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About fluffyville

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  1. fluffyville

    Bug: Lost in the middle of nowhere.

    Keep running SE. Apparently it's a good 30-35KM slog when you spawn way out there in the hills so hopefully you have enough food and drink to get you there.
  2. fluffyville

    Killed by a rabbit

    Probably a relative of this
  3. fluffyville

    When will the new update come?

    Yeah that patch post was for last Monday. Rocket has said that he doesn't want to rush future patches after issues that came with the 1.7.1. patch. I prefer to regard patches with the same mentality I do with buses. It might be late but it'll get here eventually.
  4. fluffyville

    Broken Legs. Worth the crawl?

    I had to crawl all the way from Novy Sobor to Berezino once after a similarly unpleasant decided to break one of my legs. It took well over an hour to make the journey, not exactly sure how long as I was stoned and not really paying attention to the time. When I finally made it I tried to shoot out the hospital windows but it seems in light of the zombie apocalypse the hospital had installed toughened safety glass and it wouldn't break. Of course zombies heard my shots and promptly came to investigate and you can pretty much work out what happened next. This was before I learned that there were supplies on the roof and climbing ladders isn't really a big problem while sporting a broken leg or two, I haven't tried climbing a ladder with broken bones but I'm told that the game will let you do it. I've also since learned that throwing a tin can at the windows works way better than shooting at the windows. Not really sure why that is, could just be a quirk of the engine or a bug with the window, I don't know. I'd say go for it, make the journey. Hopefully by the time you reach a hospital it'll be night time and with any luck a lot less players to avoid.
  5. fluffyville

    Died of dehydration... in the rain.

    dying of dehydration in the rain, hehe that sucks. On Bezki's suggestion of drinking directly from ponds, I'd say no. Water pumps sure, but not ponds. Would you really want to drink from a stagnant pond? I'd like it if there were sterilization tablets in game so when you fill up a canteen at a pond you *have* to use a tablet before you can drink it. Pumps would be free of any nasties in the water but ponds that are essentially watering holes for the local wildlife could contain anything. Hence the need for the tablets. Of course there would need to be some UI change to indicate which canteen was filled with clean/purified water and which canteen needs purifying. That's my suggestion for a little added realism.
  6. fluffyville

    How to...

    You don't save, the server saves for you. When you're done playing just hit Escape then Abort, you'll carry on from that moment when you next reconnect. Hold or double tap shift to increase/decrease your speed, works in all stances. Double tapping toggles. There's a major key binds list in the helpful threads sticky at the top of this section along with loads of other links to guides that'll help you with further questions. Everything other keybind not listed in there can be found in your control options in game. The servers should be the same ones although I can't say for sure as I don't use the Six Launcher. I fired it up once, took one look at that confusing mess and promptly closed it. I use the Arma II launcher that can be found on the armaholics website to launch everything and then use the ingame multiplayer button to find a server.
  7. fluffyville

    A few noob questions!

    Head away from the larger cities at first, unless you're playing under the cover of darkness on a low pop server. Getting a loot map will probably help you out no end too. Once you're out of the cities and away from imminent danger, head to farm buildings, barns and deer stands. That should get you started, once you have some means of defense (don't be too eager to shoot, loud bangs = dinner bell) you can head into some of the smaller towns and start looting houses and such like. From there well, that's really up to you. As for seeing in the dark, you do spawn with a flashlight, you'll need to equip it by right clicking it in your inventory and it'll end up in your secondary weapon slot, provided you don't have a weapon there already. If you do then put the weapon in your bad and then equip the flashlight. To turn it on it's the L key. There are also chemlights in 3 different colours that radiate light to different levels depending on which one you use, red gives of the lowest level of light and I think blue gives of the maximum with green floating somewhere in between. You can also pick up road flares and spark those off. Chemlights and flares are thrown but they can be picked back up again however running with a flare may or may not be a smart idea as you do light yourself up quite well, zombies are also attracted to light sources, especially flairs. I think they like the fizzing noise. flairs and chemlights can be extinguished too if you need to hide in darkness in a hurry. You can also turn the HDR setting all the way up and play around with your gamma settings, both of these are under the advanced video options. I'm not too keep on messing with gamma as night time is supposed to be dark and artificially messing with the darkness kinda takes the immersion away. Once you get yourself equipped with a compass, orientated and you know more or less where you are, not being able to see in the dark isn't really that much of an issue. Of course once you get into or even close to a town you can loose off a flair or two to distract the zombies for a few minutes and also light up the loot. But don't hang around as opportunistic players may see your flair and come and steal your beans! As for advertising yourself to other players, do so at your own risk. joining a group and teaming up with them for ops might not be a bad idea. Teaming with some random survivor could be great but equally it could go pair shaped very quickly. Hope that helps you out a little, enjoy :p
  8. fluffyville

    How to install DayZ for those looking it

    You know there's a guide for installation in the useful threads sticky at the top of this section right? Directing noobs to that sticky would probably be a better idea in the long run at it links to threads that will answer the 50 or so questions noobs will still have on completing the installation.
  9. fluffyville

    dayz is losing its meaning

    Past it's prime? It's still in Alpha. At this stage in the game's life expect things to be broken, that's what the Alpha stage is all about, breaking things and pushing things to the limits, rolling out new stuff and seeing what people do with it. Like the barbed wire spammage, yes sure it's annoying but if players didn't do stupid things with it now then Rocket and the rest of the team wouldn't know that there's a problem with it. If you hate the barbed wire now, think of all the fun you're going to have with bear traps. I can already smell your rage you'll have when you denied access to a building with cool loot because someone placed 30 bear traps in the door ways. But that again is what Alpha is for, deal with it or take a break for now and come back in the Beta stage.
  10. fluffyville


    You really do need to chill out a smidge, I've only been playing for like two weeks or so, I joined right after the update that took away the starter weapon and inadvertently zombies have super senses. Yes it was tough and I died lots, most through my own mistakes but a few times due to bugs and glitches, but I'm still here. The mod is still in it's alpha stage so yeah there are some horrifically frustrating bugs to do with zombies hitting through walls but those will get patched out in time. The simple tools you need to have to understanding and surviving this mod are patience, willingness to experiment, trial and error, patience (yeah I know, I mentioned that already, but you really do need lots of patience) and a realization for the fact that you will die lots, repeatedly, over and over and over again. Don't get attached to your gear because you won't be holding on to it for very long when you're a noob. This mod is harsh, brutal and unforgiving. The same could be said for a large chuck of the player base too. The learning curve is so steep it's practically vertical but it is far from impossible but only if you are willing to accept that it is an alpha that requires a lot of time and effort and plenty of respawns before you get to a point where you're able to survive. I really don't want to use that cliched and over used term "Maybe this isn't the game for you" but if the bugs and difficult gameplay machanics are getting to you then maybe this isn't the game for you right now given it's current state. If you're at that stage where you just want to launch your monitor out the window then take a break, check back periodically and see if those buggy zombie mechanics have been fixed. But if you are willing to stick with it then I'd suggest that you don't add another rage post, start reading the guides posted in the new survivors section, get a map (there's one linked in a reply to your last rage post) learn how to deal with zombies (running into a building isn't the only way to ditch the zombie train) and maybe even think about joining a group of players that are willing to take you under their wing and show you what's what, what to do, what not to do and where all the cool stuff is. tl;dr, lazy bum, read the damn post or GTFO!
  11. fluffyville

    Is it hard to find a gun in

    Heading into electro or Cherno during the day when the servers are populated isn't a good idea, unless you have some weird fetish for getting killed a lot. Heading to those places in the dead of night when people are generally too scared to play is a totally different story. I was in Cherno for a good 30 to 45 minutes last night. I got a camo suit, a main weapon, a side arm, a 16 slot bag, tons of ammo, food, water and medical supplies. I also got nearly all the basic tools, map, compass, watch and matches and got the hatchet soon after I left Cherno and headed north. All that and I didn't get shot at once. I managed to loot every single major building there is in cherno with the exception of the firehouse as some noob had sealed it off with barbed wire and the hospital as I'd already raided the medical tents. You might or rather you *will* have to alter your looting strategies depending on when time of day (server time that is) and how populated the server is but it can easily be done. Patience and not being afraid of the dark is the key to looting those big cities, which is probably why all those COD playing death match kiddies play during the day :p
  12. fluffyville

    Is it hard to find a gun in

    It might be tough to find weapons if you're new to the game but once you've played for a few days you'll get to know what sort of weapon spawns where. What can be tricky sometimes is finding the right starter weapon for you. If you're looting barns and farms then you might have to settle for a Lee Enfield and run with that for a while, resisting the urge to actually use it unless it's absolutely necessary until you come across a Winchester 1866 or something better. @ vanden1989 Head up to the New Player Discussion section and check out the Index of helpful threads post. It has a load of useful guides including a video tutorial on installing DayZ. If you're just upgrading from an earlier version of DayZ then download the update and unpack the contents into your existing @dayz folder overwriting the current contents.