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**Awesome Server Host**New Timchanging feature & Pre-whitelisted | VILAYER

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ACP website acting up again, can`t access game services, times out. Other links do work :(



Fixed! :)

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certainly there is support on weekends, just have to find out where to look for it. ;) although I find johnny should get some frontline support ppl to take care of those tickets that likely make up the majority of contacts (like: "Q_Q it´s lagging" - "it´s the hive, we can´t do anything about it"), which as a result would take load off the guys actually taking care of the servers.

although taking care of everything at the same time, kudos for ian and lee for a) being there at sunday midnight and past looking at things, and b) while doing that even having the nerv for a nice chat.

so some consideration and common sense ppl, you´re getting the good stuff here, and have a very personal care (as opposed to generic emails from a generic mailbox giving you generic information you didn´t ask for).

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We definitely support on weekends. I was just away on a business meeting, which I put everywhere. It was uneventful and I managed to buy some more in flight internet so I could fix a few issues. I do know that Ian and Lee were up late yesterday and today.

There are a few support specialist that work for vilayer but only 3 that know the complexity of ArmA.

If you need me, msg me on skype(capecodcaper), email me (jstilljr@student.dwc.edu) or if you're really really lucky I'll give you my phone number ;)


Also, don't foget we now have massively awesome supported datacenters in Texas and on the west coast of the US

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Not too long sir, it varies, depending on when the payment is recieved and how long it takes for instance processing. I believe your server is up.


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We spent a good few hours on servers tonight. Due to new DayZ regulations it may be a bit longer than "instant" before a server is up.

Also, I am always willing to help people when I'm at home and not at work or out. Over the past few days, I have had 2 people call my office and 5 others call my cell phone. I have no clue how you got these numbers, but my employer, the US Government, doesn't necessarily like when people call me at work. Please do not call those lines for support. You may come on TS (ts3.vilayer.com) or add me on skype (capecodcaper). I will get to you as soon as I get home.

Also, while I wish I didn't have to, I do sleep, as do our other support techs :). Aside from that, if there are unanswered tickets it is most likely because of the huge influx of tickets we got from people discussing things like "I keep spawning in debug forest, I demand my money back" or "My ghillie suit is gone, WTF" (actual quotes). We are not particularly responsible for DayZ bugs, but if you want tips contact me on skype. If you have a 100% certain server issue, put in a ticket then, or else we get backed up :)

Have a lovely day, I have to wake up in 2 hours for work haha


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Usually less than an hour. But if machines are unavailable and we have to order more, our terms of service state a maximum of 72 hours. I would guess it would be up in the next 3-5 hours. I will check when I get home from work :)


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Let me know If I can expect it this evening or not...thanks for your help!

Usually less than an hour. But if machines are unavailable and we have to order more, our terms of service state a maximum of 72 hours. I would guess it would be up in the next 3-5 hours. I will check when I get home from work :)


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I am one of the co-admins of DE56 and I have a few questions.

Why can´t we edit the server variables any more?

We wish to edit some important variables (reqBuild, Enforce Beta Version XYZ, maxplayers from 50 to 40) but you are denying access to the config file.

Although we wrote several support tickets and talked to you via TS3, we have been waiting for two weeks to reduce the maximum amount of players from 50 to 40. Still nothing has happened.

We think the max number of 50 players is one of the main causes of rubber banding and constant lags.

Furthermore the custom timezone is not working properly. Sometimes it´s pitch-black at 2 in the afternoon, sometimes it´s bright white.

Can you fix this please?

Thank you very much!

Edited by hobbicon

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So far for me Vilayer is a great host, most of my issues have been due to my own mistakes not theirs. I do notice alot of orange and red chains (less since update to but 9.5/10 I dont see any representation of that in my gameplay or ms in server......so i dont know if its real lag or what. Have only rubber banded and had like a 15min roll back once in a week and that was on original 7.2 patch.

I only have one unresolved issue and that is my max ping setting...... it just straight up doesnt work. I have a few friends from the UK average 180 ping in my server so i set max ping to 250 (account for mild spikes) and they get kicked within 30secs for having pings of 181ms. So I read up (due dilligence and all) and found some rcon commands to set max ping and ran that, set it to 500 just incase it was some wierd spike issue still kicked after same amount of time for samme range of ping.

Its not like people cant connect to my server and no one has complained of lag to me, but I would like to be able to ACTUALLY set my max ping to a reasonable 200 for my intl friends to play (30-40 over default max is acceptable right?) I do have a support ticket in but I figured that system may be hella overloaded and this page seemed to get some love, so because I made thsis max ping issue I make sure people know your still a good host in my books.

sorry for bad grammar and what not i just dont care, im a speaker not a speller.

Edited by F4ll3N

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I ordered at 10:30am EST this morning. Order is still at "pending" and no word on when it will be up. Hopefully you have better luck.

just lease a 50 slots , hope have this 2morrow :(

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I am one of the co-admins of DE56 and I have a few questions.

Why can´t we edit the server variables any more?

We wish to edit some important variables (reqBuild, Enforce Beta Version XYZ, maxplayers from 50 to 40) but you are denying access to the config file.

Although we wrote several support tickets and talked to you via TS3, we have been waiting for two weeks to reduce the maximum amount of players from 50 to 40. Still nothing has happened.

We think the max number of 50 players is one of the main causes of rubber banding and constant lags.

Furthermore the custom timezone is not working properly. Sometimes it´s pitch-black at 2 in the afternoon, sometimes it´s bright white.

Can you fix this please?

Thank you very much!

Message me on skype (capecodcaper) and we cna get you squared away


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Furthermore the custom timezone is not working properly. Sometimes it´s pitch-black at 2 in the afternoon, sometimes it´s bright white.

I can confirm that! Sometimes dark, sometimes bright...even after restart the time setting is like russian roulette...

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You guys have DayZ servers in Seattle? If you did, I'd be all over this.



Edited by Sna.ke

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I did order a server from them yesterday and after payment the server was up and running an hour after that. And im loving the low ping (20-23ms) im getting.

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After having lived with the new way of admining through the ACP for a week or so I've got a couple of comments for John and Lee. Overall, the new system is awesome and you guys have done a great job of making sure we can fiddle around with all the settings and not piss off the devs in the process!

  • Can the time changes be reflected in the server name e.g. [GMT-3]. I'm adding it in the "hosted by" section at the mo but I think it should be grouped in with the difficulty tags.
  • Can we have an option to choose the time-outs on the MOTD & make the MOTD longer. Currently they all flash up before people are actually in the server and are completely missed by players. I had it set up before so that 4-5 messages would show 5 mins after entering the server and then 10 mins later. You can do this by adding blank lines to the MOTD.

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Message me on skype (capecodcaper) and we cna get you squared away


The problem is:

The server DE56 is not rented under my name, that´s why I am just a co-admin. Just search for support tickets made by our admin Elvis.

He even talkted to you via team speak on several occasions.

Thanks a lot.

Edited by hobbicon

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Aloha Johnny! I have been debating hosting a server with a friend of mine and have a few questions for ya.

First let me apologize if these have already been answered elsewhere, I run my own business and have very little time to spare for reading a 20 page thread, I do have all the time in the world for my customers though. :)

One, I would like to have a small server to start with, only 25-30 players.

Two, I would like to be able to coordinate an exact opening time so I can advertise it ahead of time and of course be in from the start with me and my friend. :)

Three, what type of server controls are we allowed? I would like to be able to kick and ban hackers, set my difficulty to the hardest settings, restart the server when I notice nothing is spawning or its not connected to the hive. Don't need to lock it ever as far as I know unless there are reasons that is actually needed. What controls does an admin need and use anyways? Are there competing forms of controlling a server and if so what are the advantages of the one you use?

Four, US west cost location. Up until dayz I was used to seeing a lot of server hosts in San Jose/San Francisco which is where I get the best ping but as far as I can tell no dayz servers are hosted there. I'm ok with LA or Seattle but historically the SJ/SF area has been the gaming server hub, maybe I'm just behind the times.

Five, any discounts for pre-purchasing longer time frames?

Six, what limitations are put on me by the dayz team? Read the dayz staff post.

Thank you very much

Edited by Poet

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Aloha Johnny! I have been debating hosting a server with a friend of mine and have a few questions for ya.

First let me apologize if these have already been answered elsewhere, I run my own business and have very little time to spare for reading a 20 page thread, I do have all the time in the world for my customers though. :)

One, I would like to have a small server to start with, only 25-30 players.

Two, I would like to be able to coordinate an exact opening time so I can advertise it ahead of time and of course be in from the start with me and my friend. :)

Three, what type of server controls are we allowed? I would like to be able to kick and ban hackers, set my difficulty to the hardest settings, restart the server when I notice nothing is spawning or its not connected to the hive. Don't need to lock it ever as far as I know unless there are reasons that is actually needed. What controls does an admin need and use anyways? Are there competing forms of controlling a server and if so what are the advantages of the one you use?

Four, US west cost location. Up until dayz I was used to seeing a lot of server hosts in San Jose/San Francisco which is where I get the best ping but as far as I can tell no dayz servers are hosted there. I'm ok with LA or Seattle but historically the SJ/SF area has been the gaming server hub, maybe I'm just behind the times.

Five, any discounts for pre-purchasing longer time frames?

Six, what limitations are put on me by the dayz team? Read the dayz staff post.

Thank you very much

2. Yessir, once installed we can just stop the server and start it when you are ready

3. Any RCON controls are allowed (ban/kick/message), you can also change the end of the hostname, edit difficulty settings, start/stop the server and use our time changing feature

4. The LA area is where our best datacenter is on the West Coast. Unfortunately none in the SF area could beat them out :(

5. You can discuss this with Lee. I believe he will work something out for you. Pop into TS (TS3.vilayer.com) and ask away :)


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