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Here's a 24 hour story in a few sentences. I survived my ass off and found some amazing weapons' date=' my blood was great, and I had enough food and drink to last me a while. Little did i know, some asshole had been following me for hours, and when I picked up the M4Holo, he shot me.. The End!


this EXACT same thing just happened to me.

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i saw a survivor from mile away and he surrounded by zombies, he doesn't have a gun , its just a crowbar and flashlight , i cannot see him like this and go away ,i decided to go and help him from zombies , when i came to the area ,i was in small room beside him , and i told him by direct com that i'm here to help him from zombies , he respond to me and he told ok we gonna team up ,after that i start shooting the zombies , he came and attacked me with his crowbar and killed me , but why ? why u kill someone who trying to get u out of the danger , is that fair? do i have to go and kill the survivor rather than killing the zombies ?

i think this game is a reflection of real life , don't say its just a game , bad people in real life will be bad in the game

i'm not an english man so sorry about my mistakes

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So I saw a survivor running for his life with a train of zombies at his back. I joined carelessly joined him and we both went inside a house. Next thing I know I was getting slaughtered by the zombies and he was just there staring at me, dying.

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One time... I joined FR3... I spawned, and EVERYONE... *Leans in dramatically.* Was speaking Russian! >:O BUM BUM BUM!

And then side-chat went away.

The End.

Stupid move of the day

So' date=' Me and my cousin find a bus. "Hey lets cruise down to Elektro"

Cut to Elektro, fly thru, honking like mad. Make it to the outskirts, see a dude, running, getting chased. I... well, I honked, tried to get the zeds to aggro us... I looked back to see the dude, as well as the zeds staring at awe at our awesome bus.


Concrete barrier pops bus's tire off....

"BAIL BAIL BAIL!!!!" We run to the industrial area, to scavenge a tire, seeing as we have no spare parts. LUCK HAS BLESSED US!!!!!

*Starts bus* Nothing to see here *Leaves*


Similar story:

Me: Oh look, a bike.

*Fuels it/finds wheels.*

*Gets on bike*


*Goes fast for three feet. Taps a sign. Explodes.*

And from that day onward, I never got on a bike unless I fixed the engine first.

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"Frozen Zombies"

Yesterday me and a couple of guys joined a German server and realised that all the zombies were frozen in time. We were naturally cautious but after looting a few towns it was obviously a major exploit. The server said it had over 2000 zombies and we only seen 1 or 2 move.

We came across a few other players and tbh they were the only threat, the other players on the server.

How did we mess this up? I fell off a ladder and died.

The fact we could loot the whole map potentially had us salivating but we knew this was COMPLETELY, horribly cheating.

Looting this server then hopping on a normal one with all this great stuff was there for us and I wonder how many servers out there are doing something similar. We went back to it later and everything was normal, zombies moving etc and my partner said he got disconnected so I guess, the frozen zombies was only a temporary thing.

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Today was the best day of DayZ . started early at 11AM, met up with my friend. Went to starry sobor. Went in the supermarket, got a makarov, a revolver, a map, a bottle with water, head out, crawling on our way out a zombie that was crawling sees my friend and goes behind him, we decide to meet up on the hills on the opposite side, he goes the other way, he is wearing also a camo! which is imba, anyways i hear my friend on skype saying he is seeing a guy so he starts shooting at him, all the zombies start going berserk (im at the hill at this point watching everything like an observer!)really tense, he kills the guy, he throws a flare and zombies are eliminated. he is safe, he comes at where i am, i say lets go see if u killed the guy and loot him. we go, I find a tent, a lee ensfield,a map,binoculars and head out! we head out and we see a guy running towards a helicopter! my friends shoots at him, he disconnects! after a while 8-10 zombies spawn right there starting chasing my friend, i was crouched going towards the heli, zombies dont pay attention on me, my friend kills all 8 zombies alone! we head to the heli, i find a really good weapon (silencer assault rifle) b something, then we head out to find a place to place our new tent. Then i have to go do some stuff and continue later on. BEST day of the game thus far and lucky we didnt get killed. the camo plays a big role imho since when im running with my friend i even cant tell where he is at!

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I apologize for bad punctuation and what not hope its readable anyways...

Friend and i (his name is Cristopher)

spawn on each side of Elektro speaking over Skype and is determined to find eachother, after a good sneaking around in Elektro i finally find a hatchet (and a bunch of ammunition that i don't need) now with the power to fight back should the incident happen i can.

Friend tells me he sit near 3 houses and that he sees a light tower in the distance and i tell him to meet me there.

After about a good running and no "real" zombie problems i finally see Cristopher standing on the top of the light tower, we meet up and talk some strategy.

He doesn't have any weapons but he found an extra bandage on the way there so we havent both been lucky in terms of items.

We decide to try and go down and scavenge the nearest small village we see down the road, the opposite way of Elektro.

However before Cristopher gets to stand up again(we were in prone position just beside the light tower while discussing what to do next) i spot another survivor sitting in the bush right beside us with a crossbow in his hands and ready to shoot, i quikly manage to type into the direct communication chat:"Friendly!?"

no response, i then again write:"im friendly please dont shoot"

i tell Cristopher who still lays down in fear of getting spotted to stand up and run as fast as possible down the hill and over to the "mountain" on the other side of the road.

Cristopher stands up and runs and i decide to boog it aswell as i dont want to get foolishly killed in an attempt to best this guy with a hatchet.

he fires two shots however he misses with both i quikly lay down in prone mode and i tell Chris to do the same in hope of escaping his eye side.

And sure enough he looks a little bit around and gives up on hunting us, he then proceeds down the other side of the light tower than us and we begin to walk a bit more slowly and carefull down to this "Mountain".

Trying to climb this mountain unfortunately only resulted in Chris breaking his leg and he can only crouch and sit in prone for now.

I see the small village more clear now after a bit walking ont the side of the mountain and i as Chris to stay put on mountain side in a flat area, so he can keep on a lookout for zombies that may suprise me.

Unfortunately none of the houses were enterable and we decided to gon into the forest nearby.

We see two power lines along the forest, with both of us about to starve and thirst to death i decided to try and follow the power lines asking Chris to stay in prone and be on the lookout.

I then run along the powerlines in hope of finding some kind of house or village to scavenge.

however with a long run finally finding a dirt road i decide to give up and go back to Chris with me foolishly running i begin to lose blood because of my thirst meter, on my way back i lose blood from both hunger, thirst and bleeding.

As i cant find Chris again and he cant spot me i decide to just lay down in the grass and wait for it all to end.

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This is another story from my bandit spree:

New spawn, new life.

I find myself on the beach near Elektro. Stealthily, I enter the city and loot the market and the hospital. Exiting on the other side, I swing north, hoping to loot the fire station north of town, as I do almost every time I am at Elektro. As I make my way to the fire station, I hear sniper rounds in the distance.

Cautiously, I crawl into the station and head upstairs. Inside, I find nothing but a M1911 with 2 mags, although I am able to convert some revolver mags I found, giving me a total of 5. I then head back down the stairs to find a hatchet has spawned, giving me the ability of stealth killing.

I continue north, not following any path or idea, until I come across another survivor near a barn, fending the hordes off with an M107. This gun must be mine. But open conflict is not the answer. I watch as he switches to a revolver and backs into the barn. Shots ensue for about a minute, then silence. When no zombies exit, I head in to inspect.

Peaking around the corner, I see him standing by a pile of dead zombies. I quickly type friendly into chat, and he replies in kind. We begin chatting, asking each other about stats such as headshots and murders. I discover that while he has 48 zed kills and 17 headshots, he has no murders and one bandit kill. I ask him about this bandit kill, and he tells me about an epic sniper duel at the NW airfield, which is how he got the M107.

As we formulate a plan ( I was attempting nothing long term, as my track record says I will eventually kill him.), he tells me I should take point, because both of his weapons are empty.

That was his mistake. I shot him in both his knees. As he lies on the floor, begging for mercy, I inspect the barn. He attempts to crawl away as I am inspecting a pile of loot.

I turn to find him gone. Running outside, I spot him about 25m away. I slowly walk after him, watching his desperate attempt to flee the bandit I have revealed myself to be. As his desperate calls remain unanswered, I quicken my pace, switching weapons as I do. I pull ahead of him, and turn as he looks up at me...

...Just as I bring my axe down on his head. Across lives, this is my 21st murder. Seeing as he has nothing of value his weapons being empty and his pack as well, I continue on my path to damnation.

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LAST NIGHT, tooling around Berezino with three friends of mine, gathering what loot we can and playing the old game of zed-chicken as always. One of our number has been obsessing over the North West Airfield for a few days now, but my veteran friend and I are both weary of getting sniped there as we try in vain to find shiny guns. In the end we caved and decided to give it a shot, mainly for lulz. Three of us were sporting AKMs and our designated marksman had a CZ550, so not horribly kitted.

Cut to just outside the walls of the NWAF on the North side, I directed our marksman to a tower with a very flimsy frame, the benefit being if a sniper got the range wrong and missed, there wouldn't be any signs of a bullet impact to clue him in on whether he went too high or too low. Meanwhile the three of us with assault rifles position ourselves in the tree-line ready to move in.

A few seconds after our marksman gets into position he reports in a matter of fact tone that he is dead. Shot three times, and I only heard three shots, figures. While the rest of us decide what to do about this (I knew the only sane course of action would be to just cut our losses and leave) our post-mortem-marksman tells us he can hear them talking, presumably in group or direct chat with their microphones. Apparently they were laughing at his misfortune and discussing their tactics. Based on this we learned they had at least two snipers, possibly in cross-fire positions overlooking the area we were planning to raid.

So of course, we who remained did the only thing that made sense; stood up and charged towards the hangars, keying our microphones in direct chat, and issuing a blood curdling battle cry in unison. As we ran around the hangar area with about 5 zeds chasing each of us I took a moment to think about the snipers laughing at us as they watched from a safe distance. Then one of us spotted their position, they were at the far side of the field in ghillie suits in a small copse of trees. All three of us then turned and started running towards them, zombies in tow, but keeping a good weave on to make ourselves more difficult to hit. I veered out more to the left while my two friends took a much more direct approach. As the shots started to ring out from the trees I imagined the looks on the snipers' faces turning from hysterical amusement to some level of dread, they knew what was going to happen.

As my two friends paused to try to return fire they were immediately cut down, but I was way out on the left flank now with only one zergling nipping at my heels. I flicked my AK to semi and put one in his chest and looked back towards the trees. I could just about make one of them out so I sent a few 7.62s his way and watched him fall over, or go prone, hard to tell amongst the fur trees. I was in the middle of an open field so I immediately got back to running my arse off, carving a path round the back of the trees they were sheltering in while switching back to automatic and slapping a fresh magazine in.

I streaked up to the rear of their position like a charging barbarian, I managed to spot one of them lying prone under a fur tree and emptied my weapon on him, due to my ragged breathing and frayed nerves I may have only hit him once or twice as he survived long enough to spin around and pepper my legs before I could finish him off.

I had a quick crawl around to see if his friend was still there, he wasn't, presumably logged off to save himself (wuss), before bandaging, sticking myself with morphine and looting my kill. L85 and an M4A1CCO SD, coyote backpack and all kinds of gadgetry. I'll toss my friend the CCO and keep the rest. Also for the record, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Much respect to the person I killed for not hitting alt+F4 like so many other NWAF ass-bandits.

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I guess this ones just lucky and unlucky at the same time, but here goes. So a mate of mine and I ran from a group of 4 dudes with AK's and some sniper rifles, and some how managed to survive without taking a hit from the sniper rain, and continued to leg it before they caught up. After running for 5 minutes in some direction, we came across a stables and a car shed with a pick-up truck only missing one wheel. Both stoked about the find after escaping bandits, we decided to hunt down this one wheel, finding it not only ~200m away in a small building at a power station. Also found 2 jerry cans along the way. Excited to get the wheel on we rushed over to repair and refuel. Got it working and drove to meet another mate. We embarked on an epic journey around the east, north and west areas of the map that lasted for 5-6 hours straight, stocking the truck up with everything until we had enough to last us for zonks. After we decided to pack things up, so we went to go hide the truck north east by the dam. Heres the unlucky part. Driving along the road near the dam, we "somehow" hit some "invisible forcefield", the truck blew up in our faces, killing both of us and destroying our loot in the back. Twas a sad day, we were not happy campers after that "accident", but we moved on remembering that find, and what a day it was.

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I spawned in a place I'd never been to the other day, I can only presume it was somewhere way up on the northern coast. (Have new spawn points been added lately?)

Anyway I'd spawned near a building. As I was getting my bearings, I heard a zed cry out. It was one of those monkey-running ones lumbering over to me. "No problem" I think, "I'll just run away from him."

Except that three more runners suddenly appeared before I'd even moved my character. With no weapons, it was game over already. I stood and let them feast on me.

Shortest life ever. Better luck next spawn.

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I play alone since I have no friends that play ArmA or DayZ :( Anyways, I was looting the deer stand east of Polana, and scanning the opposite hillside with my binoculars before trying to sprint across the open field to the other side of the road. I spot 2 guys crouch running along the hilltop (Note to newbies, don't silhouette yourself against the sky).

I sit there for a few minutes trying to track where they're going after they disappear behind the hill. I figure it's safe to run across since they haven't seen me and I haven't seen any movement. After sprinting across the field and to the treeline between Polana and the factory south-east of the town, I come to a forested area that slopes downward. At the base of the slope are 4 survivors in paired groups about 150-200 meters away. They haven't noticed me yet, so I watch them while peeking from behind a think tree trunk. I have two options, try and make friendly contact or go for the ambush.

Remembering my last encounter with a group of survivors, I decide to ambush. I have an AKM with 3 mags and a revolver with 4 clips, more than enough for a short fire fight. I take aim and engage the closest pair, I hit them both and one dies instantly. After taking a couple near misses of return fire I sprint up the hill and go to flank them from the left. After repositioning and spotting one of them I open fire again, he's hit and drops into some bushes. I noticed I don't see anymore movement or return fire, so I go to investigate. It turns out that after the initial shooting, the 2 of them D/C and that left the guy who died and one other sitting there. The last guy D/C after I repositioned and fired at him.

I looted the body of the one that died and got some more AKM mags, and a few survival goodies.

TL/DR version:

Make sure you get those headshots when ambushing a group, because if they're pussies they'll D/C at the drop of a hat.

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My first proper game of Day Z has left me questioning my morals. I tentatively explore a few barns, find some ammo for various weapons I can only dream of finding, cans of pop and an axe. I follow a road into what looks like warehouses to find a load of dead soldiers strewn about...worried, I run off across a field only to hear loudly "Stop running or I'll shoot!". Obviously, I stop running. Just beside me is a guy brandishing an AK - its sights aimed right at me. I don't know what to do, I don't even know how to use chat! "Do you speak? Say something. Use chat. Anything. Come on buddy I'll shoot you." Still, that doesn't help I don't know how to use these features. "Caps lock if you speak buddy you have 5 seconds." I hit caps lock as fast as I can and shout "Im cool Im cool Im unarmed dont shoot!".

What follows is a pleasant discussion about Day Z, how I shouldn't run around aimlessly and should try to let people know where I am and what I'm doing. This guy was cool. He teaches me how to use some stuff and runs me around a bit. I learn from him. I learn how to approach settlements and look after myself. He spots another player in danger and tries to help but its too late, she dies. This guy is a good'un. We come across a rabbit and he explains that if I had a hunting knife I could get meat from it. I tell him all I have is an axe....

Being as helpful as he ever was, he tells me how to arm myself with it. "There you go!" He exclaims with joy "Now you're ready to defend yourself until you get a gun".

I spend the next 15 mins running around with him, but something is eating away at me. I have an axe. He has an AK and god knows what else in that back pack of his. I find myself running along with him, weaving in and out of his path with my finger hovering over the mouse button. You can't do this I think to myself. This is a good guy.

"Holy shit! Zombies! Lots of em!" He swings around wildly looking for them and I bare down on him with my axe swinging like a deranged psychopath. I don't know why he didn't fire. Maybe he didn't really have a clue what was happening, but for what seemed like an eternity I smashed him him with my axe.

So, now I have an AK and a backpack of food, ammo and water. But as i sit there munching on a steak and stroking my shiny AK...I am haunted by the image of this guy and have an overwhelming feeling of guilt.

Maybe I should head out and try to help some players to make up for it...

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I don't really believe that bandits exist anymore. We're all just survivors, and sometimes we step on each others toes. However, history is written by the victors. Here is our story.

A clan full of bandits raided our camp and killed a bunch of us. We were lucky enough to track them back to their main camp. A few nights later, we got our revenge.

We found one of them driving a truck (we recognized the name), and after they logged out we stole it and headed straight for their camp.

Watch it in 1080p!


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This game is built for amazing stories, I swear.

I was in Staroye, and was slowly making my way to the barn in the north, when along the way I drank my last canteen of water. So lucky for me the water pump in Staroye was just outside of the house I was looting.

The second I finished filling it I hear a zombie running for me. I quickly find him and dispatch him, lucky for me not attracting anymore. But as I loot the zed's Pepsi I hear two cracks of a rifle, and a bullet wizz by me and hit the fence just above my head. I immediately stood up and ran as fast as I could down the street, putting as many buildings between me and the shooter as I could.

As I run by the barn I wanted to loot, three zombies aggro me and give chase. So I hightail it into the tree line nearest the barn, whip around and kill all three. But my shooter was still out there.

I slowly crawled my way to the tree line over looking the small town and see not just one, or two, but three bandits slaughtering zombies, each armed with sniper rifles.

Thanks to the being able to see a player name from fucking miles away, I couldn't just stay and hide, hoping for them to pass me by, so I had to run into a nearby forest and up a mountain :P

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Reminds me of my shortest life. I spawned on the beach and took a look around. Oh look, a group of survivors! Wow there's and bunch of them! And they're all running this way! Neat I've never been part of a big group before! Ok here they come, I better salute. "Friendly!" Alright here's the first two and- hey what's going on? Where are they g-ThumpThumpThumpThump!

-Yeah only the first two were survivors, the rest were zombies chasing them...

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Guys, there's my Day Z story.

*--* Remember that, all the Very rare stuff I found, it was the first time for me, and I'm still a sort of new player, I don't really know well the world and the North part of the map, and I'm really bad at shooting games... I'm also in the mode of Hiding and Huting close to a water source with the less gear I can have ( In a forest, close to a water source, with animals, woods, as far as I can of any road, buildings or highest spots of mountains).*--*

Well, after a long long time of surviving with my great gear for the type of gameplay I'm playing, I decided to head to the North with my character. I ran, ran, ran. For a long time... But, with the gear I had, it was not a problem : GPS, Compass, Hatchet, Hunting knife, Box of matches, Tool box ( if I was finding any vehicles or bycicle ) and others. I had 3 morphine, 3 painkillers, an M4a1 scoped ( found on a dead body in the airfield, the south one ) with 6 mags for it.

I went in the NW Airfield, and found in the south barrack and found an G17 and 4 mags for it, more mags for my M4a1 ( but I didn't took them, I'm a hunter, I'm not a Military bandit who wants to kill everyone). THEN, I found a body, with a Coyote backpack ( I love it :) ) , a Bizon SD with 5 mags, and some usefull stuff ( cooked meat M9 SD, Enhencing Tools, etc.) Well, I found an adevenced dead survivor.

I went to the other barrack, more to the North of the airfield. I was looting, and found no good stuff, all I wanted was a Guillie Sout and NVG ahah... Then, I heard footsteps. The time was in slowmotion, my hand was shaking, I was blocked in this little barrack, with like 12 windows, I was in a bad situation. I didn't know if he heard/saw me or if he had a friend or had a group with him. I decided to go in the bathroom, just at the moment I turn myself to the door, I see 2 guys running inside, they didn't noticed me, but they had like 20 zombies on them. The time stopped.

I got a brillient idea, when they all killed the zombies, I decided to shoot the mirror, hoping it's going to make the same noise as the window, and with a silencer, they'll not know where I'm. I just wanted them to leave this building. So I shot, and it worked, the sound was the windows breaking sound! At this moment, they went inside a room. I shoted maybe 25 rounds on the mirror at all, and each time I was shooting ( 5-10 Rds ), they were moving to another room.

The moment I saw them they weren't looking at me, but at the doors and the windows in the corridor, they came, 1 per 1, in the same piece as me, without noticing i'm there.I saw that their nametag was orange ( Bandits ) and started to shoot at them like a retard. I killed 1 guy, the other went inconscious, I was thinking about if i'm tring to heal him or not, but I finished him. I got NVGs and an FN FAL with 12 mags, so I decided to leave the Bizon leave this area as fast as possible. I was shaking at hell, it took me more than 20 mins to stop. So with 240 Fn FL rounds and all my gear, I knew that I was able to survive for a long long time. But...

I went to the Devil's castle, were, I started to shake again, because I know, sometimes, there's bandits camping in there, but for no reasons. I did every lootable place, except the big tower. I found a tent, at this point, I was able to survive for all my life, anytime, anywhere in the forest. The only thing I needed to find, is a great spot with a water source, animals and a place to hide my tent as close as possible of my camp.

But, I couldn't leave this great lootable building without going inside.

Best and worst Idea EVER... I found my Guillie sout at the top. It was the best Day z moment EVER for me. Just need to find a Spot in the north, in the middle of nowhere and it was like the '' winning of Day Z ''. I was so excited!

I started to go down the turning stairs, then, my Left arrow get stuck, and I felt for like 4-7 meters, and Died.... the first reaction was: NOOOOO

The second one was : Oh well, I got morphine, 12k Blood, bandages and lots of cooked meats

The third was: *You're DEAD* Whut the F*****ck, damn it, I can't f*ck*ng believe that.

Well, I can't believe that either right now, 1 day after. All this work, luck, strategy, luck, to fall off a stair of like 5 meters...

But, I'm not someone who rage a lot, I took the death, even if it's hard to admit it, and this is exactly why I like Day Z, all the stress, fun, fear that it procures to me is just wonderful! Even the deception and the bad moments are great, maybe 1 or 2 days after, but they are still great!

So, Rocket and all the people who makes Dayz works and playable, Thanks a lot, I love this game, continue like this, for me, this is perfect, even with the small bugs sometimes.

* I already posted this on another topic, but it was for a certain reason*

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I can still hear the gunshots! The faint smell of gunpowder on the breeze, I wonder how those guys did down at the church last night? I would have watched more of the fight through my binoculars but I was so tired I passed out.

I can see a lot of bodies, nothing looks like a survivor, maybe they got away, I could have helped, I could have made friends, I could have been killed! God, it’s so hard to decide what to do, so many moral decisions to make with my own self preservation as my only key stone! I need food! Time to move down and pick at the scraps of what’s left, not like I deserve to eat like a king after hiding here while those other guys fight for their meal.....I can’t see anything moving, might be safe.

Beans and sardines! I’m so lucky I eat for free and I get to save my ammo for another day. I’m yet to let this .45 off, It’s going to happen tho, some zombie or angry person is going to get in my way and I’ll have no choice but to unload it into their head, these hollow tips will make it a one hit kill I’m sure. Oh, a Pepsi, might take that to, never know when I might need a room temperature carbonated beverage.

Time to move on now, I hear yet more gun fire, I’m not interested in being caught in that, I remember a small farm just North of here, I think there was a barn to, fingers crossed I find a rifle of some sort....

So here I am, I can see the barn, I also see what looks to be a person, dressed in black up in the top level....He’s got a gun, I can see the barrel shining in the sun. I see an old rifle lying on the ground with ammo inside the barn....And a drinking canteen! I need that so much more than a gun!

I’ve decided to approach the barn from the North, this so called Bandit can’t see me from here, It’s almost as if he wasn’t thinking about his 6. I’ve decided to kill this guy, I can’t believe I’m contemplating this but I have no choice, I don’t have anything to drink and he’s watching that gear I NEED. This gun, this shiny colt .45, a King Cobra I think it is, it’s so heavy now that I actually have to use it, feels like I’m swinging around a brick on a string!

.......I did it, I shot him, I’ve killed a man! One shot to the back of the head, he didn’t even see me coming....God the blood....I’ve watched movies of people being shot but I was not ready for this...I keep finding little bits of bone and things, I wasn’t even close to him, It just, it just showered me with red and brain! The gun, It just went off, so unexpected, so final! I keep telling myself that he would have done the same, he would have shot me! Why is this so hard to justify! I’ve painted some of his blood on the canteen I also put the necklace he was wearing around it as a tribute, it’s the least I can do. ......

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When i first started playing DayZ. My 5th or so life, i was on top of a building next to a road that i suspect went through the whole city (cherno or eletkro not sure).

I started hearing someone singing born to be wild and laughing like a maniac on the direct communication with his mic. Next i heard the sound of some motor vehicle. NEXT i saw the singing dude driving a BUS through the city still singing and laughing his ass off while being chased by what must have been atleast 150 zeds.

Never laughed so much to a game in my life!

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Series of unfortunate events happened to me today (it's all good though, happy ending).

So i've been camping the NWAF for the last few days. At first I was behind Stary but it was pretty quiet so I decided to go for bigger fish. I had an M107 for static camping and an M14 aim for on the move, with a PDW for backup. I'd only killed one sniper with the M107 because he had just killed another dude looting a deerstand. I've been trying not to kill people just for the sake of it, and only killing if a) they spotted me or b) I could clearly see loot I wanted.

NWAF has been surprisingly quiet for a while. I'm using the zombies as a detection system, sat far enough away so that I don't trigger them. When a group appears, I know someone is close. I let a few people by, but for the most part, it was dead. I was near the SE barracks, so I thought it would be pretty active, but you would be surprised.

I really needed the toilet, and it had been a while since I'd seen anyone, and there were no zombies. So I just left my game running, came back, and I was still alive... for a few seconds, then I heard a shot and that was that.

Alone that's not a very interesting story, but this was followed by half an hour of foraging, getting pretty much everything I need except matches, a hunting knife and a compass. I found a 1911 and an AK pretty quickly. I was on the roof of the school in Elektro, I knew there were folks about because I could hear gun fire. I was trying to see what was in a house to the south using binoculors, and managed to plunge myself off the top of the building.

Died. Managed to run back and get all my stuff from my corpse, went into the supermarket, got an alice pack, turned around, guy in the doorway.


Run back, corpse is gone, being chased by some guy, managed to pick up an enfield in the store, waited, and shot him out of the back window. Wait... his friend comes around the corner, and I manage to take him out to.

Between them, they had everything I needed. It's the most fun I've had in a week.

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This is a true story based on a lifetime of my DayZ Character "Grunf".

I have written it in severn parts (posts). I apologize upfront for spamming, and please note that this is my first attempt of posting a story :-).

All feedback welcome though.

So, here goes....

A week in life of post-apocalyptic Chernarus [1/7]

I woke up washed up on a beach, with no recollections of how I got there. Last thing I remember was talking to my friend Tim that we will go for a hike in the wilderness. I remember packing my coyote backpack and going out...or at least I think I do.

I looked around and noticed a lighthouse. I knew that lighthouse. It was the lighthouse just south of Solnichny where I used to play around when I was a kid. It was a quiet, warm summer afternoon. I figured I should go to the lighthouse and say hi to John, the lighthouse guy who was working there. I haven't seen him in ages. Maybe he knew what happened...

I came in, but the place was empty. The only thing I found was a can of beans, so I took it. I knew John would not mind. Besides, I was starving. I waited around the lighthouse for John roughly 2 hours, but he never came. Since the darkness was creeping in slowly, I have decided to take a coastline stroll towards Solnichny, and visit Tim. After all, we were supposed to meet up today... or was it today... My head was still a mess...

The moonlight illuminated my path as I followed the coastline towards the docks of Solnichny, when I noticed a glowing red light. It looked liked a flare. I haven't seen one of these since my days in the 'corps. I ran towards it when I heard a gunshot. HALT ! Who goes there, said the voice on the other end. Drop your weapon and don't move. I'm Grunf, I yelled, and I am unarmed. The flare now illuminated an outline of a man with a cap holding a gun.

Are you also a survivor ?...he asked. I explained to him that woke up on a beach and that I remember nothing. I told him that I was on my way to Tim's place when I saw his flare. He sat me down, and started talking... As he spoke about a viral outbreak near Chernov, my memory started coming back to me. Flashes mostly.

I remembered driving this morning towards Solnichny to meet up with Tim, when hearing news of an some viral outbreak outbreak on my radio. I also remembered nearly running over a person standing in the middle of the road, and hitting a tree. So that was it... a car accident. Yes, I got out of a car, my head still banging and ran to the lighthouse to call for 911, but I must have passed out before i got there. My thoughts were interrupted by Pete, a guy who nearly shot me.

"I cannot believe that everyone is dead", he said. The guy you nearly ran over must have been a zed. What is a zed ?, I asked. "A zombie, a victim of the outbreak. If you are infected, you die, but you do not stay dead." I do not understand, i said. "The virus keeps you a walking corpse, hungry for human flesh. And the moment you are bitten, you have roughly 15 minutes before it turns you. That is why it spread so fast. Nobody knew it was coming."

So how did you survive, I asked. "I am a cop, you notice when something is off. Besides, I heard screams, and when I ran out of my house, it was a mayhem outside. People biting other people. It was terrible. I shot one of them, but he just kept coming. It took a bullet to the head to finally stop him. I managed to grab a couple of cokes, beans, from the store, and an extra mag for my gun and a couple of flares before all hell broke loose. I have been running ever since. You are the first survivor I met, Pete concluded his story.

After a short break, we decided to team up and check the docks nearby. We were looking for some supplies, and were hoping that the place would be abandoned overnight. Turns out, it was a bad idea. The place was teeming with zeds, moaning and snarling, as we were sneaking trying to find our way inside. They did not notice us. In the guardhouse, I managed to find an abandoned Makarov gun, two mags, some chemlights, and a couple of bandages.

We continued crawling past zeds towards the main warehouse, when all of a sudden we heard a blood chilling scream... To my horror I realized that the corpse lying right in front of me was a crawling zed with an apetite. He hit me and I started to bleed like a gutted pig. We got up and ran in the main warehouse so I could bandage myself to stop the bleeding. It was pitch black. Pete lit up another flare, so I could tend to my wound. I was loosing blood fast.

I do not know whether it was the screams of that zed, or our flare, but a horde of zombies started coming through the doors. I barely managed to stop the bleeding, when I saw another zed heading straight for me. I took my Makarov, and emptied a clip in his chest. "Save your ammo, aim for their heads", yelled Pete, who had his hands full guarding the front door against a stream of zombies. After several minutes the screams have stopped. We fought them off...

A week in life of post-apocalyptic Chernarus [2/7]

The warehouse turned to be a big disappointment. Apart from a couple cans of coke from a vending machine, and some spare car tires, there was nothing of use there. "I am on my last four bullets", said Pete. What's your status ? I had 2 bullets in a mag, and 1 in a chamber. What shall we do now ?, i asked. "We cannot stay here", Pete said. "The gunshots will surely attract more zeds, or potential bandits".

Bandits ? What do you mean by bandits ?. "Desperate times call for desperate measures", he said. Why else do you think I was so cautious when I met you ? Before my radio went out, I have heard reports of survivors killing each other, and stealing their food. Apparently, it's easier to prey on unaware survivors than zombies. This is survival in a nutshell. Survival of the fittest. We have to move now..."

His arguments were sound, so we carefully sneaked out of the warehouse and continued north along the coastline. I was still queasy from my blood loss, but we needed to press on. Then we heard another shriek. Zed was onto us again, so we ran. My eyes started to blur. I knew I would not hold out much longer. "Go on", said Pete. There seems to be only one, I will deal with him, you run onwards. That was the last time I saw him... I heard a distant gunshot, just before I passed out of exhaustion and blood loss. I hope Pete managed to shoot the zombie and escape. I'd like to think so.

The next morning I woke up on a beach again with that strange deja-vu feeling. It was yesterday all over again. I just felt like taking part in the crappy fifties movie that repeated itself. Everything was black and white, and on occasions my vision went blurry. I needed to eat something ASAP. Fortunately, I stumbled upon a corpse of another survivor. Thankfully, it was not Pete. He appeared to be well stocked. I ate 2 cans of beans, and took pasta and a can of sardines in my backpack. It is bizarre how such mundane items became such valuable commodity so quickly.

I also took three more Makarov mags, some flares, and a box of painkillers. I felt alive again. Time to check if Tim was OK, his house was not that far now. And besides, I could really use some coffe to shake me up. I tried to stay away from the town, to minimize the chance of running into zeds. His house was on the western exit, little more isolated than the rest, so I was hopeful that the infection has not reached it. I was wrong.

I have quickly recognized Tim walking among six or so other zombies in the area. Poor guy, he really did not deserve to go like this. I went into his house, despite the moral dilemma that was plaguing me. I was looting my friends house, yet he would not be using his stuff anytime soon. Pete's words were ringing in my head constantly: "Desperate times call for desperate measures. Survival of the fittest". Fuck.

A week in life of post-apocalyptic Chernarus [3/7]

Tim's house proved to be a treasure trove. In his house he had a couple of canteens of water, some food, some morphine, a compass, and a hunting knife. It was clearly obvious he was packing for our hike when the zeds got him. I have barred the doors and windows, and decided to call it a night. After sleeping two nights passed out on the beach, the prospect of sleeping in a real bed was too good to resist.

I was awoken by a hissing of a nearby passing zed. It sounded like a dog growling against an unwanted visitor. Great, I thought. Yet another day in paradise. I gathered my stuff as silently as I could, and decided to head inlands. I figured my best bet of staying alive was avoiding towns all-together, and hunt my own food. I knew Tim kept his Winchester in the barn, and I was hoping I will still find it there. Success. I took the rifle, as well as four packs of shells, as much as I could carry. Now, if only I had a map, I would be set.

When I was exiting his barn, I stumbled on Tim, or what was left of him. His face was completely twisted, with blood dripping from the mouth, dull look in his eyes, and his white teeth aiming for my neck. That image will haunt me for the rest of my life. My survival instinct took over, and I shot him in the face...with his own gun. Damn.

Talk about irony of life. You give your best friend food, shelter, everything he needs to survive in this fucked up world, and what do you get ? You get shot in the face by your own friend with your own rifle. But what could I have done ? It was him or me. I did not have the time to think much about it as the shot has attracted three more zeds. I dealt with them quickly, and ran west towards the woods. Half way through I turned around. Good, I was not followed. I was safe. For now....

I have decided to follow the road, but stick to the forest, to avoid detection. I filled my canteen in a small pond along the way. I was still feeling little weak from acute blood loss, but much better now. The color has returned to the world, and I felt I was going to make it. A damn good feeling. I had no idea where I was going though. But it could not be much more worse than the stuff I have already seen. Or could it ?

I walked a better part of the day following the road, when I saw a nearby village. It was already getting dark, so I have decided to stick to the woods, and investigate the village come the morning. I was not suited to go night ops. Last time it ended badly, and I still had some supplies. I figured I'd rather not push my luck.

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So last night, a friend and I were looting some barns outside Cherno.

I shot a zombie with my M4 in a panic, which in turn called a giant horde of them down on us. We survived with 5k and 2k blood and broken legs. As we lay there in the field, a survivor leaned out of a barn and started shooting at us with a dual-barrel shotgun. But this called about 20 zombies down on him and he died in short order while we sat on the hill laughing in skype.

Then we crawled for about an hour or so to the hospitals in chern.

And right as we got there I got to fight off 4 zombies while prone with only an axe.

But we got the meds we needed and escaped alive so it all ended well.

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This guy shot at me so I shot back at him and then a zombie ate me and then a huey landed on him then a horse came from the hevans and nuked the sever.

I promise this is a completely true story and that I am NOT drunk.

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I was alone in an office building, my footsteps ringing out through the empty, abandoned halls. But when I stopped, I heard an echo.

“Hello? Anyone there?”, I said. “I’m friendly.”

No reply, only silence. I moved on, then stopped. Again, the faint echo. I called out a second time, but again heard nothing.

Sometimes you develop a six sense, when you’re on the edge, and I had been surrounded by danger for weeks. My God, the sights I had seen. People torn limb from limb by those .... things. Monsters in human form that could not be stopped. Men and women gone mad with the end of the world, turning their guns on friends and neighbours just for an extra can of beans.

It teaches you to be careful. I ducked into an office, and hunkered down. Best to wait and see if I really was alone. Best to be careful.

Sure enough, within a few minutes two men came running down the stairs from the second floor. I don’t know why they didn’t respond to my calls. Perhaps they were scared. Perhaps they thought it was a trick. Perhaps they just wanted to kill me, and take the few meagre possessions I had managed to salvage when everything slid into the abyss.

I cowered in a corner as they ran outside. Something had spooked them good, and one threw himself prone to cover their retreat while the other booked it into the convenience store across the street.

The one lying in the road appeared to be a deserter from the army, maybe one of the soldiers who came to Chernarus before the end came, in a pitiful attempt to restore order. All I know is he was wearing camouflage fatigues, and was carrying an automatic rifle.

The other looked like me – a ragged civilian who had survived by looting empty houses and sleeping by a campfire in the woods.

I kept as still as I could, barely daring to watch them. I had a shotgun, sure, but no way to match their firepower should the bullets start to fly. They were both inside the store by now, covering each other as they ransacked the shelves for food, soda and whatever else they could carry. That had been my plan, but I decided that getting out of there with my skin intact rather than a haul of tinned goods would be the best I could now hope for. I stayed low.

Then something went wrong.

I don’t know what happened. I think the soldier went to go back outside, and stumbled right into one of the ... walkers. He started firing, but it was panicked, and sporadic, and within a few seconds he went down to a horrifically powerful blow to the head.

His shots broke the stillness, and within seconds every one of the creatures I’d seen wandering the streets was running towards the store, boiling over each other in homicidal rage. The guy inside started wildly firing off his own pistol, emptying clip after clip into the horde.

“C’mon, man”, I thought. “Stay focussed. Pick your targets and aim for the head.”

But it was no use. As soon he took one down another darted inside, forcing him back into the store. Back towards the counter. Back towards an open door to the delivery area....

I don’t think he ever saw them. Just as he got alongside the door, another group burst through and fell on him. In an instant they were tearing at his flesh, pinning him down by force of numbers. He tried to get up, and for a brief second regained his feet, but he was surrounded on all sides and those things are relentless.

My humanity kicked in. I burst from my hiding place and ran to the second floor, out onto the balcony that overlooked the scene of the massacre. I began emptying my rifle into the horde, shattering the shop windows and picking them off one by one. It seemed to take forever, and remains etched on my mind like a line drawing scratched into ancient metal. The noise of shattering glass, the thunder of my rifle, the moans of the dead and dying.

But soon it was over. I left my perch and, pausing to shoot one more zombie that had turned up late, made my way inside the store. Bodies were everywhere – so many I couldn’t even see the floor. Everything was still and silent again. I looked at the two men, at their bloodstained corpses. I would never know why they hadn’t responded to me. This could all have been avoided.

Then, like I had always done in the past, and would do many times in the future, I took what I needed and walked away, my footsteps ringing out through the empty city.

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(written before the makarov nerf :s )

Night on this god forsaken country is darker then the devils inkwell, his pen poised to write my story yet one more time.

Again I awake on the beach. Again to start another sick groundhog-day parody.

Why I am being tormented in this way, to play this mindless game with so many nameless others?

My backpack's empty but my utility belt is full of the usual kit... beans, bullets and bandages... Everything you need to survive the apocalyptic playing field beckoning me once more. It’s bullshit. I should just stick this Makarov pistol in my mouth and pull the trigger, only I know I will just pop back up like a fair ground target somewhere else on this damned coastline, the agonising taste of cordite and steel still burning a gaping wound into my psyche.

Survival. An animal's base instinct and survive I shall. Hopefully the ride will last longer on this sadistic merry go round this time.

With no clue as to my location I quickly, quietly, start heading directly away from the sea, the darkness smothering me in its cold embrace. Only several minutes passed, grass still under my feet as I step carefully up an incline, when I see the tell-tale flash, the red glow, a flare, about 300 feet to my right. Shots. Grotesque figures casting frantic silhouettes on the sparse, rouge tinged gorse and trees around the flares dancing light. Two more cracks from the unknown gunman. Keeping low and with the edge of the incline hiding as much of myself as possible I had got within 50 feet of the now spluttering luminescence. There had been no more shots. I knew why even before I saw them, hulking over his body, ripping his flesh, his tissue, his organs, snuffling like pigs, grunting through the gore. Inevitably the flare crackled, fizzled-out, letting the dark rush in and I could hear them shuffle off, their needs sated. It's a risk but my survival hinges on taking these unforgiving bets and the stakes are sickeningly high, my life against another day in these bleak lands. Creeping forward on my belly, trying to make myself as small as possible, as quiet as possible. Just a vague outline in the dark but it's enough to guide me to his carcass, the smell of his demise turning my stomach. I could feel discarded meat and bone under me as I neared but I needed what he no longer did. Patting down his pockets and bag, avoiding the gaping stench where his guts had been I relieved him of a few ammo clips, tinned food and... what's this? Binoculars. Useless for now but come daylight, indispensable.

There was nothing left here for me and I slunk back the way I came, risking getting to my feet once back at the incline. Blackened spear tips of nearby trees were my only navigation but I knew I would be safe for the night, hidden, in the forest.

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