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20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon

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It doesn't bother me that i start without a weapon. But if the reason was/is because it lessens PKing, then no. It's not working as intended. PPl who play games for the sake of killing other players could care less about whether you have a gun or not. Give me a map though and i'd be more happy. Swap out the useless flashlight with NVGs and i'd be even more happy ;)

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YES: Spawn with a weapon.

What only twenty word? I don't know if I can fit it in with so little words... Spawn gun please.

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makes the whole start more tense and interesting. have not been killed by a bandit ever while weaponless.

Yeah, just happened to me twice in Elektro on Seattle 37. I'm a bandit so I guess I had it coming... but that shit is brutal when the entire damned city is fenced off with barbed wire.

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All i do with my dmrs is sit on the coast line shooting people racking up kills. good luck you dont have i gun your dead.

Because a Makarov works just like a force field against people sniping you from half a kilometer away. Better even' date=' it's like a solid steel wall.

The Makarov makes it possible to achieve perfection, to reach the stars!

Sing with me:

"Ooh Makarov"

"OOOOH Makarov!"

"How you saved me from certain deeeath!"

(high pitch) "Wheeen you have a Maaakarov, who needs a bulletproof vest!"


brought tears to my eyes...... i remember blocking sniper shots with my makarov

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I have watched dozens of hours of video, particularly by youtuber PsiSyndicate, without which I would surely have little understanding how the game works. Still, I am incredulous that anyone has ever survived long enough to locate a weapon of any kind.

I certainly have not yet solved, even momentarily, the total defenselessness problem. And since I don't have the luxury of loafing about the house all day, I have to play on a really high-latency server or "learn my way around" in pitch darkness. The flashlight would be more useful if one could simply hurl it at a zombie.

Despite having this seemingly awesome advantage of a rough idea how the inventory system works, gleaned from watching the aforementioned videos, I have still not yet survived long enough to find enough loot to gain any first-hand understanding of it.

I understand that you're supposed to be able to run around from loot cache to loot cache with a train of dim-witted rotters in tow, but that requires not only knowing where those caches are, but also knowing which buildings aren't fake (lacking interiors), or worse, the hybrid dead-end deathtraps with hollow front doorways and no interiors. It also requires not only understanding how to use the inventory system, but how to use it with extreme urgency. Kiting zombies also requires knowing how they will behave, understanding the mob's limitations and those of the player.

I don't think new players stand much of a chance of gaining any traction on this learning curve as the mod stands. If you want to make it even more difficult to play, you could just make the launcher crash directly.

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Players should start off with a hunting knife that they are able to throw, so you can silently take out 1 zombie and retrieve the blade from the body.

what do you think?

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Spawning without a weapon has made the game better in uncountable ways. Adding guns back to spawn will ruin things.

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Spawning without a weapon has made the game better in uncountable ways. Adding guns back to spawn will ruin things.

Yea like dying to armed players while unarmed :D

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iv just tried this game/mod today and i cant find any weapons before being either, over run by Z's or players running up to me and shooting me in the face! while im unarmed! kinda disapointed imo >.< should at least get a mele wep to swing at a zombie. i expected it to be hard from the 20+ clan members who recomended this mod to me, but not being able to get anywere is just a joke :(

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Spawning with a melee weapon (The crowbar is good enough) would be fine though. And a morphine since you break your leg from just walking straight...

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Spawned with nothing last night, within 30mins, I had cammo clothing, AKM with 4 Mags, 1911 with 5 mags binocs, Alice pack, knife, Hatchet, matches, 3 blood bags and 2 morphine.

and I killed some slut with the hatchet.

no gun, no problem.

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clearly you have played it many times before tho. i have not, iv read many forum post on tips and tricks, and got the maps, i simply cant "roll" into the gameplay when i have never played it before unlike you. like i said i expected it to be hard, but how can i get going when i cant even fight of the zombies i spawn in? iv tried running.. hiding... all the dos issues cant have helped either with the laggs i was geting. ;p

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- It's fucking annoying having to sneak and run around to find a gun (believe me' date=' I just tried it)

- You can spawn many times before you actually have a life that finds a weapon

- Hackers, for the moment, will reveille in this change until their loopholes are closed


Sorry but

1, Just run into big town, you can escape the zed easy and wil lfind a gun fast.

2, ??? ^

3, play on a less populated server?, Ive yet to see a 2-5 peopel server gettign hacked.

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You've sacrificed the learning curve for new players on a wild goose chase. It's made banditry worse by making loot more valuable.

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iv just tried this game/mod today and i cant find any weapons before being either' date=' over run by Z's or players running up to me and shooting me in the face! while im unarmed! kinda disapointed imo >.< should at least get a mele wep to swing at a zombie. i expected it to be hard from the 20+ clan members who recomended this mod to me, but not being able to get anywere is just a joke :(


So you are dying from Zed's and other players, I bet you are running through the center of town and then you complain when you get killed.

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to be honest i havnt even got into a town yet, i stick to the outer edges moving slowly, checking the odd building i can get into without zombies at them, then usualy while im in there zombies apear and gang me, even when i run away i end up pulling more. shame you cant punch realy coz id rather plant my feet and throw a haymaker than run ^^

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This is SO annoying. I've watch people on youtube whining about having a makarov at the start.. i spawn with NOTHING. I have died like 15 times now, just trying to find a gun. Zombies doesn't find me until i walk into the building where there may be a gun. Please let us spawn with guns again.. this is just too hard for the new players. Seriously.

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Just no! It is not hard to sneak into towns and find your first weapon. It is part of the experience.

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I say no for a few reasons, the first being that it does make it extremely difficult for new players like myself who just got the game. Now you experienced players can say its because im a noob (which is true), but when a new player joins they dont know any of the game mechanics or even the controls. i myself was setting in one spot for a bit trying to figure out all the controls. then after i sort of got that i began to explore, but not having a gun prevented me from going into places where there might be guns, because i didn't know what would cause the zombies to start tracking me.

while i think it is a interesting concept to start with no gun, at the same time the game already has lots of things that new players need to figure out and get a hang of. taking away their only means of defense just increases the amount of things they have to deal with.

perhaps a solution to this issue would be make it an option for servers so they can pick if they want their players to spawn with a gun or not.

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Having becoming hooked on the game post makarov, and spawning with no weapon, I have gone from dying constantly to foraging and being able to kit up fairly consistantly. It was steep learning curve, but like all skills, it needs to be learned from experience, and not through dumping numbers in a stat.

Since the last update, however, the zombies seem more alert, more aggressive, and far more easy to agro. My survival rate has started dropping again. I'm all for a crowbar.

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I fell over my quarantine ship leaving Cherno I now have to Survive while Searching, Escape and Evade an Apocalypse,

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25

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It probably doesn't rally matter if you have a weapon at start or not if you are completely new to the mod, because you will just simply die a lot until you get a foothold and know your way around. Its normal to die several times when you are completely new, its part of the game and its the most elementary skill you have to gain to be able to find other loot that will help you survive. Everyone who has been playing for a while went through this, we all had multiple failed attempts at surviving. Players have died at start with or without 1911/Makarovs in their hands.

Edited by Lukio

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i like it how it is now :)

but its annyoing to get shoot when u have Nothing...Oh mayby hes helping me he has a weapon ...YAAA im helping u With a BULLET to ur HEAD !! XD :( ^^

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