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The following entries are based on actual in-game events:

Day 1

The last thing I remember was jumping over the side of a large oil tanker that had set sail off the coast of Providence, Rhode Island a few weeks ago…maybe more now, as I have no idea how long I have been unconscious. One night, the tanker had become engulfed in flames, so it was either burn to death or drown…I chose the latter. It seemed like a great idea at the time: board the oil tanker with enough food and supplies to last our group of 35 strong a year’s time and wait until the infection had run its course, then find port somewhere and start over. I made a quiet promise to myself to think harder on the set of occurrences that lead me to be lying face down in the surf in the middle of the night on the coast of Fuck-Knows-Where.

Dragging myself further inland and into some low-lying brush, I manage to shrug off the small backpack that mysteriously clung to my back with the same desperation as I to the driftwood I rode to shore on and felt around inside for anything useful. As luck would have it, the very first thing my hand found purchase on was a flashlight. Before turning on the flashlight inside of my pack to see what else is inside, I stop and listen to the sounds around me. The waves crashing on the shore, the wind blowing through the brush surrounding me and the distant sound of some type of unknown group of insects was all I could hear. The welcome lack of any kind of moaning and/or growling penetrating the darkness gave me the confidence to turn the flashlight on, being careful to keep it as far into the pack as possible in order to minimize its visibility. Inside the pack I found a bottle of painkillers with a dozen pills…which I immediately ate 4 of in order to remedy my pounding skull, a pair of binoculars, one sealed pack of bandages, and not much else.

After a few minutes, I mustered the courage to get up, look around, pick a direction and set off along the shoreline, keeping my flashlight off and instead using the moonlight as far as it would take me on the edges of this unknown land.

Day 2

Entry 1:

I walked along the beach for about an hour and came up on a small residential area just as the morning sun was beginning to rise. Along the way I began to lose fear and gain confidence, because I had yet to see anyone or anything that may or may not want to eat my face…until now. About a hundred yards off, I could see the shambling, uneven movement of about half a dozen infected. They always look the same: rotted faces lurching forward towards the ground, as if retracing their steps while looking for something precious recently dropped…but never to be found. Their slow, methodical plodding is what made this infection so deadly, as they look pretty harmless, until they noticed someone who hadn’t yet been bitten. The infection gives them superhuman speed, which is what caught so many by surprise and lead to so many deaths so quickly. The key is to stay low, quiet and hidden, as their sense of smell seems to no longer have any use.

I managed to get into a few of the homes and find some supplies: a can of sardines, a can of beans, a can of Pepsi, an unfilled canteen, and what appears to be a new little girl’s diary with a pen attached to it. I was starving and thirsty, so I ate the sardines (blech!) and choked them down with the Pepsi. Even though I could hear their groans outside of the small house I was in, I have learned over these past few months since the outbreak to tell that these were the sounds of docile infected…and they posed little threat to me in this state. With a full belly and a safe place to rest, I decided to at least try and get some shuteye.

Entry 2:

Well, if there was ever any debate as to the infected being attracted to snoring, I just put that shit to rest. It’s getting dark again, which indicates that I have been asleep for about 11 hours. I guess I needed it. I’m just happy I didn’t wake up dead.

Before the sun sets, I was able to write about yesterday and today in this diary I’ve found. I think it will help me to keep my sanity (what’s left of it), as well as allow me to keep notes on the infected and a working inventory list of my supplies. I’ll head out in the morning, and hopefully find something to defend myself with...preferably something that dispenses large amounts of lead at high speeds. I’ve seen a few broken down military vehicles, so I may get lucky.

Day 3

My hands are still shaking as I write this, so forgive my jagged penmanship. Just before morning, I headed east along the coast to see what else of use I could find for myself. Things weren’t looking great, until I found a serviceable axe inside a fire truck sticking half out of the ocean. I spent a moment swinging and familiarizing myself with my new found defense, then continued east between the main road that hugged the coast and the shoreline.

After about 2 hours, I stumbled upon a sizable town with dozens of multi-storied buildings. On my way into said town I noticed a street sign, though the language and letters appeared to be some form of Russian or Czech. The sign read, “Elektro-blah3blah-Czech-7blah,” so let’s just go with “Elektro.” The infected were everywhere, but I was doing my best ninja impression and was able to avoid them, at first. As I rounded the corner of a house in a slow, crouched jog, I literally bumped my face into the ass of one of these god damn things. I’m not sure who was more surprised, but this infected let out its “dinnertime!” scream. I managed to cut the scream short with an axe to the infected’s skull, but not before it had notified the other 20-30 in the area.

Having to abandon the crouch jog and burst into a full sprint, I headed towards a nearby grocery store. Normally, I would be very quiet and careful upon entering a building, but there was no time for that. The doors were likely shatter resistant glass, but the door on the right was spider-webbed pretty severely, so I took a chance and slowed just enough so I could throw the axe at the door. When the axe hit the door, the bottom half shattered completely as I dove through the new opening. I got to my feet quickly and scrambled to the back of the small market, having to leave the axe behind for now. You see, the infected have a very short attention span, so if I was able to stay hidden and quiet for a few minutes, they would just forget about me and wander off, continuing their never-ending search of lost heirlooms.

As I sat in the darkness of the corner of the store, my eyes began to adjust to the point where I noticed a corpse in military fatigues propped up on the bare shelf adjacent to me. I sat in silence for a time, until I felt confident enough that the infected had forgotten about me. Lady luck smiled upon me once again as I looked inside the dead man’s pack with my flashlight. A box of matches, a hunting knife, a watch, a map of the surrounding area…and an AK-Fucking-47 with 3 30round clips! Sweet fucking Jesus I have a chance!!! Before the fallout, I had never even held a gun, but it’s amazing how fast you can get good at something when your life depends on it. Much of my time on the oil tanker was spent learning and training about fighting and weapons, as about half of our group was National Guard.

I loaded the weapon, made sure the safety was off, and then froze. I heard several soft, careful footfalls in the aisle next to me. These were not the erratic, spastic footsteps of something reanimated…this fucker was alive, and hunting me. Aside from weapons, another thing I learned along the way is that the biggest threat to my survival was other people. I readied my newfound weapon and waited. As his head slowly crept around the corner I pulled the trigger, but I didn’t realize the machine gun was set to full-auto. I unloaded the entire clip into his left eye before I was able to release my petrified finger off the trigger. Needless to say, I don’t think he’s going to pull through.

All the stupid son of a bitch had on him was the axe I dropped, which I promptly stuffed in between my backpack and my back. Oh, that would have been some ironic shit indeed if I had been killed with the object not moments ago helped saved my life.

I didn’t wait around to see if my scared, stupid Rambo ass had alerted every infected in the entire town, so I slowly opened the rear service door, looked to make sure the coast was clear, and headed north out of town, into the woods.

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I had just spawned in Komorovo' date=' and knowing that the Balota airfield was close by, so I figured I'd give it a try going there. Before entering the airfield I noticed two things. One the airfield was crawling with zeds. And two there were gunshots from inside the airfield. Despite this seeming a little dissuading I figured i had nothing to lose, and I went to the airfield all the same.

I headed straight towards the first hangar, and found nothing but beans and tin cans. But alas! In the second hangar was an M1014 with plenty of ammo. Just as soon as I cleaned out the hangar of loot, another player came running in. I said "you friendly" in direct chat and the player ran away from me. Figuring he wasn't much of a threat, due to his lack of a weapon, I headed to the ATC tower in search of a greater abundance of M1014 rounds.

Upon entering I find an ALICE pack and another pack of M1014 rounds. I start heading up the tower and almost as soon as I get on the balcony the very same player who ran into the hangar comes down and chucks a grenade at me. The grenade misses and explodes safely away from me. But I see tons of zeds heading for the tower. the player says in the chat "sorry I thought you were a zed" enraged by his foolishness of allowing zeds to converge on our position, I shoot him in the head twice and then shoot his body again when it's on the ground (unnecessary but I was pissed). Now the zeds were getting in the building, so I waited for them to come up the stairs and I shot about 5 as the came up, and two that tried to get me from behind. I raced down the steps shooting zeds as I go. When i finally get out of the tower I beeline for a break in the fence. I shoot the only zed still on my tail and then I head for the military tents near the airfield.

I reach the tents and find a lone zed among the tents, near one of the deer stands. I take the risk of shooting the zed near the stand, and I see no agro's zeds. I look through the stands and find a PDW and plenty of clips. I get down from the last deer stand and freeze when I see tons of zeds magically among the tents. I slowly crawl through the tents to avoid the zeds, and I barely make it out.

After I'm out of the tents I head towards cherno in search of loot. I get to cherno and wind up at the church. I decide to head in to find some food because I've only got a can of beans left. when I get in the church I find some food, but a lone zed wandered in and got agro'd. I have no choice but to shoot him. I exit the church and see to agro'd zeds coming my way. I shoot one, but the other is dispatched by what sounds like a lee enfield. I turn around and see a survivor who says "over here quick". we crouch against a wall and shoot the incoming zeds. We kill many zeds, but he says "I'm out of ammo, run for it", aI runs as well considering I only have a clip for my PDW and three shots for my M1014. We get up and run, but I look back and see tons of zeds after us, and I get hit once causing me to bleed. Me and the other survivor keep running, but it's all road, and we can't escape the zeds, so I do what has to be done. I turn around and shoot the other survivor, and he falls to the ground, not dead but likely unconscious, or passed out. The zeds go for him and starting eating him. I think "they're eating him, and then they're going to eat me, OH MY GOD!". I run without looking back, I go prone in some trees and wait for a minute to see if the zeds are back. But nothing comes, and I'm alone.

I keep heading down the road in a daze. I had lost half my blood and I was shaking like a addict who needs a fix. I cam e across a town, and headed in in search of painkillers. So I find a house and to my luck some painkillers. I take the painkillers and then here gunshots from outside the house. I look out the window to see to bandits with AKs looking over a dead player, and then I see them come my way. I know there is no escaping so I bring up my M1014 and get ready. As soon as the first bandit enters the house I shoot him with my remaining slugs, killing him, but the other guy filled me with AK rounds and I die.

So ends the story of of the asshole who killed an idiot who carelessly threw a grenade, a friendly survivor, only to save his own hide, and a bandit who killed for fun.


you are such a dick! why would you do that to the guy who tried to help you?

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June 27th

Character: Doc Hoppy

I manage to find a hatchet, and made my way slowly into elecktro. I encounter a few zeds, and manage to take em out with out getting hurt to badly, nothing a bandage can't fix anyways. The town is quiet, almost like it is just me and the zeds, but here and there I see tell tale signs of other survivors. I manage to fill my patrol pack up, found a map, compass, hunting knife and matches to go with my hatchet. I grab a water bottle as well. I make my way to the church, and find nothing, from there I head to the nearest store to see if there is anything left after being picked over.

Fortune smiles on me, I find a m1911, now at least I can take care of zeds at a distance. I make my way to the northern power station, Somebody has begun fortifying it, but are not here, a wire fence is across the entrance to the stairwell.

"Good thing I found this tool box.." I mumble to my self as I break out a pair of wire cutters. The fence is down in no time.

I make my way up the stairs on the first floor I find some stanag magazines. 3 of them, but no weapon. I grab them in case. I make my way to the second floor, nothing. On the third floor I find my prize, a basic m4a1, no frills but will do the job when asked, along with 2 more magazines. I find a couple of more magazines for the 1911 as well.

I quickly make my way down the stair well to the bottom floor again, and freeze. I can hear voices, distant enough to be feint, but close enough to be heard. They are talking about just having survived some zeds and they are going to check the fire station, the building I am in. I make my way quietly to a door and out of the building. I wait untill I hear them make there way up the steps, and quickly break away to the north.

I travel for a while, and come across an old barn. I duck inside looking for some old feed grain, anything that might be useful.

"Ho ho? whats this?", I pick up the slightly scratched up binoculars, they will definitely come in handy. I check the time, 10 mins till 6 am, according to the watch I am wearing. I break out my map, looking over the lay of the land, to see if I can a likely source of supplies. I make note of a pond north and west, and decide I need stop there to refill the water bottle. I have a light breakfast of sardines and pepsi.

The sun is climbing in the sky as I head out. I decided I am going to head to Stary Sobor, I have heard there is a military outpost there, and maybe help, if not, perhaps I can find a bigger pack. My route takes me near the town of Mogilevka. I wander a bit and come across a deer stand, dead soldiers near by, I rummage through the remains and collect 3 smoke grenades. Smoke grenades are great, a thousand and one uses, and the infected zeds love em. I remember a while back, tracking a couple of bandits in Cherno, and following them to an office building. It was getting dark, and there where tons of Zed around. I tossed a smoke grenade into two of the entrances, and watched the ensuing carnage. As soon as the smoke started, gun fire erupted, an AK and an Enfield, followed shortly by the sounds of bones being broken and the bandits screaming as the mob of zeds slowly tore bits and parts from there bodies, like kids scooping candy from a jar.

As I think of the past, I see a wild boar in the distance, what luck! All this traveling has made me hungry, and think it would be nice to have some pork bbq with my baked beans. The meal hits the spot, and I pack the extra for later.

Hours later, I topping a hill south and east of a village called Vyshnoye. I see smoke coming from something in the field, it looks like a downed chopper! I dash to the wreckage quickly rubber necking around to see if I see any other survivors, no one is there, it is desolate. I close on the wreckage, spirits lifting and suddenly crashing down, as I approach,

I say to my self,"What was this the garbage shuttle?"

There are empty cans everywhere. I decide to see if there is anything I can scavenge from the bird, on the other side low and behold I see a weapons crate, dumped out on the ground, but two remaining guns are visible, FN FAL, but no ammo. Looking closer I see a a rifle that reminds me of an Steyer Aug, but it isn't. I read the lettering on the side L85A2 AWS, and it looks like it accepts stanag magazines!

I shout an dance a for joy, then swing the weapon up to my eye, looking through the scope, I nearly blind my self. It appears that night vision scopes do night work well in broad daylight. I fiddle with a switch and get an IR mode. I scan around, and see the bright glowing heat signature of a rabbit running through the field.

I dance with joy, this is a god send, and will make my nights much better!

To be continued.....

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Here's a different kind of story. This one is about how 3rd person can be used as an exploit. Now excuse me while I go bang my head against the wall in anticipation of the nonsense I will have to respond to tomorrow (on another thread).

Allow me to introduce Survivor A, an unassuming but determined fellow, currently running towards wall B, behind which bandit C is crouching. All are using 3rd person, apart from wall B, who is not sentient, but if he were would feel most uncomfortable about his entire predicament, and having spent so many years in Chernarus, would no doubt be an upright bastion of the moral unassailability of '1st-person-only'.

Bandit C, holding the ALT key, is able to see around his socially-deprived person across an entire 360 degrees, including above and beyond the wall, without exposing a single part of his virginal, delicate and well kempt bandit body. Survivor A, also using this feature, just because he can, is also holding the ALT key to gain a 360 view of his surroundings whilst sprinting, just to make sure he isn't being followed by anyone, infected, healthy or wall.

Alas, because of the tiresomely conservative laws of physics, that deny light the ability to curve around corners even in seemingly the most important of situations such as this, Survivor A is unable to see around and beyond these objects in the same way (please don't make me draw diagrams) as Bandit C. Wall B, were he able to comprehend within his grainy, weathered, yet well formed and resilient self would surely be most disapproving of the painful inevitability of the tragedy soon to unfold.

Survivor A passes Wall B and, having been seen and tracked by Bandit C for minutes now, immediately takes 3 high-velocity rounds of 7.62mm full metal jacket in the leg, chest and head, ending his life before even having had time to take in the newly revealed surroundings.

It seems likely that, had Wall B the capacity for consciousness inside his stalwart, Soviet-built, yet ultimately politically indifferent blocks of poured concrete, he would have thought it likely that Bandit C acquired the aforementioned firearm by equally unfair means, and in sheer, Chernarussian rage would have uprooted himself from his aged, moss encrusted base, and crushed Bandit C in a final expression of true, wall-based justice.

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I was with a friend and we were on our way to loot the imfamous Balota airstrip. It was night on the server and we decided to take it slow. As soon as we came near the hangars we heard gunshots. In the distance we could see 3 people struggling for their lives. My Ghillie Vanilli suit sponsored our silent approach and without flaring we came uncomfortably close to our targets. What I didn´t realize untill I got there was that they had a vehicle with the lights on. As soon as I got close to their vehicle I shot one guy almost instantly killing him by blowing his leg off with an AK-M. Great, now I got the horde of zombies on way. Blinded by darkness I tried to run into the remaining two as they opened fire on my last known location. I got hit once in the leg and it wasn´t long till my previous morphine installed pegleg gave in. Now the horde of zombies which I lured decided I wasn´t the target anymore. I crawled to their car and got in the driver seat, ran over a goat and picked up my friend several meters ahead. I still hear the “plis plis don’t shoot” in voicechat when I go to bed. “Asshole carjack – achievement unlocked.”



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Here's a different kind of story. This one is about how 3rd person can be used as an exploit. Now excuse me while I go bang my head against the wall in anticipation of the nonsense I will have to respond to tomorrow (on another thread).

Allow me to introduce Survivor A' date=' an unassuming but determined fellow, currently running towards wall B, behind which bandit C is crouching. All are using 3rd person, apart from wall B, who is not sentient, but if he were would feel most uncomfortable about his entire predicament, and having spent so many years in Chernarus, would no doubt be an upright bastion of the moral unassailability of '1st-person-only'.

Bandit C, holding the ALT key, is able to see around his socially-deprived person across an entire 360 degrees, including above and beyond the wall, without exposing a single part of his virginal, delicate and well kempt bandit body. Survivor A, also using this feature, just because he can, is also holding the ALT key to gain a 360 view of his surroundings whilst sprinting, just to make sure he isn't being followed by anyone, infected, healthy or wall.

Alas, because of the tiresomely conservative laws of physics, that deny light the ability to curve around corners even in seemingly the most important of situations such as this, Survivor A is unable to see around and beyond these objects in the same way (please don't make me draw diagrams) as Bandit C. Wall B, were he able to comprehend within his grainy, weathered, yet well formed and resilient self would surely be most disapproving of the painful inevitability of the tragedy soon to unfold.

Survivor A passes Wall B and, having been seen and tracked by Bandit C for minutes now, immediately takes 3 high-velocity rounds of 7.62mm full metal jacket in the leg, chest and head, ending his life before even having had time to take in the newly revealed surroundings.

It seems likely that, had Wall B the capacity for consciousness inside his stalwart, Soviet-built, yet ultimately politically indifferent blocks of poured concrete, he would have thought it likely that Bandit C acquired the aforementioned firearm by equally unfair means, and in sheer, Chernarussian rage would have uprooted himself from his aged, moss encrusted base, and crushed Bandit C in a final expression of true, wall-based justice.[/size']

haha :D just go to a server with ch and 3dp off. It's way more fun when it's more realistic anyway :P

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haha :D just go to a server with ch and 3dp off. It's way more fun when it's more realistic anyway :P

I only play on expert servers. The story was just an example to make it clear to those people who think that it is an 'equal advantage' for all, that it isn't.

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I made the following post on another forum for people who have not even heard of ARMA II or DayZ, to try and entice them to join me in in this fantastic mod. I hope you'll bare with some of the noob explanations


I just spent most of the day roaming around, looting what I could where I could. Starting in Cherno I grabbed a few bits, some basic medical supplies and a small sidearm and a few other bits and bobs to get me on my way. As staying in Cherno is normally a bad idea I decided to head north through the hills. Snaking my way ever northward from farm to house to barn, grabbing whatever I could find.

Had a close call in a factory north of Dolina when the zombies stopped paying attention to the flairs I was lobbing around as a distraction. I'd looted all but one building when they spotted me and then they all started chasing me. So I make a dash for the gate and head north east up a hill with a small to medium sized zombie train following me but I managed to loose most of them in the hills. All but two of them, but two is reasonably manageable in open ground and I had a Double Barreled shotgun by this time so I drop them, not before they manage to catch me though and take a couple of swipes at me knocking my blood levels down to 8000-ish. But I count myself lucky as they can easily break one of your legs when your blood levels are below 8000 or 9000, and as I didn't have any morphine on me (morphine magically heals broken bones, it really is that awesome) to heal myself I count my blessings and head to the nearest hospital a little further north east.

I eventually arrived in Berezino, one of the northern coastal cities. I sneak past armies of zombies, looting the hospital for morphine, two supermarkets, one of which had a tent (handy for storing stuff provided no other bugger finds it) and 3 apartment buildings. While on the roof of the final apartment building I spot some military tents, probably a good place to pick up some military specced hardware. So I head back down the stairs and out over the fields towards the tents when suddenly I start taking fire, lots of fire. Right away I head for the nearest cover, looking over my shoulder while I'm running. I see another survivor, on the roof of the building I just left, and he's pissing bullets in my direction. I get to cover but take one in the leg and getting a break in the process as well.

So there I am, in a hedge. Bullets hitting the ground all around me and I know that eventually he's going to put one right through the hedge I'm in, ending all my hard work. I have no chance of hitting him with my shotgun but I fire off both barrels at him anyway. He ducks for cover giving me a brief moment of lead free peace. But those two shots fired effectively rang the dinner bell, so to speak, and the horde starts piling in.

At this point my screen is shaking as my character is in pain, the colour is fading from my screen as I'm loosing blood fast. My heart is pounding in my chest and I'm physically shaking too. Thinking that this is the end of my adventure I switch to my revolver to make my last stand in the hedge, hoping at least to take a couple of them with me and make the rest work for their meal. Somehow I manage to drop them all and just as the last one goes down I see my attacker run right off the top of the building he was perched on. I've no clue how it happened. Could be that he had a keyboard screw up or that he lagged out, maybe he was trying to reposition himself on the roof and wasn't paying attention to where the edge of the building was. Who knows? I certainly didn't and I almost couldn't believe what I was seeing. But sure enough, as he hits the floor I see "Spectre was killed" flash up on my screen. I take a quick look around, no more of the hungry horde headed my way. So I hurriedly bandage myself to stop the bleeding at around 2500, gobble down some painkillers to stop my screen from shaking, dope myself up on magic morphine and leg it over to my attacker's broken corpse.

He has, or rather had, an MP5 with two and a bit clips remaining, more bandages and morphine, some cooked meats. I loot the lot leaving only his sidearm and it's ammo. run back into the building he just "lemming'ed" off, wolfed down the freshly looted cooked meats, which takes my blood back up to 5000-ish and the colour starts to come back to my screen.

As far as I know, players respawn anywhere along the coast and given that I'd already been extremely lucky already I decide to not take any more chances, that guy could have respawned only a couple of hundred meters away from me and could be hot-footing it back my way while I was looting his corpse. So I bug out heading west, ignoring stealth in favor of speed I head to the nearest tree line and duck into the woods. I don't stop running for a good 5 minutes but when I do stop I realize I hadn't been paying attention to my map and I'm now totally lost, deep in the woods. But that's OK, if I don't know where I am, chances are no one else does either, so I go prone in a bush to take a break. My heart is still racing and my hands are still trembling so it took me a few minutes longer than normal to roll a cigarette. Just as I'm lighting my dodgy looking roll up I see "Spectre was killed" popping up on my screen again and I laugh and laugh! I've no idea how he got killed, could be that another player got him or that he got careless around the horde, but either way seeing that white death text again made me grin from ear to ear.

I spent the better part of the next two hours roaming through the woods, crossing unknown roads, looting random houses and barns and also quite a lot of running from several aggro'd zombie mobs. I sacrificed a Wild Boar and a sheep in thanks to whatever deity was watching my back in Berezino, their meat came in handy too taking my blood levels back up to 11,000-ish. When I do eventually figure out where I am, I'm over 3KM away from my lucky escape and just as I start to get my bearings, a notice pops up saying the server is going down for a restart. But that's ok, I'm safe in a Deer Stand about 1KM east of Grishino, nearly at full health, with a backpack full of food, drink and medical supplies and my new toy liberated from my attacker.

I have never in all my life, ever had a gaming experience quite like today. No Boss battle or multiplayer game I have ever played has even come close to actually making my heart race and my hands tremble quite like that near death experience in DayZ today, they were still trembling a little two hours after the event while I was recounting my adventures to good friend in another game. If you don't already own ARMA II (or the free version) and it's stand alone DLC Operation Arrowhead then go get them. Get them now! You will get killed a lot and you will get very frustrated at times, but one day you'll have a day like I did today, and when you do you'll be thankful you made that small investment to get this mod.


So there is is, I hope you all enjoyed reading about my little adventure. It ended the following day on a low pop server during the middle of the night due to a bad choice in firing a very, very loud weapon in the NW Airfield. But you live and learn from your mistakes, or in this game you die and learn hopefully.

Thank you Rocket and whoever else is/was involved in the making of this Mod. I've had so much fun and hope I'll continue to do so as the mod progresses through it's Alpha stage.

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Here's a different kind of story. This one is about how 3rd person can be used as an exploit. Now excuse me while I go bang my head against the wall in anticipation of the nonsense I will have to respond to tomorrow (on another thread).

Allow me to introduce Survivor A' date=' an unassuming but determined fellow, currently running towards wall B, behind which bandit C is crouching. All are using 3rd person, apart from wall B, who is not sentient, but if he were would feel most uncomfortable about his entire predicament, and having spent so many years in Chernarus, would no doubt be an upright bastion of the moral unassailability of '1st-person-only'.

Bandit C, holding the ALT key, is able to see around his socially-deprived person across an entire 360 degrees, including above and beyond the wall, without exposing a single part of his virginal, delicate and well kempt bandit body. Survivor A, also using this feature, just because he can, is also holding the ALT key to gain a 360 view of his surroundings whilst sprinting, just to make sure he isn't being followed by anyone, infected, healthy or wall.

Alas, because of the tiresomely conservative laws of physics, that deny light the ability to curve around corners even in seemingly the most important of situations such as this, Survivor A is unable to see around and beyond these objects in the same way (please don't make me draw diagrams) as Bandit C. Wall B, were he able to comprehend within his grainy, weathered, yet well formed and resilient self would surely be most disapproving of the painful inevitability of the tragedy soon to unfold.

Survivor A passes Wall B and, having been seen and tracked by Bandit C for minutes now, immediately takes 3 high-velocity rounds of 7.62mm full metal jacket in the leg, chest and head, ending his life before even having had time to take in the newly revealed surroundings.

It seems likely that, had Wall B the capacity for consciousness inside his stalwart, Soviet-built, yet ultimately politically indifferent blocks of poured concrete, he would have thought it likely that Bandit C acquired the aforementioned firearm by equally unfair means, and in sheer, Chernarussian rage would have uprooted himself from his aged, moss encrusted base, and crushed Bandit C in a final expression of true, wall-based justice.[/size']

Pretty sure you could hear his footsteps regardless... producing the same result.

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well, where should i start, maybe that i dont know how i survived today?

yeah, so ive been going on a little scavage hunt for heli crashsites, and found 3 only today, on the same server as well... so I scavage the first site, find a ammo box with tons of stanag(normal and sd), some random generic loot, and a 50 cal. felt like i didnt want it as its a loud weapon, but i switched it with my m16...

the 2nd site was not that easy, very out in the open..., so i get to the chopper start looking around, cant remember what the first riffle was, but it didnt catch my eye. the 2nd riffle though, a fail with nvg i wanted to take a closer look at. but then all hell broke lose, first i hear a silent wepaon being shot at me, then 2 snipers one being a 50 cal, i get hit once, luckily not to bad, hide behind the chopper. and then im thinking about that fail, should i take it and run for it, i go for it, but nah its gun fire all over, 50 cal and other weapons they are not saving their bullets... I say fuck the loot and book it, i have no idea how the hell they missed me, but I got away, maybe they didnt think much of me because i had the hatchet in my hands during all of this(still had the 50 cal in my backpack).

I get to some trees and dig in, couple of seconds later I hear a damn vehicle coming at my direction. I hear the doors slam on the vehicle a couple of times, i stay still thinkning they will show themself more. I take out the 50 cal, aim in their direction, and lay there for 5 min. guess they were paranoid or something as they drove off after that... I feel bad for the fella that was still at the chopper, as he got one in the head, but yeah he was probablly with those guys, so meh...

Anyways, those guys needed some practise in the armory, cant even count at how many shoots they threw at me... lol

3rd site wasnt much to talk about, had some ammo and other generic loot. but not a bad day for scavaging none the less.

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This is pretty much my daily story on DayZ

Rinse and repeat.

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When i first started playing DayZ. My 5th or so life, i was on top of a building next to a road that i suspect went through the whole city (cherno or eletkro not sure).

I started hearing someone singing born to be wild and laughing like a maniac on the direct communication with his mic. Next i heard the sound of some motor vehicle. NEXT i saw the singing dude driving a BUS through the city still singing and laughing his ass off while being chased by what must have been atleast 150 zeds.

Never laughed so much to a game in my life!


Oh man I would have given quite a bit to see that!

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Some great stories this game creates. Here is one that happened yesterday for my group.

It is funny how things can turn around pretty quickly.

Like four days ago I found M107 at a heli crash site, and I was carrying a coyote pack belonging to one of my group members filled with good stuff. And having my toolbelt almost completed.

So me and two others were up in NE airfield looking for loot. Having found nothing we headed back. My two group mates head back before me and we were to catch up at a building later down the road. I got a bit behind because of my location.

When I crawl to avoid zombies, I have a feeling and take a look back to see if I was tailed, and what do I see? A guy standing right behind me as he shoots me in the back. I die and lose all my great gear. I was so pissed.

It is amazing how I didn't hear him while crawling, I guess I was too occupied by the zombies.

My mates tries to head back to my body, but one of them gets shot, wounded and they decide to abort, not knowing how many people were tailing us, or the exact location of the shooter.

My gear is gone and I just have so low morale at this point, having to find a new sniper rifle...

So I start the long journey from spawn to meet up with my group when they find a heli crash site. They wait for me to arrive and I get the DMR which dropped, so I have a new sniper rifle. Hooray! When we are done with the heli we go up to the woods and talk about our next move.

One guy in the group sees a cow on the field and decides to get some meat. The next second he is shot at in the back (but they were too incompetent to hit), we quickly spread out and position ourselves and locate the enemy targets.

There are two guys taking shots at us, probably realizing we just looted the heli crash, or they didn't see that we were more than one person.

Everyone in the team opens fire, I roll out my DMR and snipe one of them, they drop pretty fast.

We then go to loot their bodies and get two full kits from everything I lost. Maps, compass, backpacks etc.

Even tho I like M107 more than DMR I am more than happy that everything turned around within 1 hour and I was back in gear and ready to roll for new adventures.

Lesson learned: Don't open fire until you identified your enemy. In numbers and gear.

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Pretty sure you could hear his footsteps regardless... producing the same result.

Audio fidelity is NO WAY NEAR the same as visual placement of an object in 3D space.

Lol, if you consider that the same result, then I guess masturbation is the same as sex, and stepping on a snail is morally equal to genocide.

Anyway, you got it oh so very wrong, the guy using the exploit isn't moving, he has the advantage either way lol.

Seriously people.

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Kinda playing a bandit atm, 2 guys were in the barracks. One came out. Killed him, then zombies aggro'd me, so I sprinted away. Apparently the guy's buddy snuck out to his friend and hid the body on me, preventing me from stealing anything, then him and his buddy logged out.... I have to give that guy credit. That was a good plan to make sure I killed someone for nothing.

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Found a tent, looted an mp5 and lots of ammo. walked 10 yards, got sniped.

TL;DR - looted tent, got killed

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Just a short one.

So, After a string of bad luck last night (Losing my week old fully kitted out character + L85) I decide to start again.

I spawn at the factory to the west of Cherno and proceed to loot my way towards central cherno, hitting up all the usual places (church, store etc.) I manage to get a good array of items to start out with, I didn't manage to find any weapons though.

I decide to try my luck at the Fire Station on the east of Cherno. Dodging sniper fire I manage to get inside and thankfully only the back door is wired up. As soon as I get in i hear someone shooting a silenced weapon at me and missing. I high tail it up the stairs hoping for a weapon. I luck out and find an AK74u + 2 mags.

Meanwhile this guy is waiting in the main area downstairs with his M4A1 SD, probably assuming that since I went up with nothing I would come down with nothing and be defenceless... Wrong!

I make my way down and start shooting my way into the main area downstairs getting a few good hits but getting shot up pretty bad myself, my legs get broken and with my last Drops of blood I Manage to kill him but die shortly after.

Now I'm hoping for a good spawn so I can at least get MY stuff back. I spawn at Prigorodky on the east of Cherno and sprint toward the fire station, once again dodging sniper fire.

The bodies are still there and On this guys body I find everything! - NVGs, Rangefinder... the works. I take everything useful and Bury this guys body so he cant salvage anything.

So to Ahmet on UK22, Thanks a lot man! My Best start onDayZ so far. I almost feel sorry for the guy but since he was killing defenceless people on the coast I think he had it coming.

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This is pretty much my daily story on DayZ

Rinse and repeat.

Ah thanks man, I was in tears of laughter reading that.

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Nothing like breaking your leg then choosing between having to crawl 2km to elecktro simply to find morphine or get shot and respawn.

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Time for Revenge!

Location: factory building

Server: Germany 21

Well rested and prepared my friend and I were heading towards a factory building, it was our target for today we decided a few minuts ago. It was our second day of survival and we had luck the other day so our equipment was nearly perfect. He found an M4 and dear Santa left me a fine sniperrifle i found at a crashed helo. We always walk through forests, nearly invisible with our snipersuits. After a short and secure walk we could see the factory not far away, i checked the distance and took a closer look at our surroundings. Everything looked safe, nothing unusual. He waited patiently till i reached the perfect spot to cover his ass. like a damn ghost i was invisible. He headed off to the building, Zombies all over the damn area. It was quiet and over radio i directed him the best way into the factory. Everything was working as planed when out of nowhere i heard a loud sound, it took me two seconds till i realized that it was a pickup! Damn never seen an vehicle in this godforsaken place! I told him to hurry crossing the street! But the pickup already passed the building. We both took a deep breath and he told me that he already crossed the street and he was lucky that he had the fine snipersuit. His last words. *BLAAM* i heard the sound before he died. The pickup must have stopped. How foolish I was, thinking the pickup just left after it passed our location! I was still under shock, trying to calm myself down. I couldn´t move i just waited. First i was afraid, maybe the next shot will end my life too. But no! i had the best position, he never would have shot if he was not sure that his victim was a lone wolf like himself! Than before i could think more about what went wrong and blame myself for his death, the pickup came back! Fucking bastard! he drove back killing some zeds he just startled. His pickup came to an halt at the exact spot where my buddy was executed. My Rifle an AS50 was already set up, and before this little fuck could get out of his beloved pickup i fired two shots at the engine, it was smoking immediately! he got out, standing directly in my crosshair, the next shot hit his chest, but my rage wasn´t over! i shot another two rounds without hesitation. the truck exploded and burned. It was over in 4 seconds...

My partner Malin executed. His death revenged.

This story is dedicated to the Survivor "MINI" the stupid fuck who thought its worth to kill for no fucking reasons. Thanks for the silenced M4 and the NV goggls though!

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I got one, this just happened yesterday.

I was just about to loot the northern hospital in Cherno. It was my last stop in a raid that lasted for almost an hour. I'd been hearing gun-fire coming from this general direction every now and then, so I was extra cautious.

Just as I rounded the corner of the apartment and got the hospital in sight, I heard a rifle shot coming from the apartment directly opposite the hospital. Sure enough, the dude managed to stir up EVERY ZOMBIE IN THE AREA!

I almost shat myself when all those zombies came running, but thankfully they ran right past me and headed straight for the apartment. I made a bee-line for the hospital while the battle was raging right next door.

Having got what I needed, I decided to raid one of the apartments because there were still zombies streaming towards the poor sod. But just as I was about to leave, the sound of gun fire stopped, and then I heard footsteps coming straight for the apartment I was in. I was crouched in the stairway between the 1st and 2nd floor when the dude ran right in front of me into the room in the first floor. I didn't know if he was hostile or friendly, so there was only one solution...

I climbed up to the roof and hid there with my gun pointing at the only entrance. I must've stayed there for over a minute before I worked up the courage to climb down. When I got out of the apartment I took off running for the forest. Stealth be damned, I'd rather aggro a few zeds than risk giving whatever bandit is prowling around an easy target.

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Been playing for about a week now. So far, I've had some cool and epic experiences, but also some that has more or less pissed me off.

Today I was about to meet with my friend near Cherno. I approached Cherno from east and was moving along the beach. I asked if we could meet in the docks but nah, it was too risky. So I had to run from the docks to north, where he was waiting in the tree line just outside Cherno. So, I got closer, aggroed few zeds but lost them on the bridge. I was just at the gas station in the outskirts of Cherno when I decided to run thru the field into the woods, where my friend was waiting. When I crossed the road, I heard a bang and I fell on the ground. I had low blood so I died instantly. I was quite pissed off, lost my rare Mountain Dew. For my amazing luck, I spawned at the beach near the docks of Cherno, right in the place where I was before heading to the woods. I quickly headed north, to the outskirts of Cherno, where I had died. I circled around the houses near my old corpse in the tree line and looked down to the field. There it was. My corpse surrounded my roaming zeds. I had to get there one way or another, so I started crawling. I went forward, knowing that the same guy who shot me might see me again. After crawling for few minutes, I got to my corpse. Everything except all drinks (mountain dew nooooo) and food were still there (revolver, crossbow, tools, a lot of medical supplies, alice backpack), so I took them back. I still had to get away. That was quite easy, I just avoided all zombies and when I was at safe distance, I stood up and ran away.

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For 1 week now me and my 2 friends have been exploring Chernarus by foot. We went from Cherno to Berezino to NWA etc. A new friend of ours starts playing and on his first life finds a car thats fully working and has full gear. We were shocked. Not only that, after driving around we find a pickup. We now have 2 vehicles and we're hoping to find a helicopter soon.

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So, I had just spawned, and went straight inland, feeling a bit brazen. Got some pretty nice gear along the way, too. I had made my way to Zub, and saw a chance to use my binoculars, when I saw some odd movement in the distance. I climbed up on to a rock, took out my binoculars, andohyeah my legs just broke. Snap! No idea how it happened, but they just broke like brushwood twigs in a gale. So, stuck in first person, with no painkillers or medication to nurse my broken bones, I tried to crawl away. Too bad I was glitched onto the rock, somehow. I spent about eight minutes writhing around, looking to exploit some weakness in this rock's great trap. I did squirm my way out and no sooner than I had freed myself, I hear someone breathing hard behind me. I turn around, and some guy with an AKM starts medicating me. I thanked him profusely over direct chat, and stood up. He was quiet, and for some reason I knew something was very wrong. I tossed down some AKM ammo that I had found, as a token of my gratitude, and began to run away. *Note that I am unarmed, as far as this guy can see.* I make it about fifteen yards away, and suddenly I'm on the ground, legs broken. But this time it was by a bullet. That jerk shot me. I turned to look at him, and he was crouched above me already. I tried to shoot him, but he must have been raiding my pack when I was giving him the ammo earlier. Because my Lee Enfield was gone. He began to bandage me again. I was FUMING. I don't know how many curses I threw at him over chat. But he let me stand up again. I didn't run this time, because I knew his game. I even tried to sack his pack in an attempt to get my stuff, but he kept backing away.(Also, I was spamming the wrong button on my keyborad. Woops. 3:< ) I decided I might as well just run, and if he shoots me again, good. Let him waste all of his bandages and meds on me. I heard another shot as I was running away. This time, I didn't fall, and I was not wounded or bleeding. I looked over my shoulder, and I saw him laying face down in the dirt. I didn't go back to raid his body until later, and found my Lee Enfield, with a few bandages and some Pepsi, among other things! I'm still alive and kicking it!

So, to whoever shot that guy at Zub, thank you. You have no idea how much I wanted to do that, and my gratitude goes out to you for not taking my rifle! :3

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Coastline. Fuck! Evidently, I've been walking in circles. The plan is to pick a tall landmark, make my way to it, then scan for another. With deliberate, competent action like that I should be able to get deeper into the countryside.

No sign of other survivors today, but I'm keeping my hopes up. I have enough supplies to last the day. My crossbow, with one bolt, was the reward of a calculated gamble. I took it from under the noses of two infected in a warehouse.

There must be someone out there. I've caught myself engaging in private dialogues when I'm not running through cadences in my mind.

Would contact be mutually beneficial? I would possibly kill for a cigarette.

Mustn't become complacent. I should be taking risk out of the equation, but I find myself running across fields and approaching the "infected" with less care. What's worse, to be cynical or to over-estimate the character of others? There are desperate people out there who might not have the luxury of utilizing reason. The safest way, if I am to make contact, would be to observe other survivors and only make myself known if I can save them from danger. Putting others in compromising positions can only guarantee their docility for so long....

I worked my way, blindly, to a larger town. After looting a small house on the edge, I peaked out of the doorway only to come face to twisted, menacing face with an infected. He pursued me into the dining room, after I shut the doors, and the one bolt I achieved for my crossbow struck him in the torso. The close proximity must have made it more deadly, as he did indeed fall to the floor without so much as a twitch. After wiping off the bolt and charging my weapon, I crawled deeper into town.

The infected were everywhere as I spotted a large grey building a few stones throws away. It appeared to be a medical facility. I was sad to see so many soldiers, wearing strange uniforms, strewn about on the street. Evidently there was a fight. Curiously, the dead soldiers were without firearms. I laid among them as an infected stumbled by, then crawled into the building.

Inside, I found all manner of equipment. I was delighted to discover a tent upstairs. I had to leave some of my supplies behind to make room for it in my assault pack, which I intend to retrieve in the morning.

I chose a discreet landmark to designate my campground, with good concealment and command of the approaches. I would be more comfortable if I had a rifle, or some kind of firearm, to couple with my ammunition. It is getting dark now and I'm losing light. I'm feeling more confident.

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