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The ping shot up for 20-30 seconds, Its not like that constantly.


Edited by Stevenleonk

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My main problem is the timesetting tool which seems to be broken very often. Very annoying...

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Hi, I'm having a bit of a problem with a server I just purchased. Plus I've been waiting a good 8 hours for a response to a medium priority ticket when I recieved an instant reply to a low.

I got the server yesterday and currently I'm having a problem of the status being stuck on Creating and no matter what I do I can't get past this. I'm able to log in as admin however I still can not start the mission and only get stuck on "Wait For Host".

The ticket ID would be #910246

Christopher Watton

Edited by chriseeeee

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Its been nearly 8 hours since I paid for my server and it is still pending. I am currently in the TS channel but am unable to raise help due to no one answering. Any ideas on how long it will take to get my server up and running?

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Hello Penthrox,

Server setup can range from 1-24 hours (up to 60 if there is a hardware shortage). Usually it is less than 12, currently we have to manually install servers to boxes, so when Lee gets on we can reset things.


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I understand that, I really do but when it says in big letters 'usually within 4-5 hours' it seems a little misleading. I don't understand how within now close to 10 hours since payment the server has not been set up, do I get compensated for the time I can't use something I have paid for?

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I understand that, I really do but when it says in big letters 'usually within 4-5 hours' it seems a little misleading. I don't understand how within now close to 10 hours since payment the server has not been set up, do I get compensated for the time I can't use something I have paid for?

The usually refers to normally. Sometimes it goes longer. Your billing period doesn't start until the order is approved.


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Nearly 24 hours and counting.

Edited by Penthrox

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If indeed it is a shortage of hardware is it too difficult to email me and let me know? Or do all your customers get left wondering what is going on?

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So far these guys have treated me greatly. My server is up and running with awesome ping/performance out of the new york data center. I suggest submitting a ticket and joining them in TS to sort out your issues. I have had Lee, Johnny, and Jeremy help me with different questions. Thanks guys.

I have been on the TS channel 3 times in the last 24 hours. I idled in the channel for 5 hours waiting for Lee who set as online and not away. I left the TS server for 30 minutes and by the time I had come back Lee was away and my ticket and server remain pending. I understand they probably got slammed with new orders but atleast talk to your customers. I must admit Johnny has been talking to me on Skype and doing the best he can, my other issue with that is Lee is online on skype but does not respond to any typed messages.

Good thing for the 30 day money back guarantee they have but before I go down that path I will give them a few more hours as I seem to be making progress with Johnny on Skype.

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You should not need to go on a TS server to sort things out like the new admin panel, i never got an email about it but i got it replied in my ticket. Thats not good at all.

I get some rollbacks upon logouts and the tickets sometime takes lots of time to be taken care of.

Some downtime on servers as well, other than that its good but overall it can be better than it currently is.

I cannot comment on most of your post, but rollbacks are the HIVE's fault.

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I cannot comment on most of your post, but rollbacks are the HIVE's fault.

Sorry posted in the wrong thread, this is NOT my provider.

Edited by Xaio

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Ok after a little time IT IS FINALLY UP!!! A huge thanks to Lee and especially Johnny for all the help in TS Today. Both stayed up to help me organise the server. Server is running fine now and smooth as hell, Johnny even took the time to run thru the control panel for me so I could have the proper control without breaking anything.

Thanks again and a now very happy customer!

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Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

We have gotten our new boxes in and will be provisioning waiting orders TODAY!

I do want to remind everyone that because of a massive amount of random dayz mod tickets (like tents spawning and getting teleported), that Skype and TS are the best ways to contact us. I apologize for this but DayZ has really backlogged us. We are bringing on some more support staff soon.

TS3: ts3.vilayer.com

Skype (Johnny): capecodcaper NOTE: I work during daytime US hours and I will get to you ASAP!

Skype (Lee): lee.netarus

Skype (Ian): ian.thmpson

Also DayZ is not instant setup because we have to manually go in and setup each server. When we get a free minute our website will reflect this change. Setup time is anywhere from 1-48 hours! It usually is less than 12 hours.

Best Regards and thanks for being awesome clients!


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Is there a way to get a discount if you rent multiple servers with you? Just was wondering this yesterday.

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Full Control (No Desktop manager)

So it's not really a full control. It's like saying "Selling brand new car, fully working. Without wheels that is."

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Can u fix that timesetting tool? I fucks me up to change/restart and test every day, hence it's setting the time randomly after restart. One day it's UTC -3, then it's +6 to have daylight when I come home from work.

Edited by Reo

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My server finally went to active, however the ACP login details provided do not work at all.

Upon trying to recover the login password it even tells me the username does not exist.

Changing password via the website control panel fails everytime. So i have no way of getting to the server controls and i cannot find the server in the ingame browser

edit: I added Johny and Lee on skype 6 hours ago, so far neither accepted, and just now i added Ian to it as well.

I thought they were fabled for their quick response time?.

Edited by Randal

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Ive gotten an email that my server was setup, but it is infact NOT. I received login details and a link to the panel. The username does not exist in the system. I have copy pasted both the user name and the password into the fields and manually typed them multiple times. when i attempt to recover a password for my given account name, i am told the account does not exist, nor does my email. The service on my client panel on vilayer.com shows status as "PENDING" still


Wednesday July 18th, 11am EST - Placed order

Thursday July 19th 1:30am EST - Received email that they were backed up and i would have it within 24 hours. Cool no problem, responded thanking for the update.

Friday July 20th 12:30am EST- Receive confirmation of server setup, including url, and non working username and password

Friday 7am - attempt login again, no success

Friday approx 8:30am - Submit ticket

Friday 3pm - This post. Stil no answer on ticket. Service status still "PENDING"

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Time for responding here, but not via ticket for upgrading server with last battleye.... Nice to see my server down for one day.

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arg, order server now cant login to Vilayer.anyone else have this issue?

Where did you guys find the skype contact names?

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