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Max Planck

dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

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Do you realize that you don't even control your own mod anymore? HACKERS RUN DAYZ> When you gonna take your mod back?

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Will the Final version have any benefits for those who played before Beta? Like Minecraft and its Skins for Alpha players?


Ok i'll try to keep it to a yes or no answer...

I want to play Dayz in the spirit of MGS 3/4 ..Stealth/CQC. In the long run (standalone), will there be more Stealth involved in the game?

things Such as :

  • stealth kill anims, strangle, stab, cut throat etc
  • Hug tree to blend in, like arnie in predator
  • Knives, Katanas
  • Smooth slow, stealthy anims. (Important as human eye sight picks up on jerky movement)
  • support for analogue control of movement/speed control
  • Attack/ counter attack melee moves
  • climb trees

I have no idea how to get all those bullet points into a single line. Can you rephrase?

Q: Will we ever be safe from The Mountain?


Q: Will there eventually be a way to easily be able to play with friends without having to search the land for a friend?

I think question #16 covers that fairly well.

Q: What Engine do you envision the standalone being built on. What improvements will come from the new engine?

I think question #32 covers that fairly well.

Q: Is there any possibility, even if remote, to have DayZ in the other maps? I'd love to see a Zombie Survival in Takistan.

I think question #39 covers that fairly well.

Dear Rocket, thanks for the mod, is there anything we can do for you?


Edited by Max Planck

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post-34627-0-26548000-1344172420.png Questions from Russian question thread

Q: Rocket, have you thought about using one of the many existing open-source game engines for future standalone DayZ? [cisco2950]

Q: What is the reason for a survivor to have a backpack, bandages and pills in the beginning of the game? Why don't we start fully empty? [Dedulka]

Q: Is there a probability to have a feature to record a replay file, which can be later played back in the engine? Replay systems like in the games like CoD, Half-Life etc. Using fraps or other recording software causes big FPS drop. [Hopps]

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Do you realize that you don't even control your own mod anymore? HACKERS RUN DAYZ> When you gonna take your mod back?

Arma2 was never designed for persistent MMO games. Never. It was military simulatoor for non anonymous squads of friends or oraganized communities. Arma2 will never be adapted to this. It is about soldiers getting their mission done in a long or short period of time. It was worthless for hacker to hack these private battles. But now Aram2 mod gone mainstream and hackers activated to have fun. Arma2 was not prepared. Until DayZ is a mod for Arma2, nothing will ever change. When DayZ becomes standalone, it will have it's own engine source code and developers OF DAYZ will do whatever is needed for DAYZ. ARMA2 developers won't change ARMA2 just because of some zombie mod, even such fantastic like DayZ. Things must not be mixed.

So wait until it goes standalone and these issues will be dealt with properly.

Edited by -=PA=-Mikhail
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why is battle-eye so beyond pathetic at catching the hackers. nukes, carpets bombs, anti air weaponry and invisibility running rampant on pretty much every server ive been on at one time or another. battle-eye is useless well and truly useless.]

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Q: when you make the standalone, will the crosshair in 3rd person actually be accurate, or will it be the same as the current one that hardly ever hits its mark?

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I know the first one was asked in different way, but this is more direct:

- will the engine for the retail Dayz be custom build, or will it use Arma 3's engine with modifications?

- will the core concept of the Arma series (private server host, free 2 play, 1x purchase) stay the same for Dayz?

Or will there be a centralized system for everything and several servers, controlled by BIS (like WOW=MMO)?

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Are they plans to add the Mi17/AH6 heli back to dayz rather than only have the UH1 ?

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Are there any easter eggs in Green Mountain, since there is almost ALWAYS something scary happening up there? I have experienced it myself, and so have others.

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When will the DayZ Commander finally be fully and officially supported, getting rid of the overengineered SixUpdater/SixLauncher?

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giving blood transfusion to yourself.

I know it makes the game a bit easier, but there are a lot of player without team, and once you've been hit... you're f*cked!

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Q: At Rezzed you promised to share your presentation publicly, so that we could look at the concept arts and personal game profile prototype. Will you share it someday before it is implemented?

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Q. Why not to try to open sources? Rocket's opinion about crowdsourcing?

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Q:do you plan on refining the zombies based on their social/civil roles? people refer to soldiers as "kevlar zeds" why not make them a little harder to kill?

Q: Do you plan on this game being more of a human infection zombie game or a hollywood genre? Should zombies die from body shots in your opinon or should they be immobleized?

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Can I kick people off my server for using the name 'Admin'? It's misleading, and I feel it falls under the 'disruptive behavior' category.

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Now that you hit 1 million unique players, are you going to pull your head out of your ass and commit to the things you say?

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Are there any plans to develop a new map in a new setting specifically made for DayZ, after the standalone game is released?

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