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**Awesome Server Host**New Timchanging feature & Pre-whitelisted | VILAYER

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compensation accepted, keep it up! gj!

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whats up with the "instant setup"?

been waiting for 6hours now, for the pending server.

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I have to say, the customer service and quality of product is amazing. Thanks for the help yesterday Johnny!

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In Vilayer we trust :-)

The guys are always helpful via email or TS3

Highly recommended!

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all things being well mike does not take very long at all maybe couple of days max

mine was all sorted within 24 hours but i got mine on a monday morning to avoid the whole weekend thing...

Highly recommended anyway i have had mine a month or so and have had 0 problems and help whenever i have needed it, John and Lee are great guys..

Good luck

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all things being well mike does not take very long at all maybe couple of days max

mine was all sorted within 24 hours but i got mine on a monday morning to avoid the whole weekend thing...

Highly recommended anyway i have had mine a month or so and have had 0 problems and help whenever i have needed it' date=' John and Lee are great guys..

Good luck


Thanks for the info.

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Hey guys' date='

Anyone getting "status unknown" in ACP again?

Can`t restart the server..



Mine looks fine, sorry

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My server isn't showing up in the ACP anymore :/ Probably a fault somewhere, server is still up though.

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global issue for sure, so i bet they are on it.

server running, but cant control it thru panel

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None at teamspeak? Then why you even have support if none can support? I have been waiting days for support

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All servers on ACP showing stopped or running. There are only 8 unknowns. What will cause ACP to crash is a few things, but namely that people hit stop and restart 10-15 times when they need to hit it 1 time. This wonks out the box. We are getting things setup for you.


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My server is still "unknown" Johnny, waiting for support to come online while i enjoy my coffee :)

Why would people stop / start their server so much lol.

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Same here, wrote with Johnny yesterday on ts3 and they will hopefully get this worked out soon. Its bad to have the Server Down on the weekend and everybody asks me all the time when it will be up again.

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Hey , srsly is this "INSTANT SETUP" just a joke? we wanted to make a nice weekend DayZ gametime but im STILL waiting for my server to go up. i already was 5 hours in that "ONLINE CHAT ****" of vilayer yesterday and didnt even got a answer on anything. Payed for 1 month and the game time is already getting less even if that server isnt Online... i hope anyone works there on the weekend otherwise im going to get my money back

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Not sure what is going on

Johnny yesterday said he did a server repair and things seemed ok for a bit then again but later it just restarted with no ACP doing it. And today, been restart by it's self again?

First I noticed it at 12:21 and it's restarted 4 times since then.

I just (14:29) Stopped the server after a clan member said it restarted again.

Waited 2 mins then clicked Start once, (i never click more than once I just wait for the Loading icon to dissapear) then went to the lobby and w8'ed for the Timeout to count down. Told my mate it's all back again. Within 1 min of being back in YELLOW SOLID chain appeared. And it's down again re-Creating.

Seriously? Like someone else said it's Sunday Prime Gaming time and we can't ppl on our server.

I've even change the MTOD lines to Say it's not us restarting but a VILAYER issue causing the restarts...

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what "awesome" host doesnt have support at weekends? ... that doesnt sound like a awesome host.

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