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I've only died once whilst unarmed and that was because I was stupid and went into a 1 entry/exit building with 10 zeds blocking the door as they gnawed at my shins. Just sprint fast, get into a supermarket or barn. Find weapon. Then run out. Simple.

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I learned how to run a 5K by not spawning with a gun, what's not to like about that? That being said, I think it would take some of the starting out intensity out of the game. A bandage and pain pills is enough for me.

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Starting without a weapon is an absolute must as starting with a weapon already gives starting survivors the incentive to kill other starting survivors. Weapons should also be a lot more scarce, as finding a weapon nowadays is as easy as finding a barn covered with hatchets. Day Z should be focused on enforcing hardcore game mechanics, not making it easier to appeal to the casual audience.

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I wouldn't be against people spawning with crowbars, they're only good for taking out one zombie at a time. It gets old being chased across the map at start because one zombie heard you step on gravel.

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Now I don't have to kill everybody, just players with a rifle. Wish axes were more plentiful. Three words left.

Edited by Rogan

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Lack of weapon encourages people to respawn until they reach cherno or elektro. More zombies, less people. PvP solved.

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However, only a crowbar. Not powerful, but stops players from feeling powerless. Many new people wish they could do SOMETHING.

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I'm fine spawning without any firearms, but having atleast knife or axe at start would be nice. Punching the zombies would be cool too.

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YES. Doesnt affect difficulty very much.

Finding a gun is easy but it can take long and it can be very annoying. Well, gun or no gun. Fresh spawn or an old character. The game is still very difficult with the new zombie aggro range. Just my opinion tho.

Why isnt there a poll about it? Would be easier to count the votes.

Edited by Shaimou

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1. I want challenge. It's why I play this game.

2. Would ruin excitement of 1st gun find.

3. No more hatchet fights. :(

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Let us spawn with a melee weapon... why would my character be able to survive the initial outbreak but be so dumb he doesn't acquire any sort of weapon, why not spawn us with a hunting knife that can be equipped and placed into the tool belt...

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Yes but-

You should spawn with what you can find in a basic house hold. Water,food,knife,matches,torch,painkillers,beans and bandages! B)

I am from UK so guns is a no no as it is for most people in the world!!!! ;)

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After dying for my first time in weeks and having to replay with the hardly-anything starter kit for the first time, I have to say that while not having a weapon isn't the end of the world (it was really easy to get equipped since I knew what I was doing), having a few more bandages to forgive noobs who get attacked would be a good thing. While it's do-able for experienced players to start the way things are, it's ridiculously hard for any noob not looking at a map on their browser who is getting pointers from people they know who already play. I think we're kinda spoiling the old guard with a challenge and forgetting that we were noobs once, too, and that that makarov and all those bandages helped a ton.

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traveling/searching is the most tedious mechanic

Then why do you play this game?

Spawning without a weapon is brilliant. You don't have to worry about every single person in the game now, just the armed ones. Plus, getting geared with a weapon and supplies is very easy if you respawn until you're outside Cherno.

Edited by IDunc

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Yes I have handguns and rifles at home.

No zombies don't lose easily. Takes running through a house to lose them, running behind a fence or wall just makes them walk through it.

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While starting with guns is quit silly, starting with some sort of melee weapon would make the experience alot less tedious.

Edited by Munx

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Forces players into a period in which they cannot fuck up constantly.

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I started playing this game about a week ago. Never experienced starting with a weapon I believe the current amount of difficulty starting without one is good. Please keep it this way.

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melee weapons only at start though, so at least you have a chance to defend from zombies

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