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DayZ Standalone Confirmed

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From the server hosting rules:

13. You are permitted to kick or ban for ongoing severe hacking that is affecting players in a server-disruptive way.

How servers will be handled in the standalone remains to be seen, I'm hoping for official servers myself.

Ya I understand that, but my server hoster overstepped their boundries and made it so we literally couldn't ban anyone, and we had to constantly kick the same hacker over and over. Probably why we just let the server payment end lol. But +1 to official servers.


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Ya I understand that, but my server hoster overstepped their boundries and made it so we literally couldn't ban anyone, and we had to constantly kick the same hacker over and over. Probably why we just let the server payment end lol. But +1 to official servers.

Got this problem at the moment. I can kick a hacker off the server but it won't let me ban him through clanforge..

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Yes, lets take away all powers from SA's so when, not if, the hackers find a way to circumvent whatever AC this has, the game will be even more unplayable than it is now.

If this game doesn't have "Official Servers", and takes all powers from people who host, the game will fail, and that will be to bad because it has the potential to be great.

That doesn't make sense. Server admins now have little power and can only ban when they are online. This implies a serious hacking problem we currently have. In the standalone this won't be the case. So why should server admins have powers? What is the point? Power will be abused. That's a fact. Under normal circumstances you do not need to do anything with your server at all. Server admins now do not prevent hacking, they simply ban after things happened. There is no prevention at all going on right now.

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Also forgot to add i can't even access the in game server control to kick/ban ingame as it kicks you automatically for "script restriction 195#"

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That doesn't make sense. Server admins now have little power and can only ban when they are online. This implies a serious hacking problem we currently have. In the standalone this won't be the case. So why should server admins have powers? What is the point? Power will be abused. That's a fact. Under normal circumstances you do not need to do anything with your server at all. Server admins now do not prevent hacking, they simply ban after things happened. There is no prevention at all going on right now.

SA's in every game that I have ever known, and I have been around since Q1 days, have had the capability of removing people from their server. This only makes sense, why in the hell would someone run a server for public game-play and not be allowed to remove hacking/disruptive players?

You still need a SA around to remove players, always will. To say that under normal circumstances you do not need to do anything with your server is just false. There are so many times that I was paged (yes, I am that old) to come in and remove someone from the server for just be a complete asshole to everyone.

Anyways, we will have to wait and see how this game shapes up, but if they don't have Official servers, and don't allow SA's to police their servers, the game will not be as successful as it could be.

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SA's in every game that I have ever known, and I have been around since Q1 days, have had the capability of removing people from their server. This only makes sense, why in the hell would someone run a server for public game-play and not be allowed to remove hacking/disruptive players?

You still need a SA around to remove players, always will. To say that under normal circumstances you do not need to do anything with your server is just false. There are so many times that I was paged (yes, I am that old) to come in and remove someone from the server for just be a complete asshole to everyone.

Anyways, we will have to wait and see how this game shapes up, but if they don't have Official servers, and don't allow SA's to police their servers, the game will not be as successful as it could be.

Being an asshole or whatever is completely acceptable in DayZ. Your argument is invalid.

The only reason to kick/ban somebody from the server is hacking. If you ban someone for something else you are violating the rules. This is DayZ, everything is allowed besides hacking, and it won't be a serious issue anymore in the standalone.

This is the problem. You have morals and you will act accordingly to them as a Server admin, and you will violate rules, because you think something is good or bad. This makes you a judge. You are not a judge. You are someone who invests money to play a game you love. Nothing more, nothing less. If you want power, go into politics. DayZ is the wrong place.

Edited by Takas
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Isn't the CBL a preventative measure? Seems to work well for the admins on my home server. Last night, 3 kick/bans within 10 mins because of it.

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Being an asshole or whatever is completely acceptable in DayZ. Your argument is invalid.

The only reason to kick/ban somebody from the server is hacking. If you ban someone for something else you are violating the rules. This is DayZ, everything is allowed besides hacking, and it won't be a serious issue anymore in the standalone.

This is the problem. You have morals and you will act accordingly to them as a Server admin, and you will violate rules, because you think something is good or bad. This makes you a judge. You are not a judge. You are someone who invests money to play a game you love. Nothing more, nothing less. If you want power, go into politics. DayZ is the wrong place.

It's not my fault that there is a set of rules that are completely asinine. I can't kick a player because they are using a hacked weapon, BS, cheating is cheating. Oh yah, I can kick for racism and homophobic ranting.

Morals has nothing to do with it, not a damn thing, it's called common sense, something that was lacking when the "rules" were made. If a group of people are camping the spawn points and killing people the second they spawn, they do not deserve to play on the server and are banned. That is just one example of things that get people banned.

Now your "power" comment, same damn thing, nothing to do with power, everything to do with common sense.

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If a group of people are camping the spawn points and killing people the second they spawn, they do not deserve to play on the server and are banned. That is just one example of things that get people banned.

I hate these people, I really do. They obviously aren't playing the game for a challenge, they just want to ruin someone's day and get some quick kills in the easiest way possible.

But I don't want to remove them. Knowing you might get killed the second you enter a server is just another cruel, unfair challenge in DayZ. Honestly, this is the kind of thing which makes me love the game.

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I hate these people, I really do. They obviously aren't playing the game for a challenge, they just want to ruin someone's day and get some quick kills in the easiest way possible.

But I don't want to remove them. Knowing you might get killed the second you enter a server is just another cruel, unfair challenge in DayZ. Honestly, this is the kind of thing which makes me love the game.

Problem is, when your server loses its players because of something like this.

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I'm all for spawn camping if that's what makes you happy and players doing it should not be banned. If you're a new spawn, deal with it and find another way around instead of whining about it.

Being banned for hacking or racism is another story.

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Is it still reasonable to expect DayZ standalone before the end of the year? I mean I'm not complaining, because I'm more than willing to wait longer if need be. I just would like to know if things are going 'to plan' thus far with the game's development.

The way I see it, I suspect Rocket wants to get it out before the competitors like Class 3 or WarZ come out. However, since all signs indicate that those two games won't be posing a major threat to DayZ - especially after that god awful gameplay footage from War Z (bleh!) recently released - I think Rocket will be soon be announcing a delay in the release date, re-schedualing it for sometime early next year.

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Heya guys. I have stopped playing this game for a month now, due to horrible hax and lack of updates. Not complaining though, i realize Rocket is busy. What i would like to get some clarification on, is the bullshit he wrote in the last Day-z standalone blog. What the fuck is this "we will be using Take on Helicopters engine for Day-z standalone"?! What happened to Arma 3 engine, like promised? Really? We get the same lame Arma 2 engine with slight improvements? No, thanks. Ill reserve my final judgement when the first footage starts coming out, but if it is anywhere near as clunky and graphically dated as Arma 2 or even Take on Helicopters engine, im out of here for good.

Thanks, but no thanks. If you improve, improve it to 2013 standarts.

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Is it still reasonable to expect DayZ standalone before the end of the year? I mean I'm not complaining, because I'm more than willing to wait longer if need be. I just would like to know if things are going 'to plan' thus far with the game's development.

The way I see it, I suspect Rocket wants to get it out before the competitors like Class 3 or WarZ come out. However, since all signs indicate that those two games won't be posing a major threat to DayZ - especially after that god awful gameplay footage from War Z (bleh!) recently released - I think Rocket will be soon be announcing a delay in the release date, re-schedualing it for sometime early next year.

Rocket replied to someone's tweet that the release is going to be on November or December.

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I'm all for spawn camping if that's what makes you happy and players doing it should not be banned. If you're a new spawn, deal with it and find another way around instead of whining about it.

Being banned for hacking or racism is another story.

So your saying it is ok, for a group of people to camp were you zone in, and shot you immediately? I'm not talking about being in Cherno or Electro, I'm talking about being right on the coast and killing you as soon as you spawn.

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Heya guys. I have stopped playing this game for a month now, due to horrible hax and lack of updates. Not complaining though, i realize Rocket is busy. What i would like to get some clarification on, is the bullshit he wrote in the last Day-z standalone blog. What the fuck is this "we will be using Take on Helicopters engine for Day-z standalone"?! What happened to Arma 3 engine, like promised? Really? We get the same lame Arma 2 engine with slight improvements? No, thanks. Ill reserve my final judgement when the first footage starts coming out, but if it is anywhere near as clunky and graphically dated as Arma 2 or even Take on Helicopters engine, im out of here for good.

Thanks, but no thanks. If you improve, improve it to 2013 standarts.

It isnt graphics that makes the game...

Arma 2 graphics are decent and the new engine is its own branch from the arma 2 engine and they can do what ever they want with it.

Refered as arma 2.5 and there will more than "slight improvements" to it(ragdoll, lighting etc)... you should read up more about this, its sounds promising and take on helicopter gameplay footage looks nice. As you said, lets see what comes out.

edit ps: If I remember correctly there has been NO promisses about standalone using arma3 engine, only speculations..

So your saying it is ok, for a group of people to camp were you zone in, and shot you immediately? I'm not talking about being in Cherno or Electro, I'm talking about being right on the coast and killing you as soon as you spawn.

How can you spawncamp in dayz when you spawn all around the coast?

This isnt really a problem, and you have nothing to loose when you spawn... next time it may be differend place and without campers... really.

Edited by Zeppa

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Heya guys. I have stopped playing this game for a month now, due to horrible hax and lack of updates. Not complaining though, i realize Rocket is busy. What i would like to get some clarification on, is the bullshit he wrote in the last Day-z standalone blog. What the fuck is this "we will be using Take on Helicopters engine for Day-z standalone"?! What happened to Arma 3 engine, like promised? Really? We get the same lame Arma 2 engine with slight improvements? No, thanks. Ill reserve my final judgement when the first footage starts coming out, but if it is anywhere near as clunky and graphically dated as Arma 2 or even Take on Helicopters engine, im out of here for good.

Thanks, but no thanks. If you improve, improve it to 2013 standarts.

They're basing it on ARMA 2 and TOH because it will be more stable and secure on release than if they went with ARMA 3. As was mentioned, there will be improvements. This isn't a mod for ARMA 2 or 3, it's a new standalone game in it's own right.

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...with an aged engine. Are we supposed to be excited about this? I mean seriously! http://www.dsogaming...mance-analysis/

I am gutted to be honest. I was really looking forward to Arma 3 nights in Day-z. This is just bullshit.

Rocket really pulled a Molyneux here.

What is in arma 3 nights that cannot be achieved with arma 2.5?

I agree that arma2 engine has some major performance.. lets call them bugs or issues. Its weird when you are in the house, there is nothing but the walls and inside of the building to be drawn, still it has to calculate the scenery million miles to horizon which makes your fps drop so bad and calculate every object in the map even without need to..

Good exsample is lingor, doesnt matter where you at your fps will suck...(depending which way you are looking at..) You can loose firefight because of that and its annoying, just last night fps dropped to 15 middle of firefight and got shot.. even when there is only like 2-5 zeds controlled by your pc.

Edited by Zeppa

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It's not my fault that there is a set of rules that are completely asinine. I can't kick a player because they are using a hacked weapon, BS, cheating is cheating. Oh yah, I can kick for racism and homophobic ranting.

Morals has nothing to do with it, not a damn thing, it's called common sense, something that was lacking when the "rules" were made. If a group of people are camping the spawn points and killing people the second they spawn, they do not deserve to play on the server and are banned. That is just one example of things that get people banned.

Now your "power" comment, same damn thing, nothing to do with power, everything to do with common sense.

You shouldn't own a server. You shouldn't have powers. There is no common sense in DayZ. Stop being a moralizer. What you are saying here is exactly the problem with server owners, you are the judge of good or bad when you really shouldn't. Play the game or let it be.

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...with an aged engine. Are we supposed to be excited about this? I mean seriously! http://www.dsogaming...mance-analysis/

I am gutted to be honest. I was really looking forward to Arma 3 nights in Day-z. This is just bullshit.

Rocket really pulled a Molyneux here.

If you don't like it, then don't play it. There's nothing you or I can do about it.

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If you don't like it, then don't play it. There's nothing you or I can do about it.

I know that there is fuck all we can do, the decision has been made. When all my friends told me to get bent when i told them about the mod i didnt sweat much because i read the standalone will use Arma 3, that engine atleast looks 21st century. I dont know, i just feel slighted, even though i have no right to be so. I didnt pay a dime for the mod, and i really should not feel entitled, and yet i do. I feel like if DICE would announce they will make BF3 on Frostbite 2 engine, and then settle for tried and tested craptastic Frostbite 1.5

Ive spent countless hours playing this amazing mod, we all have. Bugs, hacks and horrible graphics/animations to boot. I hate how WarZ looks, and im afraid Day-z standalone will not be much better.

As i said, only time will tell and i sure hope i am wrong.

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also couldnt you add some style of "dead island" campaign into the game, may elongate the overall usage of the game especially since users could create their our missions and rewards could be simple but useful items that are hard too find

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I know that there is fuck all we can do, the decision has been made. When all my friends told me to get bent when i told them about the mod i didnt sweat much because i read the standalone will use Arma 3, that engine atleast looks 21st century. I dont know, i just feel slighted, even though i have no right to be so. I didnt pay a dime for the mod, and i really should not feel entitled, and yet i do. I feel like if DICE would announce they will make BF3 on Frostbite 2 engine, and then settle for tried and tested craptastic Frostbite 1.5

Ive spent countless hours playing this amazing mod, we all have. Bugs, hacks and horrible graphics/animations to boot. I hate how WarZ looks, and im afraid Day-z standalone will not be much better.

As i said, only time will tell and i sure hope i am wrong.

I think what you read was speculations that it will be using the Arma 3 engine, because before they announced standalone people were assuming that it would be.

I don't have any evidence to present that Rocket said they would be using the Arma 3 engine.

The engine looks pretty good to me (not BF3 good) but pretty decent and smoother. To each his own I guess.

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As far as I know they never said "we will be using the Arma3 engine". I think people just assumed it was going that way. In the interviews I saw by Rocket he didn't commit to any engine at all early on and was keeping his mind open about all possibilities.

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