[email protected] 0 Posted July 19, 2012 (edited) So I was one of those people that complained when I first bought Arma 2 for the sake of Day Z. Whatever I complained about I was just not happy having such a hard time finding a weapon, everywhere I went it felt like chances of survival was 50-50 at best and without a gun, I had to take the long meticulous approach and most of the time I ended up dying with crap loot.I had got my friends interested and they bought the game too. So, being shit-scared of EVERYWHERE we decide grouping up is the best thing to do so we spend hours to form something that looked like it came straight from the film 'A Kung Fu Hustle'; two point-men with hatchets and one guy with a lee-enfield. LOOOLSo for the next two days we spend a lot of time dying, trying to get back on our feet as wannabe PvPers we're still relatively new so still exploring the game and currently shooting anything that moves as I don't have a clue how to get any practice in using the map editor.So after raiding balota numerous times (yeah we cheesed it, held out the parimeter and sent in one guy to loot every now and then whilst we were making dinner and boiling our kettles) we decided we were going to make our way to Berezinho. We get there, more Equipment... we go NE airfield... More EQ.. we decide to go to Starry Sobor and we even find an unlooted downed heli site.. MORE EQ so were a 3 man squad. One with ASblahblah Sniper Rifle, One with M14 AIM and another with an M16. This is the first time we've EVER been this armed, we feel like pro's we're on top of the world.F1: "Let's go NWAirfield?"ME: "We'll probably die..."F1: "Isn't that the point of this game?"Whether or not that's the point, I was convinced! We weren't unarmed, weren't too far away and there was the allure of a possible downed heli and the fabled NWA looting spawns.It goes well. We have the whole NWA to ourselves... we're absolutely astonished with the overall size of this place... feels a LOT bigger than it looks on the map. We'd never been to the area before... After looting the whole way along the airstrip, we get behind a building and buried into some shrubbery and 'Abort'. After more food and boilt kettles we come back and decide that we're going to loot NWA -again- in the -hopes- that all the spawns have refreshed and there's more phat loot to be had..However, first we notice a dead female body out front of the building we Aborted behind.... We don't let this phase us however, we keep looting, trying to keep a low profile.We make our way back along the airfield to the downed chopper at the other end and I wanted to check it again (it was the first thing we hit in NWA). Being my idea I'm the guy that goes for it.... loot hadn't respawned so I start to walk back to my team in the treeline.*PSHHHHEWWWW*ME: "Taking shots from far end; presumably from behind the chopper you're looking at" (I go prone and roll to the nearest bush)F 1+2: "Can't see anyone"-silence-... *more shots* I'm eventually hit and made unconscious, I try to explain where the sounds were coming from,I get shot again and my role in this story is over,... a pretty pathetic, 'sitting duck' kinda story, I need to change my drop and roll tactic as it has NEVER worked.So I take the 2-min walk to my friends house to see the action unfold.Our designated sniper is probably the worst guy for the job but we let him do it anyway for his enthusiasm of being able to kill people from a long distance without being seen... However, in saying that, he didn't do too bad. He ended up pulling in a few kills before he died (in a VERY questionable position, he must have been really desperate for an angle). So he now comes over to my friends and we're both watching the last of us try and fight it out of NWA....I start explaining how we were just taking a ridiculous risk when we all knew deep down inside there wouldn't be loot respawns and despite it being our first visit we know that NWA is not a place to be stuck around for lols (unless you have a camp so you can re-equip immediately. I explain he should just loot what he could from our bodies and leave NWA so we don't lose everything but he's not happy with that, he wants to stay it out and fight on.Basically we're all noobs, The last of us sits there in pretty much the same spot that the other 2 of us had died. We witness him take out one player before shit gets crazy.... I don't know whether it was one team, it all happened so fast,-See movement in treelines to the right-hearing 2 different caliber sniper rifles from god knows where-getting suppressed from other directions-see one guy crawling his way towards my friends position in the wide open.I hope you enjoyed, this isn't a story but more of an account of my experience in Day Z so far. If I had advice for any group of noobs starting up it would be that communication is paramount, tell your team where you are, what you're doing, when you're doing it HOWEVER you should have a good plan that should be stuck to.Also I learnt to play Day Z with a group. It did make solo survival a lot easier but when I teamed up with my friends my 'lone wolf' habits I had gained overnight created some nasty situations...Later at night, the same day of the NWA shenanigans was when I learnt to go it solo. Before I slept I messaged my team to say I'm camping Balota Forests with AKM and all necessary supplies to go north... they tell me to meet them at the Military camp with 4 deerstands, I cautiously cross the airstrip towards the road, taking cover at every washing machine and truck. All of a sudden I see two people on the road, 'holy shit, guys is that you?', 'where?' 'On the road?' 'Yeah... well... we're like by the deerstands'... I take that as a big NO, so I line up the shot with my AKM. One shot in the head, dead, I had already consulted my muscle memory and switched straight to the other target and start letting off other shots.. whilst I'm killing my friends one of them starts screaming realising that I killed him. I stop firing on my friend, realising what I had done, apologising profusely, bandaging him up and trying to calm the guy I killed. So we eventually regroup, Dead friend re-stocks.. back to where we were an hour ago. So we head north and hit the deerstand east of kozlovka. We aggro zombies and end up in a CQB in the middle of a field. I get fed up with the amount of flack I'm taking from the zombies as no one has made the call to make a run for it. I'm crouched, I turn to a zombie hitting me to my right, I unload quarter of my stanag clip into him, I hear some confusion over skype, looking over the dead Zed's body I see another body behind him, that of a survivor... I've killed my OTHER friend now.... So I'm feeling really bad and like a complete noob, I'm wasting hours that need not be wasted.. I'm also throwing my friends patience out the window as they're the ones sufferi*BANG* I'm dead....Matey I killed earlier in the morning shot me in the head out of principle alone. We spend another hour or two trying to recover equipment from our bodies... one team mate helps his brother set up his laptop so he can join us in day Z as our 4th member.... he didn't Abort, Our sniper guy forgot to cover him and I went around looking for zombies to kill cuz I had 7 1911 clips and needed some food. So he ended up getting munched by a singular zombie over an extended period of time without any of us noticing resulting in more rage/tension between us and a decreased will to live. So it's clear we're not coming across any crashed helis nor are we going NW or NE airfield or Starry Sobor. All on a fresh spawn we all agree to loot on the way to electro and what followed was an epic 3-4 hours of constant PvP action in Elektro... more silly blunders resulting in my death. Our sniper sniping from ridiculously open spots and other team-mate constantly being let down by my lack of teamwork with him because I'm scared of dying... but it was lots of fun. We ended up getting outclassed by two guys who swept the floor with everyone, all this fighting went on by the firestation that is next to the power plant. On my respawn I managed to flank the whole city and come up behind them with my hatchet... but I'm on 400 blood and I didn't have 2 shotgun slugs to take these guys out. None-the-less I approach the guy with sniper in hand, guy with binoculars can wait a second, I start hurling obscenities thorugh Direct Chat whilst hacking away at this guy... he turns around and shoots me before I get off a 4th swipe and I die.... I do the same thing AGAIN, manage to sneak up behind them.. I see them again.. same place, one guy with binocs, other with some pretty nice sniper however I don't even have a hatchet... I see ALL the dead bodies lying around... all the action had pretty much ended and my friends had logged off... I crept to my bodies right under their noses pretty much and looted back the equipment I could find, AKM 1911 etc... I look back and both of the guys had gone, I can only assume they disconnected.Now I'm awake at 6:30am because this game has completely gripped me now I've got over the initial OMGZ I press A and I don't become Awesome? phase. I need to sleep so I can continue to kill my friends in the morrow =D I look forward to more NWA action but for now I think we're going to continue with elektro pvp. Edited July 19, 2012 by heafmo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Justin619 11 Posted July 19, 2012 The story I'm about to tell you all is probably one of the biggest emotional roller coasters I have ever fucking had in my life.I had started a new life up in Day Z, spawned, if I remember correctly somewhere close to Balota. I made my way toward the airfield, spotted a survivor.Instantly, I thought I was gonna die. I walked closer to him, repeating in direct with my mic that I was friendly. He accepted the fact, and told me that Balota had been cleaned out, so I went on my way, towards the hell hole that is Cherno.I arrive in Cherno, finding a some low tier gear; double barrel, makarov, and some food and a watch. As I move deeper into the city, I see other survivors and I keep my distance from them. As I approach a restaurant I suddenly hear a voice through my headphones."Whoever is out there, I can hear you"I freeze for a moment, and then respond with the good old code word."Friendly?""Yeah, yeah I am, I'm new to this game, help me out."I run into the restaurant to meet my new friend. When I find him, his is crouched in the corner with a crowbar like a scared dog. We talk a little, and then he says he needs a gun, so we go searching through Cherno. After running, ducking, and rolling through streets of zombies, we find him a gun and get the hell out of Cherno. He suggests we go to Balota, I tell him its cleaned out, but he insists so we go anyway.When we arrive, we kill a few zombies and go to the tower. Low and behold, there is an AKM on the ground. He freaks out about it and asks if he can have it, I say fine, and he picks it up. We decide to head North, but right before we can go, my computer starts acting up, and I tell him I have to switch. He says okay, I remember the server name, and switch, the entire time convinced that he will just be gone when I come back. I then log back on, ready to face the fact that he isn't there, but, to my surprise, he is still there......with another survivor.I get ready for him and the other guy to take me out, assuming they somehow set this up because, well, I'm a paranoid person. So I prepare myself and then tell him I'm back."Great! This guy wondered into Balota, and he is friendly. Mind if he joins us?"With relief, I say yes, but then another problem comes up as soon as this one is dealt with. The new guy has no damn gun.So we go and scavenge the hangars. Thankfully, we find him a M1014 with some ammo, and then we begin out trek North.As we begin to head North, we start talking and getting to know each other. Since none of us had a skype or something along those lines, we had to use in game chat. We also began to refer to ourselves not by our names, but by our weapons and equipment: I was Double Barrel guy, my friend was AK guy, and the new guy was Shotgun guy. As we were talking, AK heard a noise in the distance."What the hell is that?""What?""You can't hear that, its a rumbling sound, I think its getting closer... HOLY SHIT, THAT'S AN ENGINE!""GET THE FUCK DOWN!"We dropped down in a treeline, freaking out about the sound of the engine. After a little bit, we calmed down, and I told them that I would see what was going on. I walked onto the road to see if there was a car that, if possible, we could kill the driver and steal, but what I saw was not a car;It was a bus.I started yelling bus into my mic, and the others came out to see it. The bus, lumbering along down the road, honked its horn as it came closer to us, and through the rumble of the engine and the shriek of the horn, I made out a phrase."ALL ABOARD TO CHERNO, BITCHES!"I, along with my companions, cheered as we began to board our new found transport. The driver was dressed in military camo, and was equipped with, if I remember correctly, an AK of some sort, and in the back of the bus was a fellow with a ghillie suit on. The driver and I start talking, and I explain that my group and I were going North for some better equipment. He told me that they were going north to, but first they need to get some more parts from Cherno cause the bus was fucked up pretty bad. My group and I decided to help em out, and we started going back to the place I fear to tread.By the time we arrive, after some below average driving, the bus's hull is fucked up and the gas is nearly all gone. As we approach Cherno, we stop near a pond. The driver tells us to stop."This is the rendezvous point. If anyone gets separated while we are in Cherno, come back here and wait for us. Don't worry, we will be back."And so began the scavenging of parts. Lead by Ghillie suit guy, our group enters Cherno, with Driver providing over watch with his AK. After finding a few of the things we need, Ghillie comes upon an Alice pack. "Whoever needs it take it." Since me and AK already had Alice Packs, we told Shotgun to go and get it. He asked which house and we told him. He then entered to grab it as the group continued on.It was to late before we realized we lost him.By the time we realized he was nowhere near us, we were already to far away to try to chat him, so we continued on. We never found out what happened to him. He never came back to the rendezvous point.We kept going, grabbing much needed gear along the way, and we were then joined up by Driver. As we left Cherno, we met up with another player. He had no weapon and no mic, but he ended up following us anyway, always asking for a weapon. AK suggested that we go hit up some houses to get him a gun and some more medical supplies. Driver and Ghillie decided against it, and I agreed.I regret that.We arrived at the bus and repaired it to its former glory. We then drove North, trading stories and taunting zombies along the way. We then neared Zelenogorsk, and Ghillie said that he could get us some better guns from there and a gun for the new guy, so we all agreed to enter to enter the city. We stopped on the outskirts and scouted out the city. Since Driver and Ghillie were in a Steam chat, Ghillie said that he would lead us into town and Driver would defend the bus. We agreed on it, and I said later to Driver and the bus.I never saw that bus again.We began to go into the city with the first thing we hit up being the supermarket. Ghillie told us to be cautious, so we were, but he aggroed a zombie, and we crouch ran toward the market."Where the fuck is he going?""Who?""That no weapon guy, where is he going?""What do you mean- SHIT!"In a split second, shit hit the fan. The bastard with no gun ran off, attracting 30-40 zombies around the market, and they began to swarm inside. To make matters worse, AK was jumpy and shot his AK, which attracted even more due to the noise. We began our stand in the supermarket, with the zombies slowly closing in.AK- "WHAT DO WE DO, WHAT DO WE DO!"Ghillie- "SHUT UP! Don't fucking fire your rifle, it brings more of them. We gotta move, get to the front of the store and make a run to the bus!"Me- "The fronts blocked off by Zombies! There are way to many of them man, we gotta go out the back!"Ghillie- "Backs blocked off!"AK- "WE'RE GONNA DIE!"Ghillie- "I SAID SHUT UP! WAIT, WAIT, THE FAR RIGHT BACK IS NOT BLOCKED! GO GO GO!"Me- "Alright! I'm Mov-"And thats when I got hit. Zombies dragged me down and everything went black. I could still hear them screaming, but I couldn't scream back. I watched as zombies dropped around me and Ghille was still trying to calm down AK."WE ARE GOING TO DIE!""GOD DAMN IT SHUT UP! GET IT TOGETHER! WHERE IS DOUBLE BARREL!""HE WENT DOWN! WE ARE SO FUCKED!""JUST KEEP SHOOTING! GOD DAMN IT I KNEW YOU PEOPLE WOULD GET ME-"Ghillie was dead.I was helpless, bleeding out, broken legs and now the only good shooter was dead. He had blamed us, so I knew Driver wasn't going to come and get us cause Ghillie would say we got him killed. So I laid there, ready to accepted death, but then I realized that the shooting had stopped, and a scared whimper came through my mic."Is anyone still alive?"At that moment, I came back to my senses and began to speak into my mic that I was alive. AK was ecstatic, but the damage was done. We were both bleeding out and had only enough medical supplies for one of us. I knew we couldn't go back to the bus, and I was the only one who had morphine, so I used it on myself and then convinced AK to give me a blood pack."Hey man, I need some stuff to heal up.""Sorry, I used it all."AK was angry, but I told him that I would go get him medical supplies. I took Ghillies AKM, cause I knew he wouldn't be using it anymore, and we began to move closer into the city (at this time I had never been this far North, so I did not know there was no hospital here). I told AK to set up in a red building in the middle of town. I was good enough at dodging Zombies so I knew I could get back to him with ease. I began my search, and came across the military tents a little outside of town. Sadly, none of the supplies we needed were in the tents, so I returned to AK. While I was coming back, I was trying to think what I could do to help the guy who had been with me through thick and thin.Then there was the gunshot.The noise skipped through the air like a rock on water. I panicked and ran as quickly as I could back to the house AK was in. When I arrived, it was surrounded by zombies. I began to fight and dodge my way through them to get to AK.It turns out the moron had misfired.And then it started. Our last stand inside the damn red house in the middle of Zelenogorsk. I unloaded with my AKM, killing scores of Zombies, and ran out of ammo. I then switched to my makarov and started pulling off headshots, and then ran out of ammo for that.The bastards were still coming."I CAN'T SEE!""What?!?""I CAN'T SEE, MY VISION IS BLACK CAUSE OF BLOOD LOSS, I CAN'T SEE!"So I stood there, directing AK where to shoot. But there were to many zombies, and not enough bullets."I'M GONNA DIE!""I know, and I'm sorry.""Wait! You can't leave! DON'T LEAVE ME TO DIE!"I ran. I ran as fast as I could. I kept running, and running, and running, and running. I ran out of that city and into the woods, all the while never looking back. :( but.. ak.. and what happened to driver?! WHY DID YOU LEAVE AK THERE ALONE?! WHY?! THE HUMANITY! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
denkart 198 Posted July 19, 2012 (edited) Happened back when I was new to the game and had no idea where I was or what to do for the most part. I was low on blood, about 4k left. In desperate search for food to heal up, I see a town ahead. I accidentally aggro a zed and just run for it, aggroing about 10 more on the way. I keep running until I get to a ladder and climb up it. I get up there and try to get a sense of my location and realize I'm right next to a fire station. So I move to the other side of the building to climb down a different ladder, but I accidentally just walk off the building instead of climbing down, breaking my legs and knocking me unconscious for a few seconds. I was at about 2k blood when I woke up and had a zombie eating me. I shot it with my AKM and pissed off a ton more zombies. At this point I figure I have to make it to the fire station or I'm screwed. So I'm desperately crawling across the street to the fire station while shooting tons of zeds that are coming from all sides. Finally I make it into the fire station and luckily I find some morphine in there. As soon as I get my leg patched up, some people start shooting at me. I sprinted out of sight and closed the door to the fire station. Now at this time I'm thinking of my options. I could just run out of the back door and make a break for it, possibly aggroing way more zombies than I could handle and dying in a field. Screw that, I thought, I'm going to make my stand right here.. I'm sick of running. I slowly crept up the stairs into the second floor. I get sight of 3 bandits on top of the building I had just fallen off earlier. I decide to wait for just the right moment to strike. As soon as they started making for the ladder, I attack. POP POP, 1 dead bandit falls off the ladder, POP POP POP, another bandit dies on the roof. The third starts to return fire at me. I retreat back behind the wall. There was no way I could shoot from that window again with the last bandit watching it, so I head back to the bottom floor. This is it, I thought to myself, I get one shot at this. I take a deep breath, open up one of the fire station doors, aim down my sight, get my crosshair on the last bandit's head, AND... pass out from low blood and get shot. lol. Edited July 19, 2012 by denkart 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tobu 34 Posted July 19, 2012 Yesterday me and a mate decided to start a new game, meet up and survive together. I spawned near Otmel, whereas he spawned on the docks in Elektro. Instantly we agreed that the best place to gather resources for our trip to the north would be Elektro. It took me awhile to get there but eventually we met up at an old wooden building on the outskirts of Elektro. Unfortunately I had managed to attract an army of Walkers. I bolted into the house, closed the door and aimed down the sights of my M1911. The first walker entered, and then another and other. I only had a clip and after vigorous shooting 6 of the zombies were dead. But the dead kept flowing into the small house and my friend had no ammo. We saw an opening and decided to make a run for it. We managed to get out of the house, but the sound of our running attracted even more and more zombies. I noticed a red brick house to our left and we bolted through it, leaving the living dead standing cluelessly at the entrance of the building.We decided to rely more on stealth and began moving deeper into town. Unfortunately, a zombie took up the scent of my friend and we were separated, he was bolting towards the treeline on the outskirts of the town to lose the creature and as I had nothing to help him with, continued on to the supermarket. As I closed in on the city centre, i heard several gunshots. I could only hope that it was a survivor, slaughtering the dead. I entered the market, and found canned food, plenty of soda and a makarov with two mags. For some reason I instantly felt better, knowing I had a gun to keep away anything that wanted to harm us. Moments later, the feeling of security was washed away by some serious gunfire quite close to me. I told my friend, who by that time had lost the zombie, that he should enter the city very carefully. He was also moving to the supermarket, as I had spotted a crossbow that he wanted. He told me that he was close, so I left the supermarket to meet him.I turned a corner and saw him, followed by a gunshot, and then by him dropping to the ground. I bolted back around the corner, thinking he was dead. Moments later I realised that he was alive as he was screaming "Friendly, friendly!!!" on the voice comm. The stranger had shot him in the leg, just to be sure. We made certain to them that we meant no harm and I also entered the apartment building. There was two of them (lets call them Adam and Peter.), with way better loot than us. They had a tent in the back of the building. They obviously mistrusted us, however, and left in a while.My friend and I both needed medical supplies as I was down to 7000 blood and his leg had been shot to splinters, so it was on me to get to the hospital, get the supplies and bolt back. It took me a couple of minutes to find the hospital. I noticed that the entrance was made of glass and I had nothing to break it with apart from my Makarov. I put two bullets through the glass door, but it didn't break. I didn't want to waste any ammo or attract more zombies so I ran back to the apartment building, grabbed an empty soda can and after running back to the hospital, used it to break open the glass. I managed to deliver the medical supplies, we both gave each other a blood transfusion and I gave him a morphine shot, which miraculously grew back the powdered bones in his leg.We heard more gunfire as we were gathering supplies from the second floor. There was loads of food and more Makarov mags and my friend got plenty of ammo for his M1911. Armed to the teeth, we left the apartment building and entered the abandoned schoolhouse. We shot a couple of zombies in the ground floor and then moved up to gather more supplies. We weren't ready for what we were about to discover. On the third floor lay Adam, his body riddled with bullets and on the roof of the schoolhouse was the body of Peter. We were sad that they had died, but that obviously didn't stop us from looting them. As we were on the roof of the schoolhouse, I came to a terrible thought. What if the mad bandit who had killed Peter and Adam was still in town? We realised that we had everything we'd ever need to survive in a forest so we packed up and left, quietly. Our journey to the tree line north of Elektro was uneventful. We reached the forest and logged off.Hope you enjoyed! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Flashward 3 Posted July 19, 2012 is there a thread for naming and shaming disconnecter's.Gustav you coward!!!! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yorkie065 78 Posted July 19, 2012 Well, last night was the unfortunate death of my, roughly 25 in-game day old character. It came from me being a mix of over cautious, over curious and a bit of stupidity really. But even then, I don't think I stood a chance against the people we were up against as they clearly knew what they were doing, and had the drop on us. So here it goes. The plan was simple, head to Stary, get some PVP squad action going. We've been at end game for about 60% of the characters time that he's been alive, and it's getting stale just sniping people from afar. I wanted to get stuck in, use my AR and run the risk of dying. One of my mates wanted to risk dying too, he was getting bored, I don't think the other two with us were up for it, but they came along anyway. So we were North of Stary, across the open field in the treeline by the deer stand when we saw a crashed heli. We sat, and moved around getting good angles on it for about 5 mins to go in and loot, when my mate called out a player location. "I SEE A PLAYER!!" "where?" "South, South- West....theres 1!.....2.......theres 3 of them!! Running along towards the West, North West out of Stary, out South, South-West to South West." We saw them, and they hadn't seen us. 3 of us have sniper rifles (2 M107's, one being mine and an AS50), and they were on the move, we didn't want to risk taking the shot so we let them get into the distance a bit and then headed in their direction in a pursuit. The hunt was on!! We followed there heading, stopping at the treeline to look across and make sure we were still on their path. Occasionally checking the map, we soon realized they were on their way to the North West Airfield. Upon reaching it, just as we were approaching the wall at the South of the airfield we heard AK shots. From earlier, watching them run, we knew two of them had AK's, 1 AK cobra and the other a standard AK, and the third with a Winchester. We cautiously peered into the wall and noticed it was clear to move up, so we moved up the mound as we heard more shooting. No doubt, they were gana hit the South Barracks of the airfield. We setup position in amongst the foliage and walls that sit on the hill, 2 eyes on the south barracks, me looking behind out across the hills to the south of the airfield out beyond the wall, and the 4th keeping an eye on the airfield itself for zombies spawning. We sat, waiting for 5-10mins, with AK's being shot around the barracks as they took down the zombies that got in their way and aggro'd to them, when I noticed they had made their move out and we're heading up the hill, 200 metres from us to the wall. I only saw 2, so we were missing the third. There were a number of deaths that came up whilst they were in the barracks, so we half assumed that their third was one of them. We sat and watched though, as the 2 moved out, keeping an eye out for the third just incase he was dead. We decided to move and head off after them again.We pursued the two back to Stary, clearly moving back and forth, hoarding the two high loot points, when we lost the 2nd player (again, we think he died as he didn't show up). There was just one left, making an easy kill, and to make it even easier for us, he stopped at the crashed heli and started shooting the zombies. That was our chance, and my mate with the M107, took him down from 300metres with a clean easy shot. Me and a mate moved up to loot the body, and I swapped out my M16 (did have an L85 but that got patched out so was running around with an M16) for his AK cobra and then many many mags he had on him. Hiding his body, he headed up to the hill North West of stary, giving us a good view of the tents. Immediately, our sniper with the M107, spotted a guy in the right hand medical tent, and requested ranging. I moved up over his shoulder and used the rangefinders to give the info he needed. "385 metres!" The shot came out and cleanly took him down. As it was just the one guy, we were smart to assume that he had a mate or two in the area watching him, to cover his back. So the call was made to "move back up the hill and regroup". 3 of moved up, and we paused to recollect when we noticed that our 4th was missing. "Dude where are you?" He called out"We're up the hill" "Which one?" "The one we came from, hence the call to move back up the hill." "Ok, on my way!" Then the inevitable."Shit im hit!! Im dead!" Then there was the shot, M107! Whoever he was, he'd hit the guy with the AS50, although he didn't have it out at the time, it was something we didn't really want to loose. I had heard it's direction and my initial estimation was the treeline directly North of the tents on Stary, it's a popular spot, and there was a slight delay from the crack of the bullet and the shot itself. Very cautiously, we moved over the crest of our hill and headed to the bush line to try and get eyes on. Heading towards the bushes, we could hear multiple dead player flies, and getting to the bushes, I saw one or two dead bodies. I didn't want to loot, not now! Not until we had eyes on and eliminated our target. We moved around slowly, for about 5mins trying to get eyes down into the treeline, but we could see nothing. I moved up along the bushes to get a view down and in, when I heard the crack of a bullet over my head."JESUS!! THATS ME, IM BEING SHOT AT!!" I panicked! Trying to get myself stood up to run, I missed the 'C' key and instead hit 'V' instead, standing up straight slowly and the vaulting. Immediately I started running into cover, but within a second or two of me starting to run, I heard the 2nd shot come in and he met square on. I fell "FUCK IM DOWN!!" And there it was. The screen confirming the end of my characters life. I was distraught, and disappointed, but I needed to stay calm, two of my guys were still there, with no eyes on and a chance to recover the gear. Sitting there starring at the death screen, I told them the plan. "Right, try and recover my gear, and our buddies AS50! But DON'T do it until you've cleared the area." "I agree" they replied. "Ok, I think he could be in 1 of 3 places: 1- The treeline North of the tents where we initially thought he was, but im not sure as I heard the bullet crack, and then roughly half- to a second later I heard the shot, so my other two guesses are inside the large red metal building, the other side of the tents to the East. Or across the town itself, again out to the East. My rough estimation on distance, considering the delay between my getting hit and hearing the shot is probably around 500-600 metres. I don't what they were doing, but the next 5-10 mins were tense. It also unfortunately resulted in our third sniper getting killed as well, leaving one guy left, who later got engaged by the same people but managed to make a run for it under heavy fire and escape. From what he was saying over comms in a mad panic was that there were two of them, think in the bush line close to us when he got engaged. So, fresh spawns. Down on the south coast, have met up with two guys down there who we're now teaming up with and going to have many adventures into hostile grounds and see what this new start game is like. I've already died once again whilst looting a dead guy, but I've managed to meet up with the two randoms again, and 2 people involved in the Stary incident, have joined us also (the guy who survived ran down, and the guy who died with the other M107 joined us a fresh spawn). Hopefully, this will breed fresh life into the game as end game is almost non existant at the moment. But it's also helped and made me fear death less, having lost all the valuable gear I had before. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slayerik 5 Posted July 19, 2012 (edited) First time...Day 0 - Some Shit Town on the CoastI awaken with a throbbing headache, laying on a cold beach in Russia. That was one hell of a bachelor party! I reluctantly climb to my feet, brushing the sand off my mouth when I come to the realization the someone has played a horrible joke on me. Questions begin to flood my mind. What happened last night? Why am I alone, with only a backpack and my trusty ball cap on? Where the fuck am I?Next to a light house on the coast. That much I sort out. I climb to the top of the lighthouse to get my bearings, and see a small town down the coast.Well, guess it's time to hoof it. I walk on the side of the road, each step a nail pounding into my head, but something else just isn't right. There is no traffic. WTF is going on here? As I approach the town, it is eerily quiet. I notice a person crawling aimlessly along the ground. What is he doing? Where is half of his head????? Jesus fuckin' christ, there are more like him. It's a goddamn zombie village. WOODS, NOW.I do my best to be quiet as I make my way up the hill. The hangover now obliterated by adrenaline, I stick to the outskirts of town. There are no people anywhere. This has got to be a nightmare.Pinch.Nope. Just me and these mindless creatures. Time to get outta here and find another town and get some help. I stick to the woods along the coastal road, doing my best to keep an eye out for anything...living or undead. The next town is more of the same. I have to find some supplies. I check some houses along the outskirts of town and find some pepsi and bandages. Beats nothing, I guess. Hey a road flare.....Great! During my search of a shed, I hear a bone-chilling shriek. AHH! Fuck, they are fast. It just gashed the shit outta my arm! RUN SLAY! Oh god, fuck...it's after me. And it's fast for as bad as it looks. I run as hard as I can, blood spraying from the deep gash. I zig zag through some trees and eventually lose him. I run and run, not taking any chances.Christ, I'm still bleeding. I patch myself up with one of the bandages...drink my pepsi, and decide I'm going to kill every last motherfucking one of these bastards.I know now that I need a weapon. But I'm scared shitless of these things. I stick to my plan of following the coast, in the cover of woods. I'm a little woozy from the blood I lost, but it's no time to be a pussy. Find a weapon, something.Along the coast, I stumble upon a couple large hangers at what looks to be the remains of a military airbase. My hopes of refuge are quickly dashed upon by the wandering zombies. I know I have to get there. Military bases have a lot of two things. Republicans and guns. This is one time I'd take a bunch of the former! The latter may be just as good. I follow the treeline as far as it will take me, surprisingly I don't seem to stir up any trouble. I army crawl the rest of the way to a building beside the hangars. The sound of flies overtakes the distant moans of the undead, and I see my first dead dead person. I briefly pause before rifling through his possessions. An Ax. Fuck yes. A can of pasta and pistol magazine are quickly thrown in my pack. No gun, but oh well! I head to the stairs and get to the 2nd story...and there she is. An AKM. She is beautiful. Then I realize, I can't handle a large axe and an assault rifle. But, the rifle has no ammo. Bone ass dry. Decision time. An ax that can kill things now, or an AK that can REALLY kill shit later. I chose the AK.I head out after a thorough search of the building, confident I can avoid these zombies long enough to find some ammo. Then I'll fuck them up. Bad plan. As I scurry through the hangars one of the bastards notices me. He claws me pretty good, and I am forced to run back to the ax. After fumbling around for a minute, I get my wits about me and cleave the head sheer off the beast. And I'm bleeding again. Patch patch. I'm not feeling so hot.....I systematically ax murder every undead fucker in the area, and finish my search...I find probably three clips of AK ammo....but 5.56, not the large 7.62 that the AKM uses. Eventually I find it in an industrial shed...an AKM clip. I load the gorgeous rifle, and now it's time to hunt.I notice what seems to be medical tents towards the sound of the coast. I need help. I've lost a lot of blood. I notice some zombies hanging around... CRACK CRACK CRACK. No more zombies. I climb up the military guard posts, finding an AK kobra. Since I have no idea the difference, I decided to leave that one there as it had smaller rounds than my 7.62. If I need it, I'll come back.Turns out zombies don't much like the sound of gunfire. I keep dropping them, but more keep coming. Another one claws me, and I'm bleeding out again. This is it. This is how it ends. A pile of zombies and an empty AKM. Farewell cruel zombie world. Edited July 19, 2012 by Slayerik 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shaun of the Dead 36 Posted July 19, 2012 (edited) Found a Ural just outside Bor full of duper and hacker stuff (G36C SD Camo?). Went to drive it away but it wouldn't let me enter it.I logged off to turn fraps on to return and blow up the Ural as hackers deserve and the server wouldn't let me back in :(.From memory it had;1 AK 741 Crossbow2 M107s1 PDW21 Painkillers10 Blood bags1 Kobra1 M14 EPI1 M2401 MK 481 G36C SD CamoAll car parts and sparesCivilian clothes4 Jerry cans 2 full.1 FragThat's all I can remember it was pretty packed. Unfortunately so was I and I had better things.I also accidently respawned on a night server and had to find my body in the dark. Luckily I was near the coast trying to meet a friend and wasn't too far away.I travelled from Kamenka up to Bor, across to Vysota and Prigorodky and finished in Pusta. Edited July 19, 2012 by Shaun of the Dead Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ninjadave 3 Posted July 19, 2012 (edited) We found a van northeast of stary sobor, but before we could get close enough, a ghillie suited person ran up to it. Looks like it had a flat tire and couldn't get it to move. I'm not at all a bandit (I've killed hundreds of zombies, but never a player), but this guy looked threatening. I took ~12 shots at him from 100 meters with my AKM. Then out of nowhere the van explodes. (I didn't shoot it)We followed him for a bit but gave up chase.My screen recorded decided to botch the framerate, so all I got is a screenshot.I've used the AKM quite a bit in ArmA, I don't really know how I missed.. Edited July 19, 2012 by ninjadave Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rick Johnson 0 Posted July 19, 2012 Hi! In case anyone is interested I've been blogging about my so far brief DayZ experiences . I still got a long way to go till I experience some of the extreme adventures I've seen many have, but I hope some might find some amusement with my bumbling. They can be read here: http://foxsydinthegame.blogspot.com They are titled "Dear Zombie Apocalypse Diary..."Sounds pretty cool, I'll check it out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
random1227 0 Posted July 19, 2012 Today, I walked into Cherno, no weapon, no food, nothing, I walk into the town center and I get lit up. Right after I spawn right at Cherno, so I walk back to where I died, ran around and made the 5+ people shooting at me lose tons of ammo. Finally, I run into a house, walk up the stairs, someone with a Double Barrel Shotgun took one look at me and shot me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
danielreid 84 Posted July 19, 2012 (edited) I died.A sniper winged me as I was moving slowly down a treeline towards a water supply. I rolled behind a pine tree, bandaged, fixed my broken leg (I had a full supply from hospital), and ate all the food I had. I then booked it back into the forest, never even catching a glimpse of the shooter. Sadly, I was still below the 3k blood necessary to keep me from blacking out randomly. I collapsed at the feet of an infected as I was trying to get into a barn - I never woke up. Edited July 19, 2012 by TolEressea Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Smacked 30 Posted July 20, 2012 Just had one of the best moments of banditry,loot,trust, etc. (Been playing the game for about 2-3 weeks without a ton of action of player killing/loot)First off, I had just died, spawned in Kamenka, made my way up through Balota airfield and headed to Cherno with an AKM, pistol, the usual stuff, looking for an Alice pack. Look in the supermarket with no luck then head to the church in case one spawned there. No luck. Due to some RL stuff, had to logout in the church. About an hour later, spawn in in a different server on the debug plains with no gear with every player in that server right under me, prone. So I quit that server tried a few others, and decided to just respawn and join a different server. New server,fresh life. Spawned at Elektro so I did the usual route of Supermarket, Church unavaliable due to hackers litterally blowing it up and making it completely filled with rubble. So I head to the school. On the way there, there is a body on the corner of an intersection. Me, having nothing to lose, runs over and it turns out he has an AK-74 with 2 mag. (if only he had 3 mags!) So I run over to the school, its fairly cleaned out so I head out to the top story roof. The top story meaning the one reachable by stairs, not the top top roof thing by ladder. (If that makes sense..) Anyways, on the left side I see a person in the supermarket with a gun. Didn't know what gun so I lined him in my sights when another players comes into view in a Ghille Suit (haven't seen that in forever). I immediatley go prone and look at them via 3rd person. A little cheap I know, but whatever. The two guys exit the supermarket out of the front door, when a third! player follows them out. By now my heart rate is going up a little bit. I watch them sort of go back an forth between the pub right in the open. I go to the right end of the school top floor and then the two non-ghilled players come out of the pub. I decide its now or never.I quickly pop up and start firing at the two un-ghilled players crossing the street. (Remember, there is a third GHILLED player in the pub doing something) Luckly and a bit unfortunatly I kill one, but he was also the least armed of them (Only a shotgun with 4 rounds as I learn later). The first player that I saw runs into the supermarket. So now 1 of them are dead, a heavily armed player in the pub, and a decently armed player in the supermarket. I go prone again, heart almost threatening to burst from my chest. The ghille guy runs to the supermarket and they patrol inside it looking for me, who they haven't spotted (obviously). I go down the ladder on the school's right side and from the wall look from third person at the supermarket where they are moving around. I detected a pretty easy pattern of the ghille guy which was going from the back to the front every 10 seconds. After a few minutes, I run across the street and go behind a fence look at the supermarket door, again, in third person.(Third person saved my life here) After a few seconds the ghille guy runs from the back of the market to the exact fence im at on the other side. We are 2ft away from each other essentially. I see him run by from an opening and crouch by a corner. Luckily, he passed me so I simply can run right behind him and light him up. He is dead. I do a mega-quick search of him and all I saw was an m14. (I really need that!) By now I have either 0-3 bullets in my AKM left although I didn't know it.Last guy.This was crazy intense. Im in the fence section looking in third person or whatever and am kinda looking behind me and all that. all of a sudden I look to my left through a little apartment opening and there he is. So I click a few times trying to shoot( I may have, not really sure) and realize im out of ammo. Terrified I simply run zig-zag TOWARDS him and take a right to the supermarket. Once in the supermarket I bandage myself up. Super quickly I run to my first kill in the middle of the street to pick up his Remington 870 with FOUR(4) slugs. So now its me against a guy with full health and plenty of ammo with a good gun and me with around 6000 and with a damn REMINGTON 870 with FOUR slugs. Due to the whiteness and weird graphical spaz's. I mistake simple things for a person and waste two precious shells on nothing. Looking for a pistol I run to the pub and look upstairs. Nothing. So I look out the windows for him when I hear Makarov shots from what I guessed what was the school building. Then I hear in Direct chat, something like 'alright you got me' then it says "Grant Died". So I now know there is a 4th unknown man in the school with a Makarov. I run over there with my damn Remington and he is inside on the third floor looking down the stairs. Luckily I was in third person so he shot at my vanishing body. I run outside and go up the ladder and he is at the end of the hallway on the third floor with a crossbow. I run to the side. He starts talking in direct chat. Really hard to tell what he is saying so i'm saying Friendly!(I planned to kill him if he turned his back,[yeah, I'm a douche. Whatever]) He doesn't fall for that and goes on the other side of the top floor. Now we are just leaning using E and Q looking at each other. After like 5 minutes of this I'm like, screw it, run over on the right side towards him. He must've heard me and pops out with that DAMN crossbow and shoots me. Luckily not in the leg. I run away like a pussy, go down the stairs and run to where I killed the Ghille Guy. Thats when I actually look at his loot. Coyote Backpack,NVGS(first pair!!!), Rangefinders, medicine, M9SD with plenty of mags(yay) and all that stuff. I'm really exicted now but being at a mere 1,4k health I know I need blood so I go to the supermarket(sadly). I go through the back and then bam. That damn mumblin ,crossbow shooting, makarov son of a bitch pops from the the doorway and shoots me with the Makarov. Now the most dissapointing end ever. Now in my small defense before I put it, this is the best gear I have ever gotten. (Only been the NW Airfield like twice and died both times) I Alt+f4'd :(I regret this to the fullest extent. The guy that shot me deserved that loot and and I cheated him of it. I apologize my crossbow man.Sorry for the crappy ending. And I probably died anyways seeing how he shot me a few times and I went unconscious. I may be a douchebag,bandit,trickster, whatever, I do regret cheating the guy of his fabulous loot.This is my story. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lepemese 6 Posted July 20, 2012 So I spawned to pusta, just where I disconnected last night. This was my second night playing DayZ.Me and my mate found eachothers at Pusta and we started to loot deer stands and little villages, we managed to find CZ550, AKS-74u and AKM-47. Everything went perfect untill a zombie managed to hit my friend and he fell down to ground instantly, I didnt manage to do anything about it and he did bleed out extremely fast. I just ran to forest and disconnected there and we made a deal that my mate will spawn tomorrow and we will try to find each other tomorrow.Here is a little map what I made from our adventure.Hope we can still have these awesome moments together.http://puu.sh/K1rp Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trajado 22 Posted July 20, 2012 (edited) This is the story about how much of a noob i can be!So... I spent 5 or 6 days getting all that basic stuff, got an MP5 SD and an M9 SD, got like 5 mags for each, steaks, morphine, etc, etc... I even had GPS!Suddenly, the wild Ural appeared and me being a smart guy, went for a drive and decided to eject to see if i would jump from it Matrix style...Anyone wanna guess the result? Edited July 20, 2012 by Trajado 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sagemred 85 Posted July 20, 2012 (edited) While in Kamyshovo, I was searching for food with a friend. I aggroed an infected and so began to run away, seeing as I was completely unarmed. Running in the direction of Krutoy Cap, I get shot.*Sigh* Look, i'm all up for PvP, but:1) I was completely unarmed, doing that retarded sprinting animation trying to get away - why would he even want to kill me?2) It would have been SO much more badass if he shot the god damn infected, becoming an absolute saviour out of nowhere.Just thought it'd share this cause it was pretty ridiculous and had potential to be so awesome :P Edited July 20, 2012 by nfsmwbefast Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jackrc11 15 Posted July 20, 2012 My first session in DayZ (What I did over my Summer Vacation):I started off at about noon, not far from a town full of buildings and zombies. I crept slowly toward the undead-populated city, knowing that a wrong move could mean certain death. I managed to find a shotgun and a small amount of ammo, but was quickly spotted. I used most of my ammo fending off the zombies who attacked me. I soon found an axe, but seconds later, a crowd of zombies spotted me. I had to use my shotgun, an axe couldn't take them all on. So I killed them and wandered out of town. But before I left the borders, even more zombies attacked! I fended off some with my axe, but one knocked me out and started eating me. I awoke midway, with an uncountable amount of blood lost. I killed that zombie and hit his corpse at least 5 times with the axe before realzing I had extreme blood loss. I bandaged myself up, but I was still dying. My vision, grey and blurry. My walking, limped and slow. I went down fighting, killing all zombies in my way, until I eventually collapsed, near no zombies. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
a_casual_banana 38 Posted July 20, 2012 Well that was a new one.Today, me and my friend Craft were sniping on top of Cherno, being dicks. He snipes, I get down there and take the loot, then we disperse it amongst ourselves.An hour and 9 kills later, we kill an Admin. Oh cock. 30 minutes later, an AK fires and kills both of us. The admin ghosted up to us and killed us, then, in BLUFOR, told everyone he killed us. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LockeDown 144 Posted July 20, 2012 The other night me and 2 friends were making our way through Cherno in the night by tossing out flares and taking turns walking with the flashlight while the others covered the light carrier from behind in the darkness. My friend stops suddenly. "Uh, guys...Pull out your maps." A marker has appeared on the map at our current location. It reads: 'I'm watching you.' Panic sets in immediately. We break for cover into a nearby building. We knew we would draw more attention with the flares then with the flashlight, so we move out using our cover the lightbearer tactic. We make it out of Cherno and start heading north. My friend stops again; says "Oh shit, he's following us man!" and then begins bolting north into the dark forest. I kill the light and prone out to check my map. At our current location; sitting in the middle of a field- another marker has appeared. "Still watching." We freak out and follow suit; blindly running into the woods hoping for sanction. We all get seperated, and by the time we can meet up we are the last people in the server. No shots fired, no direct chat voice...Just a map. A map that made that night a paranoid hell. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Killercheesepuff 2 Posted July 20, 2012 I just had the most amazing birthday present from DayZ.Well me and a friend had logged out in Myshkino after randomly finding a heli and being too excited from the adrenaline to do anything after looting it. About a week later we log in (my birthday actually) and make a plan. I know where Heli spawns are nearby so I plan to make my way through the spawns to the east and stop before the airfield, then circle around Lopatino and check Petrovka to check for player tents and vehicles. I was hoping that I would find a rangefinder or an NVG in a tent so I could avoid the dreaded barracks.In the middle of a nowhere field, I stop to check my location with a GPS. Being the cautious player I am I go prone and my friend follows suit. Not even seconds after I go prone I spot a player moving in from our right. If we had still been moving he most defiantly would have seen us. As it is we start freaking. We had rare gear an M107, DMR and FN FAL. As I had a sniper out I yelled for my friend to shoot him. The shots hit there mark and the name that marked him as dead showed up in the corner. We cleaned up our pants and scanned for any others before looting the body.We hadn't expected much, I mean why would someone with something good be wandering in a field of nowhere. How wrong we were. The guy had all the tools I had ever wanted, Rangefinder, second GPS for my friend and a pair of slick new NVGs. We freaked out in happiness. There was little point of going to the camps now, but I was determined to play more, the last time we had logged out after getting rare loot we had lost it all. We continued on our main path, getting our directions mixed up for a bit in our excitement.After about 20 minutes of running we were nearing the first Heli loot spawn on the map I was hoping to check. And holy shit, it was there. Two strokes of luck in a row, we were freaking out like little teenage girls over a twilight movie. I was determined to play it safe. I would get in a sniper position and watch as he looted, and if anything was worth me getting personally I would head down to pick it up. I would come for no less than a Ghille AS50 or M24.After scanning for snipers we decided it was safe enough and he began to loot. "Sweet get more mags for my FN FAL and HOOOOOLLLLLLYYYYYY SHITTTTTTT""What is it" I said thinking of bandits. "Dude there's a SAW here." Now that was exciting, our group had never had a LMG before. He took it and continued looking in around. "Hey you said you wanted an AS 50 right?" "Yeah, did you find one?" "Yup." Not believing our luck I crawled out to loot it.After what felt like ages I made it to the Heli, and there it was, the most beautiful gun I had ever seen. I dropped my M107 and picked it up. We made it to the treeline and , not wanting to push our luck, logged off for the night.Thank you Rocket for the best in game birthday present ever :D 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CraftZ49 18 Posted July 20, 2012 Well that was a new one.Today, me and my friend Craft were sniping on top of Cherno, being dicks. He snipes, I get down there and take the loot, then we disperse it amongst ourselves.An hour and 9 kills later, we kill an Admin. Oh cock. 30 minutes later, an AK fires and kills both of us. The admin ghosted up to us and killed us, then, in BLUFOR, told everyone he killed us.Sure, maybe we deserved it for sniping in Cherno, yet I would have rather been killed fairly, not by a ghoster. Especially since he was an admin, US 838. Avoid it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rockwood 10 Posted July 20, 2012 had a friend log in right behind someone with his back to him. my friend goes up behind him and opens up his back pack and pulls a dmr out, the dude turns around and my friend shoots him with his own gun. like a minute later the server restarted and the next time he logged in he spawned in debug forest, karma is a bitch... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grifin 9 Posted July 20, 2012 :( but.. ak.. and what happened to driver?! WHY DID YOU LEAVE AK THERE ALONE?! WHY?! THE HUMANITY!Sometimes a man is faced with a decision that will haunt him the rest of his life. I made mine.... and it will be with me always. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Matze (DayZ) 23 Posted July 20, 2012 (edited) I'm member of Squad with 3 other real-life friends. So I don't have to fear somebody could shoot me in the back. And I think that's a very good point in DayZ that you can trust your comrades blindly.Yesterday we were in the woods, almost in the middle of nowhere when we reached a little house, it wasn't even a barn, just a little house with a red clinker building next to it.The building was apparently accesible we decided to look for some loot, because we slowly but surely ran out of food and water. So we headed for the door which was wide open, and fortunately there was a water pump right in front of the building. We didn't see anybody for quite a long time, so the last thing we thought about was other survivors. Just before we was about to climb the littel stone-wall to the forecourt somebody shouted "On the ground! Other player in the building". So, instantly we lied behind the wall. We quietly sneaked back to get a better view to the windows. And in fact there was somebody looting the building, we was able to see him bend over the loot because we came down a hill and were on a little higher position then him. And through the other windows we saw another survivor who was direcly looking at us. So we were confronted with at least 2 survivors inside this building and maybe on of them knew we are there, outside in the forrest, waiting for them to come out.We basically are "friendly" player who don't kill anybody without a reason so asked them to come out with their weapons down. But sometimes the worst thing you can do is to trust other players blindly, so nothing happend. Meanwhile both of them were out of sight. So there were two possibiltys. The first was they were in prone position, and the other was there was a backdoor to this building. As nothing happend we decided that at least one of us needed to go in there to have a look. So Jones, equipped with a shotgun, went behind the clinker building to get as near as possible without being seen. Then he headed to the front door, slowly went in and... nothing. Nobody was there. There wasn't even a backdoor to this building.First we was confused. Are we going crazy? No, we all saw them, they probably just took all they could grab and just disconnected. As coward as possible they avoided this precarious situation by just leave.We all was some kind of disappointed because this was the first time for a long time we got some "action" in this game.And if they would came out, with their weapons down we really hadn't done anything. So they got both options. To fight like mens or to get out of there and go their way. But they unfortunately used the most coward way. Edited July 20, 2012 by Matze Share this post Link to post Share on other sites