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121 Excellent

About sausagefingers

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. sausagefingers

    Australias BEST Private Hive

    I Can confirm this is an awesome server, No hacking, a few people who are pretty good, and plenty of banter in side chat to give you all the more reason to hunt them.
  2. sausagefingers

    Best Ever Newspawn video

    Fucking LOL
  3. sausagefingers

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

    I kill players for the following reasons 1. Murder count comp with my mates 2. their gear 3. because revenge
  4. sausagefingers

    So, I use hacks, this is WHY

    I knew this was the reason cunts hack. They're just no good at the game. I can start as a fresh spawn and have myself all setup with good weapons/pack/supplies in 30mins. But you get fucking losers like the OP who can't win at this game or life and chooses to cheat, OP you're a fucking loser and I hope you burn in a house fire you fucking idiot. " oh if I shot at people and they killed me, that was okay" err... but its not okay for people to shoot at you ? I hope your mum contracts HIV Kind regards,
  5. sausagefingers

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Is there a way to just remove the dead soldiers in the mean time ?
  6. Excellent idea, Myself and my friends also are running an Aussie private server hosted in AUS. www.privatehive.com (links to FB) sign up if any aussies wanna have a game, side chat enabled for taunts and shit talking also. This is the future of DayZ guys.
  7. sausagefingers

    Finding Your Perfect Gun

    M16 Acog is my fav weapon, its a great mix of long range and close combat, I used to carry an AS-50 or DMR in my pack as well, but I am looking at strapping a Bizzon into the pack for zombie kills as well.
  8. sausagefingers

    Private Hive server admin behaviour

    The reason I only play on private servers. I. Hackers have fucked the public servers II. fuckwits like you with an entitlement complex. Its his server you dickhead, its not attached to the hive, he can do with it what he likes.
  9. sausagefingers

    Great! Lost all my m1911 rounds

    Did you seriously just start a thread bout losing 1911 mags ?
  10. www.privatehive.com Post your details
  11. I hope you mother gets punched in the mouth you cheating fuck. Kind regards, Dave
  12. sausagefingers

    Never trust a N00b

    Look at all my beans. I will have to upload a few other funny vids from our private hive. www.privatehive.com
  13. sausagefingers

    Have We Paid For Dayz?

    Jesus Christ some of you faggots have a real entitlement complex
  14. sausagefingers

    Creating a clan.

    http://www.facebook.com/PFprivatehive join our FB group for details
  15. sausagefingers

    97ADU is now recruiting
