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About Slayerik

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    On the Coast
  1. I game with silenus and I'm quitting with him. I have been playing this game for months, and for the past two weeks all I have wanted was one good firefight...it's basically impossible to get anymore. I was walking with another friend when I instantly died to some guy 'setdamaging' me (we checked the logs to confirm this, no bullet sound...just dead). Invulnerable teleporting ax murdering guys, hacked choppers and thermal weapons/snipers/NVGs, teleporting all the vehicles to the middle of cherno... I love this fuckin' 'game'. And I can't stand wasting hours playing legit just to get fucked again. Hackers/scripters EVERY night the last two weeks. It boggles the mind. So, farewell DayZ. Catch ya on the flipside.
  2. Slayerik

    My legs are broken.

    If you are in Elektro, I'd make a crawl for the medical building on the east side. If you bite it, it's no big deal. You have to get used to dying and re-equipping in this game. Never get married to your gear, because you probably won't have it long at first. Or, look for one of the medics in the other forums...good luck either way!
  3. Running into the Cherno Journo was an awesome experience. Your endgame = best endgame Seriously made our night. Cool guy for sure. Very glad I didn't open up on him and take his bike :) Surly and Slayerik send our regards. Keep doin' what you are doin', my friend.
  4. Slayerik

    I lost all gear 2 times

    I have had the same problem twice in the last few days as well. I think what they had in common was the fact that I logged out inside a building, on like the 2nd or 3rd floor. What happened both time :I logged in, and it said Slayerik was killed yet I was alive in debug forest - with a completely empty inventory. I relogged to same server, one time it stuck me in Novy - the 2nd time it spawned me at the coast. I ran back to where I logged out but no sign of any body :( Had some sweet gear, but oh well. Return to Chern!
  5. Slayerik

    Looking for a partner for survivor duo

    Got em fixed up with a 'fuse. Good hunting. Don't die!
  6. Slayerik

    DayZ Stories

    First time... Day 0 - Some Shit Town on the Coast I awaken with a throbbing headache, laying on a cold beach in Russia. That was one hell of a bachelor party! I reluctantly climb to my feet, brushing the sand off my mouth when I come to the realization the someone has played a horrible joke on me. Questions begin to flood my mind. What happened last night? Why am I alone, with only a backpack and my trusty ball cap on? Where the fuck am I? Next to a light house on the coast. That much I sort out. I climb to the top of the lighthouse to get my bearings, and see a small town down the coast. Well, guess it's time to hoof it. I walk on the side of the road, each step a nail pounding into my head, but something else just isn't right. There is no traffic. WTF is going on here? As I approach the town, it is eerily quiet. I notice a person crawling aimlessly along the ground. What is he doing? Where is half of his head????? Jesus fuckin' christ, there are more like him. It's a goddamn zombie village. WOODS, NOW. I do my best to be quiet as I make my way up the hill. The hangover now obliterated by adrenaline, I stick to the outskirts of town. There are no people anywhere. This has got to be a nightmare. Pinch. Nope. Just me and these mindless creatures. Time to get outta here and find another town and get some help. I stick to the woods along the coastal road, doing my best to keep an eye out for anything...living or undead. The next town is more of the same. I have to find some supplies. I check some houses along the outskirts of town and find some pepsi and bandages. Beats nothing, I guess. Hey a road flare.....Great! During my search of a shed, I hear a bone-chilling shriek. AHH! Fuck, they are fast. It just gashed the shit outta my arm! RUN SLAY! Oh god, fuck...it's after me. And it's fast for as bad as it looks. I run as hard as I can, blood spraying from the deep gash. I zig zag through some trees and eventually lose him. I run and run, not taking any chances. Christ, I'm still bleeding. I patch myself up with one of the bandages...drink my pepsi, and decide I'm going to kill every last motherfucking one of these bastards. I know now that I need a weapon. But I'm scared shitless of these things. I stick to my plan of following the coast, in the cover of woods. I'm a little woozy from the blood I lost, but it's no time to be a pussy. Find a weapon, something. Along the coast, I stumble upon a couple large hangers at what looks to be the remains of a military airbase. My hopes of refuge are quickly dashed upon by the wandering zombies. I know I have to get there. Military bases have a lot of two things. Republicans and guns. This is one time I'd take a bunch of the former! The latter may be just as good. I follow the treeline as far as it will take me, surprisingly I don't seem to stir up any trouble. I army crawl the rest of the way to a building beside the hangars. The sound of flies overtakes the distant moans of the undead, and I see my first dead dead person. I briefly pause before rifling through his possessions. An Ax. Fuck yes. A can of pasta and pistol magazine are quickly thrown in my pack. No gun, but oh well! I head to the stairs and get to the 2nd story...and there she is. An AKM. She is beautiful. Then I realize, I can't handle a large axe and an assault rifle. But, the rifle has no ammo. Bone ass dry. Decision time. An ax that can kill things now, or an AK that can REALLY kill shit later. I chose the AK. I head out after a thorough search of the building, confident I can avoid these zombies long enough to find some ammo. Then I'll fuck them up. Bad plan. As I scurry through the hangars one of the bastards notices me. He claws me pretty good, and I am forced to run back to the ax. After fumbling around for a minute, I get my wits about me and cleave the head sheer off the beast. And I'm bleeding again. Patch patch. I'm not feeling so hot..... I systematically ax murder every undead fucker in the area, and finish my search...I find probably three clips of AK ammo....but 5.56, not the large 7.62 that the AKM uses. Eventually I find it in an industrial shed...an AKM clip. I load the gorgeous rifle, and now it's time to hunt. I notice what seems to be medical tents towards the sound of the coast. I need help. I've lost a lot of blood. I notice some zombies hanging around... CRACK CRACK CRACK. No more zombies. I climb up the military guard posts, finding an AK kobra. Since I have no idea the difference, I decided to leave that one there as it had smaller rounds than my 7.62. If I need it, I'll come back. Turns out zombies don't much like the sound of gunfire. I keep dropping them, but more keep coming. Another one claws me, and I'm bleeding out again. This is it. This is how it ends. A pile of zombies and an empty AKM. Farewell cruel zombie world.