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Okay people.

I just read through five pages, in between the time it took me from the office to home. And that five pages was filled with:

Person1: Wow this is awesome!

Person2: This is the WORST thing that ever happened!

Person3: No, it is awesome and I want to have Rocket's children!

Person4: I hate Rocket! I want you to have his children so I can then murder them!

Please, can people just accept that the Rocket Defense Force (RDF) and the Anti-Rocket Alliance (ARA) are needed for this project to continue. Both sides are required, and can actually coexist.

We need the fanboys and fangirls

If it wasn't for the fanboys and fangirls, I would have quit this mod and sold out months ago. Nobody want's to put up with a crap-ton of abuse all the time. I have become grumpy and cynical enough (ask anyone on the team or who has any sort of relationship to me at all) without having no positive feedback.

We need the haters

Or I will spend all my time working on "cool new stuff" and ignore the bugs, because solving bugs is not fun. It is not exciting. It is not sexy. And it doesn't frontpage on PCGamer, Kotaku, RPS, etc... New features do. So without the haters... this project will die.

So please, for the projects sake. Realize that you all need each other. The only thing "wrong" with this community is that some folks:

I heart you haters

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Good stuff Rocket as I said in a earlier post I hope you get the adequate resources needed to see this through and get a finished product to the market as long as it doesn't lose it's current feel I will be a day one purchaser!

Just hope the hacking bit can get sorted :(

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* [NEW] Singleplayer mode disabled when DayZ is loaded




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This looks awesome.

What can we do about the script hackers? for me I just started to run into problems with 'em.

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"We need the fanboys and fangirls"

Yeah but can we make the fangirls hot?

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(release it NAO)

Edited by Deathunt

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I'm sorry, but you are gravely over-generalizing people who also do not have ALL day to play games. You seem to think that all gamers that are complaining about this aspect of the game are basically just "carebear" gamers, and need the game to basically hold their hands. Thus they MUST be the only players who can't stand this spawning issue. You couldn't be further from the truth, sir... especially for gamers like myself and those I play with.

I understand that this game is meant to be hardcore, and is meant to be as realistic as a survival sandbox as it can get... and for the most part, it's right on the money! However, lets look at the game from a LORE standpoint. Why do people start on the beach with a backpack and anything in it? Where did all these survivors come from? If we were in an actual apocalyptic zombie situation, regardless if it was Day Zero or Day 1825 (5 years into it), do you truly believe that every single person would be starting their survival journey completely ALONE?!?!?! If you do, then you're a lost cause to any rational reasoning, regarding game lore, etc (IMO)

Given this game has but only a few working vehicles... that means this isn't actual Day Z(ero), as on the day of outbreak, there would still be plenty of working vehicles! THUS, in such a situation, there would definitely already be "packs" of people formed and working together. Thus, why not allow them to spawn together in this game to allow that type of "LORE" into the game? The fact that every single person starts alone, on the beach, with a backpack and some bandages, is almost like saying that every single person was lost at sea (maybe due to a shipwreck), and that they just happened to make it to land alone...

You see, there is plenty of LORE to think about, and plenty of ways to perceive this game in order to implement certain mechanics in order to make it jive with it's main objective of being a truly hardcore survival game!

And if you want to go on about players being carebear, because they dislike not being able to spawn with friends... my friends and I (including my wife) all played Left 4 Dead 2 purely on Expert Realism mode! Playing games as hardcore as we can is what it's all about to us! But that doesn't mean that we want to spend a huge chunk of our gaming time simply GETTING TO EACH OTHER before we can actually begin to work together as a group!

I can't put it any more eloquently! Tis my 2cents!

One thing: ALPHA. L4D was trash, hardcore realism, or otherwise. IMO.

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Rocket when will the leaderboards be added back in?

If not a leaderboard then can we at least have some way of checking how many hours our current character has been alive for.

Kind of like a /played from WoW?

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* [NEW] Respawn button is disabled during DayZ play

Wow, this is absolute bullcrap...

I have never disagreed or disliked anything on your changelogs 'til now. Oh well, I suppose I'll have to adjust, and start running from Kamenka to Cherno/balota to have some fun.

The game just got a lot more tedious.

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Hey Rocket, can we have the visibility back in our debug monitors please?

Thank you! :)

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Some great patch notes there, rocket!

I'm very excited to see an anti-ALTF4 fix coming up. People abuse it way too often :(

I also like that 'respawning' is disabled...people tend to smash the respawn button as long as needed to get a spawn near the Airstrip :(

Looking forward to test the new version asap :D

Keep up the pro work ^_^

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Rocket when will the leaderboards be added back in?

If not a leaderboard then can we at least have some way of checking how many hours our current character has been alive for.

Kind of like a /played from WoW?

When you log in the info at the bottom of the screen will tell you what day you're on, sadly not hourly accurate but something!

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why are you guys crucifying this dude?

They are elitist pricks bro. The sort of people that make this forum a cesspool of hostility and belligerence.

They either:

a) Have no friends or

b)Haven't had to respawn without their bandit buddies watching their gear.

c) Have all day everyday to play the game.

While their primary argument is about people trying to ruin the way other people (read: they) want to play, they cannot see that they themselves are doing the exact same thing. They push their ideas and beliefs down other peoples throats and start a flame war when someone goes against them or their almighty god Rocket.

Note: I am not bad mouthing Rocket or his Dev team, this is aimed at the people that see Rocket and his team as some sort of god. They have no say in being put on this pedestal so they are not the ones at fault.

I too am against this respawn option, while I understand the load it puts onto the server, without an option to join into the game with friends respawn is needed. I also believe by removing this you are creating a gateway for issues and unresolvable bugs. How are we supposed to respawn if we are stuck? Some places I have been stuck are:

1) The rocks north of Berezhino.

2) Loading into a house with no doors or windows.

3) Loading into the game underneath the floor of a building.

4) Stuck under a tree.

Some of these times I have been able to disconnect and reconnect to fix it but, this is soon to be logged and possibly incur a ban in the future. Other times I have moved around enough to find the sweet spot to get unstuck, and sometimes there is no option but to press Respawn and start fresh.

In closing the removal of the respawn feature will create more issues than it will solve. As stated, implementing this without the option of joining or spawning with friends plus the lack of unstuck feature will, in the worst case, either push people away from the game or, have a character and game they cannot play unless they are either:

Reset in database (which from what I understand you guys don't like touching) or

Killed by a friend/bandit (lucky if it takes less than half an hour and you are actually reachable/shootable).

Edited by Yoshi667

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After latests bata patch and be update i cannot play arma 2 in any server whatever coop,warfare, dm, etc! I get arma 2 reinforcement has stopped working and i crash to desktop! What the hell did you do???


Don't run dayz mod when launching arma2..

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I don't care what rocket says ITS A VIDEO GAME. You should be having fun playing it. My biggest problem with the forums and a lot of posters is they act like rocket is the second coming of christ and will fight for any of his changes no matter how bad they are.

i agree mate

its got so bad now that ive uninstalled.

if i could gift my copy of arma 2 away i would right this second

im sorry rocket but you are fucking this up even more with every update you roll out

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What about fucked up zombie agro range? Will that be fixed this patch? It's pretty significant.

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Can you do something to stop/deter the killing of fresh spawners ? Im no noob so it isnt me getting ganked, but seeing as my 14 day old survivor just met his end to an iron gate, i recently was back on the coast. The amount of people being murdered for nothing at all is over the top. New players are joining your game and leaving a few days later with the forum trolls laughing at them on their way out. Not saying it needs to be done right now, but please have a think about this. Not only is it losing you players, its also creating a new type of player "the retard". The kind of player that runs in circles bleeding to death, fires a full clip in the wall at point blank in your face and then runs away screaming "dont shoot im friendly". I know you said if you have a problem in game deal with it your own way. But we all look the same so its not like i can go hunt bandits doing this crap. Thanks for your time.

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Wow, this is absolute bullcrap...

I have never disagreed or disliked anything on your changelogs 'til now. Oh well, I suppose I'll have to adjust, and start running from Kamenka to Cherno/balota to have some fun.

The game just got a lot more tedious.

Have you ever listened to any of the interviews with rocket? He doesn't want you to go after 'fun', rather he wants it to be an immersion experience.

If you "start running from Kamenka to Cherno/balota" as you say,only to get shot upon arrival - how annoying would that feel?...that emotion..that's what I gather he wants you to feel. Until the bigger picture (standalone - groups - bases etc) I think we just need to go with the flow on these more minor things and understand there is a bigger picture at play.

Have a look at this interview he did recently which gives a good insight

While a lot of the complaining about this or that helps drive the mod as he has already said, I think there's a point where Rocket would be well justified to just say "okay, only 50K or whatever players allowed on x amount of servers for testing the mod. Everyone else who is getting frustrated with bugs/gameplay etc will hopefully be happy with the not-to-distant standalone release"

Most of the emotion that we feel about bugs/hackers/features etc stems from the fact that we like the game and want it to be better - which is great, but as I said I think some people need to keep it all in perspective.

My two cents anyway,

Later :)

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Wow, this is absolute bullcrap...

I have never disagreed or disliked anything on your changelogs 'til now. Oh well, I suppose I'll have to adjust, and start running from Kamenka to Cherno/balota to have some fun.

The game just got a lot more tedious.

i agree

hes just going to kill this game before it gets started with choices like that

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I'm glad the respawn button is going away. If you need to meet up with friends, well, getting there is half the fun, isn't it? Where's your sense of adventure people?!?!

To the people that are concerned about not having enough time to play with friends because of random spawn points, I have a long answer and a short answer.

Long answer : If your friends have more time to play then you do, then just be the guy that sets the landmark/meeting point, so that your friends can use their time advantage to meet up with you. They can travel to you while you work/eat/sleep/chase kids. Also, if you only get to play 10-15 minutes at a time, chances are your friends aren't relying on you, because you have to go as soon as something gets started. Wait until you have some more free time to play, and use your 10-15 minutes to watch videos/browse the forums or something.

Short answer : If you only get to play 10 minutes at a time, then just don't. Play when you have more free time. :)

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Have you ever listened to any of the interviews with rocket? He doesn't want you to go after 'fun', rather he wants it to be an immersion experience.

If you "start running from Kamenka to Cherno/balota" as you say,only to get shot upon arrival - how annoying would that feel?...that emotion..that's what I gather he wants you to feel. Until the bigger picture (standalone - groups - bases etc) I think we just need to go with the flow on these more minor things and understand there is a bigger picture at play.

Have a look at this interview he did recently which gives a good insight

While a lot of the complaining about this or that helps drive the mod as he has already said, I think there's a point where Rocket would be well justified to just say "okay, only 50K or whatever players allowed on x amount of servers for testing the mod. Everyone else who is getting frustrated with bugs/gameplay etc will hopefully be happy with the not-to-distant standalone release"

Most of the emotion that we feel about bugs/hackers/features etc stems from the fact that we like the game and want it to be better - which is great, but as I said I think some people need to keep it all in perspective.

My two cents anyway,

Later :)


let that sink in to your brain will you for a few seconds.......

do you get it yet?

no, i didnt think so.

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Im looking forward to find the much needed ghilliesuit again. AND we now need to be more cautious when firing guns inside cities, witch is good in my opinion. I hope alt-f4 solution will track (and punish) server-hoppers.

But i also would like to see a more advanced stamina system.

Something like..

  • Idle - Normal vision, optimal accuracy (no crosshair sway)
  • Winded - Normal vision, accuracy slightly reduced but quicly regained if player rest. (hold-breaht function?)
  • Tired - Blurry tunnel-vision starts to appear. reduced accuracy, witch takes time to regain. Indecreesed body temerature. Running speed decreesed.
  • Exhaused - Blurry and mych darker tunnel vision. heavily reduced accuracy (max sway). Character refuses to run (force walking), and gasp for air.

If player push his character beoynd these stages he will fall over unconscious.

This will prevent a fresh spawned player to run from coast and all the way up to NW Airfield in one go. I think its kinda bullshit to track 10 km under 20 minutes. I mean, we are not marathoon runners. Maybe this will also make traveling groups stop more often because they need to rest.

Im pretty sure that will be implemented if DayZ goes stand-alone.

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Okay people.

I just read through five pages, in between the time it took me from the office to home. And that five pages was filled with:

Person1: Wow this is awesome!

Person2: This is the WORST thing that ever happened!

Person3: No, it is awesome and I want to have Rocket's children!

Person4: I hate Rocket! I want you to have his children so I can then murder them!

Please, can people just accept that the Rocket Defense Force (RDF) and the Anti-Rocket Alliance (ARA) are needed for this project to continue. Both sides are required, and can actually coexist.

We need the fanboys and fangirls

If it wasn't for the fanboys and fangirls, I would have quit this mod and sold out months ago. Nobody want's to put up with a crap-ton of abuse all the time. I have become grumpy and cynical enough (ask anyone on the team or who has any sort of relationship to me at all) without having no positive feedback.

We need the haters

Or I will spend all my time working on "cool new stuff" and ignore the bugs, because solving bugs is not fun. It is not exciting. It is not sexy. And it doesn't frontpage on PCGamer, Kotaku, RPS, etc... New features do. So without the haters... this project will die.

So please, for the projects sake. Realize that you all need each other. The only thing "wrong" with this community is that some folks:

1. Think that two different point of views cannot coexist. I generally hold two opposing views at once until I have enough data. That is what Alpha is for! We try something, we consider all sides, we gather data, we try something else. That is the purpose of this whole experiment. I cannot, for the life of me, understand why sometimes people jump on one another simply because they hold a different viewpoint, especially when it concerns features that have not even been implemented yet. It is one thing to put forward an opposing view, it is another to attack them outright.

2. Think that trying something sets a feature in concrete. New things will be tried to either solve bugs, or add new functionality. This is especially true with a mod because it cannot affect the source. Nearly all fixes at this point involve new development because most errors in the mod itself have been worked out, at the basic syntax level, and now it is a question of functionality, max loading, etc... We will try it, if it doesn't work we will roll back.

3. Think everything needs to be fixed now. I've said it will go standalone, that is obvious. It has caused massive sales. But I need concrete stuff, something worth saying, before I come to you and tell you something. I've said it will happen, and this will affect the direction of the mod. There is only so much that can be done in the mod, to the point where diminishing returns apply. Not all bugs can be fixed easily, and many would be much easier (or only possible) in the standalone version directly in source. Yes, this sucks, but that's the nature of the beast and the fact is: the mod is fairly playable in its current state for the vast majority of people.

4. Think the project is dead/dying/gotyay. DayZ is nothing more than an effective message and precursor to something more. The timeframes can be shorter than you think, because of the wealth of data obtained.. .that you guys have provided. As always, follow my advice of maintaining a sense of adventure and a spirit of exploration with the project. If not, you're gonna have a bad time.


5. Think there is something "wrong" with this community. There is nothing wrong, the community here is extremely healthy. Too healthy, you guys all slaughter each side of the "debate" at every opportunity because everyone they think must be right. The fact is, nobody will really know how good an idea is until it has been implemented. So we gather opinions and factors and discuss a bit here on the forums so you can help me to temper the ideas and eliminate the very bad ones. This community is fantastic, and you'd all see that, if people would stop to see that all this emotion and interest is a good thing... if only it could be focused on the project and not on the opposing side.

The day sucks when i have to quote myself :)

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Hey Rocket

Glad to see that you are still working on this.

Keep this up.

BTW Can we get back old humanity(with bandit skin) system?

And side chat?

Lack of communication and trust make it hard to enjoy this mod for me.

Also I lack this cool bandit skin and raiding poor survivors.

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Amnesia is a video game. Wouldn't say its "fun" per say but it is still a great "video game".

There are lot's of other games with the features some of the people want in DayZ, so why not play them and let DayZ focus on it's own thing? The same things that made the popularity explode from the start.

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