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Let me tell you a story about how two survivors named Brian and Daniel met eachother and later met their ends together.

My story starts out with me entering Elektrozavodsk from the north-east. Armed only with a hatchet, a hunting knife and an m1911 with 4 bullets left which I had picked up from a dead survivor I found laying in the field earlier.

My plan was to grab some medical supplies from the hospital, find a box of matches and a water canteen and head north where it was safer. Armed with my hatchet to quietly dispatch of zombies on the way I go through a few houses on my way to the hospital and manage to find an empty water bottle. From there I went a straight line towards the hospital where I found everything I needed to keep myself up and running for a long while.

Continuing my search for matches I planned to enter a house near the hospital when suddenly I spot a fellow survivor through a window. He was looking in my direction and probably saw me as well because he immediately dove down for cover. Seeing as I spotted a revolver in his hand I pulled out my M1911 to defend myself.

First we sat there not knowing what to do, then he asked me if I was friendly. I told him I was and entered the building. Still not trusting of eachother we spoke from across different rooms. I asked him what he was doing here and 'Daniel' told me he got attacked by a group of zombies earlier and had lost a lot of blood. I offered to give him a blood transfusion with one of the blood packs I had found at the hospital earlier. Daniel took the chance and entered the room I was in. As a token of trust I put away my gun and grabbed my hatchet. This however scared my fellow survivor and he ran back into the other room. After telling him I was just putting my gun away he comes out hiding again and I give him the blood transfusion.

I asked him if he had a box of matches and he said he had found some in the very same house we were in. He tried to give them to me by placing them on the ground. But apparently the wooden floor in this abandoned house had rotten away because as soon as he put the box of matches down it sank into the floor, never to be found again.

Luckily my new friend was so thankful for the blood pack that he offered me his own matches. I asked him what his next destination was and he said he didn't know. I told him it's supposed to be safer up north and that we should move into the hills. He thought that was a good plan and followed me out of the city.

We were sneaking at first, but as soon as we reached the town edge we made a full sprint for the hills. Behind the first hill we spotted what seemed like a tent in between some bushes. We hid in the high grass and observed it for a while. Not seeing any movement for a while we decided to crawl our way there. Inside we find a Winchester and a load of ammo for the M1911. Daniel took the Winchester and I stocked up on ammo.

We went further up the hills and found a cow. Being quite fond of steak I decided to chop it with my hatchet. We took the meat and set up a camp at the top of a hill. Cooking some meat over a fire we were talking about where we should head next. Daniel said he didn't know so after resting for a while we just walked off into a random direction. Coming down the hill we spotted a fire station (turned out later that this station is actually on the northern side of Elektro, yay for orientation).

We decided to check it for loot. We got a bit careless and sprinted down the hill towards the fire station. Inside we found an AKM and a remington. I took the shotgun and Daniel took the AKM. Obviously we were overjoyed but that's when everything turned to shit.

We heard flies buzzing around and thought it was a good idea to check the firestation roof if there was a dead survivor with possible loot there. Daniel armed with his new AKM got a bit overconfident and instead of sneaking he simply ran out of the fire station full force towards the ladder that heads up the roof. A couple of zombies outside spot him and chase him towards the ladder. I follow him, shoot down two zombies and climb my way up to the roof. Daniel is standng there and says there is no body here and that he's going to check the roof of the warehouse that's standing across from the fire station.

In a rush he climbs down the ladder and climbs up the warehouse ladder. Apparently my shotgun had alerted some zeds earlier because 5 or 6 of them chased him and were waiting for him at the bottom of the ladder.

Now we're stuck. I'm standing on the roof of the fire station and Daniel's is standing on the roof of the warehouse and there's a lot of angry zombies in between us. I warn Daniel about the zombies waiting for him and say he should wait. He tells me my ladder is safe so I decide to check it for myself so that maybe I can climb down and clear Daniel's ladder for him.

When I looked back up to check how Daniel was doing he was gone. There was just an empty warehouse roof. I ran over to the edge of my roof and just saw a glimpse of a group of zombies running around towards the back of the warehouse. I don't know what had happened to my friend but my first reaction was to try and shoot the zombies as they sprinted around the warehouse. I missed and climbed off the roof as fast as possible to help Daniel. I figured he must've fallen off the roof on the other side of the warehouse or maybe climbed down the ladder and sprinted around the warehouse trying to get away from them.

I start running towards the back of the warehouse when suddenly I got hit by a zombie. That's when I noticed there was a whole group of them chasing me. I fired my shotgun at the one that hit me and it goes down. I open fire on the rest of them and drop a total of 7 zombies, but not without getting hit a few times myself. I find a chance to reload and as I'm doing this I get the message that Daniel has died. Shit. Next thing I know I see one of those zombies that walk like a chimpansee sprinting around the corner of the warehouse. I figured that if my assumption was correct and Daniel had fallen off the other side of the warehouse then this was the zombie that had finished him off. I aimed my shotgun for it's face and fired.

I missed. The thing took one swing at me and knocked me unconscious, then it started feasting on me as I laid there helpless. I died.

I still don't know what happened to my friend Daniel or how he met his end.

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Oh god, oh god I don't understand how could that happen. Wait, are those shots? Is somebody shooting at me? Oh got i'm pretty sure there's somebody somewhere shooting. Does he know he won't need to waste any ammo on my crushed body? Everything seems so blury, and I think i'm bleeding. I can't move my legs, every where in my body is pain. I can't concentrate, I only want to remember how did all that happen...

I think it all started with that shitty evacuation plan. We were supposed to be evacuated by sea, but once I set foot on that zodiac everything went to hell. One of the passenger was infected, half-way he turned and bit the boatman. Panic, screams, people felt in the water to be hacked down by the propeller. Sea turned red and I was forced to jump into the water as well. Swimming in a pool of blood and organs was hard, too hard, I passed out after 20 minutes I think...

Next thing I know, I woke up on the beach next to cherno. The salt had stiffened my arms, legs and clothes. The air was full of blood scent, I rolled on my side and discovered a foot. It has been chewed by the fishes and the flesh was already turning green. I threw up on it, washed my mouth with sea water, and got up. 20m away was the body of the boatman. He was wearing a ballistic vest and had a bag, mitlitary patrol bag. Inside were a bandage, a box of painkillers, a flashlight and some paper, eaten by the sea. I Took the vest and the bag, threw up again, and headed east, toward the town.

It took me a while to finaly get there. I figured out it'd be best to follow the roads, but they were cluttered up with crashed cars, rotten bodies, and those... Those things.

This rabid-sort of virus did make them stupid, but god they are fast. I saw a group of them, 4 or 5, hunt down another guy. They ran after him, broke his legs and bludgeoned him to death before starting to feast upon his warm body. It washorrifying, I can still hear his screams. He screamed for help, help I couldn't give him, he screamed for mercy, wich I couldn't give him. He died alone and anonymously.

After this I stayed away from the roads.

I was hoping I could find some help in Chernogorsk, but as I arrived I saw the crows, flying in circle around the whole town. That wasn't a good omen at all. I entered the town from the west, heading toward the church. I never was a religious man, but I figured out if there were any survivor that's where they'd hide. It took me longer to cover the 300m between me and the church than to walk the 2km between the beach and the town. The city was literally swarmed by those creatures, but not only. I heard multiple gunshots. If the world has gone to shit, then the people in it have gone crazy as well.

As I finally reached the church, everything seemed too quiet. I was already on the edge, and the constant buzz of flies didn't help to relieve my stress. As I finally managed to open the heavy wood doors, two things stroke me

It was the scene of a massacre. The scent, the flies, the blood, lots of people were killed there. Yet I couldn't see any body. Following the blood trails, I figured out that the bodies have been disposed of. Those people weren't killed by the... Things, though, there were too many bullet holes & hollowed shells on the ground, no. They were making a stand in the church, and they were gunned down.

As I was thinking, I headed to the priest altar, and took the bible on the lecktern. It was heavy. I opened it and saw something I couldn't believe: somebody had torn appart the pages, and hid a gun in the book. It was a revolver, 6 shots, and a spare, fully loaded speedloader.

12 shots. More than I needed to defend myself. I took the gun and decided to leave. I had just got out of the building that I heard a muffled noise on my left, I turned and saw a human silouhette in the grass, rolling, a gun in its hand, pointing at me. I was fast enough to jump back into the church, as the bullets were hitting the wall behind me. I closed the doot & waited there for 20 minutes. He opened the door but didn't enter, I think he got chased by some of the neighbourhood undead militia or something. I waited there 30 minutes more and decided to get the fuck out of town as soon as I'd grab some food & survival tools.

I headed north after hitting the two cafes next to the church, my bag load with beans and a canteen filled with water. I managed to dodge the stumbling hordes, distracting them with the empty whiskey bottles I had found. I finally arrived in the industrial center of Cherno when I heard the shots.

Assault rifle with no doubts, it was automatic. The only other human I had encoutered tried to kill me, I hardly think it'd be different for the guy with the automatic, so I started to run. I saw a huge building ahead, with multiple floors. I entered it, headed to the second floor using the stairs, and started to wait. Soon enough I saw a guy running between the buildings. He was in a bad shape, I could tell. His shirt was torn appart, he was bleeding too, and behind him was a train of 20 of those things. I don't even know how he managed to run faster than them. His name was Rankers I think. He used to work at the supermarket next to my place. Nice, young guy, really, always smilling...

I heard a shot, and Rankers was suddenly on the ground. His leg was hit, and the guy who did that was looking at him, I knew it, sucking up the pain of poor Rankers, and loving it. The things finished the job.

I wanted the killer to pay. I wanted him dead, I wanted to tear that satisfied grim of his face with a .45, so I headed to the roof, hoping I could spot him. Slowly, I climbed up the ladder, and arrived on the roof. It was totally exposed, but I was sure nobody else was around, except me & the killer. I waited, scanning the area, every tower, every hotspot, but couldn't find him. I was moving toward the ladder, to go down, when I heard the shots. He was in the other side of the tower I had spot!

I ran to the ladders, climbed down, headed to the stairs, and last thing I know I tripped.

Now here I am. I passed out, and woke up in that state. I am puking blood, I can't stand up, and I hear the flies buzzing growing.

Last time I take the stairs, I say, and everything became black.

Edited by Euryale

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I have been playing the Arma series since the begining and I'm a huge fan of the massive sandbox we get to play in. When I first heard about Zombies being introduced in a mod for Arma2 I was less than impressed. "How unrealistic" I thought, knowing that Arma2 is a brilliant game about warfare, who would want to go and fight a bunch of dead carcases roaming around instead of a life like combat scenario? How WRONG I was! When I did my homework and actually realised what the Dayz mod was all about, I became very excited and immediatley went about the somewhat painful process of downloading and patching everything in the right order.

Spawning onto a beach somewhere on the map with a few items in my kit and nothing else, not even a clue of what was going on......brilliant!! Almost instantly I had the feeling that I was having to adapt to a rapidly changing situation. I had a new purpose....a real purpose.......one that would make this experience true to life for me and that was to just stay alive! I had become my character and very attached to the fact that I was a surviver of something horrible and treated it as a real life scenario which made the game all the more immersive. Stalking my nearest town and scoping out the situation was my first priority and I quickly settled into scout mode. I quickly realised this is getting more interesting by the minute "literally" as I'm now starting to get thirsty and hungry and will need to source food and water without detection. I was excited and shitting my pants all at the same time hiding inside a small shed as a zombie making some pretty nasty sounds stumbled past. Going undetected I looked around and noticed some items next to me. A can of soda, bakebeans and another bandage was quickly stuffed into my kit with a big smile on my face. Manoevering to the next building sparked a high pitch squeal and I immediately saw a flesh eating bad guy coming at me ....and fast! "Damiit" now I run and run like hell and to nowhere in particular which automatically inspired about 5 other zombies to start chasing me aswell. "Holy shit" these guys are fast and they just don't give up, so I kept running with my heart in my teeth for about 2 minutes until I only had 2 of them on my tail. That was enough and they finally caught me on a shitty uphill slope and made short work of me. As I lay there on the ground amoungst a mild bone crunching sound and a couple of stinky dead guys chewing on my ass I knew that this mod was going to keep me busy for some time.

I'm out there now in hiding as I type this getting some well deserved "character rest" and have been alive for almost over a week now and have really come to know the Chernerus landscape very well. The reason I am still alive is because I take my time and treat every decision as if I am actually really there and trust me, when you have worked hard to get the gear you have and survived for days on end, you want to keep living as long as you can. I was so proud of my first 24 hours of straight survival I decided to share that with someone and that was another survivor I came across near a deer stand. We saw each other and he called out "friendly" as did I and we approached each other. I was mid sentence asking if there was anything he needed and .."BANG" ...I was dead....just like that. I had worked my ass off for the last 24 hours only to be snuffed out by a real player. Trust absolutely noone, even your so called friends as DAYZ is all about survival less about what you can do for someone else. Thats an interesting turn of events considering I have a considerate and helpful nature, but make no mistake If I cross paths with you, I will kill you the first real chance I get. Sorry if I already have and the truth is I probably didn't need anything from you I just didn't want to get shot by you.

I make it a habit to "save" my game every couple of hours by finding a good hiding spot and aborting the game then reconnecting. Why? I spend 3 hours one day looting and survivng etc only to have the session lost and the server restart or something similar. Then when I came back in I was right back to where I was when I last logged off which was not the end of the world just frustrating. So now I know if the session is lost I will be put back in at the last spot I aborted which can be handy. Once I was getting mauled to death by some zombies and I just couldn't get on top of them and I thought I was going to die as i'm lying on the ground getting smashed. Then the message came up session lost and when I reconnected I was right back to where I last aborted the game....lucky me.

I love this mod and have some great stories to share at some point. I also like the fact that you can not just survive, you can team up with others if your brave enough or purely hunt down other players whilst surviving etc, not something I actively do. Working hard to stay alive by making good decisions, survival skills and lets face it .".a bit of ass ..or luck if you will" makes DayZ a great mod even in it's Alpha stage.

Good luck out there.


Edited by Drewsta

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Hmm so people without NV goggles are noobs? Ok I give you credit that you didn't shot em down anyways was just a bit anoid about the noob thing cause I so wish I had NV ;)

I got mine as a thank you gift for saving a guy who was being torn apart by zed. :D

and I mean noob in the very literal sense. Beginner pack; equipped with a flashlight or makky. They were fun to watch as they ambled about. :P

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I got mine as a thank you gift for saving a guy who was being torn apart by zed. :D

and I mean noob in the very literal sense. Beginner pack; equipped with a flashlight or makky. They were fun to watch as they ambled about. :P

Ah ok. I never turn on my flashlite if I know it's Zeds anywhere close. Don't know how far they can see it.

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Chern. 4:45am GMT....

The server is dark, You can see no more than 4ft in front of you. Myself and my friend have been scavenging around the city. We had run into no problems and were just done finishing our rounds on the flats by the hospital. before we are just about to proceed outside to the hospital. Whilst stood on the 3rd floor of the apartment complex we notice red flairs illuminate very close by. We run out of the buildings aware we will be trapped in them if anyone comes up. we belt it across the street and up to the roof of the hospital. Able to see the flair still we can now see our man running around close to the factories. we decided the best course of action was to throw him off guard. We throw a couple of flairs down into the street and take up post in a small garage. Soon enough we can hear him running his way to the flair. Gunfire is going off and we can both tell he has a rifle, We are also both sure there is only one. by the gunfire we can determine he is a fairly erratic player and could lead to a very brutal gunfight if we are spotted. We normally try to stay low and move our way out of situations without much hassle. We try not to player kill unless it comes down to kill or be killed. We have got a good feeling of when we are walking into a problem and this was one of them. We couldnt hear anything for a moment.

Minutes passed by... Still nothing. We decide to duck our heads out of the garage and make our way to the supermarket and out of the city. as we open the door more gunfire and glass breaking can be heard. He has just opened fire on the hospital right in front of us. We both prone down and slowly move our way out. There is a flair between the 2 flats that we can avoid. As we edge towards the factory district another flair goes up and lands about 12 feet away from us. We duck into darkness quick. we watch him run past. Alice pack. Lee Enfield and most likely full of hospital goodies. We discuss the possibility of killing him for the rewards as we are both running on quite low health around 6k blood each and very little bandages. After a few moments of debate he comes clear into our view he doesn't know we are prone about 6ft in front of him and he is currently looting through a bag on the floor. we decide there and then to let him go. as much of a pain in the ass he has made our last 40 minutes we don't feel like opening fire and drawing more attention to us. Had it of been a quieter village I don't think he would of been so lucky...

So If you read this and recognise the story. You were very close to dying sir. We both hope you had a good loot session and hope that in the future you learn to stop flairing your position so much.

Finally we made it out of the city unharmed and still on a search for some damn Twinkies....

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Yesterday, i was trying to meet up with my group when i encountered a newb. He was on his very first life, and i was like meh and didnt kill him. (kill players with guns on sight, if not team up). So i showed in some loot spots, we both had hatchets, and we looted a winchester which i gave to him since he posed no treat. Then we went to Cherno crepping up slowly when suddenly i found a guy with a gun sneaking around, I was positive this guy was a bandit. But heres the thing, this newb wasnt on teamspeak, he had a mic but we were talking through the group line. I told the newb "we must kill this guy" and then i procceded to hatchet the bandit once or twice and screamed "shoot him, shoot him" Of course the bandit could probably hear us through the group line and he then procceded to panick. I was killed by the "bandit" and the newb killed the gun with his winchester. I gave the newb his first taste of blood in this cold desolate place!^_^

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So, just about a minute ago, I went to a night server with only a flashlight as a lightsource. I saw Zub Castle (Had to confirm with a map)

So then, I found some flares inside, popped a few and none of the zombies saw me, didn't have to use my trusty double-barreled shotgun. That was my first ever night raid and a successful one, so I left before any other survivors came in. I found some slugs for my shotgun from there.

Then I saw this little village in my flashlight. I threw two flares and checked for some loot, but I didn't bother to go in, because I already was stocked up on food and drinks. Then at the end of the village, a zombie appeared. I thought I already sneaked past him, so I started running. Then I heard the aggro noise, so I tried to throw a flare, which worked, but then I started throwing another one for no reason. Then one single zombie knocked me the fuck out and I bled out. Funny, I managed to raid Cherno without a scratch with a crossbow on this time... I had 11000 blood and died thanks to flare throwing speed and bug.

By the way, I had everything from toolbox to morphine, so I was kinda pissed off...

Well, off to another try.

Edited by Sutinen

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My first DayZ game:

I woke up on the east side of Komarovo. I start fiddling with controls and inventory trying to figure out how stuff works, as I haven't even heard of arma before this mod came out.

Several minutes later I head into a house I've spotted, hoping to find anything that can help me survive. I slowly walk in and I see is a dude with an axe in his hands.

Last thing I heard was: HERE'S JOHNNY!

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This happend to me yesterday, hands down the most fun ive had with DayZ.

My Friend Diego and I were scavenging in Prig, Lots of loot and there weren't too many zombies. It was going well i found alot of ammo for my lee Enfield and Diego found alot of stuff he needed, then Jeff logged on whos another friend of ours.

He was in Cherno and wanted us to meet him there, so we agreed to meet near the gas station on the outskirts.

We set out along the tree line until we reached the edge of Cherno when we asked Jeff if he was at the gas station yet and he said that he was near the factory thats across the road from the gas station, so we waited for Jeff in the Field.

When he finally reached us we all crouched in a circle and decied where to go, Diego was looking at his map when Jeff said he needed to drink his coke and the sound of the can Cracking open There was a shot, blood started coming out of Jeffs forhead and he hit the ground.

I freaked the fuck out and started yelling, by that time Diego was already running for the trees, i stood up s and started to run, Then my leg was shot and broken. I was bleeding, diego was in the trees already hideing, i was crawling away before the sniper shot me in the head.

It was so unexpected i scared me but all together it was one of the funnest times we played

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About two weeks ago me and my brother are slowly looting a barn out in the nice Cherno countryside just scavangeing as you do and it was one of those barns which has 3 floors and there are some zombies in there so I drop my Double-barrel and hack em all down then as I pick my shotgun up and just as we loot one side of the building all of a sudden about 2 zombies run in so we are like "ok we can handle this" then out of no where a huge swarm ran into the barn.

My brother just said to me "Hold the line!" so I fire off my two rounds in my shotgun and just think fuck it! I just run and my brother forgot that there are two ways into the barn and didn't realise so some zombies run in the back and hit him so he just runs and as we are sprinting across this massive open field for some reason I randomly think about the 28 weeks later theme tune and if Smoke Grenades didnt do what they do in DayZ we would be dead.

I lead all the zombies away as my brother slugs this smoke grenade into the air and it was just quite exciting how close to death we both came. Unfortunately my PC had a Cyclic Rendundancy error and my brother played without me with my cousin and one of my bro's friend and my brother got camo gear and was teleported into the farlands never to be seen again.

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Since finding my first set of NVGs, I've been only playing at night. I usually log in with a set of goals: Loot NW Airfield Barracks, get some food, etc. Last night my goal was to find a tent, a toolbox, and get some med supplies. The night prior I had hit up Stary Sobor's military tents to no avail (just an M16 and an AKM, and I already have an M14 and a Silenced M9). I ran North East, hitting Deer Stands along the way.

I came to Berezino where I found a tent in the store before running into the hospital where I grabbed a few blood packs, and some morphine, then decided to hit up the miltary tents before logging in the Northern woods for the night. There wasn't much in the tents: some DMR ammo for my M14, some silenced M9 ammo, nothing special. Then in the last tent...a body. Prone. Motionless. Perhaps unconscious. Fearing a server hopper, I pop two rounds in her skull. No murder, but a few moments later I hear flies buzzing. Not sure if I really killed her, or if it's just a bug with how kills are awarded.

I loot her body, and jackpot. She's wearing a Coyote backpack, but I already have one. She has a silenced MP5, 3 clips for it, camo, a CZ550, and tons of food and ammo for other guns. She also has a military flashlight, and a toolbox! My guess is the player despawned intentionally to change to a male character to wear the camo. Sucks bro! I ran due North and logged, debating where to put my tent the next night....

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I've been reading a ton of these stories and I'ved decided to add one of my own.

Two friends and I made the choice of traveling from Starry Sobor to Devil's Castle. The primary reason was to find me a backpack. When I spawned in on this current life I was on an island just off the coast. I wasn't aware of the respawn feature yet and I figured I'd just have to swim for it.

Anyways I led the way and once the castle was in sight we split up to approach from three different angles so as to avoid a possible team death by snipers. I took the side and then made my way to the front and my friend Rick made his way up the main road, my friend Tom made a huge circle and got in through the back. Rick and I were at the first room just inside the gate getting supplies and Tom was held up by a few zombies strolling in his path. Eventually I made my way towards the inner courtyard and saw a hopper staring at a wall. I was crawling through out all of this because I've become very paranoid at the hair trigger it takes for some zombies to aggro. My friend Rick took his chances with crouching.

Sure enough a zombie saw him, the one staring at the wall no less. I don't recall Rick's weapon but the noise seemed to be applified by the stone walls around us. Soon we had nearly 8 zombies on us. I joined in the fight to take some of the pressure off him, this did not work out well for me. I qucikly lost blood and started bleeding. For some reason I was tastier than Rick. I'm not sure how many were attacking me but as this was happening I called out to Tom for help. I saw him about 15 meters away crouched on a grassy hill. I also heard him say "I'm too far away, there's zombies between us". Then I saw him turn around and start crawling away.

That was the last thing I saw clearly before passing out. I was out for about a full minute watching my blood go from 7000 to 3000 and lower and lower. I don't recall exactly what I said but it was a swear laden response demanding that Tom return. I didn't call him out for his cowardace until later. With an hour glass taking up most of my screen I was just able to see a zombie chewing on me, followed by 3 more. I'm not sure what happened but soon Rick stood over me and gave me a bandage, even while he was bleeding out. Tom joined in to provide cover. I stopped bleeding with only 300 blood left.

Somehow the zombies stopped coming and I was able to eat some cooked meat to get to 4000 blood. This was one of my most intense moment in playing this game. I came within inches of dieing.

Disappointingly I never found a backpack or anything all too useful there. We are still alive and heading East.

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So, a friend and I woke up along the Cherno strip. With our heads buzzing, we groggily set off towards Chernogorsk to see what pickings were to be had. After a little tactical foraging and amusing tomfoolery we found ourselves heavily stocked with canned food, drink and various weapons and survival tools. Next, we made a hasty exit as a couple of zeds noticed us through the window and gave chase. With the blood pounding in our ears, we took flight and lost the zeds between the buildings before circling around the north border of the city in search of a hospital. As it happens our luck held and we spied a paramedic symbol on a building close to the industrial area. So, in true Sam Fisher fashion, we splintercelled that S#*@ over and I tried to break in whilst my buddy went on over-watch on the roof. After my unsuccessful can throwing attempts, my buddy spied a few supply crates on the roof of the hospital, so we decided to stock up there instead.

So, with blood bags, morphine and epi-pens spilling out of every orifice, we splintercelled that S#*@ back out and took a breather just outside of zed range. Then suddenly everything went to hell... It happened so fast, I barely knew how to react. I was checking around whilst my buddy was arranging his gear and suddenly his chest exploded in a spray of claret. His screams rattled my bones over skype as he quickly passed out from the shock and blood loss, I whipped around with my trusty makarov as more shots whizzed past my head, all the while looking for the source of the onslaught. I barely spied the muzzleflash as the shock set in. In a stupor, I raised my weapon and pulled off two quick shots in his general direction.

In careless disregard, I quickly applied a transfusion to my buddy and patched him up once he was concious. Once he was up, he said "Dude your bleeding all over the grass" and so I was, I quickly slapped a bandage on and not a moment too soon, I was in severe shock and had just less than 300 blood left... I was lucky to have not passed out and died.

So my buddy gave me a transfusion and we set off to inspect our kill. A big fat 1 appeared on my bandit counter in the debug so I was pretty happy. I'd shot me my first bandit! With closer inspection, I had sniped that mofo in the dick and the blood was spraying out of his butthole like some sort of morbid, artistic fountain. We robbed that padre dry and my buddy looted a prized AK47 and 2 mags. We also bagged a spare M1911 and a mag for our friend who later joined us on our epic quest.

Out of sheer disgust we didn't hide the body, that sucker deserved to rot with the whole world watching...

True story, my best experience of DAYZ

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Got my first bandit kill last night. Well, it should of been my 3rd but apparently if they suck at shooting it becomes a murder.

Anyway I'm leaving the NW airfield after a nice quite raid on the Northern barracks. No signs of other survivors, no zombie aggro, a nice little perfect run. After about 5 minutes of running though the forest I spot another player heading the opposite direction, which pretty much means we are running towards each other. I dive down and he keeps running, somehow he didn't notice me. I decided to let him go because I was full of decent gear already and saw no reason to kill him. He only had a pistol on him. Plus hes obviously going to the airfield and is just going to raid an empty barracks, maybe after he is done I can go back and get some freshly spawned gear.

After hitting a few deer stands. I make my way back to the barracks, no sign of anyone, so I start looting and once again I'm in the middle of another perfect run. I'm crawling/rolling around to avoid the zombies, getting close to the barracks, when suddenly a Z makes a dash at me. I'm sitting there thinking how the * did he spot me and my confusion only grows when he runs right past me. I glance over my shoulder to see another survivor sprinting right at me with a pistol, and the zombie sprinting towards him. He lands 1 shot and I have 2 broken bones. Then the zombie starts hitting him and he is forced to unload the rest of his clip on him. By that time I've already got him down the sights of my M16, and I unloaded half a clip into him.

I take care of a couple Zs who heard the shots, including the only one that attacked him and saved my life. He never even took him down, I can't help but think what an epic fail all around. I go to check his body. 3 morphine, bandages, and enough food to get be back up to 8k health. I walk away feeling like DayZ superman. I was killing animals and starting fires on the runway after that, then the adrenaline wore off and I went back to hide in the woods.

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Well, I just had an interesting (but short) adventure in Elektro, resulting in no less than six other people encountered along with one dead person.

I spawned near Krutoy Cap, and decided to head to Elektro. As I arrive, I suddenly see a name appear on my screen - a survivor named Edward. I do not know if he saw me, as I quickly ran into the woods and headed out to the northern firehouse. Upon getting there, I noticed two things: The gate was closed to the area, and there was a lack of zombies. Inside there was a dead survivor with an empty Lee Enfield. After checking for weapons and finding a shotgun, I make my next stop the supermarket. To my luck, I was off a street, and had to go through the front instead of the back; why was that lucky? Because as I neared the store, I see two other people walking out the back (Live survivor count: 3). I don't fine much in the store, but I do find some toolbelt items.

My next stop is the school, and while I find nothing of use there, I hear constant gunshots in the distance. I avoid that area, and instead move towards a nearby house. I freeze as I see another survivor in the room with a weapon. He didn't see me yet, and I wondered if I should take a shot; my lack of ammo and fact that I wasn't freaking out as I was last time I killed make me decide not to. Also, he begins to turn in my direction, and I quickly walk out of the room. This other person says "Friendly!" a few times over mic, however, and I just check the building for supplies. Neither of us shoot the other, but I still walk out without him following.

I end up circling back to the church, and on the way I get some mental image of another survivor in the church with a gun pointing at the door. Upon going in, that turned out to be a prediction. Two survivors, one with an AK and the other I have no idea. The AK person opens fire with no communication, and I run. He comes out and I get shot in the leg, falling around the corner. They both come around, and the last thing I see is the AK staring down my face...BAM. I guess 'Thou shall not kill' doesn't apply in the zombie apocalypse.

Of course, it's my luck to see six people in the city all at once. And I thought that was a quiet, low population server.

(The people in the church may have been my killers as well, but I never saw any names. And I can't really blame the guy for shooting me; I would've panicked had I seen a guy with a shotgun come around the corner too).

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TL;DR: Epic survival in the best game ever made, I learn how my morals hold up in a survival situation, zombie lemmings, we become crazed hermits and get a taste for BBQ goat.

I start on the coast east of Balota, under the light of the full moon. I have arranged to rendezvous with another survivor soon, so I radio that I am going to head up to the nearby airfield. While I wait, I explore the hangars and industrial buildings nearby. They are mostly full of rubbish but I do pick up a hatchet and a pistol with a little ammo. Working my way over to the control tower I have to take out a single zed as he shambles towards me. Luckily the sound didn't attract any attention so I climb the ladder up the side of the tower and work my way down the stairs. I get lucky finding a Winchester shotgun with ammo and a canteen on the way down - they will come in very handy!

Heading east from the airfield, my friend eventually turns up. I give him the shotgun and pull out the hatchet for myself – I often prefer the silent approach anyway. Crouching to avoid prowling zeds, we slink up the hill to the north until we hit a dirt road, then start following it to the north east.

After searching a few nearby buildings for more supplies, we spot a series of barns at the top of a hill, which must have been north of Vysota outside Chernogorsk. We work our way through the barns, crawling on all fours most of the way. It is getting quite hairy and we have some close calls, but timing our path to pass between pairs of hoppers and walkers gets us through.

Eventually we have a clear run down to the last barn. My friend heads for the front door, while I am still coming round the side. Suddenly he whispers 'there is someone else here!' I pull out my pistol and immediately see a survivor coming round the side of the barn. I turn to face him, calling out to my friend to see if it was him or the new survivor. Suddenly I see a puff of smoke and I drop to the ground unconscious and bleeding. I start yelling to my friend, "I'm down, I'm down! Side of the barn!" The other guy starts crouching over me to take my stuff, but his little shopping trip is cut short when my friend runs around the corner and gives him 2 shotgun shells to the back.

He bandages me up and eventually I regain consciousness, stabilised but in very bad shape, swaying around nearly blind and unable to walk. We realise we are going to need more medical supplies. My vision is too blurry to even read my compass but we think Chernogorsk hospital isn't too far over a nearby hill, and start to head that way still shaken and with adrenaline pumping from the victorious encounter.

As we sneak through the forest, my friend calls out again "there is someone else in the woods!" Now normally I am the most friendly, cooperative survivor. But all that went through my head was "If he is like the last guy I'm finished" so I yell out "take him out, take him out!" A second later the shotgun booms again, and I sight on a blurry grey shape and empty my last clip in the direction, pop pop pop pop! The guy goes down. Straight away we feel terrible, this guy hadn't given us any reason to distrust him but we couldn't afford the risk. Funny how much your values change when you are barely clinging to life. I kept playing out this scenario in my head over the next few days.

Soon we came to the edge of the forest and I collapse against a tree while my friend heads into the city for medical supplies. I don't know how he did it unscathed but after 15 minutes he came crawling back up the field with morphine and blood packs, and did a good job patching me up so I can get back on my feet. We decide that heavily populated areas=trouble and head north to find more supplies somewhere safer.

Breaking out of the forest north of Cherno, we stop and look across the plains with binoculars. It looks quiet, and we feel like we are out of the danger zone so we decide to cross directly instead of following the treeline all the way around. Big mistake. As we run up the hill on the far side of the plains, forest in sight, sniper shots start ringing out. My friend calls out "I'm hit!" I look back and see bullets kicking up puffs of dust all around him. He goes down and I start to hustle back to him to give first aid but before I can get there he dies. I drop to my stomach; the firing has stopped. Seems like they didn't see me or lost me when I ran back. Looking around, I start crawling up to the treeline to find the sniper and get revenge but after a few seconds I stop and take stock. I'm heading in a direction where there might be an unknown number of bandits with an unknown amount of weapons. I have a hatchet. Discretion is the better part of valour so I slink off through the forest to the northeast. I do have a family to provide for after all... and they never have to find out Daddy is a coward. I didn't even stop to bury my friends body.

After camping in the woods, I make an early start the next day and head north, thinking I'll find supplies at some of the smaller towns. I luckily stumble onto a small lake, refill my canteen and drink all I can, it might have to last me a while. Continuing on through the forest I climb a mountain to get a better view and discover some ancient ruins. Although I can hear the faint shuffle of zeds out in the forest it seems fairly open inside the walls, and climbing a tower I find a cache of supplies – hunting knife, a tin of beans that I devour for breakfast, soft drink, pistol and a shotgun with ammo! Feeling better prepared I head north again, soon seeing a town. I stop and scope it out and am about to head in when I hear the faint sound of gunshots in the town. I can't see anything happening but decide to avoid the town anyway.

Continuing north as it starts to get dark I come to a larger town called Stary Sobor. Skirting round again to find the safest angle to enter it, I see a supermarket and make a beeline. On my stomach now I wriggle through the town past moaning zeds to get to the back door. Just as I make my final approach, I see movement at the front door! I freeze and bring up the shotgun and see a survivor running away, obviously having looted the pace before me. Sure enough after I make my way in there are odds and ends but no food. I leave the shop and make my way out through the town, checking every angle for snipers - I got the feeling this guy was a loner but you never know.

On the outskirts of town I see a field piled high with what looks like body bags, and a row of military tents. It looks like something bad went down here, and my suspicion is confirmed by a pack of undead shambling around. My instincts say to run but I am very curious about the military base so after watching for a long time I crawl in. Jackpot! It seems like every tent has a stack of ammo or high powered weapons. I swap my pistol for what looks like an Uzi and my shotgun for an assault rifle with grenade launcher under the barrel, and plenty of ammo for everything. Heading out of the base I easily take out any zeds blocking my way and circle widely around the rest of the town before finding a forest to hunker down for the night. I'm feeling pretty hungry by now but all I have for dinner is a Pepsi; finding something more solid will be top of the list tomorrow.

The next morning I get a faint signal on the radio, it is a friendly survivor! He finds a signpost and tells me he is in Balota. He doesn't have a compass to help him navigate so I note that the shadows are pointing east and tell him to follow any road north out of town. I head south east from my camp, planning to narrow down where we both are when we can find some better landmarks. After an hour of travel, both having a few encounters with zombies along the way, we realise we are both just outside a small town called Kozlovka, but on opposite ends.

We are both ravenous by this point and start exploring the town around us. I get lucky and find a tin of sardines in the back of an old shipping container but it isn't enough for both of us, so I keep exploring. The town is teeming with the undead, their drooping heads seeming to stare right at us as they lurch past. Suddenly I hear louder moaning than usual. Frantically looking around in case I've been spotted, I see instead a horde chasing my friend down the main street! I call out to him to head south through town, I saw a huge shed on the way in with a narrow staircase up the back. It seems like his best chance to slow them down and pick them off. He runs up the steps into the shed, forcing the zombies to come at him single file.

Meanwhile I'm working my way out of town to the south of the shed. I try to get a clear shot through the hanging sheets of iron but can't shoot without risking hitting my friend. He has a crossbow and is taking them down one by one but doesn't have nearly enough bolts for them all. He keeps running through the shed and starts climbing down a ladder on the far side. As I watch, the horde of undead reach the top of his ladder... and throw themselves screaming and growling over the edge of the shed! As we watch in disbelief, the few that survive the fall start walking off in different directions, confused but almost seeming disappointed. My friend makes his way down as slowly as possible and we regroup in a pine forest north of the town.

From here we can make out a larger house in the town, with its door hanging invitingly open. With my friend near starvation now we give up on stealth and just run across the road into the house, slamming the door behind us. Incredibly only one crawling zombie saw us and he is quickly taken out with my machine pistol. We hit the jackpot, finding several tins of food which my friend devours, a larger backpack, and plenty of bandages and painkillers. We cram our packs with as much as possible and get the hell out of town, finding a campsite for the night in the forest east of Windy Mountain. Taking stock of our situation we realise if we could find some way of lighting a fire, we could hunt some animals and be self sufficient in food. That becomes our priority, along with getting some better weapons for my friend who is down to a hatchet.

The next day, we head around Windy Mountain to the North West. We soon see a farmhouse and barn on the edge of a field, and head in to check it out. The barn yields a shotgun for my friend but on the way out we are spotted by a pair of zeds in the farmhouse! They take a swipe at my friend before I manage to drop them with bursts from my Uzi, the shots alerting other zeds in the fields nearby. My friend is bleeding but takes out 2 more with his shotty, and we run back over the fields to higher ground. While he bandages himself up I drop a crawler who is snarling after us, and we make it into the forest clear of any followers. My friend is now in very bad shape with blurry vision making it hard to see anything. I take the lead following the power lines to the west investigating every barn and shed we pass, and although we have managed to butcher a few small animals on the way to get some raw meat we fail to find anything to eat now or any matches. It is looking pretty grim.

We make it to a hill south of Zelenogorsk and can make out a supermarket on the outskirts. With hunger gnawing and wounds to take care of we are running out of time. As we approach the town however we alert a slithering zombie in the fields, who takes a swipe at me. As I dispatch him we earn the attention of another dozen zombies, who come running at us from every direction. We start sprinting down the hill to the west but as we become separated I realise that the whole pack is chasing my friend down the hill! I quickly drop and bandage while he heads into a large industrial compound, running round buildings to shake his followers. Now that I have the higher ground and no immediate chasers I launch a flare grenade to try to draw the zeds attention while my friend comes back up the hill to me. I drop most of his chasers with my assault rifle, then he reaches me and we finish off any stragglers with shotgun and most of my Uzi rounds. We drop to the ground, amazed we survived at all but now even more desperate for food.

Even more slowly this time, we head back into Zelenogorsk towards the supermarket. There are zombies on every side and once we reach town we have to zigzag back and forth across the road, from house to house towards the store. About 50 meters out we hear growls, a hopper has spotted us! Quickly looking around we realise there is no clear path we can take out without earning ourselves another chase, which we are unlikely to survive. Standing up I yell to run to the store to make a (last?) stand! We run in and take positions at the back of the store, maybe 20 zeds now snarling and following us. We are firing and they are going down, but so is my ammo... Soon both my guns start clicking and I swap to the hatchet. There are still 5 or 6 zeds in the store and I run at them and start swinging madly. I think my friend is still firing at this point too but I've taken so many hits it is hard to tell, blood and shock clouding my vision. Suddenly I stop and look around and see that the store is empty! I quickly apply bandages, starting to feel faint and swaying everywhere. I hear my friend call out that he has found food! I manage to get to where he says it is and eat a can of beans before I pass out from blood loss.

When I wake up we continue to check out the store, keeping as low as possible. In the last corner I check, I find it, holiest of holies... a box of matches! We peek out windows as much as possible and wait until any growling and scraping is at its furthest before crawling out the back door, straight out of town towards a heavy forest on the slopes of a mountain we can just make out. What follows is the sketchiest experience we've ever had, slinking stop start through fields where we can just make out the blurry shapes and growls of swaying zombies all around us. We both pass out multiple times before we reach the safety of the forest, and we stay low for a good hundred meters before we dare to stand up and run. Once we are deep in the forest we stop and make a fire at last, cooking our food and stuffing our faces with fresh cooked goat. Nothing has ever tasted so good! After sitting round the fire for a little while we start to feel better, vision getting clearer.

We trek south to a clearing but looking around with the binoculars I can see buildings to the southwest and southeast. At this point we want no part of civilisation so we head back into the forest to hunt. Making our way west we come across a wide plain that seems to run north for miles. After endless days and nights spent crawling through zed infested cities scrounging for scraps of food this seems like paradise and we start running across the fields almost giddy with relief, looking for animals. Although a few rabbits evade us it doesn't take long for us to find several goats and sheep and a cow and with our bags loaded up with dripping bloody cuts of meat we walk into a forest and have the biggest BBQ Chernarus has ever seen.

Sitting round the campfire again stuffing ourselves with meat washed down with a swig from our canteens, we are soon feeling like we are back to full strength and can start planning our next move. If it wasn't for needing more water at some point we can imagine ourselves spending the rest of our lives here living off the land. We are going to run out of water and soft drink in a few days though so finding a lake or a town with a well will become important. Studying the map, the smaller towns to the north seem appealing - and at least now we are ready to tackle them with full bellies and plenty of cooked meat in our packs! The idea of motor transport to travel back and forth from our new forest home is sounding good too...

Edited by TimF
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After walking for around 6 hours with below 2.5K blood, falling almost every 100m with 6 blood bags, 4 morphine auto injectors, many bandages and other medical things (most annoying being the useless on self bloodbags)in my alice pack, I finally died to a hopper that hit me (never heard it) and by the time I took care of him, I didn't have enough time to bandage myself, so died of blood loss.

I've been looking for human life for hours.

When you don't want to meet people, you do. But when you do want, you don't. Or you pass out when trying to get into contact, and therefore lose them.

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Cool Story Bro.

Also; tldr

How do you know it was cool if it was tldr

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ok here is my story.... everything happend in twos at stary sobor. two of us was looting the military camp came under fire i killed the guy i found two backpacks, two aks, two heli crash sites got a bizon with two mags two other friends came to help loot got back to camp then got teleported back to stary and killed a second guy what r the odds.

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Now, I've heard all the horror stories about Chernogorsk. Everyone knows there be monsters in Chernogorsk, but up until this point every living thing I've met has either tried to eat my brains or scoop them out with a bullet. There be monsters everywhere apparently, so I figured getting shot at in a new place would spice things up. Even if I did happen to catch a bullet, at least the walk would have been nice.

So I made my way to the forbidden city, slowly but surely. I crossed the last hill before the city and heard a man shouting at me from some abandoned construction site. I cautiously came to meet him. Expecting a surprise party featuring bullet cake, I was shocked that he seemed to be more afraid of my hatchet than I was of his automatic rifle, so I stayed around and camped out a bit, eating miscellaneous food that had been strewn about on the floor (how sanitary.) I began to feel adventurous and started a journey into the heart of Chernogorsk. The man offered to escort me there, but I insisted it was best only one of us waltzed into a death trap. We went our separate ways, him back toward Elektrozavodsk, where I had came from.

The city was eerily quiet, I scrounged around a while and found my favorite rifle and pistol; the Lee Enfield and 1911. I realize they aren't the greatest guns, but I love their look and feel. Apart from the odd shambler the town was dead. I walked into town with my gun drawn, ready to vanquish wrong-doers, but found there weren't any wrong-doers to slay. I was rather disappointed. I found a magazine that fit the rifle of the man I had met earlier and made my way back to the construction site on the off chance he was headed back himself.

He never returned, so I decided to take up his role; greeting survivors on their journey to Chernogorsk. I felt the concrete building he had been stationed too open for my comfort, so I made my way up to the grain silo north of town. I didn't trust greeting new comers in person so I decided shooting the zombies which were inevitably chasing them into the city was the next best thing.

I saw a woman running across a bridge accompanied by a trail of hungry looking friends. I picked off her companions, but perhaps she thought I was shooting at her (and magically hit everyone but her.) She ran away back toward where she had came. I was a bit frustrated with the situation, but perhaps keeping people away from the city was better than welcoming them in.

Shortly after, a man came running toward town with a similar bunch of friends. Dispatching them, I saw the man run to the construction site for cover from the gunfire. He didn't run away, so I greeted him with a salute. He greeted me with a bullet. A poorly aimed bullet. I tossed a smoke grenade off the tower in hopes he would take it as a sign of surrender, but he only fired more bullets. Reluctantly, I responded with a bullet of my own and he fell. I attempted to suppress my guilt of having killed a fellow survivor by insisting he was a bandit with ambitions to murder me. Seeing no more people were traveling among the road in, I decided I would go relieve the poor fellow of his supplies.

I made my way back to the construction site and found the man I had murdered was the same who greeted me upon entering the town. It was depressing, and I felt somewhat sick. I waited around for someone to either shoot me or finally accept my help.

A new traveler happened by; empty-handed and wounded. My guns weren't being very helpful, so I offered them to the guy. He stayed silent, and stared at me from the ground beneath the building. Unsettlingly, the guy only moved when he thought I wasn't looking. Perhaps he was secretly plotting to sneak up and axe me in the back, maybe not. He stared at me for another minute or so, then dragged his broken legs back into the forest.

No one has come to Chernogorsk since.

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Nice story above my post.

Anyway my story on FR35.

I was among a nice group of people who "only" shoots armed people.

We never deco from aggro so we had to make a stand before 50 or more zombies attacking us in NWAF Airfield. All the players within 1 kilometers knew there was trouble in the Airfield.

With the last zombie biting the dust, we all stay silent, scouting the area. I go outside to provide overwatch for my team who is looting the Firehouse and the Northern Barracks. The rain start to fall.

I hear very distant shots coming from Stary sobor camp. In 20 minutes or so, i am sure we won't be alone anymore.

So we position ourselves to ambush the poor souls who would be fool enough to come in the airfield.

And we wait again. We chitchat a bit through our radio having fun. Two of us - Cowboy and AirOne, as we call them - are really funny and can't stop making jokes.I think for myself that i really like these guys. Time passes.

30 minutes later all is quiet and we decide to move on to our camp. We all regroup in the firestation before moving out, and we are extra careful because we heard there are some ghost that can pop up into existence behind your back and kill you. We call them "the hoppers".

Must be a side effect of this plague which is killing all of us.

In the FireHouse we all stop breathing as we hear a noise. A coughing noise.

That's me. I dont say it as i know what happenned to the last one of us who got sick.

Cowboy and AirOne are close to me. I'm sure Airone heard me cough but didn't tell.

Cowboy did heard too.. And he tells the others.

They all go away from me as i am told i could be contagious. My blood is slowly going down.

We don't have antibiotics.

Cowboy shots me dead.

You never die of fever in these lands.

Such is life in Chernarus

Edited by RastaKoueR

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Yesterday, my two friends and I met up in Balota. Since this was right about when the update happened, our server was completely empty, and we felt comfortable getting into the deerstands around Balota. We scavenged around, and I found an MP5A5, and 4 mags for it. My two friends found an M4 CCO and a Winchester, both with plenty of ammo. I looked out on the horizon, and saw a figure. It was running. It had a VERY large gun. The only other survivor in the game right now, and it had to be the guy with the Dinnerbell and a strong need to kill me dead. He shoots his clip out in rapid fire, but misses. He pulls out an M1911, and I'm making my way down the ladder of a deerstand now, and one shot hits me in the leg, and throws me off the ladder, knocking me out and breaking bones. When I come to, my two friends are shooting like mad, and I can barely hear them. I pick out "He's down, he's down!" and they stop firing. They made their way over to me. I was bleeding bad, and they knew it. They bandaged me, but it took 3 bandages to stop the bleeding. I was at 5k health, with broken bones. They looked around nervously, and then told me they're going to Cherno to raid the hospital and they'd be back.

I must have sat alone in that tent for an hour. Eventually, I fell asleep. I was jerked awake by the sound of a pistol being cocked. I look to my left, and I'm staring down the barrel of a high powered revolver, and a man who I imagine had a nice grin on his face.

At least I got 2 shots in his legs before he blew my brains all over the tent.


Now we rejoin when I had respawned and met up with my friends. We made our way to Starry Sobor, and met up with my third friend. We were trying to take the forrest route around the plains, when we heard distant gun shots. One very distinct, the others quieter, but still rifles. One was automatic. The firing stopped as soon as it stopped, and we dropped to prone. I watched the road in front, and three people ran right by us, with a horde of zombies behind them. We didn't move for 5 minutes. Then, a guy with an AS50 ran by us. He was in a Ghille suit, and went into the plains. He dissappeared, until the three rapid fire shots, and three deaths, as my COMM told me.He ran down the road.

We sat in prone for what must have been 30 minutes. It was starting to get dark. We proned our way over to the tents, and found 3 very valuable items: NVG, Tent, Map (and 2 sets of binocs, but that's overlook-able). We looted the rest of the place and eventually found another M4 CCO for my friend (he dropped it in Cherno for a Lee Enfield, cause he ran out of ammo), an AKS-74 Kobra for me (and lots of ammo), and an M1014 for my friend. It was WELL into night, and we basically walked holding hands. We walked for about an hour, and got to the Electro area. We all camped up, well away from the actual city, and now we sit in wait.

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