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Max Planck

dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

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What`s your idea/plan to make people communicate more in this game?

(Right now everyone just shoot on sight 99% of the time) It needs some kind of consequences for murdering people. Right now you only benefit by killing people, not the other way around.. Being a good guy dont give you any benefits at all. only a bullet between your eyes.. The moral choices you make should have a bigger impact towards yourself and other people you meet

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I'll answer that myself: All of them! He's hardly coding these days, only reading pony threads.

I thought this was a thread to ask questions at rocket, not you. How are you so sure he reads everything?

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I thought this was a thread to ask questions at rocket, not you. How are you so sure he reads everything?

He has said that he is using the forums for feedback and reading suggestions. I can't find the actual quote.

Added, then.

I know the questions are not for me, but I do take the liberty to edit them. Otherwise we would have 8 pages of "WHY U NOT FIX HAX??!?"

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Why was the morphing system removed? I don't see any reason not to murder everyone you meet as it stands now, you are punished for playing any other role besides murderer.

Edited by smasht_AU

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Why was the morphing system removed? I don't see any reason not to murder everyone you meet as it stands now, you are punished for playing any other role besides murderer.

Rocket said:

Because humanity is the feature DayZ deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll remove bandit transitions, because its not helping. Because its not a good feature. Humanity remains as a silent guardian, watchful protector. An ... unfinished feature.

It's all in here: http://dayzmod.com/f...-to-be-removed/

Please quit using this thread as an alternative to the search function, the bandit morphing thing have been discussed extensively already.

Edited by Max Planck

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Please don't do that with the size and font, I like to be able to cut and paste. Your question is no more important than anybody else's.

Noted. It was not an attempt to drown out other questions, merely to separate the question from my statement. Thanks Max!

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Q: The ability to sprint for unlimited distances seems to completely counter the design of a giant map. Do you ever plan to put limitations on player sprint?

Edited by Zipper -82ndAB-

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Can we get a /played hours counter that resets on death -- pretty please :D

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Q: How are you going to deal with deathmatch & griefing, if at all?

TLDR version:

People love to point out that you don't want to punish a particular playstyle, and use that to justify f.e. deathmatch. But imo deathmatch is essentially an exploit of game mechanics, and the community cannot balance this out. It's like trying to fight hackers by hacking them - DayZ would become an endless hacking contest with zombies, and only the hackers would enjoy it. Same thing with deathmatch.

Edited by SamSpam

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Q: Rocket, do you plan on removing the option of third person view when you make it over to the standalone game or will there still be servers with prone snipers peaking without showing themselves?

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Q: Will there ever be rewards for surviving certain amounts of time?

Currently there is no difference between a week-old character with great gear and a newbie who happens upon a great dead body. If your character dies, and you manage to get back your gear, it's like nothing happened. You're not attached to your character at all, just the gear.

Edited by Brudagon

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Q: Is it very difficult to incorporate DayZ on one of the other Arma 2 maps and would this be included in Alpha testing?

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Q: The ability to sprint for unlimited distances seems to completely counter the design of a giant map. Do you ever plan to put limitations on player sprint?

Stamina system is planned to be added.

Q: Is it very difficult to incorporate DayZ on one of the other Arma 2 maps and would this be included in Alpha testing?

Rocket stated it takes about 1 hour to set DayZ on another map.

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OP updated with new questions and a link to the russian sister thread.

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I am really curious as to what Rocket's role was in the New Zealand Air Force.

Q: Rocket, what was your job title in the NZAF and what rank were you before you left?


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Q: If possible, before doing anything else, can you push a hotfix for the tent saving issue?

New features are cool and great, but not being able to save anything in tents or duping items over and over again by accident (or intentional by some people) is pretty rough.

Thanks! :D

Edited by FlatFeet

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Is moving away from the client-server model on your wish list for the tentative standalone game?

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Q: In the stand-alone release do you have plans to properly close off the map? Perhaps a guarded wall/quarantine zone by an AI force (UN/US/PMC?) on the edges of the map.

You could even have neutral security posts on the border where survivors could exchange tissue samples (an item) from the zombies (infected) in exchange for food/ammunition. (Possible "end game" could include collecting x amount of samples to buy freedom)

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Are Characters liked to CD-key or profile?

Have you thought about adding REAL melee? if so Is it directional melee combat?, see M&B warband for reference

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When there is a standalone version, will DayZ still be kept running on Servers for Arma 2 as a "mod"? (for the memories ^^)

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Current "average life expectancy" is 49 minutes; What is your ideal life expectancy target for the mod?

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