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About LumberBack

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  1. LumberBack

    Standalone could slip to 2013

    whats the point in investing money in a dead project...? First the game turned into any generic fps shooter, then people started hacking because of it...
  2. LumberBack

    If they removed backpacks!

    Not remove, but make it so you cant carry rifles in them...
  3. have to say no, and not because of bugs, because of the brainless gameplay, and im not talking about the zombies...
  4. Dark souls is soon to be relased on the pc too... and i played the hell out of that on the 360, and im still getting it, as its a bloody great game...
  5. LumberBack

    IF this was an actual game...

    why would they spend money on a preoject that is killing itself? peace out
  6. LumberBack

    General Discussion Slowly Dying?

    the "game" died a long time, now its just dm...
  7. LumberBack

    Why the hell are there so many guns?

    How so? people use the hatchet 24/7 for a reason...
  8. LumberBack

    Why the hell are there so many guns?

    i agree, they should focus on the survival part instead of adding a ton of weapons...
  9. LumberBack

    My thoughts after 2 months of play

    so to sum it up, you want the game to be even more about deathmatch....
  10. LumberBack

    So How Many Have Stoped Playing DayZ?

    Yo dont have to, i just put it in because I can... just like dayz players killing everything on sight, just because they can...
  11. LumberBack

    What exactly is Lingor Island ?

    Stalker mod eh... might give it a look.
  12. I know its a stupid question as most that have stoped playing wont be in the forums either, unless they stick around like me for the upcoming patches...
  13. LumberBack

    Agree or Disagree? Why we kill...

    what do you have to lose? some gear that you can get in 1 hour of gametime?
  14. I use the hatchet not because i want to, but its the only way to get any type of survival experience from this game, without having deathmatch players hunting you down...
  15. skalisty island, it even has its own chopper...