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  1. DayzDayzFanboy

    Xbox Development Briefing - November 16, 2018

    I don't think bases should be impregnable, but should be difficult to breach. I remember watching frankieonpc gain entry to bases with rare items such as chain saws or c4. I was also hoping that they would introduce lockable safes at some point too. Someone elsewhere also suggested perhaps respawning near to where you log out but not in the same place exactly as a way to prevent ghosting. Not sure how easy this would be to implement but would certainly be a good solution.
  2. xzDIABLOzx

    Player bases

    If by cheat you mean ghosting or server hopping into another persons base, you don't really have to since bases take like seconds to tear down. The loot someone could possible keep in their base doesn't interest me tbh, I enjoy getting my own gear either from random spawn or pvp. BUT I am an opportunist so if someone had a base with loot and I just happened to come apon it, I may or may not take a look depending on my loadout and current survival status. I said I was going to enjoy scouting out others bases more than building them.
  3. pilgrim*

    base destroyable?

    - so can we have bolt cutters and gloves ? Why not have police tape that says "Do not Cross" and make it invulnerable - it all comes down to the same very unrealistic 'realism'. Since the 1st World War, 100s of methods of crossing barbed wire been developed, electrified wire or mined wire or razor wire entanglements.. you name it.. - I don't see that putting barbed wire in the game and leaving out all the 100 methods of crossing it, will make the game more "realistic" or exciting? & I guess the fort owners will need some way of getting in and out too ? And if THEY can lay wire, why cant YOU roll it up? Let"s see what solutions the devs come up with. They will be looking at every online FPS game with bases in it, right now. .. (betcha) It has already been suggested that public hive servers should ALL be made private to stop ghosting. Enough servers are on private shards ALREADY, why make more ? If you want private shards they are not difficult to find. there are plenty - then you don't have to deal with ghosting or hopping. Many players made this choice 2 or 3 years ago. But private shards limit their players and bases to "private wars".. I (personally) always thought the interesting thing about the game was Public access to official servers. Private servers are IMO just mini boys-clubs with subsets of rules and boy-scout/tyrant Admins. Unless they are public shard they are boring. The REAL game happens on Official Servers ... IMO .. and so Bases have to deal with that environment.
  4. Bramblevines

    base destroyable?

    I would suggest just making half the public servers non-hive servers to give players a choice if they are willing to deal with ghosting on public or not. Also make walls take at least a few minutes to dismantle; make electric wire prevent basic tools from dismantling wood walls at all due to electrocution, so bases are invulnerable to basic tools until the power generator runs out of fuel; and add in very rare explosives that can get through even electric wire.
  5. pilgrim*

    how to fix base building

    He should have taken a LADDER Or maybe a ROPE Seems your liquor store was designed to be proof against Idiots.. Where I come from an 8 year old used forklifts to break into industrial units at night, ripping the whole side of the office out of the floor, and break open the safe by lifting it and bouncing it off the concrete until he could get his hand in, for sweet money. He did this regularly, and he was caught by a teacher who noticed he was giving away spare change at school. But you know in DayZ we cant climb over walls or through windows, we can only server hop. (that's logical, right?) As long as your base is idiot proof, stay happy. Most DayZ players will just stand outside drooling. I remember that kid with the forklift - I WONDER : Is it still as easy to kill players by shooting up through the floor of mil watchtowers as it used to be? Or shoot them off their LADDERS .. if so, how do they defend their base against a siege or a sniper ? They hunker out of sight until the enemy gets bored and goes away? Or does the enemy post a couple of friends to shoot defenders when they show themselves, while the third guy hacks the gate down in safety? We don't know the BI answers to any of these questions. But look back through the blogs and you'll see player ideas by the score.. and all different. For 3+ years a base has been whatever anyone imagines it to be, and everyone imagines different stuff. Now Xbox players are doing the same in a Big Way. But BI hasn't still discussed it. -1 ) You wanted "base-building" - you got it. - 2 ) Now you want "base-defending" too ? <<There is more to be done in terms of ghosting, protection and general usability>> and p.s. How come Bases don't attract zombies from the surroundings (seeing as they attract idiots) ?? Each base ought to have a crowd of idiot zombies and idiot players outside the gate, brainlessly wishing they could get in.. (and the ones inside could wish thy could get out?) - let's hope it works out as good ..as ..all ..the other FPS Base games.
  6. Hello guys, with the last Status Report, we've done a list of the most pressing issues - and it's time for another go. Make sure to check out the Status Report for the update on the previous list as well. SERVER CRASHES Server crashes are rampant these days, and out of the top crashes happening, we have been able to reproduce two that are slated for a fix. However, the one of the most common ones is elusive. Having said that, we have committed some changes that might stop the server from crashing in most cases, lowering its impact. Whatever steps are required right now to cause it, the outcome of that specific combination of factors should just end with that situation not causing a crash. VEHICLE ISSUES We are aware of issues with the first iteration of new vehicles. There has been a large refactor of vehicle physics recently that has already improved the gameplay a lot and is included in the next update coming out. We are also working on the balancing of required fluids, damage and more that should make the extensive time invested into making a vehicle functional worth it. PLAY BUTTON We are aware of the issue with the play button and the fix is planned after the next update. PERSISTENCE ISSUES After extensive investigation, we have been able to confirm that some items were being deleted after specific crashes. We have implemented a system to make sure that this does not happen in the future with other crashes. Besides that, we also recommend all server owners to update the economy files after the next Stable update, as there are changes to specific items that had issues in the past. GUN SOUNDS MISSING We are aware of the issue where gun sounds don't play for the player using them. However, internally, this has only happened a couple times during our daily tests. Most of the reports coming are related to the use of the shotgun, but it seems to be affecting all weapons. More information is required for a fix, but after the next update and necessary stability improvements, we will be looking into these next. SOUNDS STUCK IN A LOOP We are aware of sounds being stuck in a loop. As is the case with gunshot sounds, more investigation is required and a fix is slated after the next update. However, it's very likely that this issue will be less frequented now, as partial improvements are in place. M3S TRUCK STATUS Before the refactor of vehicles, we wanted to focus on making sure the first one works before we introduce a second variable to the mix. Both of the vehicles are different beasts and if things settle down with the new changes in vehicle physics, we will look into getting the V3S in. BASEBUILDING ISSUES We know and track a number of base building issues, from balancing to functionality missing, to plain bugfixing. It's certainly high on our priority and in the next update, you should see many things getting fixed. There is more to be done in terms of ghosting, protection and general usability. I'm still amazed at the creations you guys have made so far! SHOTGUN DAMAGE We are aware of the issue of shotgun damage - specifically with slug damage values being too low. We'll be looking into it. If you experience any inconsistencies in the experience with using pellets, please report them using the Feedback Tracker, ideally with information about the server you played on, and any other relevant details to make sure we can track it down properly. NIGHT SETUP As mentioned in the update on lighting issues, we know that night gameplay is only partially implemented and there is still a balancing pass to be done on light sources, luminosity and general setup to make sure lighting works properly. We agree and understand it's not a good experience right now. HIT REACTIONS AND STUN-LOCK Hit reactions and stun-lock issues are on our radar. We know its not properly configured and are working on smoothing it out. VOIP ISSUES VOIP for multichannel setups with 5.1 and 7.1 sound are fixed in the next update and we are looking into improving it even more with making sure that volume is less affected by distance. There is more work to be done here as we understand that VOIP is crucial to the DayZ experience. THINGS AFFECTED BY BALANCE PASS (GUN-PLAY, DAMAGE, DISEASES, ECONOMY AND MORE) Many of the reported issues can be improved by value adjustments on our end. I want to emphasise how important this balance pass is for DayZ and its functionality. While all sorts of interesting features are in, they require us to review their current state. We need to get dirty to properly configure them. Gun-play, damage values, diseases, economy, persistence, and so on - bugfixing definitely comes first with high priority issues, but a balance pass is what makes the game fun in the first place. We will announce as things get rolled out over the following updates before we reach 1.0. The first thing you should be seeing is recoil and its behaviour tweaks.
  7. xzDIABLOzx

    Player bases

    Yes I understand your point is for them to “fix” ghosting, I just don’t think it’s going to happen anytime soon. From what I have researched, this has been a problem with base building in Dayz since its inception on PC 0.61. I think the biggest problem that can’t or won’t be fixed is when you leave the game it saves your exact location right? Yes. Unless they somehow fix or change where you spawn back in game after leaving then ghosting is going to be a constant issue. There is a lot of suggestions from the community on how to address this issue but with zero feedback from developers, it doesn’t seem like anything is going to be done anytime soon. But even minus the ghosting into bases issue, there’s a lot more issues with base building. There are several discussion threads about base building, advantages, disadvantages, ect on this forum, this being a few of the things mentioned: Nobody can "own" a base other than being online 24/7 or having friends to defend it 24/7 Bases and barrels seem to de-spawn approx. every 3 days or so. Bases are no different from gameplay around any standard military structure already a part of the core map other than they can be destroyed in seconds. They are fragile sandcastles to kick over, and nothing more. The amount of material and time it takes to build a base just to have someone stroll along and destroy it in mere minutes or seconds on a public server seems silly to me but lots have fun doing it. The only thing I could imagine any sort of current base building to be viable would be a temporary small base, that will give a loot stash advantage or maybe a vantage point somewhere on the map. Possibly barricading existing structures on the map or accessing rooftops that you don’t normally have access too. The modding community will definitely be able to add more value when it comes to actual bases that have a use, right now there is just no meaning to it and no word on any fixing of the issues anytime soon.
  8. DayzDayzFanboy

    Player bases

    I'm not sure exactly how you expect them to fix it. Ghosting is always going to be an issue in dayz. The only solution is to have lockable safes on your base to keep gear in. It's also worth watching Deadly Slobs dayz survival series. He tracks down some barrels and finds some good hiding places for them. I personally don't think it's that big a deal. I just think it's funny that people scream out for more content and then when it arrives they moan about it. Everyone's a critic!
  9. Dopplerman

    base destroyable?

    Easy concept (maybe not so easy to implement) to prevent people from ghosting into bases; add something such as a "Base layout" where when you place it and add "x" amount of resources to it, it would claim something like 50 sq ft of area. Make it hard to craft so people can't go around claiming the whole map, and make the item model something like a functioning fire place for example. This "Base Layout" would have options to add or remove players to the whitelist, deciding if someone can or cannot log into the server inside that "base layout" area. If someone un whitelisted tries to log into the server on your "Base layout" area it would simply spawn them like 5-10 feet outside of the edge. They would clip together nicely making expanding your base easy (if you have the resources). This item would only prevent people from logging in inside the base though, making sneaking or breaking in the only way to enter someone else's base on a public server. This item would also not be required to build a base, as it would then give people more incentive to craft one so they don't have people ghosting into their base. Mind you this entire idea is pointless until the integrity of bases is worked on, as it would be faster to just saw down the walls then it would be to ghost in as of right now.
  10. emuthreat

    base destroyable?

    Yeah, I think we are on the same page. Bases have not been very viable because it is too easy to exploit poorly designed game mechanics to remove bases in a matter of minutes. Ghosting is a major problem with the public hive in general. The advice I've always gotten was "try playing on private servers." It's on the developers to decide if they want this to continue to be a possibility. To a certain extent this is still the preferred manner of unsporting griefing tactics used even on private servers. Go to a known base in the middle of the night, don't despawn anything, just log out in a corner and wait until the server is full. Log back in, spray everyone down with automatic fire, and log off. Repeat until dead, and then gear up and try again. These problems are more than just basebuilding, and not easy to solve in a way that won't cause other issues. But to me, the simple solution is to make a selection of public servers that are not part of a hive. Problem solved, as far as ghosting goes. As for combat logging as an ambush tactic, I remember when players would make a weapon action cycle noise upon login; but in cases of accidentally logging in near another player, it gives an unfair advantage to the static player. Assuming that hived servers are to simply be avoided for basebuilding, we are only left with durability and difficulty of forced entry. Sure people can come to visit all friendly and then "crash," only to log back in to kill people cheaply later, but once you kill them, they need to come back and do it again; and you might just let them in far enough to shoot them in the head in the comfort of your base. In the village, we told visitors not to log off in the base, because combat logging attackers were a daily occurrence. I've shot dozens of players in the head, just because their game crashed while they were standing in a corner. What can one do, but apologize and store their gear? This is a simple enough fix for login issues in a base. if i don't know and trust you, and you log off in my base, you will log back in on the coast. Problem solved... Unless their game crashes or the server kicks them. Do we need something like @Arthur Dubrovka suggested, by which a player can only be given server permission to log back in in a defined area by some shared ritual of confirmed base owners? It would be nice, but I wouldn't say necessary.
  11. emuthreat

    base destroyable?

    You've been around long enough to know that private servers are the longstanding answer to the problem of ghosting. Perhaps BI will support a number of official servers that are independent of any hive, to prevent ghosting into bases. But thank you nonetheless for the sarcastic and disingenuous response. The advantages of building a base on the public hive are aligned with the needle in a haystack principle and reliance on the notion that people only server hop military areas, so your forest compound should take at least a few weeks for anyone to discover. At which point they will tell all their friends, and host a special twitch stream in which they dismantle the base and despawn all of its contents. Because let's be honest, that's all bases are good for, right? Sandcastles to kick over, and nothing more. The degree to which you have no idea what you are talking about is staggeringly hilarious to me. I've easily had 90% of my entire PvP experience on this so-called peaceful cooperative server. Believe it or not, some players come there because they found out that there is a place where they know people will be; because these dumb fucks actually advertise their presence. Did you hear that? A group of players is dumb enough to actually tell people where they are in DayZ; and after getting killed, they go back to do it again. I suppose if they were useless people wouldn't build them. But hey, somebody's gotta put in the work for salty cunts to come and despawn, amirite? That's at least one approved use by your standards...
  12. FunkInYourTrunk

    base destroyable?

    best way to keep your base safe will always be the same. have someone online to defend it, or keep it small and hidden. other than that expect that it wil be raided/trolled/destroyed. to avoid ghosting just make sure u are on a private server. don't feel bad if you lose everything, it happens to us all. it will teach you new wayd to defend and will give you a reason to rebuild. safety is great because you never lose any of your own stuff but stockpiling will only eventually get boring.
  13. FunkInYourTrunk

    Experimental Update 0.63.149358

    so excited to see this. still going to force myself to wait till jan to actually boot up but i do the reading on here several times a day. was just curious about base building. have seen a couple videos on utube where people tested shooting built structures and they seemed unable to damage the structures. have also seen things in status reports talking about combination locks to secure your camp and talk of fixes to stop people ghosting into camps. what i have not seen any of is work towardsbeing able to break into/destroy or raid camps. the only thing i could think of is that you might need explosives, but without throwing mechanics to use grenades that only leaves us with landmines and self sacrifice. i like the concept of basebuilding for the endgame but bases should be far from invincible. they should need to be defended or repaired. can a car crash through a wall? will there be a structure decay system implemented? just a little worried as i feel a map full of impenetrable structures would make for quite boring gameplay.
  14. Mantasisg

    Status Report - 23 October 2018

    I think core community didn't play the game for a few years. Because collecting weapons in lifeless servers and then ghosting to full but still lifeless servers aren't what core DayZ players used to do some years ago. I remember watching Puhdado streams a lot ! There were plenty of entertaining streamers, I remember watching DanielFromSL when DayZ was in 0.59 or around the time when player interactions ware going somewhere away from the game... I remember him running around cherno for 20-30mins and not meeting anyone, that was about the time of weapon collectors, server ghosters, bushmasters time of DayZ.
  15. TheYetiBum

    Status Report - 23 October 2018

    I'll take you at your word & wish you and the team the best of luck. Just remember that you don't have to manage community expectation, they only expect what you tell them they'll get. and remember that base building is great but with the pervasive ghosting issue it'll only cause mass aggravation being implemented until there's fix or work around to stop players abusing it, but it's your teams baby though and you can raise it anyway you see fit. I personally would have focused on updating & adding in all legacy features from 0.62 & the original mod and getting that stable before anything else as a base model for 1.0 . ive played for only two months barely & already feel like I've had my fill, without much weapon choice, ghillies, spraypaints more craftables and what feels like half a health system the game feels empty and tbh spending a fifty hours building a base that someone's gonna ghost into and fighting over vehicles isn't going to make the game come alive. good luck with your endeavours and I guess I'll check back In a year from now, probably around when the new consoles arrive. thankfully the PC guys get modding to pass the time unfortunately us console chaps might get a hold breathe function if were polite.
  16. Mantasisg

    DayZ and its future

    I think running for three hours, searching houses, not finding anything, most importantly not having any interactions, collecting weapons in empty server and then ghosting out, only playing in warm sunshine is a dumbed down version of DayZ, basically past few years. Now it is more than likely to change. The importance of interactions is unquestionable, if interactions are happening in 1.0, game runs well, and everything is adjustable forproper gameplay. Then all additional content and features are just a bonus details which will just make it better soon after.
  17. TheYetiBum

    Thrill is Gone

    Ghosting does happen, but if your on hospital roof then I'm assuming there's a thousand vantage points looking at you so assuming it's purposeful ghosting seems like a big leap. Which town were to in? Berezino, severograd, etc? As every town I know of that has a hospital has many other high buildings or hills overlooking it, an SVD, M4 or AKM can one shot. Also remember if you lock a buildings doors any player who tries said door will assume your in there and purposefully reposition to get a line of sight on you. But as I said ghostin does happen but I could have also been a guy just happening to log in to find you I from of him. I've had several friends out in the middle of the woods miles away from any major city, who log back In only to get destroyed by gunfire instantly. Just the way DayZ is, until we get private servers with 24\7 admins (which we may never get) then it's impossible to remove or perma server ban players who ghost or use exploits. Hell even if we get private servers they'd prob be ruined by corrupt admins abusing admin power and flying around murdering people in god mode lol.
  18. Tyler Tee H C

    Thrill is Gone

    So I am on the very top of a Hospital and clear the whole building Lock the door to roof and I see a guy run past down on ground then BANG I am dead. They log in behind you and kill you. DON'T TELL ME THIS IS NOT GHOSTING OR THAT GHOSTING ISN'T POSSIBLE. I have the stream of it.
  19. Tyler Tee H C

    Packing it Up

    Ghosting lamoids ruining it for me.
  20. Demetrius Russyn

    Server merge

    I cant see this ever going down. Because there are a lot of players who want to just play solo or in smaller servers. I mean at times I just want to jump in and travel the land and see what the game has to offer etc. So yes it would be nice for a lot of interaction but they will never force ppl to do that. That and server hopping ghosting etc has always been an issue since day one. They can only do so much to stop it really. We kind of are just on the honor system and always will be. Just proves to you what kind of players we have on xbox tho tbh. ,e and my buddy killed a chap and his tm ran into a house and we locked him in and was trying to talk to him and would of let him go maybe.... but he just logged so it was kind of dumb. The game will change I swear when we get tents and cars etc. PPl will have a stash and wont be so worried about dying as much and there will be more interaction. I'm very hopeful!
  21. Molecular Drift 1.0

    Server hopping

    I believe the general consensus is worry about ghosting, as the tactic is rather cheap and detracting from regular game play during firefights. I don't mind server hoppers plugging low populated servers for quick kitting, even though I prefer grinding the old fashioned way myself.
  22. ☣BioHaze☣


    Soon. We need data (Alpha) and giving the scroobs more food keeps them in game longer and gets us more data. See also modded servers which will have less resources in the near future. Alpha We need modules merged into the engine and then optimization passes before they can start raising infected numbers. Probably in the works. Very well documented bugs with reloading. Will likely never be part of vanilla DayZ. Alpha, totally still WIP. You should be viewing DayZ Alpha as mostly unpolished. But wee need major parts of the game merged in before we tidy up the small bits. They are not undead, they have a disease and will die as easily as a healthy human would. WIP/Alpha This is desynch between yourself and the server and will be fixed eventually. This will never be in vanilla DayZ as the enfusion engine does not support it. Items are scaled back currently to keep data sets easier to read. The infection only effects humans and does not transmit to animals. Remember, not undead, infected. Zombie is a loose term in this context. Infected is more accurate. Think rage zombies/28 days later. We are currently working with a scaled down loot table to try to keep data gleaned from testing as clean as possible. We are currently working with a scaled down loot table to try to keep data gleaned from testing as clean as possible. WIP WIP (like moisture...... and other stat effects) WIP WIP WIP HUD has been changed multiple times and will likely be changed again, see also WIP I do not think DayZ will ever have an in game tutorial. Wiki and faq will likely be what we work with in the future. This will eventually be part of the wiki/faqs we use. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I would like to see a global solution to server hopping for loot and ghosting in vanilla DayZ but I believe that private shards/hives and whitelisting will likely be the only way to solve this.
  23. pilgrim*


    (1) We PC players HAVE a timer between logs. When you log OUT you get a 15 second timer - you just stand in the game, can't move but can still see the action, with a countdown window midscreen - This timer window has two buttons, YES and N0.. if you press Yes you go back to the front Game Screen immediately BUT you LEAVE your avatar standing on the server until the timer runs out. While you are ingame with the logout timer window counting down, If you press NO you can move again, the countdown window vanishes, and you're back in the game. In my opinion, 15 seconds , is not enough - it should be at least 30. (think of all the situations where this would make BETTER and MORE INTERESTING & EXCITING play). Life would definitely be more dangerous. More Fear and Stress is GOOD for ya !! (2) ALSO on PC if you log into a game and out again too QUICKLY, and immediately try to log in again anywhere you get a 60 or 90 second waiting countdown, before you are logged into the next (or same) server. SO - (I think this is how it works) - you have to play for a minimum time on one server before you can leave it and log in somewhere else with no penalty. (Check with the experts for the timing details, I don't hardly eve do that). So that knocks Ghosting on the head, for sure.. On PC, if you change servers fast; at the second login (back to your original server if you're ghosting) you get stuck with a 90 second penalty.. Any PC players want to tell me if I've got any of these facts wrong, please ?? I'm not 100% sure about the log-IN timer - what the delay lengths are, and how they are triggered. (thanx) But that's pretty much how it works on PC. It messes with combat loggers and makes it bigger risk (but it should be MORE), and it more or less stops ghosting (because it just ain't worth it, by the time you get back the fight's over). Also it slows down (a BIT) and discourages hoppers.. that's ONE Main reason I want a LONGER logout time.. but also a longer logout makes combat much more dangerous - the player has to THINK before he takes a risk, so stupid risks always HAVE consequences. there is NO eject button. I guess Xbox will be getting this stuff as soon as BI sort it. Ask Baty Alquawen = She Knows Everything xxP
  24. Molecular Drift 1.0


    Ghosting is a very childish tactic, but unfortunately one that the game mechanics allow to happen. I've never taken part in it, nor would I. Currently, like many others have said, there is no way to stop it... If the developers decide to implement a "cool down" period between logs, that will hinder it, but that will also affect players who do not ghost and maybe were disconnected or logged off to complete a quick chore, so it's very much a double edged sword there. I can only stress to keep patient as I believe the ghosting population is relatively small and will only continue to shrink over time as "kids" go back to COD.
  25. CarnaeaSavage


    You cant until private servers are up and even then until they allow you to see screennames youll never know who ghosted you. Ran into plenty of people who ghost because a doors locked and they cant be bothered to pick the lock. Or if they are a squad and you have them funneled in a wayway to level the playing field theyll ghost in behind you as the others rush in the door. Just got to be careful. Only good thing atm which counters the ghosting is the lag spike you get whenit happens so its pretty much a warning someone logged in near you