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About its_heisenberg

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  • Location
    The Apocalypse
  • Interests
    Eating humans...nom nom nom
    Learning how to run up a hill
    Learning how to run indoors

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  • Bio
    Used to be a stand up nice guy, then I got infected.
    I mostly spend my time chasing after survivors and bandits now in a strange zig-zag fashion
  1. its_heisenberg

    DayZ Standalone. Pay again?

    Dude, you never paid for DayZ in the first place.... If you really wanted to play the free mod and decided to buy Arma 2 to play it...that doesn't mean Rocket/DayZ 'owes' you something in return. In saying that, there may be something small to say thanks to everyone who supported, who knows. Either way, this will be the first time you are paying for Dayz when standalone comes out.
  2. Thanks for posting this to clear things up for people. Maybe try get the first post by Rocket in this thread edited/updated as it currently says differently..."If you ALT/F4/close anyway, your character is considered "combat logged" and instantly killed and leaves a body" That might help with the posts worrying about death due to loss of power/internet etc as not everyone is gonna read through all the posts...
  3. its_heisenberg

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update feedback: Getting some graphics artifacts around Apt's in Cherno, seems to be mostly when I zoom in that kicks them off. Nothing too bad though. Played for a few hours last night and didn't get any around Electro/Cherno - wasn't up north though. My character starts off with a headscarf on and humanity at -65,000 or so, then after approx 15mins I get moved from 3rd person view to 1st and when I go back to 3rd my character has changed to normal skin and humanity of 600. Happens every time I log in again and sometimes multiple times per session. The most recent sesison I played I lost my Alice pack when it happened. Seem to be getting more random crashes than usual Overall, still very playable in terms of FPS, Zombie pathing etc. Main annoyance is the character switching stuff. Will keep trying out and get some screenshots... Later :)
  4. its_heisenberg

    Pending Update: Build

    ARA....splitters :P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gb_qHP7VaZE
  5. its_heisenberg

    Pending Update: Build

    Tandem bikes at that...to encourage working together (or for an easy sniper double kill, depending on your state of mind) :)
  6. its_heisenberg

    Pending Update: Build

    I have no god damn chips left in my freezer....why did you edit them out in the last patch!!! Grrrrrr
  7. its_heisenberg

    Pending Update: Build

    Have you ever listened to any of the interviews with rocket? He doesn't want you to go after 'fun', rather he wants it to be an immersion experience. If you "start running from Kamenka to Cherno/balota" as you say,only to get shot upon arrival - how annoying would that feel?...that emotion..that's what I gather he wants you to feel. Until the bigger picture (standalone - groups - bases etc) I think we just need to go with the flow on these more minor things and understand there is a bigger picture at play. Have a look at this interview he did recently which gives a good insight While a lot of the complaining about this or that helps drive the mod as he has already said, I think there's a point where Rocket would be well justified to just say "okay, only 50K or whatever players allowed on x amount of servers for testing the mod. Everyone else who is getting frustrated with bugs/gameplay etc will hopefully be happy with the not-to-distant standalone release" Most of the emotion that we feel about bugs/hackers/features etc stems from the fact that we like the game and want it to be better - which is great, but as I said I think some people need to keep it all in perspective. My two cents anyway, Later :)
  8. its_heisenberg

    Admin abuse - What you need to know

    SERVER UK22 Just got killed on a server so tried to join a new low population one to re-gear up again (UK 22). 10 people on the server of which 5 were called: "Mr Red, Mr Blue, Mr Yellow, Mr Pink and Mr Green/White/Hoops" The second I joined I got kicked - I had Ping of 30, lower than most already on server. Given the amount of similar names I think this was admin abuse so they could hoard. Happened at 1.08am GMT. Thanks
  9. its_heisenberg

    Friendly/Bandit player choice

    Hey, So I've seen some people complaining about how the mod has gone VERY PvP and lost some of it's initial appeal. It's gotten to the point where some douche-bag calls 'friendly' and then shoots someone, the dead person then goes on to never trust anyone and so quite quickly the only people anyone will trust is their friends who play with them on-line - thus losing some of the enjoyment of looting places, avoiding bandits/zombies with random people you just meet. I think a good idea would be to have an option at spawn whereby you choose to be either a 'Bandit' or 'Friendly'. The game is same as normal except the friendlies can't shoot each other (as in the game doesn't allow it). All you have to do then is have some way of being able to tell the two apart (dress code, markers etc) and there you go. The mod will still go off on a player developed and expanded way but at least the initial starting point is sorted for players. Otherwise I think you'll lose a lot of the 'casual' gamer player base and it will end up being mostly clans and more hardcore gamers playing only. later
  10. its_heisenberg

    Puchasable gear?!?!?

    Hey, I got the below email earlier from "forum@dayzmod.com" - is it real? "DayZGear has sent you a new personal conversation entitled "Gear up!". DayZGear said: ====================================================================== Tired of spending countless hours farming for the items you want? Do you want a competitive advantage over zombies and bandits? Tired of not being able to see at night? Well look no further! DAYZGEAR.com - Coming 7/22/12. A Great service at an affordable cost! It's time to gear up... ======================================================================" I think this is a TERRIBLE idea if it's actually from the dev team!!
  11. its_heisenberg

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Just moved from to (also updated Beta patch to 94876 from 94700). My character from old version ported fine with gear etc incl broken leg. Load time seemed a bit longer than previous but I had been playing on servers with fewer players (only started playing a couple of days ago and this was the verision that I got from main DayZ site - even though had been out) Everything looks fine so far....will update later after some more gameplay.
  12. its_heisenberg

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Hey dude, great feedback but I'm not sure you should post this too much as it only makes more d*ckheads wise to it who will go and exploit it...
  13. its_heisenberg

    Adjusting Debug Monitor

    I've the same probelm but it's just blocking the sound icon - Also my screen res and 3D res is set to the same as my screen (1366 x 768). I've tried messing around with the interface sizes and other screen res but nothing seems to fix the problem.