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About chazbeau

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  1. chazbeau

    please ad kill rewards on the game

    i like the nuke idea, but i think each PK should turn you invisible for 30 min also
  2. chazbeau

    The Solo Bandit Survival Guide

    The Beginners Guide to Banditry for Advanced Bandits
  3. chazbeau

    The Solo Bandit Survival Guide

    ok heres a tip for every player out there.... get the best/rarest equipment you can find, it works better than the worst/common equipment you can find
  4. chazbeau

    The Solo Bandit Survival Guide

    it doesnt matter if you "know how to gear up" *said in a cocky ignorant voice* the NVGs are so rare that you dont just come across them while gearing up any ol' time. you may have once, maybe even twice (not probable) but guy is correct in saying 2.6% of players have them, because the stat was posted in the stat forum. not a typical "gear up" item, its a lucky gear up item. i agree that this is a very good load up though
  5. Because a Makarov works just like a force field against people sniping you from half a kilometer away. Better even' date=' it's like a solid steel wall. The Makarov makes it possible to achieve perfection, to reach the stars! Sing with me: "Ooh Makarov" "OOOOH Makarov!" "How you saved me from certain deeeath!" (high pitch) "Wheeen you have a Maaakarov, who needs a bulletproof vest!" [/quote'] brought tears to my eyes...... i remember blocking sniper shots with my makarov
  6. chazbeau

    Is DayZ realistic?

    if you were in a real zombie apocalypse and some one tried to kill you and they didnt succeed, from that point on, you would be the person trying to kill first. or not just a thought
  7. chazbeau

    player/zombie visual markings

    yeah i typically only play on veteran servers. i may have stumbled into a recruit server, but i dont believe i did. i had never seen this till last night, and i have been playing for at least a month, hopping around servers always my apology for making a new thread about an existing issue/question
  8. is there a server setting that enables a small light transparent circle marking every living/living dead thing in my sight? the closer i get to any creature or player, the circle gets bigger. i can even see it through walls, hills, trees.... anything and it shows me things that are far away too. Its only been on 2 servers that i noticed... i do not remember which. but if this is a setting, ill know to avoid it. because it ruins the game for me. i do not believe i have taken any hallucinogens... recently.... so thats not it
  9. chazbeau


  10. chazbeau

    Shoot on Sight

    try switching the chat to Direct Chat instead of Global Chat which is what its set by default, which is blocked as for the punishments for murderers, when rocket took out the bandit skin he said that the humanity level will stay in for undisclosed purposes (probably because he hadnt thought of anything for it yet, but hes busy, its understandable) so dont worry you guys im sure something is being worked on. hes already fixed the careless marakov weilding fresh spawns by giving us no weapons at start, so something will come... or not. if not, it keeps to the realism that is DayZ and im fine with that. i get murdered unarmed constantly, and it makes me mad, but then i change how i approach the situation. Learn. Carry steak, morphine and bandages with you and shoot players legs, break them or knock them out. take their weapon, bandage them, feed them, bring them back to full function, give them a weapon, walk behind them.... force them into friendship!!! change yourself to fit the game we all love, dont change the game we all love to fit yourself
  11. chazbeau

    Freeside Trading Co.

    I know it would be more complication, and i love this idea, but a more realistic approach to trading rather than pregaming in a forum would compliment the realistic goal of this game. keeping it how it is with a posting when and where and asking for some help is reasonable because it wouldnt take off without that. with the "fence" trading whatever comes in i think gives it more realistic depth. thats just me, ill use it either way :)
  12. chazbeau


  13. chazbeau

    Shitty thread, shitty user.

    yeah and after we remove the PVP lets remove the zombies.... it would be so much easier to score loot
  14. chazbeau

    Matt's Magic Emporium

    oh ok i figured since it was called Matts Magic Emporium, it left it open ended for humor no more humorous comments promise