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About Sna.ke

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  1. Sna.ke

    Need a home server

    It means you need the latest beta version of ARMA2, which you can get from here: http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php You can tell your current Beta Version (build) number by looking at the bottom right corner on the main menu:
  2. Woah woah woah. Hold on. A lot of scripts lately are spawning vehicles "through" other players. So you have to be careful with banning.
  3. Sna.ke

    Cheater using Invisibility - Now banned

    Are you sure that player was using it? I've often seen multiple toggles (false/true/false/true/false) done to mass players. It's a way for the hacker to hide him/herself.
  4. So you're saying server admins cannot ban anyone because they just faked the log files?
  5. Sna.ke

    US 917 - Seattle

    Thanks Wolfhound, I shall take a look at the log files. Happy surviving!
  6. Sna.ke

    Servers should be cleaned/reset after a few months?

    rofl Player asks how to reset the server. DayZ mod responds with "I reset my server every 2 weeks" DayZ mod doesn't tell player how to do it and leaves thread. *facepalm*
  7. DayZ staff threatens to ban/blacklist servers for enabling Sidechat. I'm inclined not to believe them when they talk about a Server Admin tool.
  8. Sna.ke

    To all server admins

    And there is the problem with this community right there: Abusive Admins > Hackers Nevermind the fact that many admins that lock their servers, or are twitchy on the banning/kicking triggers are because of the number of hacks that occur on servers per day, and the number of incidents that admins have to deal with. Nevermind the fact that there is no support or acknowledgement of a problem from the DayZ team about the hackers. Take rockets recent awesome decision of reducing the amount of logging information available to admins because "ADMIN ABUSE ADMIN ABUSE PROTECT US FROM THE ADMINS". I've never seen in a community before the hatred driven by the development team towards server owners/operators, and this only gets instilled in their player base. This is to the point that when Thunderdome occurs, many players blame admin abuse. And it's funny, because many of us Server Admins like the mod and want to help better it and provide places to play. It's the reason we pay $50-$200+/mo Oh well, will see what happens over the next few months and into fall. I have a feeling that the attitude that the DayZ "team" is displaying right now will drastically change by Christmas.
  9. Sna.ke

    Best Server Host?

    Please keep in mind, you cannot lock your server/password it/kick people from it unless its for hacking. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the rules and that you agree with them. Good luck, and happy server admining. It's a lot of work, but
  10. You kidding, rocket has made it clear that his priority is protecting the players from the Server Admins, as they are the ones that do the real damage in this community. I don't think I've read one post where he acknowledges the hacking problem, let alone a post that he's going to fix it. And in a game where there is shit-for-tools (log files, control panels, engine/battleye controls, etc) to assist in the identification and removal of hackers, he reduces the amount of data being collected because "ADMIN ABUSE, ADMIN ABUSE, ALL ADMINS ARE BAD, SCARY MAKE THEM GO AWAY".
  11. While I'm all for supporting admin's rights to run their server with discretion, you give us server admins a bad name. You run your server like it's your little kingdom. You get a power and ego trip from kicking and banning players and bossing them around the map. I picture you as a small little man, who is working a dead-end job, has no hope or future, and gets his jollies from playing god on his server. I know the type. Anyways, you can't just ban someone for killing you or taking your vehicle. You can't ban someone from your server for coming into your public and advertised TS server and smack talking you. That's not how the game works. And you lose some privileges when you're running a server that uses the public hive. You have to follow the rules. There is some action we as admins can take, and there are definitely some limitations I wish were not in place and are dumb/retarded. I'll just leave it as: you're obviously an asshole, and I hope your server gets blacklisted.
  12. Not just keeping an admin on, but keeping an admin on in all places of the map at all times. I think it's incredibly dumb that in a time when hackers are running rampant, they would DECREASE the amount of information logged. This mod is going down hill pretty fast.
  13. Sna.ke

    Global Banned, but wasn't hacking.

    Read his post, contact BattlEye Support http://battleye.com/support.html