has finally grown tired of saying that he loves me, and now plans are being made to team up and look for a vehicle. I tell him and his friend Ben that when I was on this same server a few hours ago, I saw a couple of broken vehicles west of Cherno, and so we decide to head in that direction. Predictably, as we make our way out of Elektro, we get shot at by various snipers, but we press on and get out of town unscathed.As we are running through the fields towards Cherno, the conversation has now entirely turned to casual banter, with no traces left of the awkward start we made. Tom Twice even apologises for his earlier remarks, which I shrug off as I see the humour in all of it. Anyway, to cut it short, eventually what happens is that I lose sight of them near the edge of Cherno due to it being dusk and them wearing ghillie suits, and after pressing on alone I find four satchel charges inside a tent. I quickly check the vehicle spot, notice that they're all gone, and then decide to head into Cherno to try and blow up some stuff. Having never used satchel charges before, I'm curious to see if I can take down some buildings.Cherno is full of life: someone's lit a a road flare, and gunshots are aplenty. I sneak my way into the firestation, lay down a satchel, arm it and make my way the hell out of there. Just as I am running out of the station and around the corner, I hear a voice: "Daan! Daan! It's me, Tom Twice" - my friends have managed to locate me. And then BOOOM my satchel goes off, scaring the shit out of them. "What the fuck was that!!??!" It went off only a few meters from our rendez-vous. Unfortunately, the building is unscratched.After they have calmed down we decide to head to the church and try the same trick again, as I'd seen a video on Youtube of someone blowing down the roof of the church somehow. We lay down a satchel - massive explosion, yet still no result. Meanwhile, we hear plenty of sniper shots coming from the general direction of the industrial area, so our next plan is to go there and try to take out the sniper(s). Sneaking our way through the lanes, buildings and alleys of Cherno, we eventually pinpoint what we think is the sniper(s) location - right on top of the tallest industrial building.I elect myself to be the first to climb up on the long, long ladder, as I personally don't mind dying, especially having no loot other than 2 remaining satchel charges, and a Lee Enfield. When I am near the top of the building, I predictably get shot, as the sniper(s) must have heard us talking, idiots that we were. Ben and Tom Twice are in light panic, asking me what is going on, whilst I simply lie there on the second landing / balcony of the building - I can't get up, but I don't see any blood loss either. I'm basically stuck, but I don't appear to be dying, and when I tell this to my friends they heroically climb the ladder in an attempt to save me.As they are climbing up, the world is set on fire. What must be easily 20 explosions all start going off in quick succession, all around us - we have no bloody clue what the hell is going on, all we know is that we're in deep shit. Explosions are everywhere, in what seems to be the entire city, but definitely in very close proximity to us, though it is difficult for me to tell where exactly as I'm still lying there, unable to move. Then a rain of gunshots, and both my friends are killed in quick succession. I feel a pang of loss, regret and guilt, and hope that they will log back in to claim their dead bodies' loot. Meanwhile, I am still stuck, paralysed on the balcony with no visible blood loss, and so I decide to abort and log back in to see if that clears up my predicament.Upon logging back in, I now see the hourglass to indicate that I am passed out, so at least things have turned back to normal. As I'm lying there, slowly losing blood, I can hear someone climb up the ladder that is next to me. I'm asking myself, "Is it Tom Twice, is it Ben?", but I can't communicate over voice chat as I'm still passed out. I hear bandaging sounds - this guy is patching me up! Next thing I know is that I am being dragged away, presumably to a safer place. The hourglass is still half full, my saviour waits for a bit, and then proceeds to give me an Epipen. I wake up, stand up, and thank this kind sir - whose name turns out to be Sgt.Potato. He says nothing, turns around, walks away, and goes down the ladder. Gone. Did he just climb up there to save me?? And I don't hear sniper shots anymore... did he take out the snipers as well??I see that there are at least 4 dead bodies of unknown survivors around me on the balcony. I loot one of them, and find the entire kit: NVGs, GPS, Coyote pack, everything. I have just survived the world being blown up around me, then got saved by a random hero, and now I am fully kitted out - luck is clearly on my side! I make my way down the ladder, still hoping that Tom Twice and Ben come back into the game. When I reach the ground, I hear a groan really nearby... somebody is lying somewhere, dying. I must be his Sgt.Potato! I must save him!!I try to locate the dying survivor. Walking around a bit in the general direction of where the groans are coming from, I suddenly hear a quiet sigh, followed by a message in the bottom of the screen that somebody has just died. I despair, I came too late... I take another look around, setting a few steps forward......BOOOOM!!!Out of nowhere, another massive explosion goes off, the metal structure to my right hand side is falling to pieces and sinking into the ground, and I am killed instananeously.To the fallen survivors: Ben, Tom Twice, I love you too - and not in a gay kind of way :)To my hero saviour: Sgt.Potato, press on and stay safe!Heh... :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alexzo 17 Posted September 2, 2012 Well.... Today, me and my friend started all over. We had fun in a ts chat. We went through military bases, found some weps and stuff. We saved up tires for a truck and everything was running smooth. As he found a tractor we put all our stuff in there. In total: 7 tires and a lot of other car stuff, for the perfect vehicle. He took off as I again approached the city for more wheels, when he suddenly shouted out. I asked what was wrong, and he answered....: I exploded.Thank you for the car explosion bugs, when you hit a stone with your vehicle, that is on size with a foot, with only 10km/hr. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dr.Dinosaur 3 Posted September 2, 2012 (edited) I saw the fresh spawn. Sam was his name. Running around Cherno, bleeding like a fountain. Being chased by 20 of them'Sam, run over to me,' I said, as I unloaded my M1911 rounds into the horde 'I'm here to help'.He ran over, and I shot them as the came running after him.'Bandage yourself,' I said, once the zombies were dead. 'You new to the game?' I asked. No response. 'I'm heading towards the hospital now, you can follow me if you like.'I gathered medical supplies, while Sam stood close to me. I think he was scared, and I was his only protection. 'Can you give me a blood transfusion?' I asked. No response, but he did give me one. 'We should get out of Cherno now, it isn't safe.'4 steps outside of the hospital, and a crack bursts into the air. 'Quick Sam, run'. I sprinted, Sam close behind. Bullets were landing all around us. We managed to get inside a house for cover. While I had been running, I saw that a player was on the Hospital roof.'Sam listen to me, I need you to trust me'. He looked straight into my eyes. 'Run back down the road. I promise you'll be okay'. I could see he didn't want to do it, but he started running without a word. As soon as he went out the door, I brought out my AS50. Gunshots after gunshots were heard. Bullets landing around Sam. 'Now or never,' I thought, 'I have to do this for Sam'. I planted my sights on the player, and shot.Silence. Pure silence. Sam had run back to me. 'Alright Sam, its safe now. Let's go.' We started running along the road out of Cherno. 'See that barn up there? I'm gonna log out in it.' Sam followed. I felt sorry for Sam, seeing as he had no weapon. Crouched inside the barn, I brought up my gear. I decided to give Sam my M1911. But before I could, I felt the sharp edge of a hatchet in my back.Unconscious, but Sam thought I was dead. He started looting my body, but didn't take my bag. 'I'm sorry,' I heard Sam say, 'I'm so sorry.' He turned to leave the barn, and thats when I regained conciousness. Before he could get down the stairs, I pulled my M16A2 out of my bag, and aimed it straight at the back of his torso, then pulled the trigger. He fell unconscious. I could tell he wasn't dead, and I knew he was surprised to see me alive.'Sam mate, I'll let you live this time. But if you ever try and hack me in the back and take my gear, I will make you regret it.' I bandaged myself, and Sam, took what gear he had stolen back, then logged out. I have no idea what happened to the man I left on the barn floor, nor do I want to know. Edited September 2, 2012 by Dr.Dinosaur 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anzacky 0 Posted September 2, 2012 I had just logged on and spawned at my base just outside a town that will remain nameless, when I heard a can being opened and drank, now my base is well hidden in some trees so I wasn't expecting anyone. I turn round and theres some dude in my tent rifling through my gear. I run over to him and shove my assault rifle in his face, poor guy must of shit his pants cause I came out of nowhere, he noticed me and runs for it, so I shout friendly over the mic and I meet my first survivor who hasnt tried to kill me, I tell him to help himself to the tents and we part ways. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anzacky 0 Posted September 2, 2012 I had just logged on and spawned at my base just outside a town that will remain nameless, when I heard a can being opened and drank, now my base is well hidden in some trees so I wasn't expecting anyone. I turn round and theres some dude in my tent rifling through my gear. I run over to him and shove my assault rifle in his face, poor guy must of shit his pants cause I came out of nowhere, he noticed me and runs for it, so I shout friendly over the mic and I meet my first survivor who hasnt tried to kill me, I tell him to help himself to the tents and we part ways. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anzacky 0 Posted September 2, 2012 I had just logged on and spawned at my base just outside a town that will remain nameless, when I heard a can being opened and drank, now my base is well hidden in some trees so I wasn't expecting anyone. I turn round and theres some dude in my tent rifling through my gear. I run over to him and shove my assault rifle in his face, poor guy must of shit his pants cause I came out of nowhere, he noticed me and runs for it, so I shout friendly over the mic and I meet my first survivor who hasnt tried to kill me, I tell him to help himself to the tents and we part ways. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
amaROenuZ 144 Posted September 3, 2012 I was camping out down by the coast on a moderate pop server while a friend of mine did some looting down by Kamenka. Relaxing, just me, my M4 and my M14 when I get that suspicious feeling. I decide to investigate a bit. Check the area. Sure enough, I find a bandit. Looks like a fresh spawn, but he's holding a DMR. I immediately go into the serpentine and start closing on him with my M4 in hand. Sure enough, 20 shots from a DMR get fired off and sure enough, 20 shots completely fail to hit.Learn a lesson from this kids. Don't use a sniper rifle under 100 meters. You will get wasted by the guy with the assault rifle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 5 Posted September 3, 2012 (edited) DayZ Christmas LogsIf you don't want to read this because it's too long... this is one of the best stories you'll get about DayZ. Trust me.I had just spawned in Elektro, and my first instinct was to get to the firehouse. While going there I somehow managed to attract 40+ zombies to me. I was pretty sure I was dead. I had ran for about 3 more minutes until I reached the firehouse, when a man passed me on a bike and I'm pretty sure he was playing the rick roll through his mic. I called for help and got no reply. I got into the firehouse and looked for guns to help defend myself; finding none. I suddenly heard the rick roll getting slighty louder, then increasingly getting louder. I looked outside the window to see the guy on the bike. He had come back to help. I stared as he dropped half the zombies without breaking a sweat. He just randomly started dancing all of the sudden, which I thought was hilarious. He then easily took out all the rest. When I walked down to the bottom floor of the firehouse to thank him, he just started placing guns on the ground. I remember, it was an M4A1 ACOG with loads of ammo and an M1911 with a few mags. He also dropped me a coyote backpack, some cooked meat and some Mountain Dew, which I had never seen before. I finally got a chance to look at his name, however I will only identify him as Santa. Before I had a chance to thank him, suddenly "Santa Claus is coming to Town" began to play and he started dancing again.At last, he finally began to talk. He told me stories about how he was going around helping new people. When I asked him how the zombies did no damage to him, he replied "Magic.". His friend, who apparently he had helped earlier, rode by on a bike and got sniped out of no where. Santa replied that these were hackers, and that they must be stopped. He took off, and after a few seconds of thinking whether I should go with him I decided to join him. I wanted to know more about "Santa". After running out of the firehouse I couldn't find him anywhere. I did, however, find a fresh spawn and told him to wait for my friend to get back to give him some free items. After a few minutes, Santa returned stating how he had taken care of the hackers. He then offered the fresh spawn some items, but he refused. Santa then again demanded that he take the presents, but the fresh spawn would not accept them. He called the fresh spawn disrespectful, and then tried to shoot him. I joined him because I frankly did not want to get shot. The guy got away though, and we couldn't find him.Me and Santa continued to talk for a while longer, then I decided that I should ask Santa if we could repair a helicopter and go help fresh spawns along the coast. Out of nowhere a helicopter appeared, and me and Santa both boarded it. This helicopter spawn was identified to me as "magic". Unfortunately we crashed soon after we began flying.I rejoined the game, somehow having most of my items returned to me, asking Santa if he was near me in direct communication. I continued to ask for a few minutes, when suddenly I was "magically" teleported to a castle up north. Santa then created a crate full of items, I believe it was 15x each item in the game. After I geared up a bit, we both boarded a Four Wheeler and were teleported once again, this time to Santa's friend. Out of nowhere, a helicopter appeared and began raining bullets down on us. Santa just said "damn hackers" and ran off, and once again I tried to follow him. I saw a guy in a ghillie suit and told him to run from the heli, but he just shot me down.This time when I spawned, I was back at the castle. I had only a few of my items this time, and Santa was nowhere to be found. I wandered around for a few minutes, shooting zombies and asking if Santa could hear me, but I received no answer. I was waiting patiently for about a half hour, and finally I was teleported to Santa. He said he used his "magic" to create a barrier on the server that makes hackers spawn in permanently unconscious. We talked a bit more, then he said he had to take a phone call. We talked through typing at that point. He then spawned us each a truck, and he told me to follow him. We went quite a ways away from where we had been, when Santa finally said that he had to get off. He told me he'd add me on steam, then got off.This part pretty much gets me mad at myself. Earlier when I was playing GMod, I had changed my name to Rob Gronkowski. I hadn't changed it back. This means that if Santa had tried to add me on Steam, he wouldn't of seen my name. Since that day, I haven't talked to Santa. Before I get on every day, I scan US 1579 for him, then I scan it a few times throughout the day. I just can't seem to find him. If anyone sees a familiar Santa, please message me on Steam. My steam is rejectmexican. I don't know why this is such a big deal to me, but it is. This guy is one of the coolest guys in the entire internet. If you're reading this Santa, thank you for the experience. It was awesome. Keep on doing what you're doing.And one last thing guys..listen for the rick roll. Edited September 3, 2012 by rejectmexican Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gary055 1 Posted September 3, 2012 There was one other person in the server. I was at the NWA firestation. And we both end up killing each other.My two buddies and I were at NWA about to annihilate a cow in the open field. Suddenly I hear each of them yell loudly over skype. They are both dead from snipes. I immediately go prone and aborted. (It was my first ever being shot at. lol. I know. lol. Probably my first time at the NWA as well).... Then I stupidly decided to avenge them so I logged back in after 2-3 minutes. Character setup completed.. I was back in. I quickly took my buddy's nice rifle and sprinted to the back of ATC tower. I went prone and was sniped 3 sec later LOLThere were about 15 players on. Elektro. At the docks along the tracks. I was prone and he was sprinting towards my direction oblivious to my presence. I was aggravated about my previous death resulting from a kos. So i decided to take my anger out on this guy. (besides he looked well-stocked and I was in need of food/drink) i take aim with my Lee and broke his bones with a shot to his leg. He is prone with the railroad tracks in between us. I shoot twice. But both are deflected by the railroad tracks. I was exposed therefore he takes me out with ease. :(Other times I have died were from my own recklessness. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
root 48 Posted September 3, 2012 DayZ Christmas LogsIf you don't want to read this because it's too long... this is one of the best stories you'll get about DayZ. Trust me.I had just spawned in Elektro, and my first instinct was to get to the firehouse. While going there I somehow managed to attract 40+ zombies to me. I was pretty sure I was dead. I had ran for about 3 more minutes until I reached the firehouse, when a man passed me on a bike and I'm pretty sure he was playing the rick roll through his mic. I called for help and got no reply. I got into the firehouse and looked for guns to help defend myself; finding none. I suddenly heard the rick roll getting slighty louder, then increasingly getting louder. I looked outside the window to see the guy on the bike. He had come back to help. I stared as he dropped half the zombies without breaking a sweat. He just randomly started dancing all of the sudden, which I thought was hilarious. He then easily took out all the rest. When I walked down to the bottom floor of the firehouse to thank him, he just started placing guns on the ground. I remember, it was an M4A1 ACOG with loads of ammo and an M1911 with a few mags. He also dropped me a coyote backpack, some cooked meat and some Mountain Dew, which I had never seen before. I finally got a chance to look at his name, however I will only identify him as Santa. Before I had a chance to thank him, suddenly "Santa Claus is coming to Town" began to play and he started dancing again.At last, he finally began to talk. He told me stories about how he was going around helping new people. When I asked him how the zombies did no damage to him, he replied "Magic.". His friend, who apparently he had helped earlier, rode by on a bike and got sniped out of no where. Santa replied that these were hackers, and that they must be stopped. He took off, and after a few seconds of thinking whether I should go with him I decided to join him. I wanted to know more about "Santa". After running out of the firehouse I couldn't find him anywhere. I did, however, find a fresh spawn and told him to wait for my friend to get back to give him some free items. After a few minutes, Santa returned stating how he had taken care of the hackers. He then offered the fresh spawn some items, but he refused. Santa then again demanded that he take the presents, but the fresh spawn would not accept them. He called the fresh spawn disrespectful, and then tried to shoot him. I joined him because I frankly did not want to get shot. The guy got away though, and we couldn't find him.Me and Santa continued to talk for a while longer, then I decided that I should ask Santa if we could repair a helicopter and go help fresh spawns along the coast. Out of nowhere a helicopter appeared, and me and Santa both boarded it. This helicopter spawn was identified to me as "magic". Unfortunately we crashed soon after we began flying.I rejoined the game, somehow having most of my items returned to me, asking Santa if he was near me in direct communication. I continued to ask for a few minutes, when suddenly I was "magically" teleported to a castle up north. Santa then created a crate full of items, I believe it was 15x each item in the game. After I geared up a bit, we both boarded a Four Wheeler and were teleported once again, this time to Santa's friend. Out of nowhere, a helicopter appeared and began raining bullets down on us. Santa just said "damn hackers" and ran off, and once again I tried to follow him. I saw a guy in a ghillie suit and told him to run from the heli, but he just shot me down.This time when I spawned, I was back at the castle. I had only a few of my items this time, and Santa was nowhere to be found. I wandered around for a few minutes, shooting zombies and asking if Santa could hear me, but I received no answer. I was waiting patiently for about a half hour, and finally I was teleported to Santa. He said he used his "magic" to create a barrier on the server that makes hackers spawn in permanently unconscious. We talked a bit more, then he said he had to take a phone call. We talked through typing at that point. He then spawned us each a truck, and he told me to follow him. We went quite a ways away from where we had been, when Santa finally said that he had to get off. He told me he'd add me on steam, then got off.This part pretty much gets me mad at myself. Earlier when I was playing GMod, I had changed my name to Rob Gronkowski. I hadn't changed it back. This means that if Santa had tried to add me on Steam, he wouldn't of seen my name. Since that day, I haven't talked to Santa. Before I get on every day, I scan US 1579 for him, then I scan it a few times throughout the day. I just can't seem to find him. If anyone sees a familiar Santa, please message me on Steam. My steam is rejectmexican. I don't know why this is such a big deal to me, but it is. This guy is one of the coolest guys in the entire internet. If you're reading this Santa, thank you for the experience. It was awesome. Keep on doing what you're doing.And one last thing guys..listen for the rick ... I can't believe I read that ...... what you should do is, once you got a rifle gun shoot "santa" in the HEAD and drop all hacked in guns Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CaptainD 1 Posted September 3, 2012 DayZ Christmas LogsIf you don't want to read this because it's too long... this is one of the best stories you'll get about DayZ. Trust me.I had just spawned in Elektro, and my first instinct was to get to the firehouse. While going there I somehow managed to attract 40+ zombies to me. I was pretty sure I was dead. I had ran for about 3 more minutes until I reached the firehouse, when a man passed me on a bike and I'm pretty sure he was playing the rick roll through his mic. I called for help and got no reply. I got into the firehouse and looked for guns to help defend myself; finding none. I suddenly heard the rick roll getting slighty louder, then increasingly getting louder. I looked outside the window to see the guy on the bike. He had come back to help. I stared as he dropped half the zombies without breaking a sweat. He just randomly started dancing all of the sudden, which I thought was hilarious. He then easily took out all the rest. When I walked down to the bottom floor of the firehouse to thank him, he just started placing guns on the ground. I remember, it was an M4A1 ACOG with loads of ammo and an M1911 with a few mags. He also dropped me a coyote backpack, some cooked meat and some Mountain Dew, which I had never seen before. I finally got a chance to look at his name, however I will only identify him as Santa. Before I had a chance to thank him, suddenly "Santa Claus is coming to Town" began to play and he started dancing again.At last, he finally began to talk. He told me stories about how he was going around helping new people. When I asked him how the zombies did no damage to him, he replied "Magic.". His friend, who apparently he had helped earlier, rode by on a bike and got sniped out of no where. Santa replied that these were hackers, and that they must be stopped. He took off, and after a few seconds of thinking whether I should go with him I decided to join him. I wanted to know more about "Santa". After running out of the firehouse I couldn't find him anywhere. I did, however, find a fresh spawn and told him to wait for my friend to get back to give him some free items. After a few minutes, Santa returned stating how he had taken care of the hackers. He then offered the fresh spawn some items, but he refused. Santa then again demanded that he take the presents, but the fresh spawn would not accept them. He called the fresh spawn disrespectful, and then tried to shoot him. I joined him because I frankly did not want to get shot. The guy got away though, and we couldn't find him.Me and Santa continued to talk for a while longer, then I decided that I should ask Santa if we could repair a helicopter and go help fresh spawns along the coast. Out of nowhere a helicopter appeared, and me and Santa both boarded it. This helicopter spawn was identified to me as "magic". Unfortunately we crashed soon after we began flying.I rejoined the game, somehow having most of my items returned to me, asking Santa if he was near me in direct communication. I continued to ask for a few minutes, when suddenly I was "magically" teleported to a castle up north. Santa then created a crate full of items, I believe it was 15x each item in the game. After I geared up a bit, we both boarded a Four Wheeler and were teleported once again, this time to Santa's friend. Out of nowhere, a helicopter appeared and began raining bullets down on us. Santa just said "damn hackers" and ran off, and once again I tried to follow him. I saw a guy in a ghillie suit and told him to run from the heli, but he just shot me down.This time when I spawned, I was back at the castle. I had only a few of my items this time, and Santa was nowhere to be found. I wandered around for a few minutes, shooting zombies and asking if Santa could hear me, but I received no answer. I was waiting patiently for about a half hour, and finally I was teleported to Santa. He said he used his "magic" to create a barrier on the server that makes hackers spawn in permanently unconscious. We talked a bit more, then he said he had to take a phone call. We talked through typing at that point. He then spawned us each a truck, and he told me to follow him. We went quite a ways away from where we had been, when Santa finally said that he had to get off. He told me he'd add me on steam, then got off.This part pretty much gets me mad at myself. Earlier when I was playing GMod, I had changed my name to Rob Gronkowski. I hadn't changed it back. This means that if Santa had tried to add me on Steam, he wouldn't of seen my name. Since that day, I haven't talked to Santa. Before I get on every day, I scan US 1579 for him, then I scan it a few times throughout the day. I just can't seem to find him. If anyone sees a familiar Santa, please message me on Steam. My steam is rejectmexican. I don't know why this is such a big deal to me, but it is. This guy is one of the coolest guys in the entire internet. If you're reading this Santa, thank you for the experience. It was awesome. Keep on doing what you're doing.And one last thing guys..listen for the rick roll.He got banned for hacking Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dat Bushmonster 17 Posted September 3, 2012 I've been playing on a server with about 5 people on it. It was evening and it was a bit dark. I had a ghillie and a SVD camo I've found before but I had no NVG's.Anyways, I've been crawling around in the woods of elektro northeast of Cherno in the search of snipers who shoot down to cherno and such. I was moving into my position when I suddenly heard a very high pitched and scary voice saying "I got mah eyes on ya" (kinda like the WoW male dwarf voice, even creepier)Brix have been shat in that moment. After like 15 seconds of being in total shock I activated my voice chat and asked if there's anybody and that I mean no harm.No response. I crawled back about 25 meters until I heard flies buzzing around. I found a body of a dead survivor that had NOTHING on it. Not even a backpack, nothing! I studied the body and he had no name. Noone died in these moments, nothing.I'm still having nightmares because of it D:I was scared shitless. Still I've been looking around but there was noone there... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yadidle 5 Posted September 3, 2012 I had just respawned after having a rather crappy 3 day run with my last character, which ended in a desperate shoot-out in a grocery store (I lost by the way). I spawned near Elektra, so I decided to give it a run through and hit up the main buildings. First the industrial complex, then the firestation, and I eventually ended up in the school.I ran into a guy with an Enfield, and after proclaiming "Friendly!", he took his time to take shots at me. I just bolted out, and to my surprise heard some high caliber gunshots from the school. Upon entering later, the Enfield man was dead...Already jumpy from the murder, and ran to the church and got cornered by zombies. I used a Makorov and had found to headshot them all. After cleaning that up, I looted what little was left over. I had managed to pick up a double-barrel shotgun in one of the industrial buildings before, so I felt decently safe.Lo and behold, the murderer showed up, scaring the crap out of me, and taking pot shots into the church with a M1911. He was wearing a guille suit, so I imeddiatly figured I was a goner. I holed up in a corner behind a stone box, and waited.After he throws a smoke grenade in, and I loose all visablility, I hear more of his gunshots and start running out. One hits me, and drops me to prone. I barely get a look at him through the fog before I pump him with some pellets. He drops too, and I promptly put one more round of pellets right into his face.I manage to bandage myself, and make up for the blood loss with canned good from a grocery store. That is possibly one of the most intense moments I've had on DayZ.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ktabz 9 Posted September 3, 2012 i was on us 1298 with my friend. the back story is that my friend stole their repaired chopper right out of their base and we just trolled along finding their camps. it became time to refuel so we go to our usual remote gas station. at this point it's just myself, my friend and about 7 members of this clan on. my friend (our best pilot) goes, i have to go afk, i doubt we'll run into trouble but i'll get in the gunner seat so you can fly away if anything happens. no sooner than he left i hear an engine off in the distance, getting closer, coming fast. it was an atv. so i sprint to the cockpit and take off (my 2nd ever time flying). i scream away from the fuel tank and i hear the guy yelling for me "give him back his bleeping chopper!" my buddy comes back and goes, "ummm why are we flying tabz?" and he just laughes when i tell him the story. we thought that was pretty epic (until the next day, see below).we go to our impossible to find base with it and park for the night. i sign on the next day and the chopper is still there, good sign. as i'm standing there an admin turns up and bam, server restart. come back in, no more chopper. think to myself, well it was a fun run, maybe we'll find it soon. little did i know. later on another clanmate and i go out to their camp and raid some of their good stuff. at this point i'm on day 9 with my character and have survived several firefights. i had seen a pbx earlier at krutoy cap so i try to swim out to it in the rocks. well the rocks were bugged and i managed to break my leg and bleed out while swimming next to rocks. this pisses me off because i had everything i ever wanted out of a dayz life. i spawn back in and lucky me i'm in electro, no sweat i'll run back and brave the rocks again and get my stuff back. my friend takes refuge on the small island next to the cap i'm running my friend yells over ts "i see the camo ural! it's com ing your way." so i keep my eye out and never see it. i get back out to the cap and make an attempt to salvage my stuff. i get it all back and then fall into the water, stuck between the rocks. i break my leg, pass out and drown instantly from the rocks again. now i'm really mad. i manage to spawn at otmel and think to myself, ok last try. when i get to kamyshovo my friend yells out, the truck is here, there's two guys in it!" now my friend is a shoot first ask questions later type of guy so i plead with him to wait just 2 more minutes, and that i wanted to steal their truck. there are a bunch of home clanmembers on now so i think it's probably them. he keeps asking to take a shot and i say just wait i'm seconds away, we can pull this off and it'll be epic. my only regret is i didn't have time to turn on fraps.i just get there and my friend goes, "tabz, i'm not shitting you, i hear the chopper. i'm hiding." i hear the chopper too and hide in the woods just taking in the scene. will this be some fantastic fight or is it a meeting of some sort? the chopper lands and i set out down the hill, still unarmed. my friend is calling out contacts, 4 of them, all ghillies, all with as50 thermals. zero fucks given by me i continue pushing towards them, eyeing the pilotless chopper. i get to the railroad tracks and my friend opens up on them with his svd. i see all 4 guys now all reacting to the sniper, my friend, on the small island, none of them paying attention to me at all. i see one guy drop, and another. another guy is prone, bandaging, slowly turning towards me, our ambush at risk of collapse as i'm defenseless. all of a sudden, his head disappears and my friend calls out "another one down, hahahahaha." i would have been creeped out if i didn't know him so well, knowing that he lived for moments like this. seconds later i've proned my way to the side of the chopper, my friend insistent that the pilot is still inside. turns out it was empty so i hop in and fire it up, not caring about the last guy, just trying to steal their i rise away i see the last guy taking aim and call it out, a shot rings out, my windshield shattering, a miss! i switch to 3rd person just as my buddies puts a bullet right through the bandits heart, a kill shot. i take off and get out of dodge, my friend slowly puts his sniper away and swims to the coast, gets in the truck to drive away, stops and decides to hide all the bodies with their hacked in weapons. as he hides the last guy a lonely shot rings out, right in the head, my friend dead and the end of our ambush. was it a hacker? a curious passerby, alerted by all the commotion? we'll never know.he spawns in at kamenka and i pick him up. by this time my other friend from the day before (the good pilot) has spawned in a short distance away at our camp so we go there and fly away. not too much later a hacker teleports us and murders us, the chopper gone for a week. we strongly suspect the clanmembers with the hacked in weapons are responsible for the hack, but have no fucks given, an unarmed man and a starving man with an svd camo take out a truck and chopper load full of bandits with hacked in weapons and make off with their precious. we won dayz yesterday. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites