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So today I found another crash site, woopty doo prob looted already. Was wrong.

Edited by kryvian

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So here's my story. Or two actually.

I washed ashore at roughly 6PM at a place simply called "airstrip". I immediately smelled there was a zombie invasion and people killing people. So I had to devise a plan. A plan that would give me the most chances of survival. I immediately dropped my backpack as it was empty and I wasn't gonna carry that aorund the rest of my life. You'd be stupid if you did, it was empty. I immediately sprinted towards the nearest city, Cherno. Of course, I had no protection. However, some small settlements along the way provided me with that. As I walked through all the villages I made sure to gather all the inhabitants behind me. I figured that if somebody would start to shoot me I could simply run in to my personal body armor behind me and they would have little chance of hitting me. Thus, after about 10 minutes and now a horde of about 25 men behind me I arrived on the east side of Cherno. Of course I did'nt stop there. I made sure to run through all the big streets to gather an even bigger body armour behind me. After about 10 min I finally found life in Cherno. Or better said, it found me. A dinnerbell rang behind me. I looked around and there was a guy from a similar military background as me. I quickly ran in to the horde as he desperately tried to hit me. A couple of my body armor died. In a moment of quick thinking, while he was reloading, I decided to run up to him to give him a better chance at hitting me. Little did I know that my body armor was also equipped with fighting skills. Soon, the poor bastard had no choice but to switch his aim towards my body armor instead of me. He decisively kept on shooting them in the hopes of eventually hitting me, I assume. After two more clips my personal horde got thinned to about 10. I decided I should start recruiting again. Nevertheless, the man ferociously tried to penetrate me with a bullet once again. However, one of my zombies made a massive hit on him and he started to spray blood. I wanted to help him by bandaging him. I had no idea the horde was still behind me. He got pretty aggravated and finally, from 2 feet away, he managed to hit me in the stomach. I passed out and eventually died. My legacy: one bandage, one painkiller, one flashlight. I hope it helped him survive now that he wasted 3 clips.

Attempt 2: I felt reincarnated as I washed ashore roughly 6:30PM. I knew immediately what I had to do: drop my backpack. I arrived in a place called Otmel. So logically, I sprinted towards Elektro as fast as possible making sure to gather as many friends along the way as I could. After I made about 5 friends a sniper targeted me from the hills. The bullets richocheted off the ground around me but didn't manage to hit me as I was slaloming through my zombie friends. About 10 more bullets went past my ears but none hit. I believe the sniper gave up as shortly after the bullets stopped dropping around me. I was on the outskirts of Elektro when my group had doubled to a size 10. I was pleased and decided to show off to other survivors. I found one trying to sneak in to the nearest supermarket. Little did he know that I was behind him and also that there already was a macho guy in the supermarket. The guy quickly found his death by the bullets of a revolver while I was watching it through the windows of the supermarket. While showing off the to remaining guy in the supermarket he started shooting me. In the chaos I tripped and broke my leg. Since I didn't yet train my horde not to hit me I quickly died of bloodloss. Legacy: one painkiller, one flashlight.

p.s. why they wanted me dead is beyond me. I think they were jealous of my recruiting skills.

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Today I was picked up by a whitehat hacker on an ATV. I was running through the woods towards the airfield and heard a horn honking, and yelled "Friendly" over the direct chat.

When he picked me up I did not know he was a hacker, I only knew he didn't shoot me and was willing to drive me to my destination, the airfield, where I hoped to trade my remington for an ak or an m16.

As we are driving I feel as if he is taking a route that didn't make sense, and I started to think something was fishy. I asked him if he was taking me to some trap or thunderdome and he said if he wanted to kill me i would have been dead already and that since I was friendly, he wanted to help. It was at this time I told the story of how a hacker killed me yesterday and I lost my M16 and NVG's.

Moments later we pull up to a barn, and now I know something is amiss. He urges me to enter the barn where he says I will find some supplies. I enter the barn to find it empty, no loot, no zombies. It seemed a zombie was about to spawn and as soon as it popped up, it disappeared.

Now my spidey senses were going wild and for no particular reason I thought to check my backpack. My remington now an M16ACOG, My revolver an M9, NVG's, morphine, everything I had lost to the hacker the previous night (except my M16 was not an ACOG).

Next thing I know he comes over the chat with, "hey wow look at that, this must be the best barn ever!".

Now I tell him that I appreciate the fact that he is trying to help, but the items aren't legit, and that instead of gearing up guys like me, he should be out hacking the black hat scripters down.

He agreed to this and promptly teleported us to NW airfield. Here he displayed the ability to merely walk up to zombies and kill them and when I tried to tell leave using the night time as an excuse, he turned on the sun.

Finally I conceded to him that playing with someone with godlike power removed all of the fun and challenge from the game for me and that I appreciated the fact that he used his powers for good and not evil but I still could not play with him.

Next thing I know, he teleported away, and I aborted from that server which was beginning to fill up and lag terribly.

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Here's a short story. I found a loaded dead sniper in the hills NW of Elektro who happened to be carrying a satchel charge. I made my way into Elektro and was looting the schoolhouse. I knew there was at least one person in the cafe just across the street to the west and I called out friendly. There was a brief moment of conversation but it quickly became apparent that the other guy was trolling for a kill. And this is where it got fun.

I told him I thought he was playing me and that I had just satchel charged his building and he had less than 30 seconds to exit. He subsequently started into name calling and threats of his own, but clearly misjudged the sincerity of my claim. In hindsight, it would have been more fun to walk in there and salute, but by the time that thought occurred to me I was already down the street...and the building was gone.

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When I logged back in I checked my gear and found that the hacker had also put an as50 and 6 clips in my backpack, as well as a ghillie suit.

I loaded the gun, clips, and ghillie, into the nearest spot where I could make a fireplace and burned them up.

So, robbed by a hacker, redeemed by a hacker?

just another Day, Z.

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I’m in Cherno, after everything went to hell. I had my weapons from being in the army: M107, Aks-74 kobra, M1911, and I had my map, compass and watch and then of course my ghillie suit I had found a while back. Scared and confused I run to meet my friends about 3k’s away. I start running and within about half an hour I get to them, one of them is watching over Cherno and the other one is over the other side of Cherno watching as well.

Looking for other survivors, one of my friends gets attacked by those things. He gets hit and loses a little blood that drips out of his wounds, he runs to the general store to lose them, he tells us his in there so we run to him. When me and my other friend meet up, we also got trouble so my friend ran off to attract the zombies so I can get to my friend in there, waiting for me. He leaves me to go find my other friend, and after about 2 minutes my other friend comes in to the general store, and then we hear screaming and the radio goes dead.

After looking for him for 10 minutes, we find him in a corner store dead on the first floor with blood splattered on the wall and his tendons ripped out of his arm, his head has been bitten into and his neck has been ripped and blood is pouring out. We can hear those things coming up. I stand there shooting as many as I can, my friend says we need to get out of here, we take what we need and then bury his body, we run out of Cherno and then my friend tells us he is in Berizino, we head to there and then I hear shooting near a barn and my friend lays down and I look out, the shots die down and then we run for it, not knowing that one of those things is following us, we shoot it in the head and it dies.

We continue running for Berizino and then my friend leaves so it’s just me. I continue running and come across a tent, I’m not sure if it’s a trap or not but I check anyway, I find 3 guns in there: a DMR, MK 8 Mod 0 and a M4A1 CCO SD. I take the SD instead of my Kobra and I look further into the tent and find 3 ghillie suit’s, I make room in my Coyote 2 backpack and take all three of them, I continue running and in my travels a blood thirsty monster chases me and falls over a tree branch and dies. I finally get to Berizino and find my friend in Berizino general store, I give him his ghillie suit I found, he puts it on then we go into the apartment buildings and just wait. We hear gun shots and we run to the forest and we wait again, my friend gets back and we start running to him, we get to a town and see people running into it, we lay down and crawl to the tree line, our friend runs to the town and I give him his ghillie suit.

We hear shots and we duck down, from nearly get shot in the head by both my friends I get under a tree and lay down, “there is a person.” I yell to my friends, “where,” one of them yells back “running towards you.” I reply, “He didn’t see.” I run after him, “he ran straight passed me,” my friend says, “he ran straight passed me is well,” I say. Meanwhile, my other friend is down in the town looking for people, he runs up, me and one of my friend run after him, I aim my gun M107 (sniper) and shoot, I miss him, turn up my zeroing and aim in front of him waiting for him to walk into my crosshair.

My friend turns around and looks at my computer screen as I accidently bump my mouse button, I shoot the guy in the chest and kill him.

Edited by Tonane

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I’m in Cherno, after everything went to hell. I had my weapons from being in the army: M107, Aks-74 kobra, M1911, and I had my map, compass and watch and then of course my ghillie suit I had found a while back. Scared and confused I run to meet my friends about 3k’s away. I start running and within about half an hour I get to them, one of them is watching over Cherno and the other one is over the other side of Cherno watching as well.

Looking for other survivors, one of my friends gets attacked by those things. He gets hit and loses a little blood that drips out of his wounds, he runs to the general store to lose them, he tells us his in there so we run to him. When me and my other friend meet up, we also got trouble so my friend ran off to attract the zombies so I can get to my friend in there, waiting for me. He leaves me to go find my other friend, and after about 2 minutes my other friend comes in to the general store, and then we hear screaming and the radio goes dead.

After looking for him for 10 minutes, we find him in a corner store dead on the first floor with blood splattered on the wall and his tendons ripped out of his arm, his head has been bitten into and his neck has been ripped and blood is pouring out. We can hear those things coming up. I stand there shooting as many as I can, my friend says we need to get out of here, we take what we need and then bury his body, we run out of Cherno and then my friend tells us he is in Berizino, we head to there and then I hear shooting near a barn and my friend lays down and I look out, the shots die down and then we run for it, not knowing that one of those things is following us, we shoot it in the head and it dies.

We continue running for Berizino and then my friend leaves so it’s just me. I continue running and come across a tent, I’m not sure if it’s a trap or not but I check anyway, I find 3 guns in there: a DMR, MK 8 Mod 0 and a M4A1 CCO SD. I take the SD instead of my Kobra and I look further into the tent and find 3 ghillie suit’s, I make room in my Coyote 2 backpack and take all three of them, I continue running and in my travels a blood thirsty monster chases me and falls over a tree branch and dies. I finally get to Berizino and find my friend in Berizino general store, I give him his ghillie suit I found, he puts it on then we go into the apartment buildings and just wait. We hear gun shots and we run to the forest and we wait again, my friend gets back and we start running to him, we get to a town and see people running into it, we lay down and crawl to the tree line, our friend runs to the town and I give him his ghillie suit.

We hear shots and we duck down, from nearly get shot in the head by both my friends I get under a tree and lay down, “there is a person.” I yell to my friends, “where,” one of them yells back “running towards you.” I reply, “He didn’t see.” I run after him, “he ran straight passed me,” my friend says, “he ran straight passed me is well,” I say. Meanwhile, my other friend is down in the town looking for people, he runs up, me and one of my friend run after him, I aim my gun M107 (sniper) and shoot, I miss him, turn up my zeroing and aim in front of him waiting for him to walk into my crosshair.

My friend turns around and looks at my computer screen as I accidently bump my mouse button, I shoot the guy in the chest and kill him.

Edited by Tonane

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Get ready to feel.

Ok so I have an interesting story for y'all. It's a tale of heroism, friendship, and betrayal. It's a nice story and it all starts off with me and my friend sneaking around Elektro for some supplies (Mainly medical stuff). All of a sudden we hear a direct chat trade going on somewhere near us. We know since we can hear it we are too close so we try to look for where they are and stay away from that point. We quickly notice it is not a trade, but a "robbery" so to say. There were 3 bandits trying to take some ammunition from a guy. My friend and I stood back and watched. The main bandit (b1) had his gun pointed at the guy who was crouched at the time. After a long debate, some medical supplies as well as ammunition was given to the bandits. But it's not over yet. All of a sudden gunshots ring out and the guy falls to the ground...not dead though. We can hear the bandits walk away laughing. My friend and I had no idea as to what we should do. After a few seconds, we heard the guy on the floor say through direct chat, "Welp, now I'm fucked. No FUCKING ammo, no FUCKING medical supplies. Fucking A'. Jesus christ...whatever.". We just assumed he was letting his mind out verbally. My friend and I made a big choice and decided to help him (He could not heal himself since he had no medical supplies I guess. The bandits left him there to slowly die). We checked to see if the bandits were around, and luckily, it seemed they had left. So we ran over and said in direct chat "Yo bro, need some help?". He replied surprised with, "Oh my fucking god. No fucking way. How long have you guys been here?". Fast forward between us talking and healing him.

So we started talking over skype. This guy, my friend, and I. We had made it pretty far (Equip wise) and decided to go back to Elektro. We were planning on just sniping some randies (Hypocrite of us I know) since we were board and had good enough snipers. After a few minutes we saw a jeep roll in on a street below. Three guys got out, all bandits and continued to go between buildings searching for supplies/people. We, being the nice humanly people we are, agreed to try to take them out. First, we shot the wheels. "No way out.", I said. Next, we waited for one guy to come out of a little house near our position. When he did, we killed him on sight. The other guys freaked out and ran to the jeep. At this moment I laughed to myself, "No way out. I told ya.", I said again. We picked off another guy and the third shortly after. (Notice the space between paragraphs resemble like a week. All on same server, it was a nice one. We have moved on now so don't ask what it is. Can't remember lol :P). We got down to check out their loot and to replace some tires with ones we had found earlier just to be prepared incase we found a jeep.


It turns out he had actually been part of that little group which we had found him with. I guess they got in a fight or something over supplies and tried to kill him. Little did we know after we saved him, he kept in communications over skype, teamspeak, vent, whatever, with his old squad. Apparently he had told them that we saved him and that he could easily kill us and take our loot. They all agreed. Apparently when we killed the three guys, it was the perfect time. So now, there we were, on the shore with nothing.

After a few days he messages us on skype explaining the whole situation to us which is how we know what happened. We haven't spoke since.

(We raged at him so hard on skype he had to tell us lol.)

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I just wanted to thank everyone for their stories. All of them were great and many of them were absolutely AMAZING! The details painted a very vivid picture and I felt like I was right there beside you. Some of you could write a book based on your experiences in this game. I'm more excited than ever to play this game! I can't wait until I get the game installed and download this mod.

Some of you are absolutely cutthroat as I would image a lot of people would be in a zombie apocalypse situation! Based on your stories I think I'm going to buy/download a video recording program so that I can record my first few days of game play so that I can post something here. I just hope I can recreate my first few days/hours of the game like so many of you have! Keep it up, and THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

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At exactly 0800 reports came in from our forward outpost north of Cherno of gunfire and banditry within city limits. Within 10minutes 2 heavily armed squads were dispatched to the call and the convoy rolled out. The 2 low level recruits manning the forward outposts had direct orders to maintain a spectator role in the conflict but as time passed they grew eager and decided to head off to the city in an attempt to quell the firefight. It would take at least another 15minutes to reach Chernogorsk from Base camp. It was 15 minutes the naive recruits didn't have. Upon entering the city they came under fire from a sniper on the tallest building in electro. Armed only with M16A2M203, they darted past cover to cover making a bee line closer to the building. An attempt to close the range gap in order to successfully return fire. One of the recruits had unfortunate timing and was hit in the leg with a bullet from what was later confirmed to be an m24 round. This caused a sever fracture along his shin crippling him from further movement. A brief moment of silence occured as the 2nd recruit was stunned as his friend lay there bleeding and crawling to cover. He bandages his friend up and realizes another shot from the m24 will kill his squadmate as well as diminish his chances of survival. He checks inside of his backpack only to realize he had disobeyed another protocool in VOPA. He had forgot to pack medical gear, in favor of more stanag ammo. With a broken bone and the hospital in direct line of sight of the sniper they had no choice but to wait. The gunshots around them grew louder and louder. The familiar screams of "Friendly" accompanied by multiple gunshots racketed around them. Cherno was beginning to turn into a bloodbath. Frantically they looked around attempting to locate the source of the 2nd round of gunshots while still trying to maintain cover from the sniper. To their horror they found what they were looking for. A group of 5 bandits were approaching their locations armed with light machine guns, AK-47s, and shotguns. Their attempts to remain undetected were foiled by a zombie that had detected the recruits. They came under fire again and this time there appeared to be no hope. The recruit with the broken leg took a winchester round to the face and died instantly. The 2nd returned fire and wounded one bandit and took multiple M1911 rounds to the body and passed out. He knew it was all over. He was lying in the street waiting for the final bullet to kill him. He winced as he heard a gunshot go off and prepared to see the death screen. But he hadn't died, for some reason he was still alive, unconscious but alive. Another gunshot went off but it seemed this time it was farther away to the point where he could barely hear it. He could not believe it , the convoy had made contact. His blood was at 5k and dropping fast, he knew he wasn't going to make it unless someone bandaged him.

Alpha squad was nearing the outer perimeter of the city and set up overwatch positions for Bravo squad who would clear the city in grid search style. The convoy rolled into the city as an intense firefight between initial overwatch positions and an unidentified sniper reached a stalemate as the sniper aborted. With the immediate sniper threat gone, 3 of the members of alpha squad switched to silenced M4 assault rifles and covered the flanks of Bravo squad who had begun engaging multiple targets at a distance of 200meters. 2 men from bravo squad were wounded and retreated to bandage and blood bag each other while the rest of the company pushed deeper into the city. with 5 bandits KIA and 1 sniper aborted, they thought the town was clear. Thats when VOPA officer Komanche noticed a pair of legs behind an old broken down truck and decided to investigate. Cautious and fearful of his safety, he sends a 3 man team to clear the right flank while the convoy re mobilized and prepared to head back to base. he approached the bodies and immediately recognized the 2 recruits assigned to Cherno FWD base by their standard issue weapons. He rushed over to one of the bodies and realized it was a corpse and had suffered multiple gunshot wounds. Running to the next body he could feel a faint heart beat. Calling over another rifleman recruit he bandaged the wounded man while the recruit administered epinephrine. Blood was given to the man and he survived to fight another day. The convoy rolled out back to base camp and the disobedient recruit that had survived was dismissed from VOPA.

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Yesterday me and my friend were strolling around Cherno fully armed looking for some medical supplies which we had run out on. The plan was to get into the hospital as fast as we could and get out. We knew the city would have bandits as the server count was roughly 40. After looting the hospital me and my friend went ahead and decided to clear out the apartments as well. We cleared them and as we started to leave, things went downhill. We heard some akm fire off to the east in the hills and noticed a player in the killfeed. We wait and eventually see a player running through the hills with a horde of zeds after him. He decided to make a stand and turned and mowed down many, many zeds. Although we were impressed by his survival skills all he did was attract more and more zeds from all around Cherno with his AKM. We wait and eventually hear him scream and go down. After we see him die we decide we need to move on. As we begin walking out of the city we notice a corpse in the fire station. Naturally we have to investigate. We check for players and finally decide to move in. This is where the intensity begins. We loot the body and just as we turn to leave 2 players walk into the fire station. Already on the steps we decide to sprint up the stairs. Neither party trusted the other. It was a standoff. We move up to the third floor and use the ladder glitch to get outside. My friend climbs down so he can watch the doors and i stay on the roof so i can watch the stairs. Words are exchanged. Deals are made. Lies are told. In the end neither party trusted the other. And both parties were willing to wait. After an hour of baiting and planning things get mixed up. I spot another player running towards the fire station. I tell my friend to get on the roof and we can use him to win. We tell the other player we have sights on him and if he moves he dies. We lost track of the player and move down the stairs to cause some paranoia to the 2 players inside. We open doors shoot in and just cause general grief to them. We decide that i will stay on the roof and watch the lone player who for some reason still hadn't moved. My friend ran around to the back blue door after he opened the red one on the other side just in time to see the other player closing it. He fires. One down, two to go. At this time we decide to mix things up a bit. He comes back on the roof and we toss smoke grenades down out side the fire station. That grenade was like a beacon of light to every zed in the city. We see hordes of zeds coming to the fire station and know this is our chance to get them. Despite my warning my friend climbs down to the bottom level and encounters the lone wolf holding off the zeds. My friend fires and hits the guy but the zeds then notice him and begin to swarm. The lone player ran and lost the zeds. My friend begins fighting off the zeds and begins to bleed and break his leg. The player that ran them runs around the corner and blasts him twice with his double barrel shotty. I have no idea how my friend lived, but he managed to climb up the ladder with me and i healed him up. All parties are shaken after this little turn of events and my friend decides to climb down to the second roof. I tell him to check the window before he does. The second he hit the ground he was shot from the window. I panicked and hit on the very top roof and watched my friends body. For some reason his killer decided to go loot it. I took my shot. He died. After losing my partner and eliminating the two initial targets, also while having the knowledge that all this last guy had was a double barrel, i told him to leave and i wouldn't kill him. He ran and i honored my word. In the end my friend made it back to the station and we got our equipment back. It was a 2 and 1/2 hour battle. And it is a battle i'll never forget.

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So after catching the DayZ aids and not being able to find any anti-biotics anywhere on the earf, I died up in Gorka. Damn because I was loaded as in I had all the gear you can have (NVG, Range Finder, etc.) plus a nice SVD and M4 CCO, did I mention the car I boosted after tailing some clowns from Cherno up to Moglivoka who had hidden it (fully repaired and with 6 jerry cans) in a barn. Well finders keepers.

Still, as tricked out as my shit was I got the zombie cornhole, I was a tad releived because the cough was annoying as hell. Of course as luck would have it, I respawn in Cherno, in pitch blackness. No problem, handy map and a few years of land navigation circa uncle sams misguided children and I'm on the road above Cherno running like a banshee back to Gorka to recover my illgotten gains.

But wait, it gets better, because after stumblign into a few barns to find jack shit for assistance, I see a light out yonder, could it be? Yes a downed chopper, and as I belly crawl half a mile to get to it, lo and behold, the only item I can find is NVG's. Gifted with sight beyond sight, I run all the way back to Gorka, find my body, hop in my car and ride.

Life is good, well at least till I die again or some hacker fags nuke the server.

TL:DR - I died and found the one helpful item that let me recover my shit.

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TLDR; Just another dayz story

Probably two of the more enjoyable sessions Ive played recently even though I barely progressed.

Day 0

Chopper flying around shortly after spawning near cherno. It buggers off and I carry on into town.

I'm watching one player and get shot by another to my side. Start bleeding but thats all thankfully.

I hide and bandage and then a bunch of ghillie suited dudes burst around the corner tell me to drop my weapon, which I do

..but then ask me to go prone and get naked.. and start laughing..

I had a giggle too, however.. that crossed a line. So i decide to have an anti authority moment and just run around and around one of them

which eventually gets me shot. It's not even possible to get naked I know, but that was beside the point.

A quick games a good game..

Another Day 0..

Kemenka is swarming with infected and my first recon attempt finds me bleeding. Stop that but am now bandage less and - 4k blood. Not good.

Far too many to be comfortable sticking around given that I was currently unarmed.

So the plan is to go have a look at the stands to the north, head back to Kamenka and then visit the coastal airfield.. en route to Cherno.

Three empty stands and I run myself to the point of needing food and drink..soon.

Find myself with the option heading into Kamenka unarmed for a look amongst an unusual amount of zeds or heading north with nothing ..at all.

I decide to head back and into Kamenka. So far.. so good. I find three dead players, one with an alice pack and I'm considering grabbing it when an infected bawls at me and starts having a fit. I cant afford to be hit so head to a building ASAP

On the way there I meet another unarmed player bleeding and being chased. I decide to run around them and try to get them off him (I was nearly at the point of not worrying about 'life' anyway and figured why not).

I do that successfully and run into the building to lose them and have a quick look see on the way through.

Just looking for a bandage and drink at this point ..and hopefully a weapon.

No returned communication at this point from the other guy and I start getting the bandit sound.. not even sure what the sound means at the moment(?) He was unarmed so no big deal

Anyway, I find a bandage, but there is nothing else in there worth getting ganked by infected for, so I decide to leave and try and lose them and this fullah.

I sneak out the other door and make my way towards a house. The unspoken one follows me and then starts grabbing infected purposely and continues to follow me.

Was amusing for awhile but I figure I will give him some of his own medicine and start running back into town grabbing heaps and then i run out into a field.

Sure enough the guy is still following behind the heap of infected, so I double back towards him, duck down after a few circles around him head to cover, break los and head uphill.

He doesn't make it to cover and gets the bash.

Well that worked out ok I thought..my stalkers dead and the town is reasonably empty I'll head back in and loot.

Finally find an axe and something to eat and drink.

Then I remember the Alice pack dude, but figure I should just get the hell out there and head to my next objective. At least now I have a hatchet and my belly is full.

So I do that and after a while dive under a bush and go the hell to bed.


Edited by RogueNZ

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Me and my friend James were running up to Stary Sobor in a low pop server with only 1 other person in it. When we arrived to Stary i see zombies that have spawned in the city off another person.Initially my friend didn't believe me. As we got closer again we found two crashed helos, as we wenn to loot the first one i see a black dot moving about 600 meters away at the other crash site. I get james to watch it as i go over there and have a look. I lose the guy as i get closer and then out of no where i see a guy with a m107 on his back and just as i saw him he stopped with his pistol down and i freaked out and put 5 m14 bullets into his chest. As we went up to him he had a as50 with 5 bullets and an m107 with none

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Had a pretty odd one last night. I was in a group of 3 friends, and we decided to do some banditing in Elektro on a high populated server. We ran into the fire station, and as one of my friends was checking the tower, someone ghosted in on the steps behind him and killed him. We bailed and ended up in the school when we started taking fire. Someone with a custom skin was running down the street and we opened fire on him as he ran into the pub (yellow house). He exchanged shots with my friend and I, then a player death showed. We ran into the pub to wait for our friend who was spawning back in, and things got wild. My friend was watching the top of the steps while I bandaged myself and checked the body, and a group of 4 people in bandit skins ran in, and were shot by my buddy. 2 of them came back for revenge, creeped around the pub for a bit until we eventually killed them. A few minutes later someone ran in with a huge trail of zombies, screaming over direct communication to get out of his way. I panicked due to the lag making him rubber band, and hit him once as he ran to the back bedroom. I followed, only to find someone in the hallway with a DMR aiming at me. I hipfired while getting shot in the chest, and we ended up killing each other. My buddy showed up that had died earlier, took all the gear (there was a bunch, probably spawned, everyone had NVGs), and found the screaming guy with a broken leg in the bedroom, calling them assholes over com. I'm not sure if the DMR guy ghosted us, or was in the back bedroom from before the custom skin guy ran in. Could have been a ghoster getting revenge, but I'm not leaving any buildings uncleared anymore.

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so tonight was an interesting evening in chernarus.My friend and I have decided to camp up sniper hill in elektro and see if we could pick off any snipers taking pot shots at people in the town.

within 5 minutes we had our first victim..so we both fire a volley at him and he logs off typical.About 5 minutes later my friend asks me if i ammoving up the left side of the hill..nope turns out our friend had hopped servers and was attemping to ghost us lol he got within 30m and got a clip to the face.unlucky Marcel..so we loot his stuff and find not only did we kill a sniper noob but a duping sniper noob.rangefinder svd camo with 3 mags nvg m249 u get the idea.Shame to leave it all so we helped ourselves while doing this mr sniper appeared behind us and blasts us both..sad days.so i respawn in drakon and just wonder if i can get anything back.as i respawn i see he got killed again lol.

so i run with no regard for life to see if he hid the body or left in place.get there and hear the flys and low and behold my shit is still in place i grab what i can and get 90% of it back fucker took my antibiotics though.so we decide to try another server before our friend comes back.

on log in we hear the tell tale sign of a firefight after a look about we find 6 bodies and then we score jackpot all 6 are heavily armed to the teeth and fully geared so we are both now running about fully geared and looking for trouble.A good day in the apocolypse.snipers beware we's a comin for ya.

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I had an odd incident today but unfortunately didn't write the server's name down (some LU xx). Started in Kamenka on the beach - switched to desktop - heard voice chat, switched back in and i was surrounded by barbed wire, campfires and guys in ghillies... mumbling something along the lines of "don't worry, the bad guys are gone... pick up the 'hatch'(?)" They kept asking if i heard them... by the time i replied i heard a "bye bye" and then i got a "no message received for ... secs"

Could it be possible that an entire server got hijacked so they can disconnect people on a whim? Or was it just a welcome committee in the right place?

Anyone got any idea?

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Having fun enduring the hacking :)

Log into the game - friend and I get approached by invincible hacker and die in the woods. I respawn need Solnichniy and see a sweet sweet van parked in the gas station nearby. As I come back from getting tires for it, I see somebody running from the gas station - having a double barreled shotgun I chase after him for what seems like a good minute, then take two shots as he pauses briefly. Obviously this isn't enough and the guy has a CZ550. He waits around the corner for me, so I flank by going around the house - at this point zeds are on my ass due to the shotgun fire. Running out of my only TWO rounds in the shotgun, I switch to the hatchet and proceed to axe him to death while evading CZ fire at close range :)

Long story short, I eventually succumb to zeds 20 minutes later :(

Anyways, so I start again on beach near balota. Then a hacker teleports us to Thunderdome - This is what happens:

Sorry my FRAPS setting buggered up and didnt record my voice, only my friends.


After surviving this miraculously - I relog in to find I didn't retain any of the items and I'm suddenly at NW airfields still with my hatchet. Luckily I spot a person in a car. This is what happens:


All in all a fun night - learning to just live with the hackers and getting enjoyment anyways :)

P.S. Stay tuned for more vids. Unfortunately we lost the car since the server restarted before we saved :(

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I had an odd incident today but unfortunately didn't write the server's name down (some LU xx). Started in Kamenka on the beach - switched to desktop - heard voice chat, switched back in and i was surrounded by barbed wire, campfires and guys in ghillies... mumbling something along the lines of "don't worry, the bad guys are gone... pick up the 'hatch'(?)" They kept asking if i heard them... by the time i replied i heard a "bye bye" and then i got a "no message received for ... secs"

Could it be possible that an entire server got hijacked so they can disconnect people on a whim? Or was it just a welcome committee in the right place?

Anyone got any idea?

Bored hackers, trying to get you to do a gladiator thing no doubt.

You HAVE seen this video, right?


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I died tonight, I had been alive for about a week, Nothing extravagant, a lee enfield with about a hundred rounds, a makarov, plenty of food and water and a map no compass though. I got shot in the back in the woods by a guy with a silenced weapon. So after I respawned I at kamenka I headed towards Chernogorsk. I ended up slightly north of it and what did I find? A body with a full set of equipment, entrenching tool and all, NVG's a PDW with 8 clips and an M4 a1 CCO and 4 clips for it. Immediately I looked towards cherno and said. NOPE.AVI. Headed north about 50 meteres and thought, hmm I saw something else down there I want now But I decided being greedy now would get me killed. So I headed north and about a minute later. 3 more bodies 2 more M4a1 CCO's a few mags for them, A m4a1 cco SD which i put in the coyote backpack, more mags for the PDW, and lo and behold! A mighty AS50! 3 mags. I was elated, but my elation was not to last when I heard someone tell me to not move and to stand up. I turned to see a man with a makarov point blank in my face, How could I have been so careless, I thought to myself. He tells me to drop what I have and walk away. Looking at the AS50 in my hand I turn up to him and stand up, then in direct channel I yell, MY PRECIOUS!!! AAAHHHHHHHH! and blast him from point blank. turns out he had no ammo for the makarov and it was just an empty threat, but he picked the wrong person to threaten. And so ends the story of how I got an AS50 and a lot of goodies this evening.

Oh and 4 hours later I got killed by a hacker in a t90 so its all gone now

Edited by Dantan the Great
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today i commited my first murder. i feel less guilty than i thought i would, surprisingly even less than when i tried to kill a corpse earlier last night (and expended some very valuable 7.62x51 rounds...for nothing)

a couple of my squad mates had previously found and repaired a hatchback, and been involved in a firefight over a broken down pickup truck. they managed to kill the two other survivors vying for the pickup, but one out of the three had bled out during the skirmish. the two remaining mates made their way down to the coast to pick up the respawn near kamenka and myself north of elektro, and scavenge for parts to repair the pickup.

we spent a few minutes finding the required parts and filling up the extra jerry cans, and made our way north to the broken pickup.

just north of kamenka we found a flipped over van, but no bodies. in the trunk of the van we found an l85 aws, a few stanag and stanag SD mags, and various survival supplies. loot was had and high fives were exchanged. back on the road.

we turned off of the highway and left down the dirt road towards the old barn where the pickup was found. as we neared, we spotted a player sprinting south across the field towards the barn. poor choice my friend. especially considering the adequate tree cover to be used, if only you had the patience. distance aproximately 150M. the hatchback ground to a halt, weapons were switched to dangerous, and lead was sent down range. the unlucky fellow dove for cover in the long grass as the lawn received a full metal jacket aerating. i crouched, took aim, and put a pair of well placed 5.56mm rounds through his ear.

we re-posessed the weapons that he had taken from our dead mate's corpse, picked up the parts he had collected to repair the pickup, and hid the body.

i am now sitting quite comfortable with my FN FAL, an M4 CCO SD, and a PDW, in addition to the other lucky finds i've had recently.

sorry man, but life is rough.

on to day ten.

Edited by tigerpr0n
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When the outbreak really got started, most people died.

Some managed to survive. Now they spend their days scrabbling around the ruins, searching and fighting over the discarded scraps of their once great society.

Me?...I thrived.

Leaning against the cooling steel of the truck's engine block I savoured the residual warmth that radiated from her now silent innards. She was an old and ragged thing. If you were strangely possessed enough to scrape off the thick layer of muck and dirt that coated every inch of her metallic skin, you might be surprised to find yet another layer of brown, this time crumbling rust, seemingly the only thing holding this ancient beast of burden together.

But as old and decrepit as she was...she was mine.

It had taken me days to get her back into working order, longer to gather enough fuel and supplies to make for the mountains. All so we could get away from the death trap that had become the capital city.

Wait...how long had it been? Days...weeks? I no longer kept track. Time is a man made construct, a discarded tool from a world that revolved around work, meetings, wages, holidays...birthdays, concepts that no longer held sway in this new world.

I peel open an unlabelled tin can, it's contents having long lost any semblance of defining shape, texture or taste, and I begin to analyse my progress.

Some survivors are fascinated with weapons, everybody wants to have the biggest gun around, maybe it gives them comfort...makes them feel safe. Maybe they can fool themselves into thinking that with enough weapons and ammo they can stave off any threat, or their inevitable death.


Tools...tools are the key, I think to myself, as I unfurl the dog eared and weather worn map. I place it on the ground and arrange it's accompanying brethren on it's stained surface. Compass, GPS, hunting knife, matches...these are your friends, these are the things that will save your life. Use them well and you will never need to fire a gun again. I had carried them for as long as I can remember...or at least, for as long as I want to remember.

I close my eyes...

Gunshots, screams...I frantically search her jacket pockets, the screams continue, she put it in here somewhere. Finally I grasp the GPS. Gunshots, closer now...They will be here soon. As I pull the small device from her inside pocket I feel something smooth and sticky come with it. A polaroid falls to the ground...the smiling faces of two young girls stare back at me. Their bright eyes and beaming smiles, almost obscured by a thick smear of warm blood. She stirs and coughs the last of the life from her lungs as she stares at the picture in front of her. I don't know if she can see it, but as the spark leaves her eyes, I swear she looks happier than I have ever seen her. The girls keep smiling...

I start my eyes open...

Was it a dream? A memory I'd rather forget? Sometimes I lose track, I think that's normal, I think your brain can only handle so much, I get that...

But sometimes...sometimes things happen...things I can't explain.

I glance at my weapon. It lies on a nearby rock, high off the ground to prevent dirt getting in its mechanisms. I'm sure it has a fancy military name, some code word or serial number to distinguish it from the countless other death machines we once created. Maybe I knew it once, but like Time, serial numbers and designations have lost their meaning to me. Now I just call it "Gun". It's heavy, it kicks like a mule, is the loudest thing I have ever heard and uses these great big box magazines that I seem to find with some regularity around military complexes. The few times I have had to use it, I have always been able to rely on it...until...

I close my eyes...

He sprints towards me across the open field, the gun at his hip flashes bright, leaving ghostly stars in my night vision goggles, the bullets tear up the brush around me. How can he see me? Why is he shooting?...these questions I cannot afford to ask myself. I pull the trigger and set the forest alight. Gun roars with delight at being unleashed, in this now quiet world, it sounds like hell itself has arrived. The bullets trace their way to the victim, hungry for death. They find their target. Huge gouts of blood and ragged chunks of flesh tear themselves from the attacker's body, arcing off his frame and leaving a gruesome path of gore in his wake...but somehow he keeps running, keeps firing...impossible. I stop firing when the box runs dry, 100 rounds, a trail of death in his wake...and yet somehow he is unharmed. I blink...and he's gone.

I hear footsteps behind me, turning I raise my now empty weapon in reflex. He is behind me, impossible. He raises his gun and plants the scorching barrel against my forehead...I force my eyes shut.

Opening my eyes once more I stare at Gun sitting on the rock...

He is quiet now, I wish he could talk, I would ask him what had happened to that man, was there something wrong with the ammunition? Did he have some kind of body armour?...or was he even real? These questions fall by the wayside as I consider the prospect that my mind may be collapsing on itself. I have seen so many things, entire cities burst into flames, old trucks appearing out of thin air and raining to the ground, men who cannot die...are these things real? Are they dreams? Or are they illusions, tricks played by the dark corners of my crumbling sanity?

Whatever they are, I deal with them the same way every time...I close my eyes, I force them shut as hard as I can and think of nothing...nothing. When I open them they are always gone...

Sometimes it seems as if hours have past, the weather is different, it's the middle of the night where it was daylight mere moments ago...sometimes I am in a completely different location altogether...

I shudder and clear my thoughts, there is no point in dwelling on all that now, it's all behind me. It has taken longer than I can remember, and I may not be the same person I was when I started...but I have everything I could ever need to make a new life form myself. Me, Tools, Gun and Truck are going to keep driving into the mountains. We will drive until we can't drive any more. Then, when we can drive no further, when we have left this world behind, we will make a new home. This dream comforts me, it calms my soul. I begin to drift into sleep...tomorrow...tomorrow it will all be over...

I close my eyes...

I am in a wilderness...an endless plane of featureless green terrain...I am not alone. I panic. I spin around on the spot, humanoid shapes surround me, people...faces...they stare at me with accusing eyes. Mouths open wide in torment with silent, horrified screams on their unmoving lips. My legs give out underneath me. I fall backwards into the soft earth. Glancing down, I see a mangled ruin of flesh and bone where my legs once were...I feel nothing. The people begin to scream...impossible....I force my eyes shut as they begin to tower over me, dark hands blotting out the light above, as they reach for my crippled form. Think of nothing...think of nothing...think of...


I open my eyes. something is wrong...The comforting feeling on my back, the warm steel of Truck, has been replaced by cold, damp sand. No...impossible. I sit up. I am on a beach, it stretches indefinitely across the horizon, the cold waves lapping against my heels. Truck!? Gun!? Tools!?...they are nowhere to be found. I panic. I force my eyes shut...Nothing. it's impossible...nothing...nothing...

But I am still here, still on the shore...

I scream...tears of rage and sorrow falling to mix with the salt water lapping around my feet. How did this happen? Why?

Time passes...Hunger and thirst care not for my losses and begin to take their toll on my exhausted body. I pick myself up and begin to walk along the shore. The buzzing of flies alerts me to the presence of death nearby. Approaching slowly I spot a corpse lying face down under a bush. I work quickly...numbly. Her backpack is small...almost like the kind one would give a child to take to school...

Their faces smile at me behind a curtain of blood...

Blinking tears from my eyes I sling the pack over my shoulder and roll the body onto it's back. It is hard, but my effort is rewarded...an axe lies cradled in the corpse's arms. Prying it from its stiff embrace I hold the axe in my hands...cold, congealed blood makes the handle slick in my grasp...

I blink...

No...the blood is warm, I pull the axe from her chest, she screams...I scream. There is a pain in my gut, the smell of scorched skin...I plunge the axe into her torso once more and release it as she falls face down into the dirt. Gunshots nearby...I put my hand to my gut and feel a sharp pain, she shot me?...why? Adrenaline kicks in...Picking up her discarded gun I am surprised by it's weight, it seemed so light in her hands. As more pain begins to enter my world I begin searching her jacket pockets...where did she put it...

I blink...

The blood is cold...this is impossible...how long ago?...where?...I glance up at the sound of gunfire and see it...the capital. A dark silhouette looming over me. No light...no warmth...only death.

All this time...all this effort, I was so close, and now I am right back here...back where it all started.

There is no sorrow...no anger...only resolve. Knuckles white, I clutch the axe in my hands...

"I can get it back...I can get it all back" I whisper to the corpse, my eyes locked on the shadow of the twisted city.

She is silent...the life left her long ago.

I sling the bloody axe over my shoulder and begin my slow, predatory walk towards the city...

A polaroid, embedded in the sand, flutters in the sea breeze. The girls smile, but they are dead...the cold eyes of their mother gaze at them, but she is dead, and as I merge once more with the dark shadows of the city, I wonder...maybe we are all dead...

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