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20 words or less: Spawning without a weapon

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because how the hell did you manage to survive up to that point without a weapon?

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Who has a handgun at home? I DO. And a shotgun and a rifle and every "tool" in game.

Who is actually dealing with a zombie apocalypse? Who before smart phones didn't have a map in their house? Who can't open a ton of random houses to look for food because they aren't enterable.

There is a line that gets crossed when talking about realism. We've crossed it already. And I bet if we asked FPS Russia, he'd say they all have handguns in their houses.

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Spawning in 20 words or less.

Spawned. Oh crap I'm no where near a major city. Respawn.

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  'Smails said:


Who has a handgun at home? I DO. And a shotgun and a rifle and every "tool" in game.

Who is actually dealing with a zombie apocalypse? Who before smart phones didn't have a map in their house? Who can't open a ton of random houses to look for food because they aren't enterable.

There is a line that gets crossed when talking about realism. We've crossed it already. And I bet if we asked FPS Russia' date=' he'd say they all have handguns in their houses.


Kinda OT, but you know FPS Russia is American right? ;p

On topic: Keep the guns away. :D

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Yes, but fine if spawned with melee weapon.

Enjoy either sneaking into barns or mad dashing to nearest factory for a hatchet or crowbar.

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Reason: Today, ive lost count of how many times ive been killed by other 'bandits' with military weapons and ive not even had a hatchet to 'try' and defend myself!

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No - I get the point to it but...

I cant convince ANY of my mates to play this now as they havnt seen beyond the frustrating and seemingly impossible start so they are saying "whats the point??". It seems impossibly difficult to get started now, I try to creep everywhere but with nothing to defend me at all when im searching if i get cornered in any house its death, death, death. I die MUCH more now than I ever did with PK'ing.

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  'mjr_havok said:

It seems impossibly difficult to get started now

I started my first new survivor in ~15 days last night. I didn't die' date=' but I played on a fresh copy.

My starting experience went like this:


[*] Spawn, Krutoy Cap.

[*] Loot military flashlight, bandage from deer stand near Tulga. No zombie aggro.

[*] Loot hatchet from barn near Solichniy. Zombie was standing on it; had to use tin cans to distract him.

[*] Catch zombie aggro on the way out of town, use hatchet but lose ~2000 blood but pasta/soda on bodies.

[*] Loot Winchester 1866 + 4 15 round slug piles from barn near Dubrovka.

[*] Loot medical supplies including morphine, epi-pens, blood and bandages from Berezino hospital.

[*] Loot ALICE pack, map, M1911 + 1 clip, 2 sodas from Berezino grocery north.

[*] Loot watch, hunting knife, 2 more 1911 clips, beans from Berezino grocery south.

[*] More zombie aggro on the way out of town. Now at 7000 blood but sardines, more soda.

I'm now in the wilderness north of Berezino with a completely full ALICE pack - food, soda, medical supplies. I have a secondary weapon with 20+ rounds and a primary with 60 rounds. I'm at 7200 blood but as soon as I meet my friends they can use one of my bags to give me a tranfusion and bam clean as a whistle.

My last missing piece is matches, and I'll basically be set for the end game.

This took me ~90 minutes total.

Not "impossibly hard" by any stretch of anyone's wildest imagination.

If your mates don't have the patience for it, that's ashame but not rocket's responsibility. Get new mates or tell them to keep at it. We don't need to bring DayZ down to the level of people who can't hack it, we need to bring players up to the challenge of DayZ.

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Hated it at first when I was new to the game. Once you learn where to acquire weapons it is not so bad. Beans and water would be nice however.

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Im very impressed with your achievement in 90 mins!!

I do wish I could find new friends who are as into this and as good at it as you. Ive been playing this solo for 4 weeks now....and especially snce global chat has gone...i play alone all the time now. I am a member of a gaming clan with 150+ members, but I cant seem to get anyone as obsessed with it as me, and anyone i meet in game just kills me lol

Anyway it wasn't really about MY mates :) My real point was that with the very tough starter curve I think we will see less and less new players as although the mod is free, the aram2 pack if you dont already have it is 25. A price not many want to pay to be frustrated and killed constantly when they cant see brilliant the game beyond.

Ive been playing four weeks and the last 9 days of no starter weapons are really pushing me towards giving up as ive been close to tears with frustration lol not your problem, not rockets problem, but there you have it...

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I can see both sides. I voted Yes but perhaps a fair compromise would be to have Regular servers spawn with a Makarov while veteran and hardcore spawn without. That way those who want the additional challenge can spawn with just their torch and bandage while people who were new to the game could adjust while starting with a Makarov at least. Just a thought.

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1 Makarov, 1 Mag.

  'ZedsDeadBaby said:

It seems impossibly difficult to get started now

I started my first new survivor in ~15 days last night. I didn't die' date=' but I played on a fresh copy.

My starting experience went like this:


[*] Spawn, Krutoy Cap.

[*] Loot military flashlight, bandage from deer stand near Tulga. No zombie aggro.

[*] Loot hatchet from barn near Solichniy. Zombie was standing on it; had to use tin cans to distract him.

[*] Catch zombie aggro on the way out of town, use hatchet but lose ~2000 blood but pasta/soda on bodies.

[*] Loot Winchester 1866 + 4 15 round slug piles from barn near Dubrovka.

[*] Loot medical supplies including morphine, epi-pens, blood and bandages from Berezino hospital.

[*] Loot ALICE pack, map, M1911 + 1 clip, 2 sodas from Berezino grocery north.

[*] Loot watch, hunting knife, 2 more 1911 clips, beans from Berezino grocery south.

[*] More zombie aggro on the way out of town. Now at 7000 blood but sardines, more soda.

I'm now in the wilderness north of Berezino with a completely full ALICE pack - food, soda, medical supplies. I have a secondary weapon with 20+ rounds and a primary with 60 rounds. I'm at 7200 blood but as soon as I meet my friends they can use one of my bags to give me a tranfusion and bam clean as a whistle.

My last missing piece is matches, and I'll basically be set for the end game.

This took me ~90 minutes total.

Not "impossibly hard" by any stretch of anyone's wildest imagination.

If your mates don't have the patience for it, that's ashame but not rocket's responsibility. Get new mates or tell them to keep at it. We don't need to bring DayZ down to the level of people who can't hack it, we need to bring players up to the challenge of DayZ.

Im sure you didnt put on your account other people camping at you while you where without a weapon. Because you just had luck or entered in a few people server.

  'ZedsDeadBaby said:

It seems impossibly difficult to get started now

I started my first new survivor in ~15 days last night. I didn't die' date=' but I played on a fresh copy.

My starting experience went like this:


[*] Spawn, Krutoy Cap.

[*] Loot military flashlight, bandage from deer stand near Tulga. No zombie aggro.

[*] Loot hatchet from barn near Solichniy. Zombie was standing on it; had to use tin cans to distract him.

[*] Catch zombie aggro on the way out of town, use hatchet but lose ~2000 blood but pasta/soda on bodies.

[*] Loot Winchester 1866 + 4 15 round slug piles from barn near Dubrovka.

[*] Loot medical supplies including morphine, epi-pens, blood and bandages from Berezino hospital.

[*] Loot ALICE pack, map, M1911 + 1 clip, 2 sodas from Berezino grocery north.

[*] Loot watch, hunting knife, 2 more 1911 clips, beans from Berezino grocery south.

[*] More zombie aggro on the way out of town. Now at 7000 blood but sardines, more soda.

I'm now in the wilderness north of Berezino with a completely full ALICE pack - food, soda, medical supplies. I have a secondary weapon with 20+ rounds and a primary with 60 rounds. I'm at 7200 blood but as soon as I meet my friends they can use one of my bags to give me a tranfusion and bam clean as a whistle.

My last missing piece is matches, and I'll basically be set for the end game.

This took me ~90 minutes total.

Not "impossibly hard" by any stretch of anyone's wildest imagination.

If your mates don't have the patience for it, that's ashame but not rocket's responsibility. Get new mates or tell them to keep at it. We don't need to bring DayZ down to the level of people who can't hack it, we need to bring players up to the challenge of DayZ.

Im sure you didnt put on your account other people camping at you while you where without a weapon. Because you just had luck or entered in a few people server.

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I don't terribly mind spawning without a gun, however spawning instead with a melee weapon makes it easier and follows all the same pro's/con's.

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This has been an excellent addition to the game, and has produced some real edge of the seat moments for me.

Just for example:

There was the time I was chased by a zed into the woods and managed to escape by hiding behind a rock. It's hard to describe the feeling of utter terror and excitement as I crawled away listening to it on the other side of the boulder, snuffling, goraning and shuffling about.

And just the other night I used a thrown whisky bottle to distract 4 zombies while I crept into a barn to loot for weapons. Came out with a Winny! The sense of planning, tactics, fear and triumph DayZ gives in even little scenarios like this just cannot be beat.

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Im sure you didnt put on your account other people camping at you while you where without a weapon. Because you just had luck or entered in a few people server.

Total and utter BS. Get the frak away from the coast, out of Elektro and far away from Cherno! It's not about luck, it's about risk management.

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Yes, I like it. It is very easy to lose zombies. If you do aggro zombies because you don't like crawling then you can dodge them in the forests or run into a town and find a building to run into, which coincidentally will have loot in it also. Running in one door and out the other is a really good way to lose zombies.

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I like it, it adds a certain amount of risk and not knowing to Day Z. I hope it stays, don't listen to the people complaining.

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All i do with my dmrs is sit on the coast line shooting people racking up kills. good luck you dont have i gun your dead.

Because a Makarov works just like a force field against people sniping you from half a kilometer away. Better even, it's like a solid steel wall.

The Makarov makes it possible to achieve perfection, to reach the stars!

Sing with me:

"Ooh Makarov"

"OOOOH Makarov!"

"How you saved me from certain deeeath!"

(high pitch) "Wheeen you have a Maaakarov, who needs a bulletproof vest!"

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Bring back the Mak, but with only 1 magazine.

For veterans, not having a gun is no big deal. But my friends who JUST started are finding it incredibly difficult to start up (especially since they don't know what building/places have the gun loot).

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