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DayZ Standalone Confirmed

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Stopping people from being jerks by simply banning them goes against everything this game stands for. However this issue isn't as simple as that. I do believe that this kind of 'game' mentality should be reduced but it won't be through not allowing people to play how they'd like to play. Instead there should be incentives for players to play more cooperatively. This is already happening in the form of making zombies tougher, removing kill counts etc. If you have any real suggestions of subtle and realistic deterrents I suggest you hit up the suggestion forum but there is no way in hell that you're going to be given the power you are asking for.

p.s. all up for the banning for racist and homophobic remarks by the way.

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As far as I know they never said "we will be using the Arma3 engine". I think people just assumed it was going that way. In the interviews I saw by Rocket he didn't commit to any engine at all early on and was keeping his mind open about all possibilities.

I know I incorrectly assumed that once when Rocket said it'd be on "BI's flagship engine" that it meant RV4, but I think more that he meant RV period... and being that all their current games are on RV3, with ToH being the most advanced iteration, well I should have realized that's what he meant. I'm can't say I'm not a little disappointed it's not on RV4, but I understand why. Plus I'll be getting Arma 3 anyway, and I'm sure there will be all sorts of mods for it too (ACE 3?? :-D). I don't play DayZ for the graphics anyway. Just make the Zombies behave correctly, make melee "real" and fix the holes left by Arma... or hell just leave it as is with the "mod" related issues fixed and I'll be ecstatic!!

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As far as I know they never said "we will be using the Arma3 engine". I think people just assumed it was going that way. In the interviews I saw by Rocket he didn't commit to any engine at all early on and was keeping his mind open about all possibilities.

I seem to remember Matt Lightfoot saying Dayz would be using the Arma 3 engine in his brief interview outside Gamescom (or did I dream that?), but even then I was doubtful and just put it down to excitement in his high spirits... The guys had just secured the standalone, they would all be understandably high on it all so it's not really a stoning offence. Not that it makes any difference to me, if the game was identical to what it is now i'd buy it, minus the wrinkles of course. Roll on release day.

Edit: Nope, I dreamed it - he did indeed say 2.5, my error, must've read it somewhere. Stone me instead. Jehovah.

Edited by 6raham

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You shouldn't own a server. You shouldn't have powers. There is no common sense in DayZ. Stop being a moralizer. What you are saying here is exactly the problem with server owners, you are the judge of good or bad when you really shouldn't. Play the game or let it be.

I am the exact type of person that should be running a server. I am the SA that will make sure that everyone has a fun/fair experience on the server. You on the other hand would be the opposite, hands off, the worse type of SA, blindly following a set of rules that favor hackers/scripters.

Anyways, we have gone off topic.


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This is pissing me off people are complaining about the "Graphics" or Arma II, Graphics Don't make the game, And last time i Checked, Arma II is dated but still has some of the Best/Realistic Textures and Models, Animations are something that doesn't really matter either, DayZ MOD, that there the word MOD, is doing things the game was NEVER MEANT TO DO IN THE FIRST PLACE. The lighting is great, Its fantastic actually. Arma II is a MIL-SIM, It's more Simulation than a game. If they were to include all this shit you guys are bitching and moaning about, you would need an extremely high end computer to even load up the map. Chances are they are going to launch Arma III in a phase where its not properly optimised, Just like they did with Arma II. That is probably the reason why the DayZ Standalone isn't using the same engine. I just find it hilarious that most of you bought a game YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT to play a mod.

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This is pissing me off people are complaining about the "Graphics" or Arma II, Graphics Don't make the game, And last time i Checked, Arma II is dated but still has some of the Best/Realistic Textures and Models, Animations are something that doesn't really matter either, DayZ MOD, that there the word MOD, is doing things the game was NEVER MEANT TO DO IN THE FIRST PLACE. The lighting is great, Its fantastic actually. Arma II is a MIL-SIM, It's more Simulation than a game. If they were to include all this shit you guys are bitching and moaning about, you would need an extremely high end computer to even load up the map. Chances are they are going to launch Arma III in a phase where its not properly optimised, Just like they did with Arma II. That is probably the reason why the DayZ Standalone isn't using the same engine. I just find it hilarious that most of you bought a game YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT to play a mod.

Yah, how dare we buy a game to just play a Mod... SMH

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Are people expecting it to look more like WarZ? Because I think that looks terrible. Far more cartoony.

Edited by RooBurger
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The lighting is great, Its fantastic actually.

Lighting is fantastic? :D

Have you played at dusk, its awfull.. you screen goes dimmer and brighter depending which way you looking at even if there is no direct light source. Same with night if you are looking, lets say AF light from like 300m away.. your screen get so dark that you can see only light dots... that is not fantastic, not even authentic... its stupid.

Ya lets hope that they get the 2.5 engine working properly... one used now ist working for this type of game.

Edited by Zeppa

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I love the lighting in Arma/DayZ. In real life, if it's dark and you look at a bright light you can't see bugger all else because your pupils dilate. It's not perfect in DayZ/Arma but better than many games.

Edited by Fraggle
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Sure you cant see when you stare at the light near it, but its way over done in arma...

but the overal calculation of lighting. Try it like this if you have nvgs, go to the forest at dusk, there is no light source(moon/sun etc)

Turn on nv, and turn 380 slowly.. its stupid how it get darker at one point and like 180 dec from it brighter, same happens without nvg too. Also depend how high you are looking at, when you look at the ground its get brighter(it does it even indoors..). I could make video about this...

Its annoying when you try to look for something and it does this, person looking the opposite direction (you) has advantage because of this.

Edited by Zeppa

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I certainly hope the standalone can handle the hacker situation better than the mod. I have never seen so many hackers invade a video game ever.

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Hi all. I also remember someone mentioned arma 3 as a core for a standalone. Nevertheless i think about TOH engine. I never played this game, just saw some videos on YT and I wonder what can be done with this stuff. Cause i`m a kind of a graphic wierdo i wonder how the game will look, and first of all how it`s going to work (animation etc.). I like DayZ very much but i expect more from a standalone project which I`m probably going to pay for.

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Seems Arma 3 is not ready to take over DayZ. Still where is ability to upgrade render of Arma 2. And as said guys above "graphics don't make the game". Indeed.

I will buy standalone no meter how much it will cost, no meter what engine it will use.

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Hey guys, I was thinking just a moment ago about something, and I don't recall it being mentioned anywhere by the devs. Maybe it's buried in any of the 61 pages of this thread but I don't have the time to go through them all. A forum search doesn't find anything either. The question is:

Will the day/night cycle in stand alone stay 24 hours long as in the mod? Or will it be modified to some hours long, with a fixated hour across all servers?

I love playing at night, even when I don't have NVG, but right now everytime it gets dark people change servers and the server gets empty. It's impossible to have the full experience at night time.

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Check up there ^^. That link I posted is covering a lot of questions and he's answering more as we speak. As far as I remember (not confirmed) I saw something about the cycles being 16 hours long, so 8 hours day - 8 hours night.

Disclaimer: I may be speaking bollocks.

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Well i would make it even shorter... like 8 hour cycle... 4 hours day 4 hours night... and same time zone across all servers... to make people to play at night...and i would remove NVG from game... i would really love to use all that flares and chemlights.... flaslights and all these stuff...

(or at least make NVG hard to use... like need batteries for them)

Right now everyone is using NVG and thats no fun for me :(

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Check up there ^^. That link I posted is covering a lot of questions and he's answering more as we speak. As far as I remember (not confirmed) I saw something about the cycles being 16 hours long, so 8 hours day - 8 hours night.

Disclaimer: I may be speaking bollocks.

I didn't see my question in there D: But I'll ask it as soon as the topic is open for business again.

Well i would make it even shorter... like 8 hour cycle... 4 hours day 4 hours night... and same time zone across all servers... to make people to play at night...and i would remove NVG from game... i would really love to use all that flares and chemlights.... flaslights and all these stuff...

(or at least make NVG hard to use... like need batteries for them)

Right now everyone is using NVG and thats no fun for me :(

I agree with you, I love flares! The lighting of flares at night is awesome.

I don't really care for how long the cycle is, as the important thing to me is that we have the same time zone across all servers. That means noone can "escape" to the safety of daylight. But also means that the day/night cycle should be short, so the people that can only play at one time in the day have a chance to play at daylight. A compomise is needed here, too short, and the inmersion is ruined. Too long, and some people would only be able to play at night or day, depending on their location and the time of day that they can play.

Edited by HellSnake

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Well i would make it even shorter... like 8 hour cycle... 4 hours day 4 hours night... and same time zone across all servers... to make people to play at night...and i would remove NVG from game... i would really love to use all that flares and chemlights.... flaslights and all these stuff...

(or at least make NVG hard to use... like need batteries for them)

Right now everyone is using NVG and thats no fun for me :(

Indeed. The game currently is way too easy and surviving is very easy.

There's absolutely no point in getting the flares / chemlights / military flashlights because you know everybody will have NVG's and see you & you'll get a NVG within the next few hours.

I hope the game will be a lot harder than the current version.

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I wouldn't mind keeping the map if they added some bits on, made some areas worth while.. actually add in animals that are in woods like wolves.

When I first started playing I wouldn't go near forests for that reason or swim in the ocean for fear of man-eating boat sized fishies.

Also this may be a silly question about standalone does that mean it will be released in stores or just on the website?.. Maybe a little early to ask

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can any of the devs confirm what has been changed from what we are playing now to the standalone?

reason i ask is the cheating ? its so rife in the game at the moment how can you stop it if you are still using the same core game ? yes it may be tweaked version which may stop some of the easier exploits but will it have a big effect on stopping cheating and how so ?

ps i love the game but the cheating has got stupidly out of hand in it.

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Again, I highly recommend anyone who is interested in the future of DayZ takes a look here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/38476-the-one-line-questions-for-rocket-thread/

There's answers to many of the questions you guy's are asking and when we unlock the thread you can post some more. Rocket's nearly finished answering the questions posted so far, so get thinking of anything else not already covered that you might want him to answer.

Edited by Max Planck
Changed the link a bit, page one now.

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can you please add my question of how the hacking or prevention of hacking will alter from what we have now which is a hackinfested mess .

also if it isnt reolved and still rife can players get there money back ?

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