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20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon

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Well where are some good places to search for guns?

Barns are one good place.

How about do some research about the mod before ranting about how broken it is?

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It's also a game, and games are supposed to be fun.

Rocket said DayZ wasn't a game, and that it was an ''anti-game'' because it was made to be cruel, and harsh.

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I joined DayZ 2 days ago and have 5 assault guns hidden off and m4a1 on me. L2P or go play COD.

cool story bro. cant wait till u cry tears when server restart eats everything in ur tent/vehicle.

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OP, you're receiving a lot of shit and I apologize for that. Rocket designed this mod to be a bitch, and you'll find many of the fans defend that decision vehemently.

Finding a gun isn't too too hard, but that doesn't mean you'll get one right away. Barns aren't always close, and deer stands will have crappy loot at times. Cities are a bad idea because of other players and, of course, hordes of zombies, but the fire stations might have goodies if they aren't already picked clean and watched by snipers.

Personally I don't see why we can't at least have a crowbar. You going to tell me that I can't at least have a piece of metal, one of the weakest weapons in the game?

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OP, you're receiving a lot of shit and I apologize for that. Rocket designed this mod to be a bitch, and you'll find many of the fans defend that decision vehemently.

Finding a gun isn't too too hard, but that doesn't mean you'll get one right away. Barns aren't always close, and deer stands will have crappy loot at times. Cities are a bad idea because of other players and, of course, hordes of zombies, but the fire stations might have goodies if they aren't already picked clean and watched by snipers.

Personally I don't see why we can't at least have a crowbar. You going to tell me that I can't at least have a piece of metal, one of the weakest weapons in the game?

I like the crowbar idea, I personally think it makes it even harder due to how weak it is and gives the temptation of trying to kill a zombie and well.

having to use a bandage that early on is always a bitch.

Also I'm curious, you wanted this to be fun. I find it very challenging, which is why it is fun for me.

What did you expect? mowing down the streets of cherno in a attack helicopter after 5 minutes of gameplay?

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Fanboys basically defend the most asinine shit, you honestly should have just made a poll. Most people realized starting without makarovs is idiotic, and I'm sorry for anyone who doesn't have a group + tents to re-arm at.

You basically had a bunch of idiots saying it would create teamwork between survivors, and it did the opposite -- more trolls camping the beach b/c you have no way of fighting back. I've literally seen people just driving along the beach killing newbies b/c there is zero threat. When I started, you could usually outwit a beach bandit and get all his stuff with a well placed headshot, now the coast is just littered with flashlight corpses. (probably not even counted in the stats, hopefully rocket refines the stat collector so he can tell when people respawn vs get shot at spawn)

Edited by SeptusCap

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Fanboys basically defend the most asinine shit, you honestly should have just made a poll. Most people realized starting without makarovs is idiotic, and I'm sorry for anyone who doesn't have a group + tents to re-arm at.

Mad cuz bad

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Mad cuz bad

No, he's probably just annoyed at the people who sound like they've come from the WoW/Gears of War forums. Bit of a gamer culture clash going on here, but it'll subside with time.

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Ignore Quagmire.

Why not get a gun that has 1 magazine?

Pros: Stand some sort of a chance against spawnkillers, able to fend off a few zombies if you get caught in their sniper vision.

Cons: Being able to kill other people who randomly spawn near you might get chaotic, initial survival factor drops ten-fold.


No. We're not lucky. We actually paid to test this. There is no waiting list Anybody can pay to test it provided they fork over the Arma 2 fee of $25-$30.

It's not a survival simulation, it's a game.

You've continued to show on these forums that you have no idea what you're talking about and now you're spreading misninformation. No one has paid to play DayZ. You paid for ArmA2 and if it so happens that you only purchased it to play DayZ than that's on you. This is not a game it is a mod and the creator of this mod has seen no money from your purchase of ArmA2, he owes nothing to you and will in all liklihood ignore you because you don't even understand the intent of this mod. It's not a game, it's an anti-game, it is a survival simulator, the damn mod is based of a military simulator for christs sake.

I've only played DayZ since I purchased it two weeks ago, never ArmA2. When I started playing you did not start with a gun (as I understand it you used to spawn with a Makarov, lots of clips, morphine injectors, beans and a water bottle) so I never experienced this spawn starting-kit. I can say however that it's very easy for my to find guns now, usually starting with hatchets before finding a pistol or a rifle, that's not to say I sometimes don't get super lucky.

My advice is to keep playing the game and learn how not to aggro the Zed. It is rather easier to lose them after this lastest patch and there really isn't any necessity for a starting weapon. Becuase you say spawn with a gun and a single clip, but what gun? And how in the world will a single weapon (likely some sort of pistol) with a single clip defend you from someone who is on the coast specifically for player-killing? I'm sure he'll have at least a rifle and you're likely to never even see him.


You were asking where to find weapons, here's a very useful loot-map: http://dayzdb.com/map#4.037.120

Edited by Killlg
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are you serious? you must play a lot of call of duty as I have only played 2 days now but have owned multiple assault rifles and high-power guns like 1911 and the revolver are EVERYWHERE

go to any farm and pick up a shotgun..... do you really want EVERYTHING handed to you on a plate?

also, cut the fucking spawn-killing bullshit you kids keep throwing out as an argument; I have not once been/seen/had friends get "spawn killed" as the map is 225km with ~80km of coast spawn space.... and I play on a server with 70 total slots of which at least 50 are usually full of players


visit cherno air strip; aks EVERYWHERE

Edited by v1ktor

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stop being bad and maybe it will be fun

the problem with games these days is there is no challenge - quit crying

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So what you're saying is that spawning without a gun forced you to slow down, familiarize yourself with the mechanics and controls, and then slowly learn how to behave around zombies in order to remain safe?

This, as opposed to simply charging headlong into wherever it is you wanted to go with no question or concern for anything because you know you have a trusty gun at your side with plenty of ammo should things go sour?

I'm sorry but I find that the CURRENT behavior is to just run around with a train of zombies on your ass. Where as previously you could dispatch one or two zeds, now one or a hundred makes no difference. Just run around like a moron until you find a gun. You *used* to not want to run around like a moron b/c you'd just get shot in the head by another new spawn.

All this on top of the fact that coastal murder rates between hungry newbies have gone from epidemic proportions to practically non-existent. I can't remember the last time I died on the beach compared to before when the constant din of Makarov fire sounded like rolling thunder on the coast.

Perhaps (although I doubt this is founded on fact, I'm sure zombie trains + axe murderers replaced them), but spawn camping is now completely unchecked. When I started the game, I made it a point to find the asshole camping with a full kit on the coast, sneaking up on him, and doming him for all his loot. It was a great way to gear up. Now I see all these youtube videos where people are just slaughtering new spawns with flash lights, it's idiotic.

If you wanted less spawn rushing, it would've been easy to lower the amount of starting ammo. Now the coast is practically a sniper's playground.

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67 pages on a month old topic. Does rocket even bother reading these things after the first week?

I would post an opinion but I'm not sure I didn't already and it would take a forum search function to find it.

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I agree with most people here that say it's an alpha and that you're paying mostly for Arma II.

I don't agree with this BS though, "It's a mod, not a game". It's a mod of a game, that you play just like any other computer game.

Now, a "modded" game may not play like the original game, but by extension it is still a game (albeit a modded one). It even plays still... just like a freaking PC game. Stop trying to make it sound like it's something else. It's still a game, not food, not a book, not a productivity software... you get my point. Hell, even the word "mod" should explain this concept by itself. It came from the root word "modification". Modification of what? You have to have some base item to be modified in order to even have a modification. It's a modification of a *gasp* that's right, a fucking game.

Saying "It's a mod, not a game" is like saying "It's a BMW, not a car".

Edited by Whattteva

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Maybe you want the zombies to make you a cup of tea, hold your hand and perhaps give you occasional words of encouragement while you fumble around looking for a gun?

Hard is fun but you need to raise your game not lower the games standards to meet your ineptitude.

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Has to be the stupidest thing i've ever encountered in a game, ever.

What am I to do if a zed hears/sees me and I don't have anything to fend him off with?

You can't avoid them forever, you know.

And they are everywhere.

Finding a gun is virtually impossible if you want to avoid detection from a zed.

My past 4 lives have been deaths from zeds because I can't scavenge a gun with them all around me. They're so aware.

So all it is a big death fest, unless you're extremelly lucky and find a gun.

Guns are NOT HARD to find. Zombies on you? Go into a building, go out the other exit. Go around and corner and get away from it. You are just a noob.

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Has to be the stupidest thing i've ever encountered in a game, ever.

You have to be one of the stupidest people I have ever encountered on a forum, ever

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Has to be the stupidest thing i've ever encountered in a game, ever.

What am I to do if a zed hears/sees me and I don't have anything to fend him off with?

You can't avoid them forever, you know.

And they are everywhere.

Finding a gun is virtually impossible if you want to avoid detection from a zed.

My past 4 lives have been deaths from zeds because I can't scavenge a gun with them all around me. They're so aware.

So all it is a big death fest, unless you're extremelly lucky and find a gun.

You must be a Call of Duty-player.

Go prone (Hit the Z-button), find a friggin' barn or an open house. Almost guaranteed weapon, hatchet, crossbow, w/e.

If you can't manage to do this, go back to whatever you played before DayZ, since you're obviously not good at it.

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Just look in barns and such. Or head inland a bit and look for dear stands.

This isn't reeeaaally a survival simulator though is it?... Just like Arma is not an 'army simulator' if it was you'd just be getting beasted a lot and waiting around a lot lot more :)


what's with all the hostility on this forum? I've never seen anything like it. It's not good for new members to see this crowd of clowns being all 'internetzorz teh l33t'. The fact is chaps the mod will do better and maybe even better in the long term with more people interested in it. Everyone is new at some point so why not just extend a little hello, and if you must why not just tell the new guy to use the search function rather than grill the poor sod :\

There's no need for it.

Edited by SponceUK
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as a survivor, you're in a very bad shape when you start (I'm surprised you're not constantly in pain, tbh)

- you cannot defend with even your own fists, since you're weak as hell (I'm even more surprised you can even carry and maneuver a firearm)

- you break your leg by falling a 2 meter distance

- you fall unconscious after 3 zombie hits

- you bleed to death from your very first zombie encounter if you don't bandage yourself.

that's why you need to run away from everything until you find your first player corpse full of goodies

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Honestly you just suck. Zombies are STILL too easy. You can prone around them within 10 meters easily. Most people who cry on here about how tough they are don't have the attention span or patience to play stealthily.

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I very rarely have been killed along the beach spawn areas. If you play like an unaware child you deserve to be killed.

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If anything guns and weapons should be even rarer to prevent Team-Deathmatch in the major cities.

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It's also a game, and games are supposed to be fun.

Where's the fun in dieing 50 times because you can't fend something off?

There is no fun.

It is fun, you just don't seem to know how to LoS them. It's getting to the point where I am killing off my character to start over every few days because the initial spawn is so much fun, it's exhilerating.

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