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Demetrius Russyn

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About Demetrius Russyn

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  1. Demetrius Russyn

    When’s the next update ?!

    From what I can see on Xbox they had a server patch and this should fix the dropping and or missing servers.
  2. Demetrius Russyn

    When’s the next update ?!

    Oh man do I truly need to have proper grammar on here? Just something I type up in like 40 seconds. Well that's not what I was saying. More like they could careless about how we feel and what we want. They have always done what they wanted to do in the end anyway. Just want to make myself more clear for ya since I didn't specify. Hopefully this helps ya better understand what I'm saying.
  3. Demetrius Russyn

    When’s the next update ?!

    Mmm so true. Cant wait either way!!!
  4. Demetrius Russyn

    When’s the next update ?!

    Its truly not that tho they could truly careless tbh and we know this given the history. But they are way more familiar with PC code then Xbox. So it would only make sense to come out for PC 1st
  5. Demetrius Russyn

    When’s the next update ?!

    Sounds about 100% brother
  6. Demetrius Russyn

    When’s the next update ?!

    Awe don't make this old man happy so fast!!! I might blow out a hip!!
  7. Demetrius Russyn

    When’s the next update ?!

    Oh silly... Didn't you see me comment in the post. Still not quite an xbox update for all my xbox brothers. But I also know that any update to PC is a potential update to xbox. but yup it was just 2 week no biggie. Heart ya for the follow up tho!!!!
  8. Demetrius Russyn

    When’s the next update ?!

    Let me check my blood pressure... Nope I'm good. Last time I checked I can say or do as I please as so can you. I don't think I was bashing anyone in any of my post let me double check tho….. nope didn't do that either man I'm on a roll! I just stick to the facts anytime anyone wants to talk about those I would enjoy an intellectual conversation. And if it was an issue for these forums you speak of then I guess there wouldn't be much to them then. And there are a ton of ppl posting things from bashing, praising, reporting, helping, guides to just plain pissed off. So I guess you cant control as much as we all think now can we. I do play the game and accept it for what it is. But I also will call them out if I feel I want to man god bless murca!!! so its cool ya wanna spend time on here getting upset over what I say or you can just read it shake your head and go on your way. Either way its your call and I don't mind either way
  9. Demetrius Russyn

    Status Report - 9 October 2018

    Great stuff guys!! Thanks for the update!! hope to be playing with this stuff soon!!
  10. Demetrius Russyn

    Server merge

    I cant see this ever going down. Because there are a lot of players who want to just play solo or in smaller servers. I mean at times I just want to jump in and travel the land and see what the game has to offer etc. So yes it would be nice for a lot of interaction but they will never force ppl to do that. That and server hopping ghosting etc has always been an issue since day one. They can only do so much to stop it really. We kind of are just on the honor system and always will be. Just proves to you what kind of players we have on xbox tho tbh. ,e and my buddy killed a chap and his tm ran into a house and we locked him in and was trying to talk to him and would of let him go maybe.... but he just logged so it was kind of dumb. The game will change I swear when we get tents and cars etc. PPl will have a stash and wont be so worried about dying as much and there will be more interaction. I'm very hopeful!
  11. Demetrius Russyn

    When’s the next update ?!

    Now you cant say they have had zero progress now can you?.... Your pissed like a lot of us because it feels like the BI of old and they are doing a lot of what has been done in the past. We just want them to backup and save face on all the promises they have made us and make a damn good game we know they can make!
  12. Demetrius Russyn

    When’s the next update ?!

    Im not the one who said they would be doing everything to get out weekly updates. And I don't mean they have to patch a game or fix it either I would hope you know what I meant. I just speak for a lot of ppl that's all. Im just not afraid to speak up and have an conversation with diehard fanboys who wanna hold BI hand and coddle them and everything they do. So again like I stated before because of their past and what they do. Would be nice to have them communicate a little more I know that's all ppl are truly asking.
  13. Demetrius Russyn

    Making developer's take action

    I can say working for an 18 billion dollar a year company some of this is true and some of it is personal opinion. Every person and every company isn't that way. I have had a lot of stuff wrong that has been replaced or repaired because it doesn't work the way it should. But thinking my I can ride on my xbox and fly around is kind of stupid. So no its not all big companies its also very very stupid consumers. So a lot of these companies have to make these crazy ass guidelines or restrictions its sad but hey ppl though redbull gave them wings.... I think he's just saying if your gonna take $ and say your gonna do something then do it. And just have a little respect for the ppl who funded u and let us know what's going on.
  14. Demetrius Russyn

    Making developer's take action

    Well this is all true. They only have a yr to make a full release. Or Microsoft will do what they did to Ark. Basically say release a game or we are taking your game and rights and making it. I truly love this game and I don't want what happened to Ark to happen to this. Devs who don't care about fans and making a better game then to get almost sued by Microsoft. then to push a game out and do nothing for it to have ppl just not play anymore and could careless about the game. So one way or another they will have to make a game sooner or later. They just need to do a hella better job with their communication. Because I bet if they told you they are working on an update and trying to get it ready they don't have a time but they are working on one and keep you updated you would be cool with that I'm sure. Better then saying jack and hoping you trust them after this has been their mo forever.
  15. Demetrius Russyn

    When’s the next update ?!

    Hey don't let the new account fool ya I've been around since day 1. just cant remember my old login etc. But man I only speak the truth lets get real. If you have been around just as long you cant say anything diff. I only speak on facts that can be backed by educated information or a source. I Have to report to my bosses daily on what I'm doing. We spend the $ some of us for multi systems. So we can do simple math here if you want brother. lets see how much 4 million copies plus is..... All I'm saying is there hasn't been an update in weeks or a real report. Even if its hey we are working on blah blah and it'll be a few weeks so yada yada. But no! their mo is to ghost and then not backup what they said they are going to do. So please let me know where in this I am wrong. All any of us are asking is for them to be more transparent that's it. well that and listen to our feedback and act on what we are asking. I mean are you picking up your own game and playing it? aren't you seeing the issues and what needs to be done? and then relaying that info to the ppl who front the bill? see what I'm saying...