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Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

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I dont see the problem with the Alt-F4 solution or countdown clocks so you have to wait to log out. Kinda makes sense to me - you should only log out if you are in a safe, quiet area.

Unfortunately possible connection issues and hackers are a problem we have to live with at the moment.

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Oh cool. DayZ Commander just updated my files. Well I say 'updated', what I actually mean is 'removed entirely'.

DayZ is no longer on my system and Commander won't install now. Anyone know what's happened here?

(Edit: Commander was having a spaz, manually placed files. All is well)

Edited by DoctorWrongpipes

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let me help you out then.

Hackers+no Alt-F4 = ?

Do the formula. you'll know it then.

Which is why alt-f4 and abort should be available after being teleported across the map even if you're under fire. Hopefully they'll consider this and find an effective way to do it.

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Am I missing something? Where is the package for the 1.7.3 Server files? I saw the few links in the second post, but are they client or server updates? Can someone clear this up for me?

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I think losing the Debug is a mistake. The blood icon's color variation is too subtle to differentiate between 10,000 and 11,000 and 12,000. It's nice to know what your exact level is. Also, it's nice to know how many zombies you've killed without having to log out to see that number. I hope you reconsider the decision to remove it.


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Devs deliver again! Cheers, despite the putrid hyperbole constatnlly thrown at you guys your work at constantlly refining this is more than appreciated! Instant zombie animation is welcome and unexpected! It was so damn annoying, escpecially as a player who likes the hatchet and getting busy with it.

I think losing the Debug is a mistake. The blood icon's color variation is too subtle to differentiate between 10,000 and 11,000 and 12,000. It's nice to know what your exact level is. Also, it's nice to know how many zombies you've killed without having to log out to see that number. I hope you reconsider the decision to remove it.


No and no? There is no magic blood-o-meter that tells your condition IRL, you just have to keep mental record of the amount of hits you've taken/carry spare meat/get transfusions. Debug is never coming back again, sal la vie, bon voyage, good riddance, no more debug.

Chipping away at every HUD/gameplay feature that breaks the fourth wall can only enchance the dayz experience.

Edited by Trizzo
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This is definitely the best update yet. Cant wait to try combat. Sounds like things just got about even. LOL God bless all!!! :thumbsup:

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Firstly i would like to mention that its great we are getting patches for this awesome mod even though the standalone is being pushed. Ive just signed up to this forum today to give a mention

about my point of view. I usually jump on for a game every night after work and play along side my mate and girlfriend. Unfortunately there is not one evening that goes past that we dont fall victim to hackers which i know is to be expected with a script based mod. The three of us thoroughly enjoy sneaking around the map finding vehicles and helping other survivors out where we can. We all play as heros with myself nearly at 60,000 humanity points which hasnt come easy. With the latest patch being implemented, i feel a little discouraged about the fact that our tents arent respawning our gear after a server refresh. This normally wouldnt bother me other than the fact that these scripters can see exactly where we are and also our tents with our hard earned gear in it. Im totally against the duping of weapons and all the cheap exploits of the game, and much rather immerse myself and hunt down that illusive crash site. Now the regeneration is lost, this is going to mean the saturation of weapons and gear is going to become less and less over time, thats more than ok for low key and honest players like us, but im afraid this is going to lead to further scripting which im really pissed at already. cant wait for the standalone to arrive and everything to head server side.

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Did humanity get removed, or have they just taken out re-skins? No longer a Hero... :(

ive still got my hero skin mate...

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Yup... just as expected.

The very FIRST time I get on after the update. If see a bandit. Line up one shot on him. He doesn't die from a headshot with a DMR. I'm in combat... his buddy suddenly is in a helo over me and crashed less than 100m away. Jumps up and runs to me and pistols me. Can't alt F4 due to the new patch. I could have got away... but not now.

THANKS MUCH! Great patch. : /


1. Remove the log out penalty since hackers will now destroy legit players even more.

2. Add WHO killed who so people can track who is doing this hacking junk.


Edited by Seddrik
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You should be able to eat and drink in vehicles. It's not like it's impossible to eat/drink inside vehicles in real life. Though the case could be made that helicopters and boats are excluded from this. Maybe it should be that you can't eat or drink in helicopters and boats, and you can't eat/drink at all if you're the driver. To me, that makes more sense.

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Yup... just as expected.

The very FIRST time I get on after the update. If see a bandit. Line up one shot on him. He doesn't die from a headshot with a DMR. I'm in combat... his buddy suddenly is in a helo over me and crashed less than 100m away. Jumps up and runs to me and pistols me. Can't alt F4 due to the new patch. I could have got away... but not now.

THANKS MUCH! Great patch. : /


1. Remove the log out penalty since hackers will now destroy legit players even more.

2. Add WHO killed who so people can track who is doing this hacking junk.


Totally agree with you, all this feature does is gives more leverage to the scripters. The 30 second combat timer would be perfectly fine with me if the hacking issue wasnt so prevelant.

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ive still got my hero skin mate...

Aw what? I haven't killed anyone in months and had insane amounts of humanity the last time the debug monitor was permanently visible. Any ideas on what's gone wrong? Or has anyone else got this issue?

Eurgh. The default skin sucks so hard.

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Why in the world can't we eat and drink in the car. Its not like its the end of the world or anything.

Oh wait....

Seriously though. What part of the zombie Apocalypse prevents people from eating and drinking in car. Contamination ?

Edited by Nonlin

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So much complaining, either play on a secure private hive or a server still running I think the new patch is great, thanks for the hard work!

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It works as usual.... Most people only come to complain. The silent majority is happy.

Typical IT problem: if youre doing a good job, no one will notice. ;-)

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* [FIXED] Food can no longer be consumed if the player does not have in inventory.

* [FIXED] water can no longer be consumed if the player does not have in inventory.

Also those two. Are ridiculousness. I don't have to have water in my bag to drink it. Same goes for food. I thought it was a good thing to be able to consume from outside the inventory. Plenty of great fixes but I don't get why these two and the "can't consume in car" fixes were added.

Edited by Nonlin

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* [NEW] Alt-f4 is now locked and will only open your status menu.

Not sure if your character still stands there after, but if you press ESC then ALT+F4 you close the game instantly, possibly disconnecting so fast aswell.

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Just my two cents but before this update i've only encountered 1 hacker in all my time of playing DayZ. Since this update has come out i've seen 2 more hackers (reported one as i knew who he was but the other i didn't get a name). Now this could be coincidence but what annoyed me was not being able to abort out when they started shooting everyone. The removal of the alt+f4 was led to Hackers having an easier time griefing people as now they have a longer time to hit you and kill you (so you lose all your stuff). Now losing all my stuff to bandits or any legit means is ok with me but when its due to an unfair advantage (God Mode for example), it just plain breaks the game for me.

Surely there was a better way of getting rid of Alt+f4ers (really didn't have problems with these either as i avoid player contact as much as possible).

Every other update fix etc has been brilliant this 1.7.3! I love that zombies fall down dead instantly now (no more ninja kicks). I also loved the idea of stopping people who do Alt+f4 but this just helps hackers too much so please remove it as i can deal with Alt+f4s but i can't deal with hacers (if you can't beat them run away! and i can't do that now!).

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