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Corvax (DayZ)

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About Corvax (DayZ)

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  1. Corvax (DayZ)

    Mercenary Signs-Ups are Now Open

    Hey D4saken1, did you forsake this project ? xD
  2. Saw this on reddit, I think it describes it pretty well -> -Image removed in order to remove BanID- Dingus
  3. That looks dangerous as hell.. we once saw a think like that, but with a little more space between em, it was south of stary sobor. My friend saw a guy looting the far one, and aimed to snipe him.. then he drops dead. Another guy runs up to loot, so my friend takes aim, but again the guy drops dead. Then a third guy runs up to loot and my friend finally gets to shoot somebody :) .. 3 heavily geared bodies and two crashsites all right next to stary.. its a dangerous place i tell ya ;)
  4. Yes only dupted (saved in database) tents work :) Keep trying untill you get one.
  5. It should always be so that if vehicles is not there, tents are gone aswell.. if tents are there, its very likely that your vehicles have either been stolen or warped back to a previous saving point
  6. I might have been blind but I didnt find an option for it.. ill try and look again
  7. because its a part of arma like the shared map markers.. I dont think it can be removed without going standalone.
  8. I would seriously consider changing the servername, now there have appeared a huge list of DE 10** servers and your name is drowning in em. Its so sad everytime we search for it we realise how many other players wont even notice it on the list. They do when you have a ingame map, only item needed.. Open map >>> Shift+LMB on the map where you want to waypoint (sometimes required several clicks) >>> Jump on your bicycle or motorcycle and drive off only leaving a cloud of awsome behind.
  9. I would seriously consider changing the servername, now there have appeared a huge list of DE 10** servers and your name is drowning in em. Its so sad everytime we search for it we realise how many other players wont even notice it on the list.
  10. You sir is a fucking moron, first off you expect someone to be in your skypecall with only your guyz ? .. not to think of who would ever do 4 man skyping xD .. fucking chaotic. That aside, you expect them to have 20 seconds but you have all the time you want ?. Your logic of them not having anything to gain from killing you does also apply the other way around, thus you make no sense saying you will shoot him if he is more than 20 seconds or does "anything funny" which by the way is a very loose term for "kill at will" so you can execute anyone just claiming they did something "funny". You do realise that your snipers will be pretty easy to see and pickoff with L85's and that the barret is a stupid weapon to use as sniper cover when you can use the AS50 for less sound and better overall gun statistics. Quote: " A trade can work, and trust can be found for mutual benefit. " <<< This is true, BUT your requirements for a trade is nowhere near mutual trust or equal conditions. I would see this person already as an untrustworthy trader.
  11. It was on DK1.. same settings server as DE10, but with GMT +2 so we can haz some night fun.. Simply dont see the fun in vehicle hoarding.. so we made a convoy of URAL, Bus, Motorcycle and a Tractor.. drove back and forth from berezino to balota a couple times :) fought off the bandits.. sadly didnt find any friendly survivors for the party bus.. then left em around on the map..
  12. Corvax (DayZ)

    Trying to contact player: "Sleip" from DK1 Soeborg

    Yeah :) you sat hiding in a bush when I noticed you.. was quite funny :) .. didnt need to take the risk and engage further. We did have 3 bicycles hidden so as long as you only take the car it wasent worth dying for :D This forum is 100% dead ... We should make some sort of an alliance :) .. it could be alot of fun.. my grp just went outside on the north of the map and fetched all the vehicles that was not bugged to bring em back onto the map for players to find :) seemed boring having em so far out. 2xBus, 2xTractor, URAL, V3S, ATV, Hatchback, Bicycle, Motorcycle, S1203 and the UAZ ... seems like a shame to hoard them.. so we drove a convoy from berezino down to balota.. was quite fun, even when either Bamma or GODLIKEMANWHORE, tried to satchel charge us off the road. I dont know if bamma was apart of the group we followed after that but he certanly was in the wrong place, at the wrong time :) So I figure Sleip, DruGzneN2K and Inzann are the team to have fun with ...
  13. We just used our 2 bicycles to scan the top edge of the map.. this is our find: 2xBus, 2xTractor, Hatchback, Bicycle, URAL, V3S, S1203, ATV and 4 main tent camps We drove the vehicles off of the map for em to despawn and emptied out every single tent.. xD hope this stops hoarding for at least a week :D they were way, way off from the main part of the map.. 5km out from any cities or buildings.
  14. Fix all 8 windows and all the 4 scrap metal objects and it should stop, ours did
  15. Corvax (DayZ)

    Trying to contact player: "Sleip" from DK1 Soeborg

    I'm sorry to announce that I killed him 3-4 days ago xD