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Devils castle hostile takeover.

This happend on Privatehive server UK 57 last night.

It started to get dark in chernarus. All seemed quiet. But that silence was quickly interupted by the radio. MAN DOWN! MAN DOWN! 2 guys from my squad had been cought in an ambush at NW airfield. We quicly assembled the rest of our squad to go on a search and rescue mission for the second guy, and to hunt that murderer down. A squad of 8 guys in helli and 2 in car made our way to the airfield. We got dropped of by the chopper at the south side of the airfield, and made our way trought the woods towards the south barracs. While the car team entered from the north. The amount of zombies where almost unbeliveble must have been 200 of those flesheating monsters. We searched and searched for our fallen friend while the killer taunting us over the voicecom with no luck. We regrouped by the hangars togheter with the second guy who got ambushed when we knew the airfield was clear. The killer still taunting us. Now he had moved to devils castle, and had baricaded himself at the top. Most of us headed on foot while the chopper circled the castle to give us an overwiew and support. First to arive on ground was our sniper. He took position to cover the only entrence until backup arrived. It didnt take long before a cuple of bullets came flying in his direction. He moved alittle back while the killer laught on the radio. The rest of us moved in from diffrent angles. Now we where ready to move inn trough the entrence. We spoted a man on the first floor with a duble barrel shotgun. He bearly managed to squice of a shot before 2 m4 cco sd gunned him down. The whole castle was lighted up by the gunfire. We quicly moved up to the next floor. I trew a smokegranade up trough the stairs to the next floor while the team move up. The sound of sd m4's and ak74 fils the castle in a huge firefight between us and 2 other maniacs. We loose 1 guy but both the maniacs go down in the prosses. The killer himself is still alive. He had now moved to the roof. We quicly moved up and counted down for our final run up to the roof. 3...2...1... Bullets flying everywhere. I feel they strafing my head while our bullets drop the killer. Finaly silence. All we could hear is the chopper landing on the field next to the castle. The adreanline was still pumping while we looted the corps to gather up our fallen team mates stolen gear.

Edited by F-ashbang

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I have been banned from so many server because it ejects me out of choppers when im flying iv been banned from like 50 servers because of that... and I JOIN A SERVER and i fly THEN IT PICKS Me out and PUTS ME IN THE AIR and it crashes and this time im getting globle ban sooo GLITCHS FUCK YEAH!

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This happened a few months ago:

Me and one of my group-mates in DayZ were returning to our camp hidden deep within the woods. We had just been scavenging nearby towns on the outskirts of the forest and were going back to our base-camp to store the new loot we've come across. To make ourselves a less noticeable target, we kept our distance from each other as we marched towards the camp. Then suddenly, as we were just barely able to see one of the camp tents, several shots were fired at my group-mate. He was hit pretty bad and was knocked unconscious; thankfully, I had the equipment to save him. It was just a matter of dealing with the hidden bandit stalking my now-downed partner.

Immediately and instinctively, I dropped flat to the ground and stood still next to a tree. I was on slightly higher ground than my team-mate was; the hill I was on was descending towards the camp. I looked left and saw nothing. I looked straight ahead and saw one of our tents poking through the trees. I looked to the right, and there I saw two bandits moving in towards my unconscious partner in low-profile with their weapons drawn. I was able to make out that one of them had an assault rifle and the other had a sub-machine gun; and MP5 it looked like.

Thankfully, I had my DMR out and was far enough from the targets to be in perfect range. I peered through the scope and focused my aim in the direction of the armed duo. Luckily for me, they were walking next to each other and they both stopped at the same time. I took advantage of this opportunity and quickly fired two shots. The first shot pierced the skull of the first, closer target and passed through his partner's head, killing them both instantly. The second shot hit the closer target somewhere in the torso.

Amazed that I had pretty much killed two guys (who deserved it) with a single shot and that it was a double-headshot, I approached my downed partner and revived him with morphine, a bandage, and a bloodbag. (we were returning from a hospital medicine run, now that I think of it) We then proceeded to loot the two dead bodies which carried some heavy weaponry and ammo. It was a good day.

TL;DR, I headshot two guys next to eachother with 1 DMR shot, saved my unconscious team-mate whom they shot, and looted the two dead bandit corpses. My EPEEN level got maxed out. :}

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Here is one of my short stories to start off... I awake to the sound of waves crashing behind me,As I gather my bearings and get ready for my jourBAMBAMBAMBAM............YOU ARE DEAD....The End.

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My story started 2 days ago and ended today its called my Vehicles.

It starts with me up at Stary I had just finished looting when a helicopter shows up and offers me a lift, I accepted cautiously. He gave me a lift back to electro where I was meeting with a freshly spawned friend, after he landed the chopper he gets out and I notice he is carrying a AS50 TWS and was about to kill me and my friend but at this moment we were saved by the admin who notices his weapon and he gets banned his body just disappears so no loot off him at this point I am out of the chopper and its off screen I turn around and its still there so I guessed it was a legit chopper, so I take it and fly to NW airfield to gear my friend up we loot a few places and then we took it for one last trip to NE airfield before we log and as I am landing it, (which I had done about 4 times before at the same speed on surfaces that were not flat without damaging it) I touch down and everything turns red it wouldn't start so we get out fast and it blows up. I have no idea why this happened because we had landed on the airstrip which was flat and landed it slowly and from here on things just get more frustrating.

The next day I log on the same server to find out that the admin or a hacker not sure had wiped all tents and vehicle's so I had lost a M16 M203, M107, Fn fal and a FN fal AV PVS all with mags amongst other items from our camp site, so I am pissed right now but at least one good thing came from it all the vehicles had spawned again so I went in search. I went to NW airfield first to search for a chopper instead I find an ATV which I fix up and then after about 40 mins I touch a lamp post and have to fix it again I did and then logged for the day.

Then I log on today my ATV still there so I take it for a spin back up to NW airfield to search for some more ammo, after about 2 minutes on the ATV on a road I hit a tiny bump and it flips so I cant use it now so I blew it up out of anger. I carried on making my way up to NW airfield and as I am passing Stary I stop in to loot and notice the red Uzaz is there with everything but the wheels and hull in tact so I find a wheel and scrap metal fix it up and still need 3 wheels so I began searching.

I ended up passing by Polana on my way to the factory nearby and I find a wheel 2 more to go, as i get close to the factory I notice the tractor spawn with the tractor there and it was drivable apart from one wheel so I fix it and continue on my journey to find wheels for the uzaz. I found 2 wheels and 4 jerry cans at the factory I loaded them into the tractor and set of for Solinchy.

As I am driving I got lost so I stopped outside of a little town in front of a roadblock open my map and just as I close the map I realised I had rolled into the road block and everything went red and the tractor blew up with me inside I somehow survived barely I had 1k Blood. I patched myself up to about 3k blood with some food I had still at this point I am vulnerable to passing out so i had to be very cautious because I decided to carry on looking for wheels despite having just lost 3 I looked onwards determined to find my Wheels. When I get just outside of Solinchy i searched a few buildings and found 2 wheels so I was back on track I found nothing else there so I went to the factory towards Berizino,

I had arrived after passing out about 10 ten times but when I got there the first building I entered I found 2 wheels again so I had done it, I had 4 wheels in my shiny coyote backpack now so next on the list was healing up. I set a waypoint back to Stary and set off, as I was trekking up the first hillside behind the factory I saw 2 cows so I killed them and ate them and had 12K blood once again, at this point I was thinking my luck had changed I couldn't have been more wrong.

So on the way back I noticed a crash site I only had a Makarov and a PP bizon on me so I went to the crash site and found a M9 pistol and a M4A3 CCO with mags. At this point I was certain my luck was changing and it was but not from bad to good it was from bad to worse, as I just set of back to Stary A sniper took a few shots at me from the nearby town he managed to miss every time despite me being stood still at one point. I managed to scramble towards a few bushes and rocks as I was in a open field with no cover but this and he stopped shooting so I assumed I was safe for now, I started looking around me to pinpoint his location when I heard him take another shot this time he hit me in my legs so snap my legs broke, I believe he was using a M24 but I still couldn't pinpoint him, I got back into cover and fixed my legs and ate 2 pieces of meat I had left over from earlier, and I took a gamble at this point I made a run for into to nearby woods keeping the trees and rocks I was hid behind at my back and I got away with it, I headed towards the town circling the field I was in when I got there I spotted him and he must not have notice me run away earlier so I popped a cap in his head took his GPS the only tool I was short and hid his body.

A little later on the server was dead only 3 players on including me I hadn't ran into any more animals so was sitting at 5K blood and I was about 500M away from Stary when I started getting shot at by a M4A3 again in an open field (you'd have thought I learned from my mistakes XD) but this time I had no idea which direction I was getting shot from and I kept running towards a little wall and a few trees as I dived into cover he hit me and again broke my legs and knocked me out I thought I was done for but the timer was about 3 seconds long and at this point he thought he come finish me off and I saw him run out from behind the trees about 40 M away from me as I was getting back up, I rolled behind the wall into cover as now he was in the open I had been wearing the camo outfit at the time and I don't think he notice me rolling away because he didn't try to shoot me or even stop running at me once I got behind the wall I popped up and took one shot to his head and it was over I then bandaged up and crawled to his body as I had no morphine now he was carrying little worth taking except for 4 cooked meat and some painkillers so I ate the meat and took the pills to stop the shakes and crawled towards the Uzaz which I had stored 4 morphine and others stuff in earlier in hope it was still there it was I healed up and fixed my car and set off to my camp to store it and log off for the night and as I was driving I had to avoid A destroyed vehicle on the road and I hit the blown wheel lying next to it and ofc all my wheels blew my fuel tank turned red so I gave up logged off and came here to tell you my story of how I managed to destroy 4 vehicles in the past 2 days and what I had to go threw to fix just one car which I drove for about 5 minutes.

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We were 5 people and were close friends! And we just started playing dayz last night! and today!

Our story or maybe my story:

I started on a beach and it's crazy as night! so I run outside my house ( really my house) and told my friends to meet up to me ( thats what they did) It took them 30 minutes to meet up! And we proceeded to finding supplies and some nice safehouse (which did not turn right) I found a rifle and it attracted hell to my team and it's funny! my friend jeff found the same weapon while my 3 other friends, mack, rian, and james found some shit food and drinks and a hatchet and matches! By that time I never thought I can bleed lols! I bandage up and eated some food and some pepsi! we found a huge village or something like that with some watch towers or maybe towers ( noob sorry!) and we walked, I told to my team to check and run for cover and don't shoot at those zombies! as our weapons attract more off them! I exchanged my weapon with the crossbow my friend jeff had! I shooted 1 zombie after the other and we went inside silently! I found a nice rifle and some fresh ammo and some food and canteen! after 3 hours of game play! we had alot of experience, and I almost experienced dying on the game lols! and I learned that the forest is much safer than the roads.

After 1 hour more we had some gears and it's almost midnight to our place! I founded a wreaked car! Because of my stupidity I ordered my friends to find parts! we found some! And we had the car going! all of us goes in and drive shit out of the area! I never thought other people were bad and we got shotted! 1 WAS SHOTTED FIRST! so I drive shit out of the area and turned of the lights on the car and all of us run for cover! We were attaked by atleast 5 or maybe 7 people! So I bandage up as I was bleeding! lucky I didn't die! We had our first gunfight! I killed 3 of them but they killed all my friends! I killed 2 more before I died of severe bleeding! thats my story! to be continued

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This happened a few months ago:

Me and one of my group-mates in DayZ were returning to our camp hidden deep within the woods. We had just been scavenging nearby towns on the outskirts of the forest and were going back to our base-camp to store the new loot we've come across. To make ourselves a less noticeable target, we kept our distance from each other as we marched towards the camp. Then suddenly, as we were just barely able to see one of the camp tents, several shots were fired at my group-mate. He was hit pretty bad and was knocked unconscious; thankfully, I had the equipment to save him. It was just a matter of dealing with the hidden bandit stalking my now-downed partner.

Immediately and instinctively, I dropped flat to the ground and stood still next to a tree. I was on slightly higher ground than my team-mate was; the hill I was on was descending towards the camp. I looked left and saw nothing. I looked straight ahead and saw one of our tents poking through the trees. I looked to the right, and there I saw two bandits moving in towards my unconscious partner in low-profile with their weapons drawn. I was able to make out that one of them had an assault rifle and the other had a sub-machine gun; and MP5 it looked like.

Thankfully, I had my DMR out and was far enough from the targets to be in perfect range. I peered through the scope and focused my aim in the direction of the armed duo. Luckily for me, they were walking next to each other and they both stopped at the same time. I took advantage of this opportunity and quickly fired two shots. The first shot pierced the skull of the first, closer target and passed through his partner's head, killing them both instantly. The second shot hit the closer target somewhere in the torso.

Amazed that I had pretty much killed two guys (who deserved it) with a single shot and that it was a double-headshot, I approached my downed partner and revived him with morphine, a bandage, and a bloodbag. (we were returning from a hospital medicine run, now that I think of it) We then proceeded to loot the two dead bodies which carried some heavy weaponry and ammo. It was a good day.

TL;DR, I headshot two guys next to eachother with 1 DMR shot, saved my unconscious team-mate whom they shot, and looted the two dead bandit corpses. My EPEEN level got maxed out. :}

Well unfortunatly, your story is false, there is no bullet penetration.

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I was on a bandit hunting session just a while ago, I got one in the Balota ACT tower. He was sitting under the stairs, so I lighted him up with my trusty AKM (Always an AKM).

Then I decided to go into Cherno, scouted the area around very carefully with my binoculars, I saw some zombies around and went in.

I see one guy run trough, then I hear a lot of gunshots. I decide not to get too excited and I start pursuing him slowly, sneaking past zombies.

Then, when I got a clear shot on him and I tried to take him out, but some shots missed him and he gets cover. I'm pretty sure I hit him with the first shot though and an AKM shot is pretty fatal.

I run trough the fire station and take a look at the area around. Then out of nowhere, he or someone else stars firing a suppressed weapon and I have no other thing to do than just roll on the floor.

That was some great fun though, I tried to be a hero.

Edited by Sutinen

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Me and my friend was having an good time, found ourselves a car, we just needed two car wheels, and an engine block.

My friend said that we should run back to our camp and see if we got something in our tents.

We were both well armed and killed animals on the trip home, we found this cow in the middle of the field, my friend killed the cow and stared to cut it.

I was watching him in the meantime, when suddenly...

BOOOOOM..Out of fucking nowhere, an bandit was standing behind us and shooting at us with an Bizon SD.

I managed to get in a few shoots at his head, but he wouldn't die. Me and my friend asked for mercy and screamed at him.

But he didn't give a shit. My friend also tried to shoot at him, but he somehow teleported around and shot at us from different places.

We died, for nothing.

That day, we undestood that hackers are just some huge dicks who enjoys takeing the fun out of peoples lives.

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hello guys,

i made account just to share my story with you. So lets start...

I made char and i have been playing on it for a 20 days . My knowlegde of game was minimal and i was playing like it is reality, meaning that i was sneaking around so much that snakes started to envy me and i stoped speaking with snails a long time ago. My every move was well calculated and well tought of. My skills as far as getting all the good stuff was getting better and better every single time i played this game. Sheer thrill of sneaking around zombies to get to that beans raised my adrenaline to mountain tops. Their sound, their statue...everything in me was yelling "get out, run fool run...", but no, i was not going to give in to pressure, i was going to make it.

So as the days passed i started to get bit confident and i was raiding NW airfield on daily basis ( BTW for the new guys that read this stories and forums, you can go buck naked there and get some serious gear, only thing you need are nerves - i made mistake of getting everything i could before going in and waste tons of time).

After some time i got pretty good gear and i was unstoppable.

There, at that moment, i decided to get tent which i found relativly quick in Elektro w/o getting killed. Placed tent back at NW air (still no1 found it) and started to stack it with all the goodies i could find. Not long after my tent was containing all the awesome weapons of the game, i even managed to find most rarest of weapons in game.

For l85a2 i had to kill some dude...wouldnt do it otherwise but he was at "i'm going to kill you" position and scaning for me once he saw me going to the bushes..his bad he didnt managed to pay attention as i snuck behind him and delivered sing .50 cal to his head - a bit of a overkill but i had to do it :D.

So after all my stacking and getting some serious eq, which could equip small detachemnt of any army (didnt had nvg only) i started to go bit wild as far as killing zombies goes....my kill count sky rocketed in 2 days from 400 to 800+ easily. I was unstoppable.....so i tought.

One time on my raid of NW airfield, which, by now i know blindfolded - by night - playin with one are while feeding dog with other - drunk and on amfetamins, i , the unstoppable one - made HUGE mistake. As i finished clearing firestation i heard gunshot, since i'm not old player i tought it is from m4 or something like that. My other mistake was that i'm too kind as a person i usualy help people by giving them weapons and ammo and whatever they need...we are surviving we should do so....i'm such a fool. So, back to story, i left firestation just to find that one cant stop bullet with his head - loud gunshot - i'm on floor with that "you are dead" sign coming up 1 sec after that.

- "Crap, ah well at least i got my tent stacked as hell."

yeah right.

after my healthy jog of 821631 minutes to my camp i finnaly reached my destination only to find my tent bugged out and apsolutly nothing inside..NOTHING. It couldnt be that someone raided it, it was full!! For raiding my tent, which was in forest where dinosauruses rode, one would need freakin' plane carrier...there was nothing in....nothing.

-"____________________(insert curse words here)".

- " i must go on, suck it up, wipe your tears and press on."

i was telling to my self.

After few days of gathering gear and everything else i was back on track. This time i knew how this game works and had no probles with hacking zombies with hachet untill i got weapon.

So here i am, again with good gear (except weapon which was good but not top end) grinding NW airfield.

-" Cultus...firendly?"

message pops up.

-"yea dude?"

i saw one survivor close to me.

-"no need to shoot me then"

-"ofc mate, wanna team up"

i said.


so here we are me and my friend going trough NW airfield like delta force...killing zombies getting loot. Oh, i forgot, i told him where i droped my previous gun since he was with ak-74, which we didnt managed to find. On numerous occasions i gave him some stuff he neded and we were like pro team collaborating and stuff.

-"lets go to Devils castle?" i said.

-"sure mate" he replied

we started to move to mentioned location when we saw it.....a UAZ!!!!!! fully functional and rdy to roll, in the middle of forest. We applied some pro tactics get to vheicle got in and was happy as hell. In it we found a lot of gear and 2 tents.

After we went trough Devils where we found nothing but stone walls we were talking about making camp.

We found awesome location and made it happend. Moved all the items from UAZ to tents, made fire, took SS :D and *pop* a dude just logs in infront of me.


-"yes" he replied

-"this is our camp, if you want to help yourself please do so but i'm asking you to help us stock it so we can all use it when needed"

-"thx dude but i'm playin with friends and wont be needing it"

i was good guy, i maybe still am. I was writing on chat all the time that we can offer help in items and medical supplies and gennerally being good guy, i even got some positive feedback on my behaviour.

After that we part our ways and me and my friend went to NW again.

Once we arrived in our faithfull UAZ we started to move to barracks...some cans, ammo, ak, nothing much...I head to the hangars and after checking one i started to walk to my buddy which had some connection issues.

*BLAM* headshot...i'm dead...again.

but this time i had a "friend" who will watch over my gear untill i come back.

next 30 mins i spent in running back just to find that my "friend", with who i did all the cool stuff, looted my corpse and hid it after which he ran away....can you immagine how pissed was i....even some dudes on chat were trying to help me with tips on how to find my corpse...nothing, i found nothing.

now here i am grinding my ass off again, but with one difference.....i'm gonna shoot every single survivor i see on sight now, i'm tired of being nice and trusting people...if that's what it takes i'll be that "idiot that shot me".

moral of story: dont trust ANYONE (...who you dont know irl:D)

cheers and good luck

Edited by Cultus

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I killed what appeared to be a fresh spawn today. I felt bad for him but I didn't regret it. He was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Allow me...

I had logged into my new 'home' server and spawned at our Lingor Island base to find it had been raided, and the clan was out searching for the culprits. I was tasked to meet with another clansman and check the area around Benio for evidence of rival clan activity. We made our way there and swept the area to find little of note. As we proceeded back towards the main island we heard a car. A quick check through teamspeak confirms its none of us, but likely one of our vehicles... So my collegue and I set up a hasty ambush. We allow the vehicle to pass by us into Benio. Theres only one road in and out, so they'd be coming back at us shortly.

We wait for a few minutes and sure enough, here they come. We hold fire until they're good and close and then light it up. Our mission is revenge, not retrieve. To be honest, the vehicle didn't mean much to us... We will get more... We scored a few good hits and perhaps even caused an injury or two, but the driver was quite wiley, and managed to get past us. We report the result of the ambush and proceed after it (indirectly) on foot.

About a minute into our pursuit I spot an unarmed individual coming towards us. He didn't seem a threat but we had just engaged a group who had fled in this-ish direction. I had to consider the possibility that this fellow might be some sort of bait or distraction, perhaps even an enemy informant. As I said at the start, wrong place wrong time. I opened fire and killed him. As soon as I saw his death message we were back on task.

A few seconds later he wrote in side-chat "What did you get out of killing me? A box of pain-killers?" I understand what he must have felt. Getting gunned down at the start of the game sucks hard. I do apologize for this action but again, I don't regret it. We're at war, and we aim to win it. Folk are gonna get gunned down simply for 'being there', it's the nature of the game...

So dude, if you read this, sorry if i pissed you off or made you lose faith in the 'good' folk that play DayZ. Under different circumstances we probably would have helped you out or let you tag along. If/when I need to use your painkillers, I'll spare a thought for you. Cheers, random dude.

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It's buried halfway through this thread but if you're looking for some take away from the computer DayZ reading this weekend. The first 120 pages of my DayZ novel Survivors & Bandits can be read offline.

Links below for different eReader formats

PDF (Almost all eReaders support PDF)

Kindle, Goole Play Books, (mobi reader format)

iBooks, Nook, Kobo (ePub Format)

I love getting feedback on this as it's still in draft phase. PM me any feedback rather than clog up this thread.

Edited by Cherno Journo
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Yesterday i took a step towards becoming what i allways thought i wouldn´t. I killed someone completely on purpose.

Me and a friend had just logged in up at Guba bay, after the nighttime, low pop server we had been playing on had restarted. It was bright as day, and a cascade of rare lightblue text flourished on the screen. A side channel! We stared in wonder at the serverwide communication going on in both Russian and English! We start entering the conversations, and quickly get to know of a man named "Molotow", heading towards our area to do a tent run. After discussing for a bit we decide to ask him if he wants to meet up with us, while a small voice in the back of our heads was telling us not to trust him. While waiting fro him to arrive we started getting more paranoid about him killing us. He was talking abous his gear as something easy to get, and that he was properly walking into a trap, but he had decided to trust someone for once in his life. We finally decide to give him a brain piercing when we find him. Me and Andrew where carrying inmense ammounts of gear (4 satchel sharges, 4 pairs of NVG,s, A AS50, A L85A2, A MK48, A Barret), and we did not want to risk it. Suddenly we spot him, and we allow him to come up and say hello, where upon i shoot him 2 times in the head with the MK48. He semi-rage in chat, and then quits. He had amazing gear, pretty much like us (wondering why he´d even want to do a tent run), and a radio. So he might have beeing carrying scripted gear, or hed found a scripter tent. Even so ever we did not regret shooting him, and agreed that it was his fault for trusting us. I still wonder if it was his fault...

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So I was derping around Cherno with a Makarov, and I was occasionally looking in the side chat for any sign of being detected. I had made a suicide run to one of the cranes when a guy in the side chat said those magic words: "Anyone need a chopper pickup?" I said yes. So I told him my location and waited. Soon I heard it coming and lit a flare (it was the dead of night) for him to see by. Suddenly shots rang out and it pulled up. I remember at the time I was scared out of my mind because I thought it was going to explode on me. I ended up runnung to the place where the shots had come from and whacking the bandit with a hatchet (he was a little distracted by the 12 or so zombies chewing on him). Then I ran to the chopper and the friendly pilot (his name was Bagbo Brapkins) and he took me to the NE airfield, where I was promptly shot. Ah well, it's good that I play for fun! :rolleyes:

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Well well, after my very old Char, 56 days, finally got shot in the back I decided to play again a bit today after quite some absence.

Started at the coast next to Balota Airfield and decided: hey, that's cool, let's rob it. Made my way to the airstrip and found an Entrenching Tool, Toolbox and an M9-SD. WOW, this can become very handy. Additonal there was a wire fencing kit. Time to find some Tank Trap Kits and close off one of the Barracks *evil grin*. Then I wanted to take a look at the medical tents and soon realized: ok, that's more of a Zombie-Death-Trap than anything else. Geez, I've never been in those tents before, didn't even know there are some. With some bruises and a bit of bleeding I get away.

Short orientation and next decision: let's go to Kozlovka first and hope to find a real weapon. Finally the industrial area is in sight and well, good luck and I can snatch an Hunting Knife and some matches (whee) in the container there. Now further on towards Drozhino. A short visit at the barn on half the way and I get a Lee Enfield with a total of 5x10 shots. There had been two Lee's in the barn. After killing a few Zeds just for the fun of it and get back into aiming I continue my travel towards Zelenogorsk. Running low on Drinks and Food already and this may even start to blink until I reach Zelenogorsk, so it's time to move and get into that Super Market there. Another short stop at the barn past Drozhino and I gather some firewood and kill that Black/White Cow that's waiting outside. Short step into the woods, making a fire and cooking the meat, eating some to fill up some of the lost blood from the Zed-Encounter earlier.

And up we go towards Zelenogorsk again. Super Market in sight and hopefully noone around, but even if, Lee will take care of and if it's not enough, Enfield will support. Moving around to come in from north I sprint right through the town and catch as many Zeds as possible and dive into the Super Market. It's always good to have company in case someone is there. Well, noone there, so I get rid of the Zeds by sneaky evasion and start looting the place. Plenty of food which get's all eaten and drunk up so that first my blood level gets back to 12k or whatever the value is now, and second nothing is left for anyone coming after me. Just empty tin cans, ammunition and other junk, but nothing to eat. Yeah, I'm evil, so if you ever happen to be into a supermarket with nothing to eat or drink in, it's possible that I've been there before. Another noticeable stuff: found a Czech Backpack, a Binocular and a Map.

Fed up and producing strange smells from time to time, with the side effect of being accelerated like crazy sometimes, I leave the Super Market towards north-west and after reaching the forest I go North-East past that little pond into the next building on my way towards Pustoshka. Nothing interesting there, checking the next one on the route and nothing useful there too, except that Hatchet, sometimes it's nice to have one. Pustoshka is in sight and after a short stop at the local Church to get rid of the Zeds following me the Super Market gets looted. Lots of beans are eaten and yes, I need fresh pants soon. An ALICE Pack is now mine together with a Watch, the Lee Enfield got replaced by a Winchester. With the stuff I have now I decide to ignore Vybor and go past it on the eastern side straight through the fields.

Moving on and spotting the chimney east of Vybor I decide to move past it by like 100meters. This should set my direction direct towards the Airfield. No players in sight on my route, leaving a smelly trail behind me due to all those beans and pasta and whatever stuff mixed with a crapload of Coke and Pepsi I reach the outer perimeter of the NW-Airfield. Slowly approaching the Barracks, Winnie ready to shot anything that might move I see nothing of real value inside. Damn, not even a weapon! Ok, there's a PDW, but I decide to keep my M9-SD, which has now one more magazine. A bit depressed I leave and move on towards the nothern barracks, maybe something better there. Got dark in the meantime so it should be a quite low risk approach.

Getting closer I approach more and more carefully. Moving around to come in from north (I somehow like approaching some areas from the north ...) and I miss my Thermal Optical Weapon I had last time. But if I still had it, I would not be here, logical, isn't it? Finally sneaking into the building I see a corpse at the back of the building, looks like a player. Double cautios I approach. Funny, it's a corpse without any weapons and other gear, except 2 Bandages, Painkillers, 2 M67 grenades and a can of soda, AND, NV-Goggles. Jackpot! Seems like he spawned, went directly to the NW-Airfield and found NV-Goggles and died. Maybe because of a Zed. I snatch the STANAG-Mags that are around and decide to leave, nothing of value here too. Crap.

Now for the surprising part. As I step outside I hear more flies. Right at the corner of that wall directly south of the barracks lies another corpse, in a Ghillie Suit. And this is where I hit the real Jackpot. Loot obtained from that corpse: Mk 48 Mod 0 with 5 belts per 100 shots, Rangefinder, GPS, Compass, Coyote Backpack, Radio. He had another NV-Goggles, but who needs two? For some reason the corpse had a Silenced Makarov. I decide not to take it since this is suspicious. Anything else that looks legal is put into the new backpack. Right after I want to check the name of the corpse I get a message: you got kicked from the server. YEAH! Trying to reconnect reveals: it's now password protected, WTF. OK, enough for today.

Server I was on had been: DE 4273

Next session I'll check for a nice spot to build myself a MG-Nest. 500 rounds are looking for targets! And maybe I will find a military flashlight somewhere, then my toolbelt is full.

Geez, this became a long post. I should start writing a book.

Edited by silenced

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Was on uk306 (which is now full of scripts) running along doing the solo thing with a few Z's on my tail after looting the last town, as i alt turned to look over my shoulder i saw the zombies one after another dropping down lifeless, i thought either somebody is picking them off with a sniper or some funny business is about to go down, then i hear the static from the caps mic being pressed and i notice a bunny running beside me....... "Hello friendly"....... i know he has the advantage so i do what any body geared up would do, i pretend i think he's cool....."oh wow you're a rabbit, quality!!!".......he takes the fake compliment hook line and sinker........."Yea" he says all smug..........i tell him im looking for cars but i can't seem to find any on this server ........He replies........"no problem"........a Ural then appears and i act like he's just made my day..................."Thanks mate!!!".......i tell him im meeting my friend just over the hill while i look at the Ural as iv'e never seen one in the game, i notice it has no fuel and tell him ............"no problem" he replies for the second time while he stops to go's into his box of scripts, i know this is my chance, i turn towards him and aim between his little bunny eyes with my Fal ............BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM!!!!!!!..............i then hear flies, that's one more dead mofo, i then turn my attention towards the Ural BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM!!......... there she blows!....job done, i leave the server with a bad ass smile and a thought in my mind - TRUST NO ONE!

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I was on the Green Room server running rMod their website is Dayzed.de if your interested in it.

I had just re spawned victim to an unfortunate Plane crash

I looked around trying to find out where I was. After a couple minutes of walking around and staring at trees I realized I was beside Kamyshovo on the road to Elektro all i had to do was travel down the coast East wards. I started my journey, impatient yet excited, I decided to stick to the beach almost always running in shallow water where I could. After some time I started to look at my surrounding when I realized an odd shaped object in the treeline. I turned around to get a better view and low and behold it was a fully repaired green car. I leapt towards it running at full speed when I realized something moving around behind it, wait not something someone. They must have been having troubles with there car but at that moment I could not tell. I snuck around him, seeing he had a ghillie suit and an AK. After I had circled him ending up in the forest further up a hill I waited for fifteen minutes before he turned around and started running to Kamyshovo. Grinning with delight at the turn of events I crawled down the hill checking for him at intervals. As soon as I reached the car I was about to check what gear was in it when

"Friend or Foe!" I saw the words pop up in side chat and I froze terrified if it was my prey that was turning on me and becoming the predator.

"I swear I wasn't going to take the car just some gear!"

"What? Oh dude no I don't have a car." Replied the stranger, suddenly the chat was alive with questions asking me where this alleged car was, finally I saw the words that I was loathing to see.

"Wait, I have a car!" I started looting the car frantically not checking the gear I was taking. Eventually I ended up with an M67 Frag Grenade a M4A1 Five mags and some sweet gear. Eventually knowing I was going to die if I stayed any longer I rolled back up the hill to wait for my eventual opponent to arrive.

After about a minute he came back to his car, crouching down beside it and checking for any intruders. After a little while he decided it was clear and started checking his car. I took my opportunity and stood up, chucking the Frag Grenade at the car. What happened shortly after was hilarious.

The car blew up sending him sprawling onto the ground unconscious I took my well deserved reward and looted from his bag. In my arrogance I forgot he was still "Unconscious" and not dead. Eventually I heard him awaken and reload by the time I had stopped looting he had already fired off one shot that him we in my leg snapping the bone. I barrel rolled twice before facing him and clicking the M4A1 to burst fire and placing three bullets in his head. As I stood up I realised why he had not been firing so much. A small green circular object rolled down the hill from his body and touched against my feet ... A grenade. BOOM! And of course you know the rest ;)

Give meh some beans if you like!

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Well unfortunatly, your story is false, there is no bullet penetration.

Your statement is false. There is. I know for a fact that the AS50 and other .50 cals can shoot trough wooden barn walls. I have tested it both in and outside of DayZ. Go check it yourself.

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My latest escapade.

It was getting late, my heart was beating fast. I was running at full speed along a set of power transmission lines north of the city known as "Cherno" My destination? An airfield in the town of Balota. After that, a place known as Green Mountain. My food supplies were almost exhausted. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a barn. "Bingo" I thought, "that there barn might have some beans or sardines i can take. I crossed the clearing between the power lines and the barn in a matter of seconds, and ducked inside. I barely had a chance to breathe before shots rang out outside. Realizing i was as exposed as a Vegas stripper i darted up the stairs and hid behind a pile of hay, M4 at the ready. Suddenly, bullets rained into me from behind, and within moments, it all went black. I woke up on the beach some time later, gearless, having to start all over again.

I figure it was a hacker or a really laggy player who got me, because when i hid behind the hay nothing was behind me but a wall. Oh well.

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So on my Facebook page Raptor Jesus (http://www.facebook.com/Raptor.Chesus) I constantly post stories of my adventures in DaYZ, and usually set up this "Raptor Jesus Rescue Force", where we fly around in our chopper guarding our convoy of vehicals that goes around handing out supplies to survivors on our resident server (AU #900 ;D). This is just a collection of some of the stories I've posted there, and I figgured it was time to share them here on the forum. (Video of the first DayZ RJ Fan Gathering, before had the chopper http://youtu.be/vp0tSxjWs2M?hd=1)

SELF ADVERSISMENT; I'm working on a short film in DayZ, well, really the ArmA 2 OA editor but it's based in the DayZ world http://youtu.be/XEPs48RaZ64?hd=1 I new trailer for this, or more of a 'teaser' will be released later today/tonight ;D).

Marked as "spoilers" to save space on the forum. :P



So where I was in a private hive server, I was new to the coast as it had been literal months since I had to begin with nothing (always had a camp full of supplies in-case something hit the fan). I walked around for about 30 minutes, searching for weapons, avoiding players and zombies alike. I had finally found a hatchet, not much, but enough to rack myself up 120 zombie kills (the hive had some '

horde' system that made surviving in a city a living fucking nightmare) in 15 minutes. Anyway, I had approached Elektro from the South-East highway, the reason as to why I had decided to enter Cherno was in search of a firearm of sorts. I had reached the super market, darting in for just a few seconds, I had spotted a single Mak with no mags, picking it up and darting out the back of the store. Then, bullets side the side of me, barely missing my torso. Going back into the store was pointless as I knew that I was being followed, so the only place in view was the distant firestation. That was my target, I ran, swerving, they continue to fire upon me but miss every time (l33t dodging skills). I reach the surrounding wall, heading for a hole in the side of it. Just as I get there, a bullet scrapes my left leg, causing my bones to rupture as I fall to the ground. Desperately, I turn to me side, and begin to roll under the wall. I remain there for awhile, know that they had me pinned from the South hill. They were waiting, they knew I was injured. So one of them came up to me, and said "mate, we're going to let you live, you got that? But stay out of Elektro". He left, so I crawled into the fire station. Luckily, I found a single mag (with 4 bullets, mind you - someone had already been here) and a stick of morphine. I got to my feet, and began my revenge. I rolled into Elektro (literally rolled, it's quite), and began to search for my attackers. There they were, all 3 of them held up inside of one of the motel/pub buildings. I slowly snuck in there, I could hear them above me, walking, they talked over direct chat too. I dragged myself up the stairs, they were all in the room to the right of me, I remember saying "hey faggots, it's me again". They responded with "you're dead now mother fucker". I laughed over direct coms, before throwing an empty can of beans into their room whilst screaming "GRENADE FUCKERS", they freaked out just as planned and sprinted out of the room. Bang, bang, bang, bang 2 bodies hit the ground with bullets lodged in their head. The last guy, got his legs, breaking them. He was unarmed, well besides his hatchet. I approached the dead bodies and picked up one of their AKM's as the last survivor crawled away from me, I walked up to him. He demanded that I kill him now, so I knelt down, raised my AMK at him, and slowly said "you know the saying what doesn't kill me only makes me stronger?", he responded with "yes". So I looked him in the eyes, and said "well, with me, it's what doesn't kill me, FUCKING DIES".

I shot him enough times for him to fall unconscious, then I dragged him into the open street and fired into the air, attracting zombies.




So, just had the most epic chopper battle of my life in DayZ. 4 of us were patrol'n the coast, we would stop and give newbie survivors weapons and supplies, then we'd send them on their way. Everything was going smoothly, we had helped a total of 32 survivors and offered healing services to 8 hard-core survivors who required it. We felt like bad-asses flying around helping people, but then somethi

ng happened. Tom made us aware of a second chopper closing in on us, at first we thought "maybe we can be friends, 2 birds is better than one", but no, we couldn't. When they came into view, I ordered my gunners to hold fire. That was a bad mistake, because as the second chopper glided besides us, it fired a total of 10 bullets, one of which hit my best mate and caused him to fall out of the chopper, he smashed into the ground ending his total of 73 days of survival. We fired back, an intense air battle lasted for just over 15 minutes, my epic piloting skills were the reason we lasted so long, on many occasions they tried to ram us, to which I did a barrel roll, vertically tilting the chopper just enough for the hostile to glide just under us, barely scraping our rudder blades. After 15 minutes, they managed to land a single bullet into our rudder. Then another to the engine, and so forth. The engine began to fail, all the systems keeping us in the air slowed to a crawl and died. We had begun to plummet, the remaining 2 besides myself began to scream, mainly "FUCKING DICK SHIT WE'RE GOING DOWN FUCK ME", but not me, I was determined to survive, I blasted "YOU PUSSIES BETTER NOT ALT 4, I'M LANDING THIS BITCH". To which, my 2nd in command responded with "HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING TO DO THAT?!". It was impossible to land, on land. We were falling from 942 meters at a speed of 100kmph. We were trully fucked, but I was not going to give up. We span out of control, swaying back and fourth, but I managed to gain semi-control of the chopper by using my knowledge of tricks with my joystick, all that time serving in the USEC ArmA 2 group payed off, I managed to steer the chopper to an extent. We plumited towards the ground, well, at first we did. We were 30 meters above sea level, so close to death, and 20 meters from the safety of water. We would not have made it if I hadn't span ourself to the side, and forcefully made the chopper roll to the right, making us jump just far enough into the water for us to survive. We crashed, but all 3 of us emerged from the dark and gloomy water unharmed, we spam to shore and dashed in a column formation to confuse the hostile choppers gunner. We made it, I demanded my mate to lend me his AS50, it was useless at night but I had a plan. I aimed at where the chopper was, and then commanded Jack to fire a flair into the air (with his M16A2). It worked, the chopper was in sight, so with a single bullet and perfect timing, their rudder exploded. They began to fall, but their pilot was not as skilled as myself, they all died in a firy ball of death raining fromt he sky.

So today was fun.

One of my very old stories;

Story 3 Shoot me if you will;

It was a nice, warm day. I awoke to the sound of flies as I emerged from my temp base, to my surprise was a dead body (well, not really surprised that he was dead) with an M4A1, my favorite gun. I searched him, quickly, very quickly as I knew never to stay still for long. I was previously unarmed, but now I had a very nice firearm to keep me company. The only problem

was that is had 4 bullets left in it, those 4 bullets would serve me well in the next few seconds. I pulled out my new gun, leaving behind the guys supplies to secure the area. I heard footsteps from behind me, well, more like the sound of someone prone, slowly crawling towards me, my guess was that he was the killer of the body in-front of me. So I went prone, and rolled sideways for around 17 meters, I then span around and looked for where the sound was. Then, suddenly I hear the sound of gunfire, so I quickly mashed my 'Q' button, leaned sideways and, just like in the matrix, literally dodged a line of bullets. His aim was horrible, but that didn't matter as he was invisible. His weapon was silenced, so I had no idea where he was. So I went prone and rolled into cover whilst holding 'caps lock' and saying "now there's just some people in this game that you don't want to fuck with. Unfortunately for you, I'm one of them". I waited for a little while, then ever so slowly crawled out to see where the shooter was (where I though he was). I saw nothing, but my hawk eye vision kicked in and I saw the finest bit of movement, which was his gun swaying back and fourth. He was in a Ghillie suit, but that wont save him from my 4 rounds. One to his shoulder, I was in semi-automatic mode to conserve ammo, he rolled to the side, making me waste one bullet, and then he sprayed panic bullets everywhere before running. I ducked, but then popped out from around the corner. I was outside Elektro, near one of the distance maintenance buildings next to the forest, so thats where he headed. I watched him run for about 50 meters, before I took aim, and shoot a single bullet into the back of his leg. He dropped like a fly. Now I could have killed him there, but I didn't, instead I waited for him to use morphine and start running again. He had attracted a few zombies, he took the ones that came after me (when I fired, they came) and they followed him. Unfortunately, he got up and ran after healing himself, the infected right behind him. So I took aim again, and shot his legs once more, this time he was out of morphine. I watched as the zombies tore him apart, I heard a few shots fired, and then the memorable sound of him screaming as they bit into his flesh, eating him alive. Now i didn't kill him, I am no man-killer, so I just walked away as I heard him slowly die. As I walked, I said "enjoy dining in hell".

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>be playing dayz on a private hive with some mods and such

>sees a guy in the barracks


>one of the mods on this server makes it so there's 50-100 zombies to a person

>sees the guy go into a room to loot


>runs in, guns him down


>hears hordes of anger

>before I know it, 200 zombies+ barge into the little teeny tiny barracks, and I switch over to full auto and gun them down, one by one

>they're in a hallway, and i just let rip



>grabs dead players gun and ammo, and unloads on them

>still at least 100 left, even though I have 250 kills

>switch to makarov as they storm me, and I get overrun

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